Started by coachwgh, November 09, 2005, 07:30:40 AM

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Good to hear that Alex is ready to get ready.   Having never seen her play, I am more than a little curious!

Are there players, or just one, whose standing on the team and leadership instincts can lead her to help persuade Natalie seriously to explore whatever it will take for her to want to play?


Who is the new male assistant that Coach Pardue has added to his staff? 


It is my understanding that Ron Wilson, former head coach of women's bb at Heritage High School in Blount County, will be working with the Scots.  He was a very successful hs coach for a long time and stepped down recently to take a hs admin job.   Very intense fellow!   He had really good teams, well-coached, at Heritage.


Is this the Coach that was there when Cait was there?


No, Wilson was not Cait's coach. Howard was. I am not sure what Wilson last coached at HHS.
Far as I know, Coach Wilson is a well-respected man and coach.

First day of Pardue's first b-ball camp seemed like a success. Very well organized and program planned.



This is a link to great news at LaGrange. Once there you can also  read an article on Britsky's new career move.  We will miss her and wish her the best and are super excited about Mark coming back.


We all know that Country BBQ was probably what brought him back to LaGrange!  ;) 
Congratulations on the new head coach!!!


Anybody got a clue as to when we get to met Mr Wilson? Its been over a month since the hiring and he has not showed at any open gyms or to meet the girls. Actually, I don't think many even know there is a new assistant coming in.

Another item, which this is just our second year associated with MC, but is it normal "NOT" to have some type of off season weight program for the ladies? Doing nothing in the weight room until school starts, late August, the season starts Mid November, seems kind of strange to me.   

Hate we lost the post from Cleveland. Draper injury not as serious as first thought.


I am not close enough to anyone who knows to answer your very good questions.

To where did MC lose the Cleveland post?

What injury to Draper?  Any word re: returning players, esp. Natalie and Mel?


The post from Cleveland, K. Edwards, is attending Cleveland State in Cleveland Tennessee. Hope to be able to transfer to MC soon.

Draper turned her knee. Thought at first it was a complete ACL tear, but found after MRI and scoping her knee, that was not the case. This happened about 3/4 weeks back I think. Talked to her at open gym Tuesday night. Says she expects to be back playing in hopefully 4/6 weeks. In a brace.

Mel has been at most all open gyms. She didn't know anything about a new assistant.

Nat is involved helping coach an AAU team. Been there a few times. Been out of town traveling with them quite a bit from what I hear. 



I am just curious, how did you know Wilson was added to the staff? Did your daughter hear that as a team member? He is not listed on MC's website as an assistant (yet anyway). Strange for one player to know and not another.  ???

Maybe Wilson is a good match with Pardue. I would have never thought it though.

As far as weights, I've never seen structure for off season with it.


No...my daughter did not tell me. She has not met or seen him either, nor did she know anything about it when I first asked her, around the end of last month. I was told by one of the assistants who was there last year. Pardue told them.


Well, I think it is good that your daughter didn't know either...wouldn't you think that should come to the team when they are together for the news? I'm not a coach so I don't know the ins and outs like you probably do. But it only makes sense to me that an assistant coach is a preety big thing and this person is going to have a big influence in your game and life--I'd like it to come when my team was hearing it together (if that makes sense). I would love to hear how Wilson and Pardue got together.  :) They just seem a odd match to me.  :P

Surely she and the team will meet him soon. Keep us updated if you hear anything official!

How's Alex feeling about her fitness level. I saw her once this summer and she looked good but she wasn't playing when I saw her. I am very excited for the season to be here and to see her play!


I guess my feeling was the ladies went through this "new" coach situation last year at the last moment, and its happening again this year. As you mention and I totally agree about it being a big thing, so I guess I was just thinking it would be nice if they at least met him before school started, instead of getting hit mentally again with a "new" person 3 months before the season starts. 

I don't know Wilson so I don't know how they got together. 

Alex is working very hard on her fitness and strength. Working out hard 3 times a week with her personal weight trainer and 2 times a week in the gym for about 2 hours running, shooting, ball handling, agility work, etc.  Her knee is great with no swelling or pain. She's actually ready and want to play, but I have held her out. She will start playing in open gym when shool starts, maybe before, no rush. She will then be almost 9 months out of ACL surgery.


Willson was at open gym tonight. Interesting guy I must say. Not impressed with his foul language and mouth on the sideline watching. Hopefully that will not be the case when he starts working with the ladies. I wonder how Pardue and Wilson got together. This has the shaping of being a interesting year.