FB: Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:27 AM

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Sakman 1111

Anything even football teams can be bought and that is why the DLK guy was on the committee. Given all that you still need an administration to facilitate such a move and that is not unusual when possibly future millions of $$$$ to UWW are involved. Is it right and will it hurt the program I don't know. For Z. it is grab your ankles and bend over and that part sucks. Because of A.J,Beav.Mitch,the Oline,and the rest we will still support them but after they go I doubt it......Simply I realize that money and politics in these situations many times rules but it makes my skin crawl to accept it.......


Okay, I have watched the posts on the UWW head football coach and all the bashing going on and assumptions.  I wanted to clear up a few things since I do know L Leipold.
First of all, he is not only a former Warhawk but he comes from a long line of UWW grads.  He is a third generation graduate of UWW.  His parents, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins all attended UWW.  He has his masters degree from there as well as many of his family members do.
He has a huge resume of coaching under some of the greats and you can see that for yourself.  His dream has always been this job and he has groomed himself for that.
As far as some of the strange and unbelievable rumors on this site....he is not friends with DLK's son....he never interacted with the AD before this interview process started....and maybe you should give the guy a chance prior to bashing him.
He has recruited in this state for UNO and for the Huskers in the last number of years and most coaches around know him and have great respect for him. 
Have your facts right prior to bashing someone and this is from a true source unlike all the rumors that have been out there.
Give him a chance and welcome back Coach Leipold.


I'm truely disappointed by the decision.   In some regards it stunned me.  I feel bad for Stan, who I consider a personal friend and the best candidate.   But I know that he will shake this off, land on his feet and move on.  If rumors are true he already has offers to consider including within the WIAC.  I'll regret seeing him leave the community.  Plus whatever program gets him benefits at our expense imo.  Besides being a good coach he's a good recruiter, particularly in southeastern Wisconsin, an area we dominate.  

However, I agree with many of the points you've already made and I've been a WARHAWKGUY for just shy of four decades. This won't change that.  I'll continue to support the program and whoever heads it as I have in the past.  Leipold didn't make the decision.  He was obviously qualified and had some heavy hitters, like Barry Alverez, who endorsed him.  Many have forgotten that Bob Brezowitz was an unpopular choice at the time.  

Knowing the head coaching decision has been made my primary concern is it's impact on recruiting.  Hopefully Leipold can get things set up quickly enough that we don't miss out on the incredible opportunity playing in consecutive national championship games presents.  My theory is that talent can make any offensive system effective and his experience has shown Leipold can set up an effective offensive system.  

Other than to say they are interesting, I don't really care to go into the theories being postulated here.  I wish Stan the best of luck and welcome Coach Leipold back to WHITEWATER.

"Strange days have found us.  Strange days have tracked us down." .... J. Morrison

Warhawk 96

Yeah it stunned us all but I guess now we will see just how loyal Warhawk fans really are. I'm not bailing out, win or lose, who's the coach or who's not. The Warhawks will still do fine next year. I'm not making any bold predictions like Stagg bowl winners or anything like that but I think they'll do fine. With that being said I echo what a lot of people have been saying and say goodbye coach Z, we all love you and will miss you and I know wherever you go you will still do GREAT and will still pound the rock down the throats of your opponents just like you did here. With that being said, I also wish goodluck to our new coach and fellow Warhawk alum Lance Leipold. Guys it could be worse, they could've picked a complete stranger to us and the program but they did in fact pick one of our own. We should treat him as such and give him a chance.
2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 NCAA Division 3 Champions.
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 WIAC Champions.


It is so sad to see how hard you are on Leipold who is one of your own a Warhawk.  I can't believe that you would treat an alum like this.  It is good that they didn't pick an outsider if this is how you treat a true Warhawk.


Quote from: 1_For_27 on December 30, 2006, 01:28:50 AM
As I have been reading all of the former posts there is one major factor you are all leaving out.  DLK!!!!!  We all knew going into this year that this guy has a hard on for stan and was going to do everything in his power not to allow him to get the job.  Not to mention I heard that LL was good buddies with DLK's kid.  Politics are the real issue here.. And as far as Dr. P being intimidated I could tottally see that being true.  Dr. P is a wet towel and a bit of a puss if you ask me. Not to mention a uwl eagle at heart..  I was recruited by stan and would do anything for that man then and now..   it is a shame and a loss to all the underclassman who have to play for this new jack..  As stated before I am a warhawk and will bleed purple with whomever they have at the helm..  Don't leave dinks, you made so many players what they are today!!  Go hawks.. beat lax!!!

Wow.  Having dealt with Paul in the past and knowing a bit about his life, it's obvious you know very little about him.  I'm not on here to do any name-calling because I don't know you.  However, I felt strong enough about standing up for his character that I created an account just to respond to you.  It's been so long since I posted on here that I forgot my username, but this got me fired up

Go Eagles!

Warhawk 96

Quote from: eagle_defender on December 30, 2006, 05:50:33 PM
Quote from: 1_For_27 on December 30, 2006, 01:28:50 AM
As I have been reading all of the former posts there is one major factor you are all leaving out.  DLK!!!!!  We all knew going into this year that this guy has a hard on for stan and was going to do everything in his power not to allow him to get the job.  Not to mention I heard that LL was good buddies with DLK's kid.  Politics are the real issue here.. And as far as Dr. P being intimidated I could tottally see that being true.  Dr. P is a wet towel and a bit of a puss if you ask me. Not to mention a uwl eagle at heart..  I was recruited by stan and would do anything for that man then and now..   it is a shame and a loss to all the underclassman who have to play for this new jack..  As stated before I am a warhawk and will bleed purple with whomever they have at the helm..  Don't leave dinks, you made so many players what they are today!!  Go hawks.. beat lax!!!

Wow.  Having dealt with Paul in the past and knowing a bit about his life, it's obvious you know very little about him.  I'm not on here to do any name-calling because I don't know you.  However, I felt strong enough about standing up for his character that I created an account just to respond to you.  It's been so long since I posted on here that I forgot my username, but this got me fired up

Go Eagles!

Will you enlighten us? I have had interactions with Plinske over the past few years as he has been here and he does come off as shy, reserved, and rather quiet and I think that's why people don't rule out that he could be intimidated by someone who is loud, outgoing, and highly competitive like Z. Is there anything that you would like to say to dispute that impression?

While we're doing this.......................

2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 NCAA Division 3 Champions.
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 WIAC Champions.


Quote from Janesville Gazette Dec. 19th

"It's going to be his call and who he feels comfortable with,'' Berezowitz said of Plinske. "This is not a Barry Alvarez/Bret Bielema deal, and I think he (Plinske) has done it right.''
If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.


Well one thing jumped out at me and that was the mention of the 'Warhawk family". We need to remmber one thin alumni are included in this family,and Lance is an alum of UW-Whitewater,and I think that it is outrageous that some other alumni are on here bashing UW-Whitewater.
If your a true supporter of the program you will realize that this is was a buisness decision,and it was made my Dr. Paul Plinske and only him.
I remember reading o here last year whrn people said DLK will not have a say in who gets hired,and I believed it then,and I still believe it know. None of us at all know what the heck happen during the interview with Z. Except the interview panel and Dr. Plinske, and unless you were on the comittee it is all hear say.
As far as coach Dinkel packing his office, thats sad, he was a great O-line coach,and has obviously shown he wants nothing to do with the new era of Warhawk football, which is sad.
So all of the alumni of U DUB-DUB on this board need to stop crying and support the university that they were all behind before this decision was made.
Oh yea one more thing GO WARHAWKS.


Quote from: Barber Greene on December 30, 2006, 07:14:46 PM
Here's some confirmation on the Leipold rumour


I saw this article yesterday, too, but choose not to post it because in my view, it doesn't convey anything that hasn't already been distributed on PP as rumors.  Probably only disseminates an opinion at a wider level with the same, non discernible source (i.e. more rumors).  Ironic, though, that it is written by a UWW Alum at the Journal.  Just wonder if his source is also the source of this rumor from the Daily Dose? What a mystery...interesting!!

Just Bill

Quote from: footballfan1997 on December 30, 2006, 12:04:27 AM
I hope he honors his contract to teach the classes that he is assigned to teach,as a former football player. I loved the fact that I got A's in all of his classes and never had to go to get it.

Maybe it's behavior like this that cost him the job.

I'm only kidding, so don't jump on me.  I have no doubt this kind of thing goes on in college sports, but I would think most would be smart enough not to broadcast it on a public message board.
"That seems silly and pointless..." - Hoops Fan

The first and still most accurate description of the D3 Championship BeltTM thread.


Just Bill,
I have been out of school for three years. What are they going to do take my diploma away from me because of that.
However it was true and it did happen.Sometimes the truth hurts, worse then nver having to go to clas was the fact that he knowingly allowed me to cheat on tests as well. Yes I know I am not smart for making this public knowledge. However once again the truth hurts.
I don't think it matters though because come June 30,2007 Mr Stan Zweifel's contract with UW-Whitewater will be done,and he will be free to go teach and coach at whatever school he wants.
Also I doubt that allowing me to get A's and not do anything in class is the reason he did not get the job.However none of us will ever know unless we were on the hiring comittee.
GO WARHAWKS,and welcome back to the Warhawk family Lance Leipold. I think the majority of the warhawk family is happy your back.


I hope this is all solved by 01/05/07. Coach L can meet with the current coaches and clear the air. When I retired from my professional job of 26 yearsI did  some venting and cheap shotting at people. Much of it was justified, but it only made me more bitter.I know this 2 years later! All things shall pass,but we must make the most of every day we have. We should do the best we can, and, at the end move on! The cream always rises to the top,unless we turn the container over  PS: Where are the openings for head coach in the WIAC? If some are open,, Coach Z could be on the other sideline.I do not feel he will have any problem getting a job. As to coach Dinkel,do not leave until you have a job. You may be a great coach, but unemployment does not pay bills. God Bless everyone and have a safe New Year!

Warhawk 96

I'm sorry, I just think it's funny and ironic that you state that he never made you go to class and you have several spelling errors in your post. Believe it or not, you could hurt Z by stating this. He is looking for another job and if that becomes public knowledge it could really hurt him if other colleges hear about that. As for me, he gave me the grade I earned in mechanical principles and that was a B. No favoritism there.
2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 NCAA Division 3 Champions.
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 WIAC Champions.