FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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You are a very well informed fan and I enjoyed your recap of the game. I am glad you enjoyed your visit to our area and interaction with our "true" fans. You are a class guy. I was impressed with your QB and thought your Oline did a very commendable job in the first half against our very talented Dline, who usually has their way with the opposition. I don't know who the classless "punk" was from Montclair that was in the press box but can only hope that he is not in a coaching capacity,  because it would reflect very poorly for your institution. Your team played a very physical, hard game. I would like to give a special shout out to # 53 to let you know you are low life, cheap shot NJ  thug . The sad part is you were proud of your display. Good Luck with the rest of your life, you will need it!!!!


Jersey Boys.........maybe I need to go see that show so I understand better.   ;D

The teams from the NJAC have always seemed to have a bit of that "east coast attitude" about them.  I always find it entertaining, and figure Mount players/fans can always hold their own.  #53 was a double DB...and one of the d-backs kept hitting late......eh...so it goes. 

Albright....welcome to the machine!


I am also very proud of my team. I just happen to have a seat that i've been in for well over 30 yrs. Yes, it is right in there with some of those fans that you are not too proud of and neither am I. Well everyone can't set on one side of the field, nor does everybody want to. I set where I do for a good reason and it is not to heckle the visiting fans, as a certain group does, but I can clearly see the field. I have no son playing and never did, I have seen good teams and not so good teams but I am still there and plan to continue to be there. I never like to see anyone get injured but being a physical contact sport, sometimes it happens. What really bothers me is a fan or parent that would yell to a player and encourage play that could cause an injury. Mt. Union fans and parents are not angels by far and even they sometimes get caught up in the game. What happens on the field is controlled by the coaches and the officials, however I think the officials lost that control yesterday. What happens in the stands is, or should be, controlled by a bit of normal intelligence and in some cases was not the case yesterday. All the fans from NJ were not bad folks, nor were those from OH, however we both had a few that just got carried away. As for the group that 70s is talking about, I agree they are out of order. They can only be controlled by the college ticket sales and I don't see that happening. :(

Raider 68

Quote from: raiderpa on November 29, 2009, 09:06:00 AM
I did not see the Millings hit on the QB, however the Qb was on a gimpy leg prior to that and was not as mobile as he was earlier.  He had played very well up to that time. Obviously the QB injury took away any chance of MSU staying in the game as the kid was playing superbly under pressure. #53's late hit in retaliation was an ejection offense, and the adult fan behavior was not acceptable.  Our Mount "adult" cheering squad in front of the  pressbox tends to infuriate opponents and I wish they would move them out of the area where visiting parents sit.  They think they are cute and original, and sometimes are good for a laugh, but cause more bad feelings than good.
There are always a couple loud fans griping about the officials from the first play, that is what we do ..unfortunately.  The radio guys are honest and accurate in their game call, but in the new day of world wide audiences, it may be good to close the open microphones during commercials and such...when satellite television got popular, the network guys learned real fast how they could get burned by open mics during "off the air" moments. It is amazing to me that someone in New Jersey can listen to an Alliance broadcast and text message back to a friend at the game what is going on during a broadcast, that is not actually "on the air"..but is "in the air" if you catch my drift...

Personally, I talked to numerous fans from MSU before and after the game and they were good folks and excited to be following their team, and I agree with an earlier post that it is hard to smile when your kid is getting his butt kicked, even if he is over 21.    The "thug" comment is totally uncalled for.
Unconfirmed student talk is that Panchic may have  torn ACL..but very unreliable source...

Missed attending the game ( on a plane), but saw the STO tape delay.

This game had alot of hard hits, some key injuries and several mistakes
by MSU. Frankly, for the winners of the New Jersey conference, there was no defense at all. A few big plays and a good drive kept MSU in the game for the first half. Mount had more penalties than previous games, but I also like Coach Kehres comment in the paper.

Calling anyone a "Thug" to me is poor taste regardless who wins the game. I could not tell from the tape about the hit by Millings on the MSU QB, but I hope he was not hurt badly.

Not sure yet what we will see in Albright, but if Mount gets past them, I look forward to seeing Wesley for the first time, but have to win this next one first.
13 time Division III National Champions


Couldn't make it to the game as I was moving into a new house, but caught the replay.  I've never seen

Morring run that hard. Seems like he is peaking at the right time. I love Cecil in the wildcat as well. And, if I am not mistaken, he broke the record for receptions in a season yesterday.  Just one of many he will hold when his MUC career is over.

The one thing I did notice yesterday is Petruziello's toughness.  I watched his alma mater play last week in the state playoffs and it seems like that is a theme with those guys. The youngest Gibbons brother is a beast at Lake Catholic.

Looking forward to making the game next week.


I agree Petruzello is a tough kid and a great wr, I think the Mount receiving corp, outside of Shorts, gets not enough  love.  Along with Petro, Claycomb, Harold, Miller, all have made superb catches and contributions...this Jasper kid looks like the next big play guy, and Mathie will be as good a possession receiver as anyone we have had when he gets his time...

Hey...considering the quote from LK in the paper, do you think they may let him in on the commercials with Peyton Manning and Justin Timberlake?? ha


  Looks like Albright brings a stiff defense and a passing attack. Not much showing in the running category. Bring the hogs. We have a pretty impressive record against this conference in recent times: Lyco and Widener
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...


 I missed the game due to working to make up for the holiday. Evidently lots of others did too. The attendance was only 1673?  HUH??? ???  How can that be?

The refs either need to call holding or abandon that rule. You cant enforce a rule when you just want to. Hands to the face is not being called anymore either. Im all for letting em play, as long as they are not flaunting the rules. But they are.

HSCOACH and RIC can be heard further than 25 miles. I picked the game up from Fairlawn! That may be a record too. :)  "Its official, the Motntclair State fans are idiots."  Oh My. ::)

On replay I thought the intensity dropped to intersquad level on offense later in the game. And MSU still couldnt stop em.

#11 has mugged a few QBs, but he is no thug. Im sure he said excuse me after each sack. ;D


Be sure to ask for "got Garcon?" gear for Xmas  from PierreGarconLive.com 8)
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...


I enjoyed watching Garcon's TD catch today.  I really enjoyed watching him lay a decent hit after an interception. 

Raider 68

Quote from: jaypeter on November 29, 2009, 06:10:44 PM
I enjoyed watching Garcon's TD catch today.  I really enjoyed watching him lay a decent hit after an interception. 

You must receive all the NFL games or are in  an area other than Northeastern Ohio. I tracked the game a little on Gamecast.  PG is making a contribution to the Colts each week!
13 time Division III National Champions

Raider 68

Quote from: TooForRaider on November 29, 2009, 11:27:41 AM
Couldn't make it to the game as I was moving into a new house, but caught the replay.  I've never seen

Morring run that hard. Seems like he is peaking at the right time. I love Cecil in the wildcat as well. And, if I am not mistaken, he broke the record for receptions in a season yesterday.  Just one of many he will hold when his MUC career is over.

The one thing I did notice yesterday is Petruziello's toughness.  I watched his alma mater play last week in the state playoffs and it seems like that is a theme with those guys. The youngest Gibbons brother is a beast at Lake Catholic.

Looking forward to making the game next week.

I agree Morring is really running hard and challenging the tacklers like Nate used to.  Zac Lemmon will be the next great Mount running back IMO, He has the size and speed to make a difference, and could be playing more if Panchik's injury end his season (hope not)!
13 time Division III National Champions


Quote from: Raider 68 on November 29, 2009, 06:30:09 PM
Quote from: jaypeter on November 29, 2009, 06:10:44 PM
I enjoyed watching Garcon's TD catch today.  I really enjoyed watching him lay a decent hit after an interception. 

You must receive all the NFL games or are in  an area other than Northeastern Ohio. I tracked the game a little on Gamecast.  PG is making a contribution to the Colts each week!

Greensboro, NC, just about 2 hours south of Salem, VA.  It was the regular game on CBS today.


Some people have the NFL ticket. So they can watch PG's games on direct tv