MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Leo The Lion


I think King's and Shovlin would mix about as well as oil and water.  The attitude and King's style of play would just not mix. 

That being said this may be all a big deal made of nothing.  I'll believe Shovlin not playing on Wednesday when I see it.  That said if it truly is Shovlin vs. Rickrode in the locker room, how safe is Rickrode's position.  I've heard a few Wilkes fans say that its time for the Rick to move on, don't know if this is a small minority of fans or the overriding majority.



I never said they would mix well just was a rumor that was going around... I would agree Rick's spot might be up in the air after this season if he is starting to have problems with his players...


CJ has no sources on this one.  All news to me.  This whole "not living on campus" anymore, ugh, certainly limits what I get to see and hear.  I will be in town for the game, though, and I'll report in afterwards.

Leo, to answer your question, Jerry stays as long as he wants to stay.  You can't imagine how bad the program was pre-July 1992 when Rickrode arrived.  As "disappointing" as 7-3 in conference looks right now, this would be unheard of success prior to Jerry's arrival.  Question the guy all you want, but the numbers are there. Every notable moment in Wilkes basketball history, Jerry Rickrode has been the coach.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Rickrode moving?  I guess to Kings and Scranton fans that would be a relief.  I agree with CJ.  Prior to Jerry, no NCAA playoffs, .500 season was a dream.  Everybody critical about both Jerry and Shovlin but JP and Moore (and cast) are just fine?  No suspensions there.  JP handled it (see today's CV.

Leo The Lion

CJ4L & Wilkes-

I'm not being critical of Rickrode at all, I'm just stating what a FEW Wilkes fans have told me, that they would be happy to see The Rick leave.  I'm guessing by that response, they are in the minority.

And I'm not being critical of of these two in this situation, for all I know this never happened.  However, a coach decides to discipline one of his players is fine with me whether it be sitting out a practice or sitting out a season.



Checking in for a spare minute or so.

AS to CC and Wilkes vs. DV, 
  Wasn't there and didn't speak to anyone who saw the game. Seems like the Wilkes 'D' has been challenged. IP getting 25+ is no surprise. As I posted prior, his minutes seemed to be down and he also seems to have throttled down his offensive minded play of the past 2 years.
IP is one very explosive scorer with the ability to create his own shot.

As to JP and discipline,
   What is done is done. The school kept it pretty quiet and private. I might have done things differently but JP is the Coach......so it is his call.....I have always thought he had good judgement.

As to CS and Coach JR,
    I have no idea. Haven't heard a thing. Other than CS sitting the last 5 min. of Lyco loss, I could only say that he appeared visibly frustrated on the court.  I am not sure why. He played a terrific game against DeSales ......but didn't seem that effective in the 2nd half of the Lyco game.  He did guard Pribble for part of his 28 pt. half and I felt did the best job of any Colonel in denying and fronting.
Other Wilkes defenders had trouble getting through picks and no one seemed to step out quick enough on a switch ....just my observation.
We shall see what transpires tonight.

As to Coach JR,

   You will always have the shortsighted spoiled fans that think Wilkes has the talent to win every game. Those fans always think that they could outcoach JR. The truth is that Wilkes had no basketball program until JR arrived. He transformed Wilkes basketball. He outrecruited and outcoached his conference rivals. If one has any doubts, check all the banners in the Marts Center. All the b-ball ones are Rickrode era banners.
   Coach Jr is quite demanding....of his players and himself....
   No one works harder.

Overall, I think Wilkes has a few holes that need to be plugged. The team defense slacks off when Evan Walters gets into foul trouble early (which seems to be every game). While Kline has really come on in the 2nd half, the Colonels need to step up inside ---especially defensively. When they play 3 guards (CS, MC and MG or JK), they do become a bit expsoed on the glass.
Basketball is a game of chemistry,  adjustments and much more....We shall see....

Have some family medical issues so I'm not sure how many remaining games I will see....hopefully, I can get out of the waiting rooms etc. to head north for a couple of hours this evening.....

Good luck to all the locals.



Quote from: naismith on February 08, 2006, 12:21:28 PM
Have some family medical issues so I'm not sure how many remaining games I will see....hopefully, I can get out of the waiting rooms etc. to head north for a couple of hours this evening.

Nais, sorry to hear about the family. I hope everything works out. God knows I can relate to that issue. If you go to the game tonight, stop by the scorer's table, I'll be the ugly one sitting next to Jerry.

Chris Shovlin is definitely OUT for tonight's game. Don't know about the remaining games.


A few observations re. the Coach Rickrode/Shovlin situation. First, I agree with the various posts that Wilkes was abhorrent prior to Jerry's arrival. If there was a banner hanging in that old gym it was due to a sport other than basketball. I think it's also pretty evident that to be successful be it in the classroom, boardroom or on the court...all parties need to be working together for the same common goal. The fact that this coach is sitting this player for some form of team infraction is refreshing. To bad not all coaches are so compelled to sit kids for similiar reasons. This could very well turn out to be a win/win for Coach Rickrode...first, he sends the message that "nobody" is too important to catch some pine. Secondly, he's doing it against Scranton which will make everyone take notice & lastly, it motivates the other kids & hopefully may make Shovlin gain some insight into how his behavor affects others. Personally, I think the old coach is making a great move. He's sitting the kid and telling Shovlin & anyone else that may want an answer...this is MY team & things will be done in a certain way & if you can't live with that, pack your bags yet again & fill out your third application. The better reason though may be that Jerry feels with Scranton hurting so much & playing essentially their second team, he can win this one without the hotshot & really send a message. If they lose, Coach holds his head high & states no win counts when you compromise your own personal standards, now let's move on. In that scenario, he's obviously hoping that Wilkes will still get into the playoffs, his standards will be understood by all & hopefully Shovlin will have grown up a little. Great move Coach Rickrode both from the team concept & psychological points of coaching. Oh, and by the way case cold, I'm back...thanks for asking.


Well stated saratoga.  I couldnt possibly agree more.  The folks running King's program could use a serious lesson from Coach Rickrode.

The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.

Leo The Lion

Please Rollingthunda,

The King's and Wilkes situations are very different.  The King's situation had absolutley zero to do with anything basketball related.  It didn't relate to on the court actions, locker room problems, or player coach relations.  JP handled it the way he did and I'm sure if he felt that it was detrimental to the team there would have been suspensions.

If the rumors are true at Wilkes on the other hand, the Shovlin incident was very detrimental to the team.  From what I heard Shovlin basically told his coach off during practice.  This is a very serious BASKETBALL issue and very detrimental to the team.  Shovlin absolutley needed to be suspended for this action if it is true.  I GUARANTEE you if any Monarch told JP off they'd be sitting the pine for a very long time.


Lycoming 76, King's 71; Scranton 65, Wilkes 52

King's and Scranton 8-3
Lycoming and Wilkes 7-4
DeSales 6-5

First off, hey King's, thanks a bunch.  The one time I actually want King's to win, you're no help at all.

With regard to the Scranton game, this game had nothing to do with Jerry not being on the sidelines (though I'm sure it didn't help).  This game had nothing to do with Shovlin being in street clothes (though I'm sure that didn't help either).  This game had nothing to do with Evan Walters getting ejected (though, again, certainly no help).

Wilkes had plenty of open looks, and just didn't hit them.  THAT was the game.  First half, Constantine sticks four 3's, and Wilkes is up 33-28 1:30 before halftime.  Second half, it was missed jumpers and missed free throws that led to Wilkes's anemic 19 2nd half points, many of which were junk points in the final minute.

First half of '05-'06: Wilkes 7-0 in conference
Second half: Wilkes is 0-4
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Leo, give it a rest and move forth.
Met Father Colonel last night and talked about days of yonder. That's when it hit me that I'm old. ;D
With four schools (Drew, Moravian, Susquehanna and Juniata) set to leave the MAC, several other institutions have filed paperwork to join.
Word has it that Shenandoah, Alvernia and Arcadia are three of the candidates.
Misericordia, Keystone and Marywood didn't make the cut.


Those schools bring nothing to the MAC.

Why did Walters get ejected? Was it valid?
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi

Warren Thompson

Quote from: NEPAFAN on February 09, 2006, 02:01:12 PM
Those schools [Drew, Moravian, Susquehanna, and Juniata]bring nothing to the MAC.

That's a sweeping and inaccurate generalization, especially concerning the latter three venues.


Quote from: Warren Thompson on February 09, 2006, 03:55:35 PM
Quote from: NEPAFAN on February 09, 2006, 02:01:12 PM
Those schools [Drew, Moravian, Susquehanna, and Juniata]bring nothing to the MAC.

That's a sweeping and inaccurate generalization, especially concerning the latter three venues.

Here we go. I figured it was just a matter of time before a certain individual would intervene. Could Coach C. be too far behind?