FB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:38 AM

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Quote from: 4u on January 23, 2008, 10:19:49 AM
So, where is he now?

Now a father .....

That, my friends, is one scary piece of information!

All this discussion of Doeder brings to mind an episode of "Dirty Jobs" that I watched the other night.  Mike Rowe was on a llama farm helping a vet cut the front teeth off of the male llamas. 

The reason?

Because as the vet explained, when the male llamas fight each other for mating rights to the females, they attack each other from behind in an effort "to bite the testicles off of their opponent".   OUCH!

Which brings me back to Doeder being a father.  I'm wondering if humanity would have been better off if 4u traded him to a llama farm?  Little Doeders running around is not a comforting thought........
I find easily offended people rather offensive!

Statistics are like bikinis; what they reveal is interesting, what they hide is essential.

Small but Slow

Most species are much more competitive in their mating process than humans.  Doeder is one of many who, by either natural selection or court order, should not be permitted to procreate.

reality check

Doeder lacks intelligence, acting and street smarts???  He single-handedly duped the powers that be post-flaming-pile-trade with his new Post Patterns alias: "DERDOE".  Who remembers that?  How did anyone possibly connect the dots on his genious scheming? 

Derdoe, doeder, whatever he calls himself... he's clearly reached mythical proportions and his legend lives on.  Everytime I see a slightly spoiled banana hanging from a bunch in my kitchen I can't help but to think of all the inciteful input old "anti-Darwin" is responsible for.
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950

Small but Slow

Perhaps Doeder is actually the evil alter ego of a conservative and rational poster who felt the need to create his character to spice things up a bit.  What the hey?  It's the off season and I don't have much else to think of besides post pattern conspiracy theories.


Quote from: Small but Slow on January 23, 2008, 01:39:24 PM
Perhaps Doeder is actually the evil alter ego of a conservative and rational poster who felt the need to create his character to spice things up a bit.  What the hey?  It's the off season and I don't have much else to think of besides post pattern conspiracy theories.

I've often contemplated the same thing.  Is/ was Doeder the Mr. Hyde to 4u's Dr. Jekyll?  The alter ego to espouse the nonsense and vitriol that 4u's more refined and polished persona prohibited?  The little idiot jerk of fandom deep in the souls of all of us that allowed the logical, stat spouting, user of supporting facts for his arguments 4u to offer up the "My team is better than your team because I say so" stuff without harming the image he had so carefully cultivated for himself.

Of course, there have been those who have reportedly met both at the same time, but anyone can go to the local trailer park and find a mullet-sporting cad who would do anything for a couple hundred bucks, a case or two of Natty Ice and a Sizzler buffet.

So it must be, just like there must have been a second shooter on the grassy knoll, like that Elvis never really died, like Mick Jagger sold his soul to the devil for success and fame and coked out groupies.

Oh, wait, that last part IS true.  ;)


The real interesting part of all this is that my phone rang five minutes ago and it was...  (yep!) Doeder.  I didn't have the courage to take the call, so I will call him on the way home once I get my story straight regarding the bad things I posted.

Trivia:  How did the name "Doeder" come to exist?

New England is the hint,
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Steve "Pre" Prefontaine

Small but Slow

We all know at least one "Doeder" and most of us call him "friend", at least to his face.  A high school buddy showed up at my front door one day to proudly show me his picture on the front page of the Columbus Dispatch accompanying an article about DUI repeat offenders.  He was upset that the article only mentioned his seventh offense, he had been charged an eighth time since.  The irony of it all really sank in to me as I watched him drive away with his mullet gracefully streaming in the wind. 

I realize Doeder probably has much more character than my buddy, but each time I read his posts, this was the image I saw.


Quote from: reality check on January 23, 2008, 01:05:52 PM
Derdoe, doeder, whatever he calls himself... he's clearly reached mythical proportions and his legend lives on.  Everytime I see a slightly spoiled banana hanging from a bunch in my kitchen I can't help but to think of all the inciteful input old "anti-Darwin" is responsible for.


his legend lives on and I believe SOME thought he was reincarnated on this board in the form of kcreds....
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2


Nah, Doeder was witty while being an idiot.  Kcreds was just an idiot.

I'm one of the few that supposedly saw 4u and Doeder in the same place and the reference to the Sizzler buffet was too high class for his stunt double.  Think more along the lines of the food service counter at a Portage County Wal-Mart.
I find easily offended people rather offensive!

Statistics are like bikinis; what they reveal is interesting, what they hide is essential.

reality check

Anyone confusing kcreds for doeder clearly doesn't know doeder.  He was Busta99, Thundermom, Kcreds and stoonk all wrapped into one....but he was also entertaining.

Also anyone who thinks doeder could be bought for a couple cases of Natty Light, a couple hundred bucks and a trip to Sizzler doesn't know doeder.  Come on JK!!!  Give the man a Mickey D's double cheeseburger and some McValue fries and you've got yourself a "doeder".  I'm sure wherever he is now, he's living the high life as a Dollar Menunaire. 
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950


In honesty, I have no idea, where the name "doeder" came from but I'm sure it is a relatively funny story, considering all things Deoder usually are.

My somewhat (hopefully) witty and completely fabricated guess would be this:

A pair of young, wet-behind-the ears JCU students named 4u and Deoder were sitting around in the dorms in the cold, lake effect snow of University Heights a week or so before spring break one year.  Young 4u stands up and says "This sucks, we need to plan a road trip for spring break."  To which Young Doeder replies, in early 90's wanna-be fashion, "True Dat.  Let's hit the FLA and see if we can hook up with some hotties."  So, our two young heroes check out their respective bank accounts, Young 4u by pulling out his checkbook and sorting through the meticulously accounted deposits and withdrawls and Young Doeder by hitting the nearest ATM.  Young 4u has a handsome sum of money that would likely make for a great time, but young Doeder discovers he has $-16 in his account.  Nevertheless, he proclaims to his friend in true early 90's fashion "IT'S ON!!!"  
So Young 4u calls a hotel in Daytona Beach and books a room.  He plots out a route and develops a gas and food budget to ensure he has enough left over for a few pizzas and a couple of 40's of OE when he returns.  So the trip is planned.

Following classes on the last day before spring break, Young 4u and Young Doeder head over to get their workouts in and check out with the coaches.  Young 4u, being the dedicated, responsible type jumps into his workout, while Young Doeder, undoubtedly contemplating the mounds of womanflesh he is about to ogle, half heartedly does a few sets of bench and curls (to get his "beach muscles" pumped up) before disappearing to check out the Softball team's practice while waiting for Young 4u to finish.  On the way back to the dorm to get final preparations in order, Young 4u remarks how tired he is from his workout and asks Young Doeder to drive first.  This excites Young Doeder as he can now talk Young 4u into taking his "tricked out" Honda Accord with the 15's in the trunk and the stereo system that cost more than the car (you know, the better to lure the chicks with at the beach).

So they hop in the car, Young Doeder behind the wheel.  Young 4u, tired from his intense workout, quickly falls into a deep sleep, leaving Young Doeder to pilot this ship on his own.  A bit confused, since Young 4u was the brains behind the operation, Young Doeder recalls from his 6th grade geography class that Florida is on the Atlantic Ocean.  Remembering that the Atlantic is east, Young Doeder points the Accord away from the setting sun, rationalizing, in his own special way, that if they hit the Atlantic coast, all they would have to do is go south from there.  It would be much faster to head east first than waste all that time going southeast, besides, wouldn't the coast drive be much lovlier than the hills of West Virginia and the red dirt of inland Georgia?

After several hours of rest, Young 4u starts to rouse from his slumber.  But, it seems something is amiss.  It seems colder outside than it did in U Heights, and what's with all the people wearing Red Sox gear?  Finally fully awake, Young 4u realizes his folly and determines that Doeder has not led them anywhere near the sunny beaches filled with drunken co-ed's of Florida, but to Boston instead.  Searching for the road map, he learns that Young Doeder, in his haste to reach the Atlantic coast, never stopped for food, but instead ate the atlas as a means of sustinence (with a few pieces of Wyoming map used in an unfortunate roadside "pit stop").  At a loss, Young 4u demands that Young Doeder pull over the car to ask for directions out of town.  An older man ambles over to offer assistance, and Young 4u rolls down the window and asks the man for help.  The man asks in a thick Boston accent "Ow kin Ah be a service to yah?"  Before Young 4u can process this, Young Doeder spits out "We just got here from Cleveland, but we're a little lost, we're supposed to be going to Florida."  The old man replies "Flah-dah, yah nowt even close.  Yah in some deep Doo-dah, there."

So, since he was quite fed up by this time, Young 4u takes over driving and turns around and heads back to U Heights.  Young Doeder, thinking how hilarious it all is, starts using the phrase "deep doo-dah."  It eventually morphs, through poor spelling, into Doeder, finally, years later, becoming his screen name.  ;)

Am I close?    


The offseason is clearly upon us.  It should also be abundantly clear from the length of the last post that I have A LOT of free time on my hands as I am winding down the Army gig.

You'd think it would be a lot more work finding a job in the real world, but there isn't a lot to do when you have no skills, no motivation, and no leads.  ;)

This is what I get for my fine Lutheran based Liberal Arts education.  In the words of my idol, the immortal Mr. Blutarski (John Belushi) "seven years of college down the drain.  Might as well join the [bleeping] peace corps." :D

reality check

I should know the doeder origin question but since it has escaped me I'll offer two guesses.

Where did the name "doeder" originate?

1.)  The name "Fletcher" was already taken.

2.)  It used to be spelled completely different and made total sense but then superman57 got a hold of the spelling one Saterday night and now no one knows what it's supposed to mean.

I'd also like to note that this was what the yahoo search revealed:

Origins of Doeder

When I typed "doeder" into google, it asked me if I meant to search for "dog heads" which is equally scary yet fitting.
OAC Champs: 1942 (one title ties us with Ohio State)
OAC Runners-Up: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1982, 1941 (Stupid Mount Union!)
MOL Champs: 1952, 1950


Quote from: JK on January 23, 2008, 04:22:21 PM
The offseason is clearly upon us.  It should also be abundantly clear from the length of the last post that I have A LOT of free time on my hands as I am winding down the Army gig.

You'd think it would be a lot more work finding a job in the real world, but there isn't a lot to do when you have no skills, no motivation, and no leads.  ;)

This is what I get for my fine Lutheran based Liberal Arts education.  In the words of my idol, the immortal Mr. Blutarski (John Belushi) "seven years of college down the drain.  Might as well join the [bleeping] peace corps." :D

JK..... JT highly recommends http://www.jobsbyfax.com.  For about $100 or so they'll fax your resume and cover letter to 1,000 "decision makers" in the geographic area(s)/job classification(s) of your choice.  The thing is to try and bypass the human resources C-blockers and get to the Managers.

They'll then keep on faxing to 1,000 more until you get a job.  Everyone JT has passed this onto has gotten a gig, including Mrs. JT and Knightstalker.  Sorry for the third person Liberty League rant.  Its how we roll over there.

Definitely check it out.  The Army gig will play well in more than a few places.  Leadership... team player... vet... etc.,


Quote from: JT on January 23, 2008, 05:29:48 PM
Quote from: JK on January 23, 2008, 04:22:21 PM
The offseason is clearly upon us.  It should also be abundantly clear from the length of the last post that I have A LOT of free time on my hands as I am winding down the Army gig.

You'd think it would be a lot more work finding a job in the real world, but there isn't a lot to do when you have no skills, no motivation, and no leads.  ;)

This is what I get for my fine Lutheran based Liberal Arts education.  In the words of my idol, the immortal Mr. Blutarski (John Belushi) "seven years of college down the drain.  Might as well join the [bleeping] peace corps." :D

JK..... JT highly recommends http://www.jobsbyfax.com.  For about $100 or so they'll fax your resume and cover letter to 1,000 "decision makers" in the geographic area(s)/job classification(s) of your choice.  The thing is to try and bypass the human resources C-blockers and get to the Managers.

They'll then keep on faxing to 1,000 more until you get a job.  Everyone JT has passed this onto has gotten a gig, including Mrs. JT and Knightstalker.  Sorry for the third person Liberty League rant.  Its how we roll over there.

Definitely check it out.  The Army gig will play well in more than a few places.  Leadership... team player... vet... etc.,

Any info as to the quality of the jobs these people are getting?

Just wondering.