Started by coachwgh, November 09, 2005, 07:30:40 AM

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I have never said this team is just average. I have always stood up and will continue to stand up for them. I have always said we got major talent. Dalton played extremely well tonight, I mentioned her as well as others. We have not shot it better. Last 3 games going into tonight, we shot it at 38% to 27% to 25% from the 3-line. Thats declining. The 42% is misleading tonight because we shot 10% in the first half and 78% in the second half to get that 42%. I doubt we are going to shoot 78% very often.

I didn't say 3-point shooter, I said outside shooter. Personally, I think we shoot way too many 3s. Our posts can't score against triple teams and if teams are going to give us the outside shot, and they will continue to do that until we start making some shots, look at other options. Draper is a sophomore in class but a freshman on the floor. She hardly played any last year but got a opportunity this year and playing well. Maybe one of the people on the bench, if given the opportunity, could be that missing link, maybe one of them could make some shots, which would open up our posts and make us a much better team. Maybe, maybe not. Our turnovers tonight, mostly came from trying to feed the post against 3 defenders. We are a outside shooter away from being two to three notches better. I have not seen anyone on the floor not make any mistakes, no matter the class. It really shouldn't matter what class you are if you can play. Unfortunately for some, it does matter. Me, I want to win and if that means playing a "green" freshman or "inexperienced" sophomore, (Robin is a senior) or whatever, so be it. Might be surprised. I doubt either of the three I mentioned would shoot any worse than we already are or hurt us in other areas, to the point it would be just diastrous.


Here is the Daily Times' take on the MC-Huntingdon game:


I thought the effort was there much of the game but execution was spotty.  A shooter from outside 12 feet would open things up. Opponents will make us beat them some way besides inside, for sure.  It couldn't hurt to use an easy game, if we ever have one, to see if somebody "new" can hit outside.  I agree it does not have to be three point shots...but it cannot be within 5 feet either.

If the players think they are getting better lately, that is a good sign, as they will play like it if they think it.


Good write up on the Lady Scots! Sounds like everyone is on the same page and every time they interview the girls it seems like everyone has the same goal..winning the gsac. Thats good news! I hope they can keep pulling it together and show everyone what they're made of.

Gottahaveheart - I agree..they need an outside presence thats consistent. But this team has been lookin for that all year. The guards on this squad dont play the same game as guards we've seen at MC in the past. This team's strong point is the post play. Regardless of double teams..if post players get doubled they have to keep composure and look out to the opposite side and repost. This team can't expect to own games from the outside. Yeah it'd be fantastic to see a guard step into a penetrate and pull up jumper role but I've gotta believe that the coaches have been around this team enough to know who's capable of what. In a previous life I did some coaching and i knew my team better than anyone watching did. If certain players are sitting then chances are there is a reason. They might have the ability to shoot it a little, but they may struggle defensively on rotations, boxouts, or as was the case for me...they'd get nervous on the floor in games and forget responsibilities on defense or offense. I agree with you...let whoever can play..PLAY! :) But at the same time you've gotta trust the instincts of the coach to know what his team has. Hope they keep making strides in the right direction..we'll see how our offense looks against spelman and then talk bout peidmont.

**as for walker and rouvelas...my intel from MC is that walker is still leary on that knee in practices and isn't comfortable at all. Maybe its just taking some time for her to get back in the swing...afterall..she didnt even get to dress a game till oglethorpe...give her some time. Rouvelas has always looked like she has hidden talent and i'm guessin she's gonna have a great career at MC. She's the one i'd expect to get a shot at some PT. What do you guys think?? Oh...and should Fleming still be starting!??

Big Dog

How many "major talent" teams, playing a schedule comparable to our women, have a record comparable to what we are. We are average. Our talent may be above average but when we take the floor our collective sum is less than the individual parts. Cohesiveness, leadership bring this team down to a beatable level. Until that changes, or unless Beth Reed reappears to lead the Lady scots, this team will continue to be what they are, capable of losing t anyone (except Spelman) on any given night.

Go Scots! Get Better!



I agree with you on the inside outside game. But the games I have seen when our posts get double or triple teams, and we pass out and re-post, our turnovers go way up or we get so deep in the shot clock, we end up forcing a wild shot from inside against 2/3 people or forcing a long 3.   

Since you say you been in coaching, you should know:1) sometimes you have to give up something to gain something that maybe your team needs more, example now is Nat playing more on the perimeter than inside, because she has been our only descent outside shooter, we could really use her rebounding and she is almost unstoppable on the block, sacrificing rebounding for outside scoring; 2) if you got a player(s) with certain weaknesses, you can cover that person by doing other things, example, play zone instead of pressing man to man if they too slow to cover their areas. We do it all the time if a key player is in foul trouble, we go zone to protect them.

I just don't think 16 games into the season, we are going to have some magical turn-a-round all of a sudden on our shooting. I hope we do. I just think in order to beat Piedmont, we got to be more than one dimensional. I hope I'm wrong. I just think, if something is not working, you don't stay with the same plan, try something new. I'm not talking about moving anyone off the bench into the starting line-up, but I would give them an opportunity with 4 starters on the floor with them.

Alex is still having knee issues and I'm not sure how much or what she can or cannot do. I'm sure she is still leary, scared and lacking in confidence. I do know one thing for sure though, when she was healthy, she could stroke it with the best of them, a spot up shooter. Only way to find out is throw her in the fire and see. Alexis shows good form and seems to have a bright future ahead. Her future could be now if given an opportunity. Robin seems to always provide a spark in some manner whenever she gets to play. I would just like to see all three get an opportunity, if we get, like scottiedoug said, a "easy" game. Dee brought in Robin and Alex. I trust Dee's instincts on this one. Kind of like poker to me, I would like to see all my cards, if I got a weak hand, before I fold, I might have a couple of aces hidden in the hole! if I don't, I fold. Its not the end of the game, just the end of that hand. You a poker player.....?  ;D

Also, I might be giving Piedmont too much credit. We will see this Saturday.


It still seems to me Alicia needs to come out for a few minutes. Am I the only one who thinks that?
I thought Natalie looked more happy and more relaxed than I have seen her look on the court in a long time. Katie, not so much. You all might not agree but I many around me thought that Katie was almost invisible on Saturday. Maybe that was from the triple teaming...I don't know. I really want to see what some of those girls on the bench have got. I hope we get to see soon.

I really hope we can bring an excellent coach who will build this program. I watch the men play and it seems that most every guy that RDL coaches improves all throughout the season every single year. RDL takes a good player and makes them better and it is excitng to watch. I want that for these women also. Truly, I have not seen that happen too much. I realize the switching of coaches has a lot to do with it so I hope we get someone who will stay.

As far as shooters...we had one, Mel, and she's gone. I think we counted on Mel and weren't ready to lose her so we're suffering. If Alicia gets hurt, we'll be in the same spot there.
When Bo mason quit to go to Liberty, RDL had Jared primed and he has not let us down. Even with Eryk Watson being named GSAC player of the week, Jared is still starting and giving 100%. That (having 2 players who can get the job done) is just common sense and smart IMO. I think we need to do the same type of thing and see what these women have got. I would love a good surprise!

Go Lady Scots!!


IMHO The team hasn't found the pieces outside to be more than a contending GSAC team. They aren't the almost automatic shoe in to go undefeated or one loss through the conference anymore. Some of that is Piedmont continuing to get better and the general improvement and some of it MC.
That said, you look at the likely first round games for a the GSAC's AQ and there's little chance GSAC has anything more than one and done. For one reason or another MC hasn't kept up with the south region teams it used to have a competitive chance against in the upper midlevel and is farther from the top level it was closing in on when Bell left. Believing you will win and that you've done everything you need to win going into a game is a tremendous edge no matter the sport. MC doesn't appear to have that confidence anymore this season.
"Do the write thing."


Well it looks from the box score like many people got to play some for the Scots...including the long-missed Alex!  How's the knee??


Looked like they were showing some signs of coming together. First half was minimal defense but SC gets 11 at foul line, 12 from floor second half.

Draper may or may not be ready to play at Piedmont.

For all purposes if I just walked in to the gym and watched the game I would say it was first week of january MC game against a conf foe. Which means they are improving and getting there. Still a lot to get done by Sat to be a game but not as much as I thought last week.

What happened to the Piedmont posters?
"Do the write thing."


Congrats ladies! hit the 10 win mark this year...thank goodness. :) 4 in a row is positive no matter who we've played. They continue to battle and find themselves as a team...we hope. Nice game from Harmon and Munday..and who's this Ashley Holder? Haha just kidding...nice addition to the game tho...good numbers. She outplayed Saxe! Do we have a 6 man contraversy brewing?? I'm def enjoying the numbers from the "wee guards" :) (brown/dalton) and Dalton in the starting line-up along with McConnell with Draper out. Fowler looks to be making changes and giving opportunities. Everyone got playing time even tho not everyone scored...but great job again and good luck saturday!


Quote from: scottiedoug on January 30, 2008, 12:00:58 AM
Well it looks from the box score like many people got to play some for the Scots...including the long-missed Alex!  How's the knee??

Congrats ladies on the win! Good luck Saturday versus Piedmont.


Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, Alex is either heading toward another surgery or not playing at all. The knee is still unstable and she is still experiencing alot of pain, which showed in the few minutes she played tonight. She is really disappointed and down in spirit after tonight.


Glad to hear they won. I was unable to attend. I would have liked to have seen so many get to play.

I hate to hear this about Alex's knee. I know she must really be very down. It is a loss (for the team and for her personally). May have to think of something to do to cheer her up a little...


Sorry to hear bout alex's pain in the knee...everyone was hoping to see her be able to get back to form. Anything is possible...its all a matter of being hard headed and work ethic. I havnt actually heard any opinions on the game last night...anybody there to see it?


DailyTimes article suggests that the coaches have been at work and that Fowler likes what is happening.


The news about Alex is lousy.  GHH, do y'all know what the problem is?

The news about Rachel is also lousy.  We'll need all the help we can get at Piedmont.



I have taken her to 3 different doctors since she re-injured it this summer in open gym. We also have got 3 different opinions on whats causing the pain. The doctor who did the ACL surgery thinks she has retorn it. Another doctor is not sure, but says there is alot of movement which indicates a possible tear. Neither could tell definitely from a MRI recently done. Trainers and doctor at Maryville says her ACL feels fine, based on how it feels doing the Lachman test, maybe some cartilage damage combined with weak muscles, which is causing the slipping feeling, thats causing the pain. 

So honestly, we really don't know. She doesn't want to have ACL surgery again, she said that last night. The rehab strengthing treatment is not helping, her leg strength is there. Its her decision but I am real close to sitting her down until we find out exactly what is wrong. There's life after basketball. She says it doesn't hurt all the time, so shes asking me to let her stay with the team, practice, do and play what she can. I saw last night she can't play like it is, so she's probably out.

Going to at least have it scoped in the next week or so.

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I think she probably would appreciate a few words of encouragement, something, if you happen to run into her. She's very frustrated right now.