FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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Quote from: fanfave on November 15, 2005, 07:46:09 PM
For those of us that are sane on this board, I bet mini-mount will give THE MOUNT more of a game than you might expect.

The best game I see coming out of the HCAC is a 14 point loss.  What I expect is a 20+ victory by MUC.  I never believed the OAC was so strong until playing games in the play-offs.  Don't worry though; we'll all apologize if we're wrong.

On a side note.... where did my edit button go???
Side note.... edit button showed back up :-\
And for the students, another full drawer of clean undies!


You have to LOVE the Post Season! It just echos with the warmth of Holiday Cheer 8)



its in delhi, not western hills 8)  and yes who-dey indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!

msj is going to have a perfect game in order to compete on saturday, nobody from the hcac or msj is debating that.  you guys have to realize, they have only been playing football at msj for the past 15 yrs.  5 years ago, we were 0-10.     this is still a very young program that is trying to make a name for itself.  we have improved from 0-10, 5-5, 6-4, 10-0, and 9-1 this season.  msj is no where near the caliber of mount union, nor do they claim to be.  if they continue to bring in talented recruits and transfers, i firmly believe that msj will become an elite program in the very near future, but they still have some work to do.  we are just hoping for a good, injury free game on saturday.  stranger things have happened, that is why you play the game.  if anything this is going to be a great experience for msj.  it is going to let them know exactly where they are, and exactly where they need to be in order to compete in, not just the hcac, but all of d3.


Quote from: tdubs on November 15, 2005, 07:54:20 PM
               I am just merely stating my opinion. I have seen MSJ play. They are decent and I would compare them to a Marietta or Muskingum on the OAC. When the HCAC actually does something in the playoffs, maybe someone will give them more respect, but you're playing Mount Union. Just wait until you go to Alliance and play them. It is a totally different atmosphere than your Western Hills venue. My karma is bad on here because I said some bad things about Ohio Northern. Nobody else but Ohio Nornern fans. You would understand there is bad blood between ONU and Cap if you were in the OAC.

I will give you credit in that you are right when you say "until you snap the ball." Anything can happen, but hell isn't freezing over in Alliance this weekend. Too many weapons and too much experience.  I will say one thing we both agree on .....WHO DEY!!!

I know that your post is your opinion.  Mine was as well.  It's all good.  I gotta support my team though.  I understand you have to earn respect and MSJ has earned mine.  I know they have not earned the OAC's respect as well as other conferences.  I'm sure it will be a great football atmosphere in Alliance and Delhi (not Western Hills, but how did you know where I lived?  :-\) is not comparable, right now.  Sorry 'bout your karma,... it's like the points on 'Whos Line Is It Anyway'.  I'll except a loss to the mighty purple Raiders as long as I can get a win over the Colts this weekend.



Kirsadad.....I saw all of the defeats you cited and in each game there was one play that turned the tide. MHB hit the Hail Mary,Rowan returned a fumble for a TD,an MUC DB had an INT bounce off him for a completion against WLX, St.John  returned an INT 100 yards for a TD,ONU stopped us on the two right before the half,and we missed a chip shot FG at Albion.All those games were that close.However,we also won a few(two against JCU) where one play led to their defeat.LK spoke at the HOF lunch today in Canton and was most proud his graduation rate exceeds his winning percentage.He was also thrilled three of his former coaches led their teams into the playoffs this year.


Well the unthinkable has happened.

Mount has made the playoffs.           AGAIN!

Some fans are faced with a real quandry this weekend.

Game, nap, or wash!

Margaret and Reginald have decided to attend the game instead of a lecture on "winter nuts" at the Houston Nature Center. You will be able to spot them under their plaid blanket with the matching thermos. Don't look too close because I understand they are charter members of the "Mile High Club" I have on good authority they plan to spike the cocoa with a little "151". It might not be a bad idea to add that "special blend" cocoa to the menu at the concession stand. It just might get the blood flowing in some of the other sedentary citizenry.
Reginald has rcovered from his near fatal injury at the BW game when he took a mini-football to the head thrown by one of the cheerleaders. Cheerleaders??????????????????What a concept.


I suggested he take a catchers mask just in case. He will be ducking early and often right?  This should be an inspiration to all fans young and old alike. Attending the game should be fun but the activity in the stands might be worth the price of admission.

As far as the students are concerned, that dirt will be there tomorrow. You surely can go one more day in those undies. Just turn them inside out. The fresh air will blow the stink off. Get your buns out to the stadium and show your support. Help cheer "THE MOUNT" to victory over mini mount.

I know I will be freezing my ar$$$$ off at a game in MN so don't even suggest it is too cold. Your just that much closer to The Hood.

We are certainly in a different position than anytime in the last 10 years with only one guaranteed home game. A win gets us two. A road game possible before Salem too.

Get out and support The Raiders.



Quote from: AngryWhiteMan on November 15, 2005, 05:44:36 PM
correct me if im wrong, isn't any team that wins a conf. championship and makes it to the playoff considered a good team? 

Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on November 15, 2005, 06:45:17 PM
If the 8 WORST teams in d3 formed a conference,

Actually if you look at the numbers, 14 of the worst teams in DIII did get together and form a conference called the New England Football Conference and due to a championship game win in 2 OT's they may have actually sent their second best team to the playoffs (See my previous post about Curry) It didn't used to be so lonely down there but Kenyon, Hiram and Oberlin got better and out of the cellar.

If the NEFC had any posters this would cost me serious Karma, They are all worried about the 2005 ECAC Division III Northeast Bowl not the NCAA playoffs.

To the MTSJ fans, just be happy to be in show, but as for me you'll get my respect once you earn it.

"I pity the fools"'  Mr T.
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

Mr. Ypsi


I didn't want to point any fingers, but, yes, Curry is arguably the worst playoff team ever (I don't think THE worst, but pretty bad).

But don't get TOO cocky - MSJ is NOT Curry!  I fully expect MUC to win by more than 30, but an upset IS possible (not bloody likely, but possible - for Curry to upset MUC, the laws of physics would have to be repealed, the universe would implode, and we wouldn't know the result anyway since we would all have been blown into atomic particles)!


THank goodness that the playoffs start at 12:00 noon now!! this works excellent at keeping Margaret and Reginald awake and alive for game time, see when the town tornado(air-raid) sirens cut loose at noon Reginald will spill his cocoa all over the plaid blanket and Margaret will have to fold it up and put it away, so they wont get to warm and snuggly to fast! BTW, I heard Reginald did borrow a hockey mask from the neighbor boy who dressed like Jason for Halloween, so hey.... cheerleaders...let the footballs fly baby!!!!!   SO RAIDER FANS !!!!!


Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on November 15, 2005, 10:01:32 PM

(not bloody likely, but possible - for Curry to upset MUC, the laws of physics would have to be repealed, the universe would implode, and we wouldn't know the result anyway since .........

This would be where you insert a slashdot joke about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle :)
It could have been the only time in history where quantum mechanics and football merged into a single topic.
And that reminds me (the curry), I haven't had any Indian since I left Prague..... anyone know of a good place in Dayton?
And for the students, another full drawer of clean undies!

Mr. Ypsi

Good catch, Onyx, I could have gone with Heisenberg instead of 'reality'. 

But I am NOT going to go with quantum mechanics, per se - as Richard Feynman put it: "Anyone who claims to understand quantum mechanics, doesn't understand quantum mechanics."  I'll yield to the physics Nobel prize-winner.  It is almost certainly correct, but it doesn't fit with the HUMAN mind!

My all-time favorite bumper-sticker: "Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs"!  ;) ;D


                          Good thing we agree on WHO DEY! :) I'll support Mount St. Joe because I live in Cincinnati, but when they play an OAC school, I can't. That is the conference I played in and I know how good it is. It is like the GCL in Cincinnati playing a St. Rita's. If you're from here, you would understand. No disrespect to St. Rita's because my friends dad is the principle. But hopefully you understand. With the new facilities, MSJ will be on the rise, but they need to toughen up their schedule outside of conference to help prepare them.

               Western Hills...Delhi, Price Hill....it's all in the same vicinity. I coach on the west side. I too will accept a loss as long as we beat the Colts, but I'm rooting for Capital and I won't accept that loss!lol I respect MSJ's program and what Coach Huber has done, but they just need to toughen up the schedule. I know a few baseball coaches at MSJ and they are great people. I respect their baseball program because the play a tough schedule. But anyway, I won't be watching any football except OSU v. Michigan this weekend and Bengals v. Colts.

reality check


I know what you mean about big plays changing the outcome of those games but I would take out the 100 yard INT return and replace it with that SJU back absolutely running through the MUC DB in the first half for the score as the "Pontiac game-changing performance".


I don't think any of those karma hits were from me.  As much as ONU hates CAP, I really don't have a huge problem with you guys.  In fact, CAP gets points in my book for educating Tommy Doyle.
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950


           You can thank me for Tom Doyle!lol...He was my roommate and I taught him all he needs to know about drinking beer. In all honesty, I have no clue who gave me the hits, nor do I care. It is a message board.lol Go St. X, represent the GCL.....is Alter still in it?

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Quote from: AngryWhiteMan on November 15, 2005, 08:28:48 PM

msj is going to have a perfect game in order to compete on saturday, nobody from the hcac or msj is debating that. 

I am sorry to say this, and will probably be called an arrogant bastard and take some Karma hits, but I have been following this board since about 1997 and every year there is a first time opponent for Mt. Union that comes in here saying that if we play perfect anything can happen. But, after seeing MUC play for the past 15 years, I think it takes more than that. Each team that has beaten MUC had played them before. It will take more than a perfect game by MTSJ to win this one. MUC will also have to play a below average game. I am not trying to be cocky, just stating what has happened in the past. The first time a team walks into MUC Staduim and sees all those banners hanging up, they just seem to not play to their abilities. Now, a team that has played MUC before can come in and not be so awestruck.

But, MUC can score so quickly, the games seem to just get out of hand. I do also believe that on any given day, any team can beat another, but I just don't see it from a first time visitor to Alliance.

Let the Karma hits ensue. :)
National Champions - 13: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017