Atlantic Central Football Conference/Independents

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:14:23 AM

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Ron Boerger

Quote from: SeoulGuy on December 10, 2005, 03:09:19 PM
Quote from: Jeremybozz on December 10, 2005, 01:43:27 PM
Good luck Wesley. This is the big game and it will be close.


If you're going to call someone out for a prediction, do it before the game starts.


Yeah...Seoul Guy....Don't you know it's not fair to point out when somebody is completely a big way.....  A more appropriate reponse would have been:  The game is not could still be close..... :)  That would have been a nice, friendly, supportive response.  :) :) :) :) 
Go Cats!


Wait a minute, how can you ignore such a statement. The game had started, probably already 16-0, and Jeremybozz predicts a close game. It was obvious to anyone listening that the game was already over.


I was being sarcastic...  I think anybody who makes a prediction whether it is score or otherwise has to expect that they will be called on it when they are wrong.  I certainly accepted it when I was called last week and I certainly nailed the guy who said that UWW would hold Linfield under 20 points!  Anyway Seoulguy....i'm with you....."HUH?" ;D
Go Cats!


Looks like Wesley is on the other end of this rear-end kicking versus last week.  Not a fun feeling as we have been there twice.  2 years ago against Mt. Union and last week against you guys.....

Oh well, nothing a couple beers can't take care of.  A lot of us Bridgewater Faithful are heading to Salem next Saturday.  If you want to drown your sorrows, feel free to drop by Stone Station.  All in all, still a great run in the playoffs.



Congratulations on your team's great season.  Wesley is much better than they looked today.  Just like Bridgewater is much better than they looked last week.

The deeper you go in the playoffs, the more it hurts to lose, especially when your team doesn't show up.  Don't try to figure it out.  It doesn't make sense.  UWW is a very good team for sure.  But they are not 50 points better than Wesley.  Just like Wesley is not 50 points better than BC.  It just wasn't your team's day today.  Nor was last Saturday my team's day.

Like Skoal said, nothin' a few beers won't take care of.  May we meet again in next year's our place.


BC Class of '81


If Wesley believed what Whitewater told them about their shoes, they deserve the double monkey stomp they are getting...

Matt Barnhart (kid)

Hopefully for Wesley fans, Whitewater posters are gracious winners.  From what I've seen, they will be. 

A couple of you all might be able to learn a little something from them.
Former Publisher of


Kid...Nice shirt you've got on with your sweetie!!!


wow that must feel horrible, told you to watch out for stanley but you wouldnt listen, how did beavers and lee do just wonderin, didnt hear their names over the load speaker
If you wanna be good practice till you get it right, if you wanna be great practice till you cant get it wrong..


Quote from: warhawkexpress on December 10, 2005, 06:10:01 PM
wow that must feel horrible, told you to watch out for stanley but you wouldnt listen, how did beavers and lee do just wonderin, didnt hear their names over the load speaker
Nothing like a sore Winner !!!!!
Football !!! The ultimate team sport. Anyone who plays DIII football is a winner...


quick question ...    i heard a rumor after the game that Wesley didnt have the right shoes on???    Honestly this was going around whitewater im not joking or anything!!   If there is any truth to this Wesley needs to fire its equiptment manager, 2 loses over the wrong shoes, come on this is wisconsin in December!

Other wise Good season Wesley, from previous games you showd that you deserved to be in the Semis.  Wish it could have been a closer game, but i liked the outcome, even more so after sitting outside for 5 hours in the Wisconsin cold.  

Go Hawks, BEAT MU


Quote from: SeoulGuy on December 10, 2005, 03:08:34 PM
Since when does Wesley care what Whitewater says? - they have their own professionals in their equipement staff, right? They need to wear what the conditions call for!! If they are complaining about that, they better go home now.

I have to agree...besides, do they really want this year remembered as the year they lost two games with lopsided results because they weren't thorough enough in their preparation to go out with the equipment?

Like the old saying goes: Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!
NO, Tusky, You cannot MOON Dr. Geisert!


Coach Drass never once said that the shoes cost them the game in Brockport. And I think that he will say they just didn't play well today. I would hate to think that WW would do something like that. But if they did then it really does sour this win for them and always leave that doubt in peoples minds..
Football !!! The ultimate team sport. Anyone who plays DIII football is a winner...