MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Scranton beats DeSales by 5 and earns number one seed!


Quote from: loyalroyal on February 18, 2006, 05:04:59 PM
Scranton beats DeSales by 5 and earns number one seed!

CORRECTION: Scranton beats DeSales 64-56... got bad info from someone at the game and im at home.  sorry all

Leo The Lion

Ok, Regular Season over.  Playoffs start Wednesday, should be a four day war.

Anyway, here's my fearless predictions for the season ending awards.

Player of The Year- Pribble
Coach of The Year- Danzig (his overcoming injuries, is more impressive than King's overcoming an early season swoon)
Freshman of the Year- Sye from Lyco, only one I could think of.

All Conference first team-
Pribble, Shovlin, Cousart, Christman, Walters

All Conferece second team-
Arnold, Lopez, Constantine, Scalzo, Stricker



Arnold second team? LOLOL.
How about Pribble as Player of the Year with Arnold, Cousart, Christman, Shovlin and Bicknell (yep, you forgot the Aussie) as first team.
The POY along with a first-team unit has been done before.


Quote from: Leo The Lion on February 18, 2006, 08:31:00 PM
Ok, Regular Season over. Playoffs start Wednesday, should be a four day war.

Anyway, here's my fearless predictions for the season ending awards.

Player of The Year- Pribble
Coach of The Year- Danzig (his overcoming injuries, is more impressive than King's overcoming an early season swoon)
Freshman of the Year- Sye from Lyco, only one I could think of.

All Conference first team-
Pribble, Shovlin, Cousart, Christman, Walters

All Conferece second team-
Arnold, Lopez, Constantine, Scalzo, Stricker



Coach Danzig-----yep
No Royals 1st team???

1st team:
Arnold-------All Around  complete player
Cousart-----Whoulda thunk it?
Scalzo-------Mr. Inside...Mr. Outside
Pribble-------the Machine
Walters------the fly swatter

2nd team
Shovlin-------1st team talent
Lopez---------silky smooth
Christman----a Bulldog
Bicknell--------likes it Down Under
Pinckney------Explosive Aggie

Missing:      Constantine, Soboleski, Cannon (with a full season) Musser (see Cannon)

Rookie of the Year:  Bicknell (versus a hard charging Sye)

Player of the year: Pribble
Runner-up              Arnold 

Arnold the Royal cog versus the senior scorer...gave it to the senior with some reluctance.


And don't forget Naismith's favorite: RS for Official of the Year. ;D


RS in mourning....hometown Bulldogs have gone fishin...


Leo The Lion

I think I may have forgotten how the format works for All Conference team.  Do you have to have a team that looks like a basketball team (G,G,F,F, C) or is the first team just full of the top 5 players even if they are five guards.  So if that's the case switch Christman and Arnold.  As for Bicknell I think it will wither be him or Stricker who make the second team.

Also is it rookie of the year, or Freshman of the Year?  If it's rookie, then its definitley Bicknell



I'm pretty sure the positions on the All-Conference Team mean about as much as points given out on the show "Whose Line Is It, Anyway?". Yes, Colin, good improvisation, 128 points...  If you want 4 guards and a forward - go for it!  It's not like our All-Star team plays the Commonwealth's team for home-court advantage...

I'll collect on my wagers given your Saturday gambling lines later... what's the spread for Wednesday's games?

Attention DeSales fans - whoever it was that dressed up like the can of beer to distract Jamie Cousart, (1) Do you still have the outfit, and (2) Can I borrow it Wednesday night?  There's a case of Applachian Brewing or Troeg's (your choice) in it for you.

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.

Section J Guy


Please take pictures for the benefit of the board if you manage to get that costume.

Leo The Lion

Please do wear it CJ, it'll be easier to pick you out in the crowd.  By the way the last time that was worn it had a huge effect on King's performance.  ::)

Section J Guy

Has anyone seen Knight School yet?

Leo The Lion

Section J-

Haven't seen it, but I like the premise.  Was it any good?


The costume likely won't happen because I have no faith in the DeSales student section.  Do they have internet access in Center Valley yet??

Leo, it won't be hard picking me out.  Look a couple rows behind the Wilkes bench, between where the coaches sit, and where the Scandlon PA Guy and possession arrow guy sit.  I gotta say, I don't like King's, but, man, their possession arrow guy is one of the best in the business.

Gambling lines on 1st technical foul assessed:
None assessed: 2-1
Chris Shovlin: 3-1
Jerry Rickrode: 4-1
JP Andrejko: 10-1
Eddie: 100-1
Field: 25-1
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.

Leo The Lion


Maybe I'm having a brain block, but who is this Eddie you are giving 100-1 odds on the Techinical Foul line, I must admit those numbers are appealing.

And by the way, agreed that our Possession arrow guy is the best in the business.  I'm quite fond of Wilkes's scorekeepers myself.
