MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Quote from: Coach C on February 06, 2007, 01:07:24 PM
Ahh the intrigue!!!!!!

Indeed , when were  you going to share this information (CC/Saratoga?)   Is the "transfer" any good?
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi

Leo The Lion

QuoteLoyalRoyal and Upton coming with posts out of nowhere and CC and Saratoga talking ancient history      .....Too bad we are all migrating to the Landmark board in a few months!

That raises the question.  What will this board be like next season, myself Nais and CJ talking about all things Wilkes-Barre?


What I'll try to do is scan the story about the brawl and e-mail it to you, or try to paste it on this board. I know it's old news but I never saw anything like it.
Capin was looking for trouble all night. Whenever a Scranton player missed a free throw, he'd walk to them at the FT line and clap in their face. That coupled with the officials calling everything tight caused the entire mess.
Finally with less than a minute left and Scranton up six and shooting FT's, Capin walked to center court and said something to Crockett. No less than a second later, Crockett dropped Capin with a right cross. Capin laid on the floor with blood pouring out of his nose and the players and most of the crowd was on the court swinging away. I remember I went down to break up a fight between Scranton's trainer John Robertson and Wilkes' Kendall McNeil. The next thing I knew, I was on the deck, suckered punched by a Wilkes wrestler standing over me.
Then he went down seconds later by somebody I never saw before.
Ugly stuff.
I'll see how to scan this thing and share it with everybody.
By the way, guess who one of the local ref's was? You know, local? Dunmore? 


NEPA: " Is the transfer any good"? I couldn't tell you as I've never seen him play, play a pick-up game or even workout. I have certainly "heard" he's the "real deal"...but, I learned a long time ago to trust your eyes when assesing talent as opposed to your ears. However, if you trust the opinions of people you have faith in as pretty good judges of talent...then the Royals landed a good one.


CC: You were right in the middle of that stuff??? I don't think I've ever come close to being at a game & having it turn that ugly...sounds like it was brewing throughout. I've heard about the two main combatants from each school but, never really understood what caused the actual punches to be thrown. If you still have the article I'd love to read about it. What the heck was Bess doing while this was happening...probably trying to save Robbie from harms way! Leo: I think you've nailed it...I mean besides Scranton, Kings & Wilkes fans...who posts here? Lycoming...no factor since the British came for William Wallace. Drew...no posters on the mens side in probably 2 years...off to the Landmark anyway. FDU, Bill comes on once & a while...but, nothing from students or alumni...not even a guest spot from Roger on the current state of affairs on points of emphasis for NewJersey basketball officials assigned to games @ FDU Florham. Desales...I think there was a brief response from one of their dozen or so fans about a month ago...that was the first post from the Lehigh Valley during the Bush Administration and  then  there's Delaware Valley...God bless them...they have one heck of a fan on the womens side (Hi Kate)...but, once the womens game is over, she & just about everyone else head for the exits. I don't think there's been a DVC poster since the one guy came on about 4 years ago touting his younger brother as the next AI. Just for the sake of old arguments...we'll certainly have to stay in touch otherwise it may get very quiet in a hurry. However, still much b-ball left to this season with some great games still to be played. Royal Recovery or Royal Flush?


Re/ Scranton:

the real question about the 6' 9" transfer; can he play???


does Kings or FDU get a top 25 vote???


Dave's dad was Wilkes Pres. for a period of time....not sure about 1980.
I was out of town at that time.



     thanks for the effort and the future updates. We needed this 5? years ago when in the final week of the season there was the possibility of a 5-way tie for 1st place at 9-5.  One team was to be eliminated on the 5th tiebreaker at least from playing for the NCAA bid.


That Matrix is spectacular.  Good job.  And, it's official, having seen that, Wilkes has been mathematically eliminated.  Qualify me as a junkie.

What's this board going to be like next year?  I've got 3 words for ya: Addition by subtraction.

Wish I could argue with ya about that 73 in a row.  Sadly, you're probably damn close.  That was about as much a rivalry as "hammer vs. nail"

Time to send Scranton off to the Landmark wish one more night of well-wishing from the faithful at the MARTS Center (Not Martz Hall in Pottsville, or Martz Bus).  For old time's sake, I'll end another D3hoops post with my not-yet-patented closing:

Scranton still sucks.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Quote from: saratoga on February 06, 2007, 06:33:50 PM
NEPA: " Is the transfer any good"? I couldn't tell you as I've never seen him play, play a pick-up game or even workout. I have certainly "heard" he's the "real deal"...but, I learned a long time ago to trust your eyes when assesing talent as opposed to your ears. However, if you trust the opinions of people you have faith in as pretty good judges of talent...then the Royals landed a good one.

Fair enough, Danzig and Company haven't missed on the two transfers that they have brought in, but it sounds like this kid hasn't played organized basketball in a bit.

Quote from: naismith on February 06, 2007, 09:13:57 PM


does Kings or FDU get a top 25 vote???

Messiah and Kings would split the vote for me.

Quote from: ColonelJohn4Life on February 07, 2007, 06:01:23 AM

What's this board going to be like next year?  I've got 3 words for ya: Addition by subtraction.

Take a look at this board over the past few weeks and then seriously tell me it is addition by subtraction??

Here is hoping Scranton gets off the snide tonight.......
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


As Rodney Dangerfield once said, "You have a lot to say, about what I have no idea." :(


Quote from: cold_case on February 07, 2007, 10:08:35 AM
As Rodney Dangerfield once said, "You have a lot to say, about what I have no idea." :(

I'm a renaissance man, I know a little about everything!
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi



Yeah, I only post occasionally, but I'm always "lurking" ;D

When you're in my position, sometimes you have to just keep your feelings to yourself, which is very tough for me to do!

I'm enjoying the the season as it winds down, and I hope all the teams stay healthy to the end!
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


I'm always lurking as well on these boards always trying to come up with an obscure stat or historical fact if someone asks for it.

So with the Scranton win over Wilkes coupled with Lyco losing, Scranton has clinched a playoff spot.  And if FDU beats DeSales, then FDU has locked up a playoff spot as well.

FDU in the top two of the conference is a scary thought because any playoff game at FDU will cause the visiting team to suffer an 8 to 5 man disadvantage (5 for FDU plus the three zebras).  So I bet Scranton is PRAYING for FDU to mess up, and Kings as well, because if FDU can end up getting the top spot or get to host the championship game, the Freedom Conference Title could end up in Jersey this year.  But always rooting for my purple and white!


DeSales blitzed FDU tonight. I left the Scranton/Wilkes game with about 10 minutes to play. Kind of boring.


A few teams have clinched playoff spots (King's and Scranton).  DeSales and FDU can each clinch with one win each.

Once the weekend results are in we might get a better picture of who has the upper hand on earning a top two seed and a playoff game.  At this point the top four teams are all very much alive for a top seed and a home playoff game.
