MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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MACfan08, I can agree with you 100% on the home-court advantage of Manhattanville- that's probably the toughest gym to play in that I saw in my four years of working with the Colonels. They can't fit much of a crowd in, but the fans that they do get are nasty, to say the least, and the visiting team needs to walk through a cordon of them to ge to the visitors locker room at halftime and after the game- the degree of BS we got on the way out of there was really unbelieveable.

Another thing that factors in for all the visiting teams is travel- last season we had to go up to Purchase on a Wednesday night, and playing a game after a day of classes and a 3-hour drive isn't an easy deal. For us, perhaps the worst part was getting lost on the way back to Wilkes-Barre and not getting in until 3:30 AM. Most teams are able to go up on a Saturday afternoon, but for the unfortunate ones who need to make it a Wednesday, It's a tough assignment.

Your season preview is very good, but I diden't see you mention DeRojas in there anywhere regarding Wilkes- he was the rookie of the year last season and will be a key player again this season. Gould will be a big loss indeed, as much for his off-the court personality as for his performance on the floor- he was a great friend and leader by example for everyone around the program. With this year's team, all of the returning guys are great people who have been around the system and have some experience- the potential is there for some good things, but this is a tough league every season, and they'll need to be at the top of their game every night.

Finally, through my work with football and basketball the last four years, I've been to the Delaware Valley campus more times (seven) than any other school besides King's- I wish the new coach best of luck, but until the school somehow upgrades the basketball facilities, It's going to be tough for any coach to recruit anyone there. The Aggies did a greta job with their new baseball/softball fields and the football playing surface, so hopefully they will give some attention to the gym in the future.


Well LEFTY2 I wouldn't put my real name up as my screen name. So I will explain to you my screen name DaMan in the right term its "The Man". but I spelled "The" with a DA. So if you want to worry about spelling go to a Spelling Bee message board. Aight

Okay so back to basketball right fellas. Mann' ville is in progress of building a new gym. Might be done by 2010 season. But yes they do have a shoe box it hot as hell in there when crowded. 



I wasn't questioning your spelling.

I was referring to the fact that if you are/were in fact Fabrizzio Leroy touting yourself that you wouldn't have wondered if you spelled Fabrizzio Leroy correctly.

The person who says something can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of the one who's doing it.


Lefty2 excuse my last message. No im not Fab I still don't know how to spell his. I found it on a NJCAA website. But yes I feel this guy can help Mann'Ville go far in the MAC.


Quote from: daman2010 on September 20, 2008, 12:52:52 AM
Well LEFTY2 I wouldn't put my real name up as my screen name. So I will explain to you my screen name DaMan in the right term its "The Man". but I spelled "The" with a DA. So if you want to worry about spelling go to a Spelling Bee message board. Aight

Okay so back to basketball right fellas. Mann' ville is in progress of building a new gym. Might be done by 2010 season. But yes they do have a shoe box it hot as hell in there when crowded. 

Has the college broken ground on this facility? When I spoke to members of the coaching/support staff last year, they mentioned nothing of getting a new facility...Perhaps there is a link on the manhattanville web site to see more?
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."

mid-range j


I'm sorry man but stop spreading rumors on the message board.  Everything you said is out of context and you aren't even spelling M'ville right.  Its M'ville not mann'ville, manville or however else you spelt it.  There is no process of "building" a new gym.  So shhhh! 

As for basketball, it should be a great year.  I'm excited, ecspecially with the 3 new teams arriving.  Anyone know anything about Eastern, Alvernia, and Misericordia?


Don't know much about 3 new teams.

As long as Willie Chandler doesn't have any eligibility left, it doesn't really matter.


Mid Range j,

Listen I know how to spell Mannhattenville. I just like MannVille or your M'ville. As long as you know im talking about the college basketball team than we are good. Also Mid Range J is right they did not break ground for a new gym. I had to ask around before I gave a def answer. Also someone threw a joke in there and said Blame it on the Asia college that M'ville is hiding in the back.

As for the new team to the MAC I haven't heard anything about as of yet. But I will ask around.

mid-range j

Quote from: daman2010 on September 23, 2008, 10:52:28 AM
Mid Range j,

Listen I know how to spell Mannhattenville. I just like MannVille or your M'ville. As long as you know im talking about the college basketball team than we are good. Also Mid Range J is right they did not break ground for a new gym. I had to ask around before I gave a def answer. Also someone threw a joke in there and said Blame it on the Asia college that M'ville is hiding in the back.

As for the new team to the MAC I haven't heard anything about as of yet. But I will ask around.

just breaking your chops, but its spelt Manhattanville not Mannhattenville...lol..and we people from Manhattanville call is M'ville, everyone here knows that..i just want to get the facts straight thats all.  I'm a true valiant so I know these kinds of things..tell fab i said whattup...no new gym at mville, thats how rumors get started! Who are you getting your info from?

mid-range j

daman, you're a joke, stop embarrassing yourself now, pleaseeeeee, there are talks about it, but talks are talks, that doesnt mean they are definately 100 percent in the "process" of building a new gym, they just have a proposal, and yes I is telling you (whatever kind of english that is you are speaking) that it is the last thing that is being mentioned in Mville meetings, maybe it has been brought up but to have a new gym at Mville it would be a LONG process before even saying YES (which is unlikely) so NO, no new gym, and YES once again you dont know anything about "Mansville"


I am new to the board and would like to say a few things. I dont believe that showell will be back at alvernia this year due to grades. Eastern and Misery will compete due to good coaching. del Val should be ok since stitzel has raided widener for players. Does anyone know if the kid Wiggins from Del Val is back? just would like to get some feedback


Quote from: jabstep08 on September 25, 2008, 12:45:35 PM
I am new to the board and would like to say a few things. I dont believe that showell will be back at alvernia this year due to grades. Eastern and Misery will compete due to good coaching. del Val should be ok since stitzel has raided widener for players. Does anyone know if the kid Wiggins from Del Val is back? just would like to get some feedback


No idea on Wiggins, but last year I thought he was probably the best player on their roster. He may not be the guy that the team builds around, and they need several more pieces to contend, but he's a good athlete who can play a major role.

Miseri is a great addition to the league- they have a great facility on a very nice campus, with relatively easy highway access. I can't think off the top of my head who they have back, but they have a good squad that's going to probably play well in this league.



I dont think that Wiggins is back at Del Val, he was hands down the best athlete on the team last year. I looked at his numbers and he almost ave a double double in under 20 mins a game in league play. The league will be very interesting to watch this year. Thanx for your feedback


Jabstep, you are correct about Wiggins, as I have since heard that same thing from a very reliable source with some inside scope on the league. Normally that would be a big loss and may indeed be in this case, but anytime a new coach comes in you never know what he brings in with regards to new talent.

I'm also looking forward to a good season- should be a good one!


Well today was the start of a new year so what do we now know about sume of the rumors that were going around which are true and which are false.  What teams stepped on the court today with their transfers everyone said they got and which ones realized it was just all talk. 
Desales is suppose to have some transfer point guard is this true and whats his deal any good where he come from and why did he leave. 
M'ville is suppose to have some big kid that diddnt play last year was he seen at practice today and if so how much of an impact is he going to have on this years m'ville team. 
I know wilkes started off their season as soon as possible with 12am practice this morning and have it again tonight. word is going around that they have a good athletic freshman that is going to help them out. 
What about del-val everyone is trying to say they had two kids come from widener is this true and also what other talent did the new coach bring in to hopefully start to build this program.  People are talking in that area that are around the team saying this is going to be a different delval program and not to take them lightly is this true.
FDU in my eyes has one of the best scorers coming back but did the coach bring in some more talent to put around him to be able to win games this year.
And finally what about all the new guys how are they feeling they are not in the pac anymore which in my eyes was a very weak conference are they ready to step up to the bigger and better conference of the mac.

These are all questions that shall be answered soon if its player issues or team chemistry issues we shall know soon because they stepped on the court today so everyones team should be ready to go.