Started by coachwgh, November 09, 2005, 07:30:40 AM

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big dog...once again you have nothing positive to say. Here's the deal...everyone who posts on this board about the lady scots saw improvements in the lagrange game...well..except of course ..you. Maybe you're just too intelligent and intuitive to be posting with the likes of our simple minds. We must be absolutely inferior when it comes to our evaluations of the lady scots basketball team. You refuse to acknowledge that the ladies came out of the gate with more intensity and obvious togetherness than the majority of this season. You refuse to say that maybe..just maybe they are more of a team now than they have been up to this point. I'm curious...what do you qualify as successful...what do you believe would prove the worth of this team?? You think they have to beat piedmont? make it to the sweet 16? You aren't a "fan"...and don't try to prove that you are...we all know you arent. Fans are supportive, impart constructive criticism, and acknowledge when their team is making headway. You, my friend, are never happy with any win this team gets...but are more than happy to give your thoughts on how bad they are when they lose. (like it proves you right) They are in the conference they are in...they will have a chance to win the conference tournament..and if they do..regardless of their record..they will be as solid as any team MC has had in the past 3 years. That will Ruin your day i'm sure...but when they make the ncaa tourney...maybe we'll finally get a positive post from you.


Quote from: Big Dog on February 10, 2008, 07:23:14 PM
mcscots guy,

Never met a coach who had to tell a team they that they were playing a team that was-quite simply-not as good. 

You kidding us right? Have you ever heard one of the most used phrases in all of team sports during a coaches rioting act, during a timeout or at the half: " you playing down to your opponents level of play"

I would take that to mean you "simply better than them" but it's not showing because you playing "down" to their level of play. Thats as simple as it gets that your better, don't you think?


I wouldn't be so sure it was what Fowler said to the women. That's all I'll say about that.

You know something we don't know??

Big Dog


Every dog has more intensity when the bone has some easy meat on it. We need the bone to say Piedmont and then have that same intensity. Maybe I am too cynical, but I too see the Lady Scots in the NCAA tourney if they can muster up some fight for the homestretch. I am a fan, the base word of fanatic, and to imply that I want too much from the Lady Scots is incorrect. You and the rest of the posters just can't want it worse than they do! Thanks for your insight.


BigDog:  I know you are smarter than the rest of us, so help me understand what "You and the rest of the posters just can't want it worse than they do! " means.

Big Dog


Thank you for the intellectual kudos comment. My comment is  kind of like being a parent, and you want whats best for your child, and they can't see it, or don't get it. Our collective group of posters are very committed to the Lady Scots success, and my question is, do we as mere posters and fans, WANT IT MORE THAN THE LADIES? I hope not, but when virtually all posters talk about this team in terms of coming out flat, or playing uninspired, the question does stand to bear mentioning. Please see GHH "totally different team" posts. He brought it up, so I just enlightened the rest of us to what he was really saying, that this team has yo-yo effort and tendencies. Everyone who has seen them play knows that, however I feel scorned for saying what should be the obvious in a season where the w's and l's reflect it.


Thanks, BD.  The next few weeks will tell the tail, woops, tale.

Big Dog


Thanks for supporting the Lady Scots. Hopefully their success will mirror success to be had on Feb. 19th from 5-7 p.m.


Big Dog
Claxton Fruit Cake Salesman


hey, bring some of the fruitcakes to the Piedmont game.  ;D


Good one, Big Dog.  Be there or be square.


I wonder with Lambert stepping down as AD, what does that do as for as Fowler's chances at Head Coach next year. If Schram gets it, I know she was not that excited about him taking over when Pardue first left because of his lack of experience. She might look to bring somebody else in.

Any thoughts?

Take care of your business Saturday at Huntingdon.   


I bet how well the team does in the next few weeks and whether Fowler seems to have any control over things and whether the returning players have strong feelings will be important, but RDL is AD until June.  The decision needs to be made way before that.  And for that matter, isn't Pardue still the coach?

Big Dog


This is in response to your e-mail where you so angrily attacked me after the Lagrange game. Here is a reminder of your words.

big dog...once again you have nothing positive to say. Here's the deal...everyone who posts on this board about the lady scots saw improvements in the lagrange game...well..except of course ..you. Maybe you're just too intelligent and intuitive to be posting with the likes of our simple minds. We must be absolutely inferior when it comes to our evaluations of the lady scots basketball team. You refuse to acknowledge that the ladies came out of the gate with more intensity and obvious togetherness than the majority of this season.

My response to you mcscotsguy, after today's game is you are correct. I am too intelligent and intuitive to be posting with the likes of your simple minds (save scottiedoug, husband of roadstopper).

However, that being said, The Lady Scots WILL win the conference tournament and go to the NCAA tournament. So let it be written, so let it be done. Big Dog has spoken.


Unable to attend the game. What happened to our ladies? Nothing really stands out in the box score, 22 TO and 25% from 3-point is about the normal for us. No one in double digits in scoring was interesting. Box score had Amber Lee starting, is that a error? Draper only played 8 mins, was her hamstring acting up? Saxe 5 shots, Munday 4 shots all game, what's up with that? What kind of defense did Huntingdon play to accomplish that?

Anyone who was at the game or listened on the radio......any comments...


Quote from: GottaHaveHeart on February 15, 2008, 03:38:28 PM
I wonder with Lambert stepping down as AD, what does that do as for as Fowler's chances at Head Coach next year. If Schram gets it, I know she was not that excited about him taking over when Pardue first left because of his lack of experience. She might look to bring somebody else in.

Any thoughts?

Take care of your business Saturday at Huntingdon.   

My thoughts are this #1) Brian Fowler has too good of a job to leave for it for the pay MC offers a head coach.
#2) Fowler is just not right for this position....yet.

I think if Schram (if she becomes the AD) has the brains I think she has, she'd definitely think of bringing someone else in. It sounds to me like Pardue will be out for good. I hope he is doing better and getting well. Just as an aside, I think Schram would make an excellent AD. I wish we could find a ladies basketball coach just like her. She is a class act, knows her sport and is great with her team.

I did not go to Huntington but what a big loss for us. Sounds like we were either sht down or didn't show up.