FB: Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:27 AM

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D O.C.

Now I can confidently vote for Beaver on this site.

The NCAA switching teams and regions has opened up new worlds for me.  I would not listen to North Central or the l'il GIANTS were not a West team playing them.

So was that Danny's coldest game yet? Ah, after practices in it a game is hot. Hmmmm, is there a Whitewater field house?

Goo 62

Gotta love it. Sent the rich boys home with their tail between their legs.  CCIW stood no chance.  And no the all boys school from Indiana.  Why cant we just simulate to Salem?  Did Moriaty have more yards than Beaver this week?  GO BEARS!!!! 

Heard the rich boys were really classy in their loss.  I hate Naperville.


thefreebird- you keep looking for credit for BU's 21 points when 14 of them came on very short fields and the other 7 came after EC's lack of passing attack force the defense to spend an eternity on the field.  Not to mention Hull played the entire 4th quarter with broken/dislocated finger/hand, looked like a golf ball under his skin.

AO- as for your belittling of WIAC education, I attended the highschool that probably sends the largest number of students to Bethel and let me tell ya you have got some real losers going to school there, there is nothing to brag about in that area.


You sound like a sore loser to me blugold. The better team clearly won and that is all there is to it.

AO didn't go to bethel. Regardless, I doubt you really want to start comparing academic standards.


Congrats to the Warhawks on getting one step closer!  Congrats to Beaver on a fantastic performance and the o-line who paved his way!  NCC proved to be formidable opponent and gave the Hawks all they could handle.  QB managed to pick apart our D at times. The most points given up since UWLC. They will need to shore up the pass coverage to keep playing every weekend from here on out.  Congrats to the BluGolds on their shining season.  Amazing what they were able to do dispite their decimated QB squad! 
"Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!"  Dennis Miller

"Three things you don't want to be in football, slow, small and friendly!"  John Madden

"You can learn more character on the two-yard line than anywhere else in
life." Paul Dietzel / LSU


Quote from: BoBo on November 24, 2007, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: swede on November 24, 2007, 04:31:47 PM
Attaway Warhaks! Take it all the way.

???  ::)

Weren't you the one, swede, saying on the NWC board ditto & +k to someone wanting to have the Warhawks (notice the spelling) taken out this week?

Don't be too hard on him, BoBo. Don't know anything about what Swede posted on the NWC board but I can attest personally to the fact that he is a good guy and more importantly, a WARHAWK FAN ;)
"Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!"  Dennis Miller

"Three things you don't want to be in football, slow, small and friendly!"  John Madden

"You can learn more character on the two-yard line than anywhere else in
life." Paul Dietzel / LSU


thefreebird- a degree from bethel means nothing special outside of the MIAC and the twin cities, being in business in a large metro area on the pacific coast, no one has ever heard bethel.  They have however have heard of the university of Wisconsin system. 


Quote from: blugold45 on November 25, 2007, 12:16:46 PM
thefreebird- a degree from bethel means nothing special outside of the MIAC and the twin cities, being in business in a large metro area on the pacific coast, no one has ever heard bethel.  They have however have heard of the university of Wisconsin system. 

Reread your post, correct all of your writing errors, and then stop embarrassing all of the rest of the
WIAC schools with your comparisons of academic excellence.


The whole country has heard of the university of Wisconsin system but that doesn't make it a good thing


Quote from: stoutguy on November 25, 2007, 12:36:54 PM
Quote from: blugold45 on November 25, 2007, 12:16:46 PM
thefreebird- a degree from bethel means nothing special outside of the MIAC and the twin cities, being in business in a large metro area on the pacific coast, no one has ever heard bethel.  They have however have heard of the university of Wisconsin system. 

Reread your post, correct all of your writing errors, and then stop embarrassing all of the rest of the
WIAC schools with your comparisons of academic excellence.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.


hey freebird -

Using the minimum academic requirements established at Bethel, only one in four students applying to Eau Claire would have a chance to get in to UWEC... The chances of students getting in at UWEC are far greater if you have achievements that are above the minimum standards set at Bethel...


janesville flash -
How long did it take you to type that out? I'm betting you were faster at it intentionally spelling all the words wrong than I am in my hunt-and-peck search to find the right keys!  ;)


If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.


Stoutguy, who cares about the misspelling I'm typing that on an iphone, not the easiest key pad.  The point is, outside of the MIAC and the Twin Cities, a degree from Bethel mind as well be a degree from any other university.  Any person who argues that probably hasn't spent a lot of time outside the midwest in the business arena.  I'm not saying its not a good education just don't try to be all high and mighty like a degree from Bethel means something more.   

By the way Bethel is still by far the team with the best sportsmanship I have ever played, but that probably comes from religious background of most who attend there. 


Whats the word on Bethel UWEC backers?? You guys hung with them tight without your QB?? Congrats on the great season and playoff victory, noone thought you should have been there and you proved them wrong. If anyone feels like a road trip wed love your company in Pella Saturday!
30 IIAC Championships
20 Division III Playoff Appearances