FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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Quote from: kirasdad on March 21, 2008, 10:49:29 PM
Quote from: Spence on March 21, 2008, 05:11:43 PM
There were 5 posts after my first one talking about the off-topic topic.

Just because you "Declared" it off topic does not mean the rest of the posters here are banned from discussing it.

And I never said people were banned from discussing it, now did I?


Quote from: JK on March 21, 2008, 11:06:14 PM

You don't have a f***ing clue about Ohio State's program, you idiot blowhard.  And you have less than a f***ing clue about any other program in this world in order to make a comparison.

And you base your opinion of my breadth on what knowledge? Oh wait, you just pulled it out your ass. You have no idea what I know about and what I don't.

So, I know Jim Tressel and I know Ohio State Football.  I know the type of man he is and I know he wouldn't take a risk on someone who he didn't think would work out.  Anyone wonder why Javon Ringer or Tyrell Sutton weren't really recruited real hard by OSU despite being "big-time" recruits?  Know why Josh Chichester (a 6-8 WR from Cincinnati area Lakota west) is at Louisville rather than OSU? (Because they pulled the scholarship offer when he got in serious trouble).  Know why Devoe Torrence won't be a Buckeye? (because they pulled his scholly offer when he was accused of, well, "being with" a junior high girl).

You act like the Chichester and Torrence stuff isn't common knowlege. Sutton obviously wasn't a "risk" because he went to freaking Northwestern where it's 5 times as difficult to get admitted.

And, to be 100% clear to you (since you are so adamant about people twisiting YOUR words), I NEVER said OSU was squeaky clean.  What I said was that they "run as clean a program as anyone in D1."

No way. Absolutely no way. You know service academies play D-I, right? They're not the only ones that rate ahead, but they pretty definitively do.

  I believe that 100%, and not just because of my family's relationship with the Tressel's.  They have NEVER been found guilty of even a MINOR violation.  The Clarett situation was 100% CRAP, and the NCAA saw that.

The NCAA is on the take, or Alabama would have gotten the death penalty, USC would have its nuts in a vise for the Reggie Bush affair, Florida would be on sanctions for improper gifts to Chris Rainey among others, and on and on. Just because the NCAA sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil has nothing to do with whether or not it is actually present.

They are in Columbus, not F***ING MARIETTA for christ sake.

Now we come to the heart of the matter. You don't like Marietta. That's fine. I don't like Columbus. I'm guessing I've spent more time in Columbus than you have in Marietta to make such a judgment.

  We got in trouble all the time at Cap, you just never read about it like you do on the OSU kids.  Our starting RB my senior year was shot and killed before he graduated.  We had several kids arrested by Columbus PD.  There is trouble everywhere in Columbus, but OSU kids are under the microscope, so you hear about it and think MUST be something systemic.  It's not, so don't spout sh*t you don't know a thing about.

If you know there are problems, then don't act like there's not.

And, as for this being off topic, F*** YOU!!!  It's the OFF SEASON.  What else are we going to talk about?  Indoor track (sorry 70's, you know I love ya!)?  At least we are talking football.  The name of the board (D3, OAC, etc.) is just a suggestion, not a damn rule.  Besides, if you wouldn't need to post a damned opinion on EVERYTHING, you could just ignore what you don't want to talk about.

I don't like people getting away with telling lies, sue me.

  This being the OAC, most of us are from Ohio, thus Ohio St. fans. 

What, like everyone from Ohio is by definition an Ohio State fan? Um...no. There are other schools in Ohio you know. Other D-I schools at that. And some people choose to root for a team that is not in their home state as well. The fact that it's an OAC board doesn't make it a de facto Ohio State board.[/b]

Additionally a lot are Browns fans and you will see some Browns chatter here.  Are you going to rail against that too?

No, not unless you start telling lies about them too. But whether I say something or not does not change the fact that it is in fact off-topic for the board.

Pat and other administrators,
Sorry about my language.  I am a Soldier, so it could have been much worse.

Soldiers have inherently superior cursing skills, I guess?


Quote from: reality check on March 21, 2008, 11:29:02 PM
Quote from: Spence on March 21, 2008, 07:56:41 PM
Quote from: reality check on March 21, 2008, 05:58:04 PM
Here's what I do know:

1.)  I read what you wrote and took it for what it was.  When you type something and make a stupid statement, intended or otherwise, it's not the rest of the world's fault the statement is stupid. 

BS. There was absolutely nothing stupid about anything I said. I said it was off topic and it was. But that didn't stop other people from talking about it. So don't blame me for that. At that point, it's fair game especially if you're going to spew BS.

3.)  It's not so much that people didn't give a crap it was off topic; they just didn't give a crap that you wanted to be the post patterns policeman.

What's the name of the board? The name of the site? Is OHio State or Division I anywhere in either?

6.)  If you were to disappear, disappeared or want to disappear, noone would miss your inflammatory posts, better-than-thou attitude or nasty disposition would not, will not and won't be missed.  That's the best I can do with verb tenses for now. 

Won't is a contraction for will not. So what you're saying is won't and won't? or will not and will not? Either way, it's wrong.

...And this is a quote box.  I'll show you how to use it since you forgot or misused it.    Either way, your utilization of this function is wrong. 


Well said but I suspect we're going to be subjected to why all that doesn't matter and why he's still right.

LOL and people accuse me of being the board police for stating a fact.

I know how to use it. I get sick of copying the same thing over and over just to insert messages in text. Deal with it, or don't. I don't care which. You knew damn well who said what though, and that was the idea. So go cry about it.


Quote from: Spence on March 21, 2008, 05:11:43 PM
..... It wasn't until you and JK started trying to blow sunshine up everyone's ass that I stepped in ...........

It's 30 and snowing as I look out my office window.  If RC wants to blow a little sunshine up my keister, I'll take it.
I find easily offended people rather offensive!

Statistics are like bikinis; what they reveal is interesting, what they hide is essential.

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Quote from: Spence on March 22, 2008, 12:31:17 AM
Quote from: kirasdad on March 21, 2008, 10:49:29 PM
Quote from: Spence on March 21, 2008, 05:11:43 PM
There were 5 posts after my first one talking about the off-topic topic.

Just because you "Declared" it off topic does not mean the rest of the posters here are banned from discussing it.

And I never said people were banned from discussing it, now did I?

No, but the HOLIER THAN THOU Self Righteous attitude that you bring to this board infers that statement.
National Champions - 13: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017


Perhaps we should replace the board moderator and instead utilize a family therapist.  Oh yes, this IS on topic! ::)  Note: If someone gets under your skin to the point of anger....he is winning. Dont let em!


Quote from: kirasdad on March 22, 2008, 08:38:19 AM
Quote from: Spence on March 22, 2008, 12:31:17 AM
Quote from: kirasdad on March 21, 2008, 10:49:29 PM
Quote from: Spence on March 21, 2008, 05:11:43 PM
There were 5 posts after my first one talking about the off-topic topic.

Just because you "Declared" it off topic does not mean the rest of the posters here are banned from discussing it.

And I never said people were banned from discussing it, now did I?

No, but the HOLIER THAN THOU Self Righteous attitude that you bring to this board infers that statement.

What? Do you mean imply? Because you would infer from something I say, which as it turns out is exactly what you did, even though I implied nothing.

reality check

I sure hope all that flooding I keep reading about in the midwest knocks out power so certain users won't have access to the internet for a while.

On another note...

Pierre's stock seems to be continuing to rise.  Of course anyone could make a list of prospects but I see today he's listed as the #22 WR prospect by about.com, the #29 WR prospect by both nfldraftdog.com and and nfldraftscout.com and a little lower at #38 on nfldraftcountdown.com. 
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950


This whole dialog reminds me of quotes from my two favorite lawyer movies:

SPENCE  "I'm our of order?, You're out of order, this whole board's out of order" (And Justice for All)

OAC BOARD REGULARS "We have been both reasonable and prudent therefore we are not negligent. We may say whatever we like about Mr. Spence and he is powerless to do us harm. ..." (Absence of Malice)

Sorry if I'm "off topic"

Back to painting the kitchen ceiling

Thanks, that was a close one

Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Quote from: seventiesraider on March 22, 2008, 03:44:23 PM
SPENCE  "I'm our of order?, Your out of order, this whole board's out of order" (And Justice for All)

I think you meant "you're" out of order.  The conjunction is you are.  "Your" is possessive.  ;)

Since Spence is now the grammar police (as well as the board moderator) I wanted to correct you prior to him suspending your posting privileges.
National Champions - 13: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017


Quote from: kirasdad on March 22, 2008, 05:23:35 PM
Quote from: seventiesraider on March 22, 2008, 03:44:23 PM
SPENCE  "I'm our of order?, Your out of order, this whole board's out of order" (And Justice for All)

I think you meant "you're" out of order.  The conjunction is you are.  "Your" is possessive.  ;)

Since Spence is now the grammar police (as well as the board moderator) I wanted to correct you prior to him suspending your posting privileges.

Well I've got to live up to y'all's expectations of me as a self-righteous, holier-than-thou poster.

reality check

OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950



You were right... everything I said, Spence spun right back around.



Two points I feel I must respond to before I drop the subject because I'm all out of "lies" to tell...

I never said or implied that everyone from Ohio are Ohio St.  fans.  I'm well aware of how many other colleges (including other D1 schools) we have in Ohio.  I know on our board alone we have several Notre Dame fans (Ric among the more prominent), Michigan fans, and even FLA Gator fans.  I would make a wager, however, that MOST Ohioans who follow sports at all, in some way, identify themselves as OSU fans.  In fact, I would wager that the COMBINED fan base of Kent, Akron, Miami U., Toledo, BGSU, and Ohio U doesn't equal that of Ohio St. among Ohioans.  If you were to add in UC, it MIGHT approach it, but I would bet it would still be smaller.

And yes, even as an officer, as a Soldier I have inherently better swearing skills than anyone.  THe phrase "swear like a sailor" is outdated.  The Navy and Air Force are so technical these days that even their enlisted men are highly educated.  The Marines are too formal (and perhaps stupid, as the majority of "words" I have heard from Marines are "OOORAH" and "EERRRRRP") to swear.  It is today's Army Soldiers who posess the correct combination of mediocre to below average education and lack of formality that add together to equal the best swearing skills in the world today.

I'm done with you, Spence.  I don't have the time or the masochistic tendencies to continue to argue with you.  All I can tell you is that I am giving you +k every time I log on here, since I know how much you want the -k.  As much +k as I can for you.

The rest of you, sorry.  I just can't do it as long as Spence is still on the pages.  It doesn't matter if you are talking to him or not, he'll chime in.  It's killing me.  I love this forum, read it every day, sometime multiple times a day.  Try to post insightful or at least intelligent conversation as much as I can.  But Spence is breaking my will.  I know you'll say "just ignore him," but it's impossible.  So I might just have to lay off the Post patterns for a while.

Mr. Ypsi


You're scaring the hell out of me if an Army officer can be chased off by Spence!  (Al-Qaida, forget it - we've got lots of guys that don't go away so easy! ;D)

BTW, I didn't like the comment about cursing: I have a PhD and can cuss like a swabbie, jarhead, grunt, or any other 'low-life' you want to suggest!  (Just keep it verbal - at almost 60, I bruise easily! :D)


Quote from: JK on March 22, 2008, 10:18:57 PM

I never said or implied that everyone from Ohio are Ohio St.  fans.  I'm well aware of how many other colleges (including other D1 schools) we have in Ohio.  I know on our board alone we have several Notre Dame fans (Ric among the more prominent), Michigan fans, and even FLA Gator fans.  I would make a wager, however, that MOST Ohioans who follow sports at all, in some way, identify themselves as OSU fans.  In fact, I would wager that the COMBINED fan base of Kent, Akron, Miami U., Toledo, BGSU, and Ohio U doesn't equal that of Ohio St. among Ohioans.  If you were to add in UC, it MIGHT approach it, but I would bet it would still be smaller.

Changes nothing. Btw, are we talking about fairweather bandwagon fans or actual fans in this comparison?

And yes, even as an officer, as a Soldier I have inherently better swearing skills than anyone.  THe phrase "swear like a sailor" is outdated.  The Navy and Air Force are so technical these days that even their enlisted men are highly educated

Thank you kindly for the compliment.

The Marines are too formal (and perhaps stupid, as the majority of "words" I have heard from Marines are "OOORAH" and "EERRRRRP") to swear.  It is today's Army Soldiers who posess the correct combination of mediocre to below average education and lack of formality that add together to equal the best swearing skills in the world today.

Great...I'll look forward to that if I ever brief Army pilots (and I probably will).

I'm done with you, Spence.  I don't have the time or the masochistic tendencies to continue to argue with you.  All I can tell you is that I am giving you +k every time I log on here, since I know how much you want the -k.  As much +k as I can for you.

You're truly a cruel person.

The rest of you, sorry.  I just can't do it as long as Spence is still on the pages.  It doesn't matter if you are talking to him or not, he'll chime in.  It's killing me.  I love this forum, read it every day, sometime multiple times a day.  Try to post insightful or at least intelligent conversation as much as I can.  But Spence is breaking my will.  I know you'll say "just ignore him," but it's impossible.  So I might just have to lay off the Post patterns for a while.

The prospect of fighting in a foreign war doesn't break you, but I do. I must say, I'm damn proud of myself.