FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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Small but Slow

UWW frustrated Mount's offense from the outset, allowing them to move the ball but keep them out of the end zone.  Every time the Raiders "O" tried to make a statement on fourth down it was thwarted by the Warhawk "D".  This kept the game close, which no team has been able to accomplish this season.  From there they were able to establish offensive momentum with Beaver and the scrambling of Jones.  Both teams were evenly matched, but I credit the UWW players for making the big plays when it counted for their victory.


I know I have been strangely silent for most of the playoffs...

Congrats to UWW.  They played a great game (especially Beaver), and just plain beat MUC.  The swing point in the game was the third qtr.  MUC and LK have always been a great halftime adjustment team.  It seemed that was going to be the difference again, but after getting to within 17-14 with a chance to do some more, UWW's defense came up with some stops and was able to keep the lead going to the 4th.

As for VK and his penalty, a lot has been discussed.  I'll add my two cents:  I have NEVER liked Vince.  We are about the same age, and I have known him since we were in High School and we were involved in a community exchange program with kids from Northern Ireland.  I didn't like him then.
Although we didn't go to the same High School, I dated a couple of girls from Alliance High (both cheerleaders), and when I would go see them at games or go to dances with them, I had the opportunity to interact with Vince some more.  Still didn't like him.
I played against him when I was at Capital and he was at MUC.  I didn't like his mouth on the field, or the way he played.  Lots of talk about Garcon's attitude, but Vince was the same way.  It's just that he was a D-lineman so it wasn't as obvious.
I haven't seen nor talked to him since, but from what I saw on Saturday, I would guess he hasn't changed much.  He is an arrogant SOB who, in my opinion, has ridden his father's coattails.  Larry has always been quiet and classy.  Vince, as long as I have known him, never has been.  He's always acted as if he's entitled to stuff, and he was never shy about letting you know who he was.

I hope he learns from his mistake and grows as a coach and a person, but, if he's still throwing temper tantrums 20 years after I first got to know him, something makes me think he won't.  Sure, he had a beef with the call, but you can't go that far onto the field to berate an official.  It's unprofessional.

I sincerely hope that, when LK finally decides to step down as HC, that MUC won't just hand the job to VK just because he is Larry's son, unless he matures a bit more.

I know there are coaches, broadcasters, and former players who read these messages, maybe Vince even does in the off season.  Maybe I'll get a lot of backlash and -k for this.  I don't care.  His antics overshadowed a great game and another outstanding MUC season.

Best of luck to all in the off season.  Looking forward to Cap getting healthy for next year and taking another shot at MUC and getting to the playoffs for the FOURTH straight year (never thought that I would see that 10 years ago).


JK....I, for one, thank you for your willingness to post.  Having watched the younger Coach Kehres for a while now, I have had the same impressions.  However, I didn't have any history to substantiate my feelings.   Hopefully, this will be a learning experience for him and his behavior will become better in the future....along the lines of what the head coach would expect from his players.
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son"
                         --Dean Wormer


Hey JK how's the Army going?  Nice to see that we're finally kicking azz over there.  About time.  Just hope the Dems stop trying to sabotage everything.


Quote from: JT on December 18, 2007, 11:31:02 AM
Hey JK how's the Army going?  Nice to see that we're finally kicking azz over there.  About time.  Just hope the Dems stop trying to sabotage everything.


Thanks for asking.  The end of my Army Career is nigh.  I am getting out as of March 7th, 2008.  However, I will always hold the Army and Soldiers near to my heart.  10 years of Service, and no complaints.  Lots of outstanding people doing extrodinary things on a daily basis over there.


JK, If we all made assumptions on other peoples personalities based on a few interactions. Most would feel most people are arrogant, proud, or even obnoxious. Just because you had a few interactions through out high school and a couple times on the football field does not give you the right to assume the mans intent and personality.

Yes, VK was in the wrong to react the way he did. Was he right about the pushing the runner rule yes. But e should had never acted in a way. Let's put it in this train of thought being a former player under Vince. I can say that Coach Vince gets extremely emotional and exciting during games, practice, and films. All because he wants the best for his players. As a coach Vince is the kind of man that you can always go to him with problems, whether they be football or personal. He supports his players 100% of the time. May he come across as arrogant to some who do not know him all that well, maybe? But to the guys who played for him general seem to know that Vince will go to bat for you know matter what and he can relate to every player, because of that the players give their all for him.

As for the riding LK's coat tails. Vince maybe LK's son but Coach Kerhes does not treat him any differently than he does ay of the other coaches. Vince generally puts in more hours than the other coaches as well. He has earned everything he has received at Mount. No one was bagging on this guy all year because the numbers alone show he is doing a great a job as the DC. So lets not ASSume that Vince has been handed anything because of his dad or that he is a bad guy, because of a few rare run ins with the man.

Once again so that no one turns this into a Mount guy sticking up for a mount guy. The way Vince reacted to the play was wrong, was he right yes, did he handle it wrong maybe. But what about the 1,000's of other coaches across the country through out all sports that loss their temper, we are calling every one of them out are we? I think it's easy for some people to sit back and critique every decision and choice made by coaches when you're sitting either in the stands or in your lazy-boy.


Business has kept me off the boards for a couple of days.  There's not much I can add about the game that hasn't been said.  Whitewater deserved the win, they simply played the best game and took charge every time Mount seemed to be coming back.

As for Garcon, he is what he is and despite the many things he's done that I don't approve of it has been great fun watching him play.

As for VK, I understand his emotions, but that does not excuse his behavior.  I was embarrassed for the team and the College.  Hopefully that will not happen again.

For the players, and especially the seniors, thank you for lots of great memories.  You have nothing of which to be ashamed.

Now, on to 2008 and "One for the other thumb."  Is it September yet?
12-0 = 13


End of Overlook,

I have had more than a few, as you say, "interactions" with Vince over the years.  I still don't like him.

By the phrase "riding [LK's] coattails," I never meant to begrudge any success VK has had as a coach.  I am sure, like all successful coaches, that he has put in the time and effort in the film room, at clinics, etc.  I am sure he relates to players well, as it wasn't too long ago he was a plyer himself.

It is his attitude I have never liked.  Vince never has responded to losing very well, he has, as LK's son, never had to face a lot of adversity.  He didn't have a lot of obstacles in his life.  He showed that again, on Saturday.

My opinion only.


First of all: Congrats to UWW. They deserved to win and played a great game. All the talk of Beaver and Jones is well deserved - but the UWW D played an amazing game. Now a few thoughts:

1. Two plays stand out in my mind from this game. The first was UWW stuffing Kmic on 4th and goal. That was Mounts bread and butter play and UWW did what no one else could do all year - they stuffed it. It reminded me of Beaver getting stopped on 4th and goal 2 years ago. The second play was Beaver running down the sidelines at the end of the 2nd quarter. When Ely slowed up to push him out of bounds and Beaver planted his left foot, threw the soulder, and planted Ely on his arse. Those 2 plays showed me the UWW came to play (1) and was going to fight until the end (2).

2. Garcon is an amzing talent but needs to grow up - quick. I hope the scouts at the game looked at his blocking, etc. and did not focus on the chip on his shoulder.

3. VK: I did not see it. By that point in the game I decided I would rather read about the end than see it. It does not sound like he acted the way a coach should and I hope he was taken to the woodshed for that.

4. To the ESPN announcers: it is the PURPLE RAIDERS not the Red Raiders!!! I can understand that once, maybe twice - but in the FOURTH QUARTER? Pay attention! Also, to Holly Rowe (is that her name?) this was the 2nd Mount game you called in as many years - it is "MOUNT UNION" not Mountain Union!

5. I have read several posts from UWW fans (here and in the WIAC board) and just want to say - try to show as much class in victory as your team did. MOST UWW fans are great - but some (and Mount has some of them as well) need to learn respect.

UWW is a great team and has a great program - but what about next year? This was a great season but can you repeat? And if so, can you do it again? Mount's success has been well documented but don't start "the dynasty is dead" talk. Yes, you "rule" this year. But when ESPN interrupts a D1 (or whatever the name is now) game to announce you lost a conference game - with a video clip (the ONU game 2 years ago) - then you have reached a plateau Mount has been on for a very long time. When a "down season" does not mean that you didn't finish .500 or better, or you didn't win your conference, or make the playoffs but instead means you didn't finish 15-0 and win it all - then you have reached the spot where you truly "rule".

Sorry for the length - again to Justin Beaver and the rest of UWW congratulations.

RIP MUC57 - Go Everybody!
National Champions: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017
The Autumn Wind is a Raider!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzEYK_XjyLg
Immaculate Prevention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZLq_acsVN0


Quote from: The_end_of_overlook on December 18, 2007, 11:47:54 AM

Once again so that no one turns this into a Mount guy sticking up for a mount guy. The way Vince reacted to the play was wrong, was he right yes, did he handle it wrong maybe. But what about the 1,000's of other coaches across the country through out all sports that loss their temper, we are calling every one of them out are we? I think it’s easy for some people to sit back and critique every decision and choice made by coaches when you’re sitting either in the stands or in your lazy-boy.

Like I said before, VK reacted in a way he shouldn't have, I just don't think it calls for a character assassination.
But you are entitled to your opinion.

Sincerely, thank you for serving our country!  Men like you make America a GREAT place.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: desertraider on December 18, 2007, 12:31:47 PM

4. To the ESPN announcers: it is the PURPLE RAIDERS not the Red Raiders!!! I can understand that once, maybe twice - but in the FOURTH QUARTER? Pay attention! Also, to Holly Rowe (is that her name?) this was the 2nd Mount game you called in as many years - it is "MOUNT UNION" not Mountain Union!

The play-by-play voice on ESPN was that of Pam Ward, just for factual clarity.

Small but Slow

JK - God bless you for what you and our other men of the armed forces are doing to protect freedom.  VK is a young coach cutting his teeth in a more high profile position than many young coaches.  It is easy for a coach to get caught up in the intensity of a game and lose his composure, especially when he feels his team is not being treated fairly.  Not defending, condoning, or excusing his actions in any way, but if he is a smart person he will learn from his error in judgement and avoid this type of behavior in the future.  

Frank Rossi

I read JK's post and the responses -- and again, my post should be taken as an outsider's opinion from 10,000 feet.  I mean no disrespect to anyone in this post...

JK's original post provides interesting background on Vince Kehres that might explain the two times in the game that he was somewhat out of control -- he came out past the numbers on the field in the first quarter when ESPN had cut away either to replays or commercial, and he came out obviously in the fourth quarter after the final UWW touchdown.  Basically, after reading JK's posts, my guess is that Vince is a little unrestrained and rarely has faced the scenario he faced on Saturday when a somewhat pivotal call didn't go his way.  However, on the sideline, there were other voices from those folks of Mount Union that you didn't hear making comments like, "Those refs should be fired!"  I chalk all of this up to knee-jerk reactions from a team that's just not used to the ball rolling the way it did throughout the evening on Saturday.  Was I personally offended, angered or upset by the situation?  No.  There are much worse things I've seen from the sidelines in my 14 seasons of covering D3 football -- and Saturday was tame maybe with the exception of Vince's stroll to the goalline.

Yet, I go back to my original point from yesterday -- why are we focusing so much on Vince's two bad moments, especially in a situation where the game was so close and well played by both teams?  When Corey Jackson from SJF beat the drum after making the score 52-9 with the extra point pending, he was self-promoting and selfish to his team by doing something unrelated to the game of football while the cameras/focus were on him.  Vince Kehres was reacting to the game and a call in the game each time he came onto the field.  Should he be penalized with a flag and maybe internally by MUC?  Yes and probably.  However, as a fan, you need to distinguish his passion toward the game and his passion toward himself -- and Saturday, it was a passion toward the game and his team that drove him to react outside the normal lines.  It's mentionable, but it's not something that should overshadow UWW's win or Mt. Union's comeback.

JK left open the idea that Vince will grow up a bit from his actions on Saturday -- and I think I can speak for most men in America and the world when I say that we all seem to grow into our father's demeanor and habits as we grow older.  I used to hate a lot of my own father's traits and aspects of his personality when I was younger, and yet, day after day, I notice myself becoming more and more like my father.  In the case of Vince, that'll be a great thing since his father is such a positive force in the game of college football.  Give him time and let him learn his lessons -- we all make mistakes and we all get the best lessons when we see them for ourselves, not by having a sledgehammer pound us about them.

Finally, I want to thank JK for not only his insightful posts (remember, he's up front about his own feelings toward Vince and what led him to those feelings -- allowing us to decide for ourselves how it may connect to Saturday's issues), but also for his service to our country.  I have a true soft spot for our military men and women because of the ultimate sacrifices they put forward on behalf of all of us.  Let's not forget these sacrifices as things have quieted down in the Middle East a bit.  This is the time of year we need to remember our men and women in the military most.  Please send my most sincere holiday wishes to everyone over there, JK.



You couldn't have stated your point any better.  I had forgotten about ESPN cutting away from a live game to announce that Mount lost a conference game.  The dynasty is not dead, just like it wasn't dead in '99, '03, or '04.  This program has only won 8 titles in 11 years, and according to some people it's time to write them off because they didn't win it this year.  Give me a break.  Mount will reload, come out and play the next season, and hopefully be back in the Stagg Bowl.  If Mount doesn't make it back next year, there's always the year after that.  It has gotten to a point now that it is expected that Mount plays in and wins the title, but all of a sudden when they don't do it, some fans of other schools start to pile on about how the king has fallen or the dynasty is dead.  How many times does the MUC dynasty have to come back from being "dead"?
They should have practiced harder.

Small but Slow

I've had a number of people who know nothing more about Mount Union College than it has a strong football program and that I am a graduate who watched the game ask me, "Who was that guy who ran on the field after the last score?"  That is the reason so much focus has been given this issue.  Many times I've felt the urge to go after officials the way young Coach Kehres did myself.  Personally, I didn't see it as a big deal at the time, but based on the reactions of casual observers it is somewhat of a big deal.  I'm sure we will all see fit to look beyond his unfortunate indiscretion.