FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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Help me if I am wrong here. Showing my age. Didn't Bob Hayes "fastest man in the world" at that time, get run down by Alan Page?


Only if Page was in a car.....
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son"
                         --Dean Wormer


Quote from: JK on July 31, 2009, 02:01:19 PM
I just want to clarify that I also think 40 times are WAAAY overblown and in NO WAY a predictor of a kids ability to succeed on the field.

The point of my argument was that the "Ben Johnson" thing is overblown, overused, and not a valid argument when it comes to 40 yard times.
Of course a lineman that runs a 4.8 versus someone running a 5.1 does give indication of what might be the case.

Small but Slow

Quote from: kirasdad on July 30, 2009, 03:07:23 PM
Quote from: Small but Slow on July 30, 2009, 02:39:35 PM
I checked their website and recognized a few names on the staff, including a former MUC player and Tim Rose, former hc at Miami of OH.

I went to check out which MUC player was coaching at OD and didn't see Tim Rose there.  Then googled him and saw he was the DC at Toledo but is now at Ashland as the DC.  You getting your DII Ohio Football schools mixed up?

My bad +k for the correction.  Guess I should have doublechecked my sources or not have drunk that last Natty Light.

Small but Slow

Quote from: kirasdad on July 30, 2009, 10:51:12 PM
Anyone try to watch "Training Day" on Cable lately?  Not HBO or any other movie channel, but on AMC or TNT.

I have tried 3X in the past week and there are too many bleeps and/or dubbing to make the movie watchable.

Being too cheap to subscribe to HBO or rent "The Sopranos" on dvd I have the same issue watching reruns on A&E.  I've reverted to a game we played in high school where substituted our curse word in the blank space.  Resembles a Mad Lib sort of thing.


Quote from: JK on July 31, 2009, 02:01:19 PM
I just want to clarify that I also think 40 times are WAAAY overblown and in NO WAY a predictor of a kids ability to succeed on the field.

The point of my argument was that the "Ben Johnson" thing is overblown, overused, and not a valid argument when it comes to 40 yard times.

I can somewhat see your point on reaction time. But I have a hard time believing that there are 100's of high school senior football players every year that would come within a yard or two of Ben Johnson in the 40. He was in the best shape a steroid conditioned athlete could be in. He was running in track shoes in perfect conditions in the race of his life. A gold medal race against the world's greatest sprinters. Running in an event he trained for his entire career. There possibly may be a few who could somewhat keep up with him but 100's every year I don't think so.
Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies!! - Lewis Grizzard

You don't know what pressure is until you've played for $5 a hole with only $2 in your pocket.  – Lee Trevino


Quote from: Bump on July 31, 2009, 05:22:32 PM
Quote from: JK on July 31, 2009, 02:01:19 PM
I just want to clarify that I also think 40 times are WAAAY overblown and in NO WAY a predictor of a kids ability to succeed on the field.

The point of my argument was that the "Ben Johnson" thing is overblown, overused, and not a valid argument when it comes to 40 yard times.

I can somewhat see your point on reaction time. But I have a hard time believing that there are 100's of high school senior football players every year that would come within a yard or two of Ben Johnson in the 40. He was in the best shape a steroid conditioned athlete could be in. He was running in track shoes in perfect conditions in the race of his life. A gold medal race against the world's greatest sprinters. Running in an event he trained for his entire career. There possibly may be a few who could somewhat keep up with him but 100's every year I don't think so.

I don't disagree with you that 100's of kids could run as fast as Ben Johnson.  What I'm saying is that the 4.3 number for Ben Johnson is not valid.  It's proabably actually MUCH FASTER if you look at my Usain Bolt comparisons.  If you look at the actual 10m splits for Johnson's run in '88, once he reached his top end speed, Johnson ran 40 yards (from 50m to 86.5m) in 3.08 seconds.


OK, last comment on this 40 yard madness (Maybe).

I can't get the numbers to add up.  It's reported Johnson ran the 40 yards in 4.38.

40 yards is approx. 36.6 meters.  Using this websitethat has the 10m splits for the seven fastest 100m in history:

I have tried to do some calculations, even factoring in reaction time.  My math goes like this:

RT+(0-10m split)+(10-20m split)+(20-30m split)=30m time, approx. 32 yards
then 30m time+(30-40m split/10 [to get the 1m time for that leg])x6.6 [this being approx. the remaining 8 yards]).

Using the splits listed, I get Johnson covering the first 40 yards in 4.5 seconds.

What am I missing?  I admit I am a little consumed by this  ;D

Anyone with a math or engineering degree want to check me?  I am a poli-sci major, so math isn't exactly a strong suit.

I still contend that it's apples to oranges, and that the "phases" of running a race have to be factored in, so you can't just say their 40 time would be the FIRST 40 yards or the LAST 40 yards...


JK, I think we are in somewhat of agreement here. The 1st part of the 40 the normal times are slower as the runner gets up to speed. In Johnson's case he ran the 1st 10 meters in 1.70 sec the 2nd 10 in 1.07 and the 3rd in .93 if you factor in reaction time he would have run around a 4.25. This is a believable number. The part I find hard to believe is that there are as many reported sub 4.40 times confirmed by the various combines.

40 yards is around 36.576 meters or 91.44% of 40 meters. A time of 4.66 in 40 meters converts to a 40 time of approximately 4.26 add in a reaction time of .13 and you get a 4.39 forty yard time.
Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies!! - Lewis Grizzard

You don't know what pressure is until you've played for $5 a hole with only $2 in your pocket.  – Lee Trevino


Let the old track coach jump in breifly. Most of the 40's I've witnessed timed were done on the athletes first motion and done by a football coach using his thumb to start and stop the watch. Even the modern electronic traps I've worked with still go on the athleties first motion. What I'm getting at is that there is a sizeable difference between responing to a starters gun and starting when you feel like it. And I'm sorry but most football coaches don't claim to be experts running a stop watches, and there is a right and wrong way.
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...



I think we've wasted enough time and board space on this (mostly my fault)  ;D

Let's move on to something else so no more have to waste their time reading our drivel.

Mount's Media Guide makes me miss Lenny at Cap even more  ;)



Is this the same John Wauford who coached defense at Miami University and decked the fan after the game at Marshall???

One and the same.....I didn't include that information because I didn't think anyone else knew of the incident.  He also punched a few holes in the Marshall press box prior to the altercation with the fan after the game.  Apparently, all of the press box walls at Donnell Stadium (Findlay) have remained intact.  That being said, all head coaches (save Joe Pa) are on the field......

As I recall Wittenberg's Taver Johnson (now an Ohio St. asst.) was also involved in the press box trashing
Think beyond the possible.
Compete, Win, Respect, Unite

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Quote from: Small but Slow on July 31, 2009, 05:13:52 PM
My bad +k for the correction.  Guess I should have doublechecked my sources or not have drunk that last Natty Light.

You should drink Old Mill Light!
National Champions - 13: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017

Small but Slow

Ol' Mil' is too high priced down here! 

I will agree 40 times are overrated, but honestly in recruiting aren't given as much creedance by coaches as we'd like to believe as fans.  Football speed or game speed are much more credible and can be gained from coaches watching film.  We have a former DI qb coach helping us this year who told us the biggest recruiting tool he used was film sent from opposing coaches of a player being recruited.  He looked for a kid's performance against the best team he faced.  Sometimes it may have been in a losing effort, but his ability to perform against top competition was a better display of potential than anything a coach could put together to showcase talent.  Even the highlight films coaches put together for their players only show their best plays often against inferior talent.  Too much is at risk for college coaches to only judge an athlete by selected times, stats and highlights.


Sorry for the non-football talk, but now that the MLB trade deadline has passed, can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE HELL THE INDIANS ARE DOING??????????????????????

So, basically, this team is left with Grady Sizemore and a bunch of triple-A players?

Was I dreaming or was this team on the brink of the World Series just two seasons ago?