FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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The game is Sat. Still got the NFL on my mind. Sorry.


The fire at Mount was to the new Sigma Nu  house. The fire chief suspected cause is discarded cigarette in or near plastic garbage can located on the southeast corner of the building.



just having some fun with you on the muc-onu. Pat said Keith is plugging away at it and your right it is a good read.


  I really hope that Wes gets a chance to show what a talent he is and build on all the good press he got from the Aztec Bowl. Given his versatility I think he has the best shot at making a pro team of any current D3 prospects. He may or may not get drafted, but his talents speak louder than being from "little Ohio Northern in Ada."
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

reality check

Hula Bowl questions/comments

I thought I read a month or so ago regarding coaches in the Hula Bowl that the D-III champion's coach would be on one of the staffs but I see that Coach K is not coaching and the Berezowitz is from UWW.  I recall LK coaching in the past.  Is there a reason that anyone knows of why Berezowitz is going and LK is not. 

Interesting that there are 8 kids on the rosters from Ohio.  Two O-'Linemen were even high school teammates from St. X in Cincy and now they are playing their final college games as teammates again.  One of the QB's is the son of my parents' veterinarian.  There's also a CB from Stanford that is listed on the East along with Linfield's Elliott while GVSU's coach is on the West side. 
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950


Quote from: moe45daddy on January 16, 2006, 04:14:06 PM
Wes Hostetler took off yesterday for the Hula Bowl.  The game is being televised prime time on ESPN Sunday at 7:00.  Thought a few might be interested.  I got a chance to talk to him before he left and he is pretty jacked.  Just wants to make a good impression and see what happens from there...

My athletic trainers took off at 1 pm today.  They were so excited!!!
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


Quote from: reality check on January 16, 2006, 06:44:13 PM
Hula Bowl questions/comments

I thought I read a month or so ago regarding coaches in the Hula Bowl that the D-III champion's coach would be on one of the staffs but I see that Coach K is not coaching and the Berezowitz is from UWW.  I recall LK coaching in the past.  Is there a reason that anyone knows of why Berezowitz is going and LK is not. 

Interesting that there are 8 kids on the rosters from Ohio.  Two O-'Linemen were even high school teammates from St. X in Cincy and now they are playing their final college games as teammates again.  One of the QB's is the son of my parents' veterinarian.  There's also a CB from Stanford that is listed on the East along with Linfield's Elliott while GVSU's coach is on the West side. 
The DIII Coach of the Year who is Coach Brez gets to coach this year.  I think as the winner Kehres gets to coach next year, but I'm not positive.  I think  I read that earlier on the board. Seventiesraider should know, What do you say, 70's?
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


I guess since as HSCoach posted the coach of the National Champion always got the Coach of the Year Award we always assumed the National Champion coach went to the Hula. Perhaps it is the COY, in which case Dean Paul should be there as the only coach that took it to the National Champs ;D Mrs. Kehres has probably been to the islands enough times now. ::)

BTW Jim Collins took it to us pretty good as well; Twice

PS It is the AFCA Hula Bowl and Berezowitz is the AFCA Division III Coach of the Year.
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...


Saw your post on NWC and wondered if there is anything you want signed by any of the Mount players at the Raider Recognition night. I could probably have some Kmic, Watson, Garcon or Jorris pictures printed up before next Tuesday.

Kevin's prize possession is a hat signed by the team that played Bridgewater because it has both Moore and Pugh, both Gag's trophy winners. It sits with my five (soon to be six) signed Stagg Bowl Programs.

Would love to return the favor of the hospitality provided us in Salem
Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...


Quote from: seventiesraider on January 16, 2006, 08:39:11 PM
Saw your post on NWC and wondered if there is anything you want signed by any of the Mount players at the Raider Recognition night. I could probably have some Kmic, Watson, Garcon or Jorris pictures printed up before next Tuesday.

Kevin's prize possession is a hat signed by the team that played Bridgewater because it has both Moore and Pugh, both Gag's trophy winners. It sits with my five (soon to be six) signed Stagg Bowl Programs.

Would love to return the favor of the hospitality provided us in Salem

Oh, yes I just never thought I'd be able to get any of their autographs.  I would love first of all the offensive lines' autographs.  Could you do that? I'm not the Olinemom for nothing.  I always enjoy watching good oline work!!   They were AWESOME!!  Without them Jorris can't throw to Garçon and Kmic doesn't get but so far.  And I would absolutely love to have autographs of Kmic, Watson, Jorris and, especially Pierre Garçon--because I teach French and he's got a French name!!  (C'est un sacré joueur!)  It is so kind of you to offer to do that.  I really appreciate it.  If you think Coach Kehres would sign something for me, I would love to have his as well!  But I will be very happy to add these Mount Union players to my autograph collection.  I sure wish I had Chuch Moore's autograph --he was a fantastic player--Kmic made me have déjà view this year.  That's for sure!!!  I'll e-mail you my snail mail address. 
      I just spent 1/2 hour with Adelphia's finest and I think my e-mail is back in working order, but I fear any e-mails sent to me over the weekend are history.  Oh, well.  Thanks so much!!!  (PS  please hold a DVD for me at the bookstore til I get paid.  I really want a copy of the Stagg Bowl game)  How many days is it til football starts again?  I don't think I can stand it.
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


Quote from: Olinemom on January 16, 2006, 09:47:15 PM

      I just spent 1/2 hour with Adelphia's finest and I think my e-mail is back in working order


I feel your pain...

When I moved here to Kentucky from Oklahoma I had to leave SBC and get Adelphia.  I HATE Adelphia.  My cable bill is rediculously high and I am paying twice as much for an internet service that I have lost the connection to on several occasions.  Actually, it was the four times, and we have only been here 6 months.  When I called their customer service to get it fixed, I got the run around and told that the earliest they could get to my house to service it was FOUR DAYS LATER because neither my wife nor I could be here between 9am and 4:30pm because we both work full time at U of Kentucky and that is a 20 minute drive.  They do have a 4:30 to 6pm appointment, but only one a day, and they don't work on the weekends.  So I tell them this has happened several times, and they offer to make me a special appointment, because I am pretty irate by now.  So this CS rep puts me on hold to do this "special request" but when I come off hold, I am speaking to a manager.  He wants to argue with me that this wasn't a "recurring problem" and he can't approve the "special request" because this was only the second time I had called about it.  I told him that the two times were the only times that I had lost service for multiple days and that there were several occasions I did not report when I had lost service for only a few hours or so and then it came back on by itself, so it indeed was "recurring" and somebody better get their ass to my house to fix it or I was going to take their equipment to the local office and throw it through the front window.  Nice freaking "service." 

So, four days later the guy finally comes to my house and he checks everything and pronounces "I don't know why it ain't working.  All the readings look good, and we changed out the modem to a brand new one.  I'll have to come back tomorrow with another guy."  So I tell him the same thing I told the customer service... can't be here until around 5pm, yada, yada, yada.  He says "no problem."  But, I give him my cell number in case he comes early.  So, what time does my cell ring the next day???  11am.  No kidding.  AS I am about to light into him, he says that he found my problem... one of the cable wires about 200 feet down the road was significantly cracked and every time the wind blew just right it would open the crack and not push enough power to keep the modem online.  We never lost cable because it takes less power through the lines, but the modem would go.  So he replaced the wire, which thus far has fixed my problem.

But my story doesn't quite end there.  I get the bill at the end of the month and they charge me full price, like I had service for the entire month.  I call back and tell them I am NOT paying for the 5 days I didn't have service.  Luckily for them they agreed to that quickly and gave me a credit to my account.

I want to change both cable and internet so badly, but there isn't another DSL service in my neighborhood.  So I am stuck.

Sorry for the novella, just needed to vent, and Olinemom opened the floodgates.


    If there is a problem, I can certainly get you the Oline to sign anything you wish. Can send you a picture of them without hemets if you would like. Nice kids. UGLY as hell though.


Having watched the Panthers most of the year because the Browns weren't usually on, I would not expect Roberston to pick up that many carries, if any with Foster being out and Goings now the starter.  If anything I expect a few more FB dives with Brad Hoover.

Then again I could be wrong and Jamal Robertson could get a few carries.  Also Ohio State fans, with the big performance from Steve Smith expect Drew Carter to step up as Smith will be drawing double coverage.  Drew Carter is a favorite of the coaching staff and the media in Charlotte.
The eyes are the groin of the head.  -- Dwight K. Schrute


Pat Coleman

This past season, Linfield played only 8 games. I know this was because of the Lewis and Clark situation. But it raised a question.

Suppose a team has a 9 game schedule. One game is cancelled because of something similar to Lewis and Clark. Another game is cancelled because of a hurricane, as happened to Mary Hardin-Baylor. This team has now played only 7 games. This is a rather round-about way of asking the question. Is this team still eligible for the playoffs? Is there a minimum number a team has to play?

This type of situation certainly would be helpful to that team in that there would be less opportunities for injury or more time to recover from existing injuries. The shorter season didn't seem to help Linfield, but it could have.

I guess you can tell it's the off-season.

Thanks Pat!
I'm old! I get mixed up and I forget things! Go Everybody! 🏈 ☠

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Pictures of the Damage at the Sigma Nu House at Mount Union:


Look under slide shows for "Frat House Fire" on the right hand side.
National Champions - 13: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017