MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Quote from: hoopzwiz on February 22, 2007, 09:58:01 AM
I wasn't at the game last night but have been witness to the classlessness on many occassions. 

Pat, from the tone of his comment here, sounds like someone that has been around for a while and not a student....unless of course we are talking about an employee at a college.

I hope that the person who told me who Hoopzwiz is is wrong.


Bob: No, it's not Bobby Knight.

Leo The Lion


My point is simple, it is what it is.  Don't condem a single institution for widespread transgressions at colleges all across this country.  Also, comparing foul language to drug abuse is a bit of a stretch.


Re kings fans:

I have sat among them and I have sat opposite them.
Personally, I rather enjoy the spirit, passion and intimidation that they bring to each game.
And just who was that bearded wonder leading the charge???

Hey, even the announcer is a real homer.....and who doesn't love Johnny Z??

Some guy near me kept yelling for the FDU shots to miss and they would miss...I turned around to see who this Hoop God miracle worker was........yeah it was him.....the #1 Padre who hails from Schnechtady NY. (I know it was Ash Wednesday....but no hot dogs????  ....c'mon....lol)

For clarification, I make no pretenses that Wilkes is my #1 team.....I am an alum after all.
During my era, Kings played at a higher level and, for that matter. so did Scranton. I used to attend Kings games and a few of my buddies rented Franklin street apt. from  some Coach Ed something or other.....so I spent soem time shooting hoops in his driveway with Ed Jr.
So, I did root for them against the old Philadelphia Textile, Niagara etc. and I pull for them til this day.

I also try to be objective in my analysis of each team.

And CC is right. As I explained, I felt the talent level at Da U was very very high this year and I believed they had terrific tournament potential.

As far as players go, any kid playing DIII ball is a darn good player.....even those at the end of the bench.
Some are better than others ...obviously.
And some have better seasons than others.

With that in mind, those who pointed out Cousart and Nensteil are spot on. Terific games by both. If JC plays with that intensity, Kings will be tough.



Hey CC,

Was Bicknell in foul trouble early?
Didn't see a write up on the game.
I guess D3 didn't put out press releases last night and my local rag did not cover the game.

Check you e-mail



Hey Warren and Pat C,

Who cares who Hoopwhiz is or isn't????

Why don't you sponsor a D3 Hoops Contest:

Guess who Hoopwhiz is?
3 bleepin entries per poster. 1 blankin winner

First Prize:
Ringside seat in the Kings Student Section.

And as far as porfanity goes....let me relate a story from my youth.
I attended New Jersey American games at the Teaneck armory in Teaneck NJ as a teen.
One could sit under the basket for $.75....and I could walk there....


Mel Daniels played for the Indiana franchise:


Mel made a play under the basket and almost ended up in my lap.
The ref called the foul on Mel.
As he arose,  he told the ref to go blank himself.
Nothing happened.......
But it made a very lasting impression on me. I had fortunately grown up in an No Profanity Household
that was strictly enforced. I couldn't beleive there were no consequences for his outburst......

Nothing has surprised me since.............



I think CSI-SID Bob may be on to something...the Hoopster may really be Dickie V. And during commercial breaks while at Cameron...he sneaks a few anti-Kings zigers out there just to fire the locals up. This plot may go all the way back to the highest levels in Bristol...I'm sure we'll hear more on this developing story...Cracking the Hoopster Code.


"Cracking the Hoopster Code"......that is hysterical....

Next thing they'll try to convince everyone that I didn't invent this game.....



Naismith:  I remember those ABA days,  as I used to correspond with Laverne Tart when he was the leagues leading scorer for the Oakland Oaks.   It takes me back to the old Eastern League games (pre ABA) .  The league was composed of players who were right on the cusp of the NBA when the NBA had a lost less teams.  I saw some terrrific players, (Arizin, Hal King Lear,  Spivey, Chaney, Heyman, etc).  It was such a rough and tumble league where profanity and brawling took place almost every game at the West Side Armory.   Security was always on standby and police escorts for players, refs, and coaches were common.   Also, you mentioned Philadelphia Textile, now Philly U.  I attended the school for a short stint and had their legendary Coach Herb Magee as one of my instructors.   He is one of the best pure shooters I ever witnessed.  He has videos currently available on the proper shooting technique and on playing the right way, and is still hired by NBA teams, to teach shooting.   In addition, he has over 800 wins as Coach, in his remarkable career.   Who do you like in the final on Saturday?   I'm going with King's in a tight one.


Nais. ljk,
Check out these two sites.

This one has loads of stats, standings and MVP's of the old eastern league, including former Knick, Hawthrone Wingo.

This link is cool. It's all about the history of PA basketball. You'll want to click on players at the top of the site. It gives you three pages of them. Even mentions the two Bob's, Sura and Stevenson, along with Pete Maravich, who is a PA native and got his start in Aliquippa.


Scranton lost.  Henceforth, NEPAFan, Saratoga, LoyalRoyal, and all the rest of you fans wearing purple, you have a message board.  It's the Landmine board. You're welcome to stop back, visit, remember good times every now and again, but go and enjoy your new home.

On Championship Eve, I ask a question.  Could this be the year DeSales finally raises a banner?  Is it possible that we could see 4 different MAC-F winners in the past 4 years?  This is their best chance to win one - per the curse of Greg Reilly, they'll never win a home playoff game again.

NEPAFan - Half the reason I bust on Lumpy (Chad Kreuter) is because when Evan Walters got injured in last year's title game, Wilkes had no answer for a fat 6'9" guy.  That was 6 straight points before a sub could get in.  Final score was 64-63.

As far as the King's student section, students commonly spill on to the court during a game.  Frequently, there is no room to inbound a ball on that side.  Perhaps putting an extra couple of feet between the students and the sideline wouldn't be a terrible idea.  Letting the "Brown Family" or drunken frat guys with pantyhose on their head closer to the action than the refs... that would be a terrible idea.

DeSales at King's.  Huh.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Quote from: ColonelJohn4Life on February 23, 2007, 09:03:08 AM
Scranton lost.  Henceforth, NEPAFan, Saratoga, LoyalRoyal, and all the rest of you fans wearing purple, you have a message board.  It's the Landmine board. You're welcome to stop back, visit, remember good times every now and again, but go and enjoy your new home.

CJ, I see you've posted more on the Landmine than anyone of the above mentioned. You envious?
As for me, I like it here. More down-to-earth, friendlier folk. I take it you read my last-ever post on the Landmine?


Quote from: ColonelJohn4Life on February 23, 2007, 09:03:08 AM
Scranton lost.  Henceforth, NEPAFan, Saratoga, LoyalRoyal, and all the rest of you fans wearing purple, you have a message board.  It's the Landmine board. You're welcome to stop back, visit, remember good times every now and again, but go and enjoy your new home.

Have fun on a dead board.....
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi

Leo The Lion


I can't enough of those bingos from John Z.  and as for the bearded wonder, that would be King's superfan also known as Carl.  He's become a staple at King's games over the past few seasons and as come up with some great cheers such as "TM in the PM" and "The Veet goes on"

Who is this Brown Family? I didn't know Larry Brown attended MAC Freedom Games.


CC:  Thanks for the links.  Some great stuff.  Not easy finding info on the EBL.  Brought back a lot of memories.  Just picked up Pistol, The Life of Pete Maravich by Mark Kriegel.  He's the same author who penned Namath, a great read.  This guy does his homework.  Pistol and Joe Willie were two of my all time favs and who can forget Wingo. (lol).