FB: American Rivers Conference

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Walston Hoover

I know some of the city schools in DM have the same problem. I could never imagine just skipping practice.
You come to Wartburg to play for championships


The other thing we run into is that some of the players just show up on the first day of school and want to play football.  And by that time, they have missed mini-camp and two-a-days and are way behind the other players that have been around.  Add in the fact that most of our guys have never played organized football before and we are fighting an uphill battle with getting enough "skilled" players on the field to be able to compete.  It is a challenge and I love it  :)
Go Norse!!!

Walston Hoover

Do most of the schools you play face the same challenges?
I definitely can't say we have too many challenges at Dowling. About the worst thing we have is some kids have had it too easy growing up.
You come to Wartburg to play for championships


I don't know if they have attendance issues, but I do know that some of the Public League schools have numbers issues.  Most schools don't know if they have enough interest to have a Freshman team until school starts.  Our frosh schedules don't get issued until the 1st week of school when we find out what schools have enough players for a freshman team.  And the level of competition suffers because most of the players in the Chicago Public League don't have any playing experience until they start freshman football. 
Go Norse!!!

Willie University

Quote from: Walston Hoover on September 14, 2007, 09:54:01 AM
Do most of the schools you play face the same challenges?
I definitely can't say we have too many challenges at Dowling. About the worst thing we have is some kids have had it too easy growing up.

The problems in "both" situations don't "completely" lie with the schools but rather the "parenting" or lack there of. Poor parenting in my opinion is to blame for most all of the problems in our society. You have parents that aren't good role models by their own actions, parents that aren't involved in their childrens lives, parents that don't discipline their children, parents that have excuses for everything, etc.... You can say "income" and "surroundings" may have something to do with it and that definitely may be true. I didn't grow up poor or in a bad neighborhood personally so I can't speak for how the experience would have affected me. However, the ONLY thing that is going to help any of these kids to become positive members of society is SOMEONE instilling discipline, work ethic, accountability, positive attitude, etc... in them especially if their parents didn't. I know a number of people that grew up in poor families with 1 parent that are very successful today. In most cases it's because either that parent fought daily battles to bring him/her up right and instill values in them or someone (teacher or coach) took it upon themselves to do the same.

In the same respect, it's a shame when spoiled rich kids are not taught a lot of the same values. Because their parents are too busy making and spending money to teach them what's most important in life. You don't often see the success stories of the rich kids because you "expect" it because of where the grew up, etc... I actually feel sorry for kids from both situations because BOTH lack the most important ingredient for success in their lives------good parenting.

A quote someone once told me that I try to use when someone is thinking or acting negatively about a situation:

"You cannot control people. You can't control what they think, what they do, or what they say. The only thing you can control is how you react to them."

Willie U


Quote from: Willie University on September 14, 2007, 10:41:38 AM

The problems in "both" situations don't "completely" lie with the schools but rather the "parenting" or lack there of. Poor parenting in my opinion is to blame for most all of the problems in our society. You have parents that aren't good role models by their own actions, parents that aren't involved in their childrens lives, parents that don't discipline their children, parents that have excuses for everything, etc.... You can say "income" and "surroundings" may have something to do with it and that definitely may be true.

You have a good point Willie U...one of the things that has become apparent to me about my current coaching situation is that there are a lot of people making excuses, parents and players.  The parents have excuses as to why we lost a close game a couple of weeks ago and it was the typical excuses: the refs missed the call, they were out to get us, they don't respect the public league, etc.  It is just disgusting to hear and to know that this is what they hear from the people they live with everyday.  Accountability, Ownership and Responsibility are three concepts that I told my freshman that they would learn.  And we preach discipline throughout the football program.  We are getting better and that is an encouraging thought  :)
Go Norse!!!


Willie U,

+K for your comments.  I don't think that lack of money in a family is as hard on a family as to much money.  Parents spending time with their kids is the best thing that can happen.  I think if a family has more money as Walston says can lead to more trouble as the parents tend to leave their kids to surrogates to raise while they are spending money on other things.  The happiest times for my family IMHO were when my wife didn't work and we had less money but we all had each other and each other's company.  Having had 4 boys they played with each other and we many times had ball games going in the back yard.  Footgall, basketball in the drive, wiffle ball games.  The learned a sense of family pride with each others company.  Parenting is not all about giving to your kids but being with them.  They grow up fast enough and then you are all left alone.  How 30 years has flown by. 

Now on to football.  Does anyone besides Walston  :D think Iowa State has a chance?  If I were a betting man, which I am not I think I would have to take Iowa unless someone was giving 35.  I just don't see Iowa State competing this year.  I do however think Chizek is a good coach.  As Hayden Fry and Kirk Ferentz have learned a good program was not built in a day or even a season.  I just hope there are no injuries to either team. 

Sportsknight good joke +k for that one.
Play with Passion  Coach Ron Schipper


A cyclone and a Hawkeye are walking on the beach when they come across a glass bottle. The cyclone rubs it, and out pops a genie. He tells them they get one wish apiece.

The cyclone thinks for a minute and finally says, "I wish for you to build a huge cement wall all around Ames so no Hawkeye can ever get in our sacred grounds again." Seconds later there is a huge 60' cement wall all around Ames.

The Genie looks at the Hawkeye and says "do you have a wish?"

Without hesitation the Hawkeye say "fill it with water!"

As for kids missing practices doesn't the quality of the team has a lot to do with the dedication of kids showing up. If a team is good and has high expections the kids will work hard during the season and off-season, which leads to more sucess. If a team is struggling they may show up but their focus may be on  the next sports season. 

WH- Isn't the economic make up of Valley about the same as Dowling?
Aaron Kampman on Coach Ed Thomas
I believe his greatest legacy comes not in how many football games he won or lost but in the fact that he was a committed follower of Jesus Christ.

Walston Hoover

I got 24 points so I took it in a heartbeat. As much of a fan that I am, I'm also a realist. Its going to take a heck of an effort to be close in that game tomorrow.
Alfred-Between the schools, the economic make-up probably averages out to be the same, I would guess we have more on the upper end and more on the lower end and many of their kids are in the middle.
You come to Wartburg to play for championships

Willie University

Quote from: Alfredeneumann on September 14, 2007, 12:03:23 PM

As for kids missing practices doesn't the quality of the team has a lot to do with the dedication of kids showing up. If a team is good and has high expections the kids will work hard during the season and off-season, which leads to more sucess. If a team is struggling they may show up but their focus may be on  the next sports season. 

WH- Isn't the economic make up of Valley about the same as Dowling?

I am not sure exactly what you mean by "quality of the team"? The kids dedication, work ethic, accountability have more to do with the values their parents, coaches, or teachers instilled in them. Which, as a result of that, could result in a "quality" team if that is the word you choose to use. However, whether the team is struggling and I assume you mean losing, that really has nothing to do with whether or not the kids display all the characteristics listed above. You can have a "quality" team with good disciplined, dedicated, hard working kids that may not win a game if the talent isn't there.

My entire point in all of it is that it is the PARENTS fault first of all, and hopefully, if the parents have failed, good teachers and coaches are willing to put in the effort to try to teach these kids the values and skills they need to survive....on the field and in the world.

My other point was it doesn't matter what the economic status, their are success stories and disappointments both ways. The parents are to blame first in "many" situations. Of course we all know kids that come from good families that turn out bad no matter what is done.

Willie University

One more thing regarding "Quality Programs". Quality meaning the types of kids in the program--disciplined, hard working, positive attitudes, etc..

I think a simple equation can explain it best:

Good kids + good coaching  + no talent = quality program that loses

Good kids + good coaching + talent = quality & winning program

Good kids + bad coaching + talent = quality program that will probably be average due to coaching deficiencies but isn't the kids fault

Bad kids + bad coaching + talent= a shame (The ingredient needed is good coaching to turn bad kids to good and give them the opportunity to win)

Bad kids + bad coaching + no talent= a shipwreck (not much you can do about the talent, get some better mentors/coaches and hopefully it will begin to fix itself

I assume we are completely talking about high school football programs. Obviously, there are many more ingredients in college football success.


WCF Courier article of Knight TE Ryan Hoerner


Tailgating tomorrow @ Wartburg will be @ Regent's Park. Across the street from Tennis courts - north of stadium.  For those directionally challenged - away from Joe's
Aaron Kampman on Coach Ed Thomas
I believe his greatest legacy comes not in how many football games he won or lost but in the fact that he was a committed follower of Jesus Christ.


A reporter from the Iowa City Press-Citizen is walking down the street when he sees a pit bull run over and start to attack a small boy.In an instant.another boy runs over,puts a stick in the dog's collar and twists it until he chokes the dog and saves the little boy.
The reporter says"That was amazing! I'll make you famous. How's this for a headline?
"Young Hawkeye saves friend from certain death!"
The boy says "Thank you sir,but I'm not a Iowa fan."
The reporter says "How about this?"
"Little Panther rescues boy!"
The boy says "I'm not a UNI fan either,I like the Cyclones."
Then the reporter tears up his note pad and says"
"I guess I'll just go with:
Juvenile delinquent from Ames murders beloved family pet"  
NKD: "We need a f**king touchdown, excuse my French"
FBD: "I didn't know touchdown was French."


   You coach at Truman?  I coach 9 Man ball over in Houston, MN.  I hear you guys ran the Runningen special and it worked.  Way to go! 

Pigskin Pride


For those of you who want to know what the "Runningen Special" is...

It is a trick play where the Offense lines up in a Triple Stack I the QB turns and fakes it to each runningback and then with his back facing the defense he throws the ball over his head to a tightend who has just released into the end zone.  It is quite amazing to see a defense that just looks absolutely baffled at what is going on during the play.


Pigskin Pride