FB: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:00 AM

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The previous post was made because you guys ruined a great game.  Two teams played their hearts out on that field today.  It should have ended in mutual respect intstead of the way it did.


Awesome game!! The offsides didn't have anything to do with the block. The football landed in the chest of one of the Cardinal defenders and it came right up the gut. If the offsides did occur, then it had to come from the outside. As far as the comment about the NCC announcers being terrible (Usee), you can stick it you know where.


First off just so everyone knows it is spelled AUGIE not auggie or augi. 

Second I'm going to have to agree with augievike about the lack of class the north central team had....and their fans for that matter!  Radtke is supposed to be the leader of that team and when he has in the last minutes of the game a late hit and then talks to augie fans after the game it does nothing but make him look like a classless a$$.  This is just my humble opnion but I think it is something that needed to be noted


AUGIE 2000

you my friend have no idea what you are talking about. that "late hit" was a terrible call. he was still fighting for yards and the piling was moving. how is that a late hit. poor call. no way to dance around it. is there any doubt that the next call was a make up. illegal procedure. i think not. don't sit here and diss the best defensive player in the conference over a bad call. i'm sure all those Augie fans were real classful in what they were saying to him.


Cardinal20 i was on the field and Radtke started the  talk.  And when the refs blow the play dead and he lays into the running back anyway that is a late hit.  He could have held up or whatever and he decided it was his time to get a free shot and it cost his team.  Real good leader.  I would say he has a problem with taking responsiblity about making a bad choice.  And Radtke was classless.    And thats why i think this takes away from a great game and the fact that they have had a very good season.


cardinal20- hey, i'm not the one who has complained about the ncc announcers...your own fans regularly complain about them. the reality is there are very few good announcing teams at our level. in the cciw i have heard IWU, NCC, wheaton, elm, and carthage. carthage has been the best w elmhurst guys pretty good.

I don't think the ncc announcers are any better/worse than most of the cciw teams (i haven't heard them all). the best i have heard is Ric who calls the MUC games. unfortunately he isn't webcast and you have to be in alliance w a radio to hear him (you can go on his site and hear clips www.mtunionfootball.com)


Well it was finally good to see Augie bring one back to Rock Island.  Enough of this waiting til the last game to win it outright.  Augie fans showed a lot of class today by cheering on their team at the end of the game and not chanting "overrated" like NCC did last year.  I'm sure the augie fans figured NCC knew where they're place was...and that's behind Augie.  Great job vikes, now BEAT WHEATON


Congrats Augie on a fine win.It don`t get closer than this one.Usee the offsides would`nt have made a difference,it looked like a low kick.Special teams and the rain hurt NCC today.But I`m sure they`ll regroup and get it going next week.
Augie Offense has a great smash mouth in your face running attack.And I think Wheaton is going have their hands full with them.
               That off sides call was very suspect .I was standing ,looking right down the middle of the line and did`nt see the offsides.The reaction was expected.Last play they block it and all of a sudden penalty.Thats the way it goes ,but you don`t have to like it.Emotions were very high for this game and I`m sure he felt as if the game was taken away by the refs.

But think about it. would`nt be great if they could meet again in the playoffs,where ever they were to play.


Since you were on the field Augievike you must of saw most of your "classless" players yelling at our NCC fans after their questionalbe win.  But you couldn't of saw that because you were to busy stalking radtke.  I bet you even wanted to ask him for his number.  So good win and we will see you again.


Actually i told Radtke he played one heck of a game. Which he did.  Then he started ranting so thats cool and i think the NCC fans got everythign they deserved after booing the aguie players like that.  So to you Augiesucks you know who is number one so you can go cry about it.


About the kick i couldn't see if he was offsides so i can't really comment on the validity of the call.  But since it did work out in my favor i will say i agree with it.  And i think anyone in this situation would do the same.

And i think it would be another great battle if these two teams would meet in the playoffs i just hope it owould be down the road a ways so that both can play other teams and beat them up for a change.


Quote from: usee on November 05, 2005, 01:09:25 PM
wheaty-the ncc announcers aren't any good. you can find the link to the game on the main page, scorebord link in left column



Cardinal20 are you serious.....I honestly think you are in kindergarden...You just called someone a liar  I'm acctually cracking up while I read this.  As for the late hit, Last time I checked a late hit is a late hit.  The fact is that the refs saw it called it and Radtke hurt his team.  End of story.  Secondly were you at the game?  THe Augie faithful showed extreme class today as it has already been noted there was no overrated chant.  If we are going to get into this argument over class we need to throw one of the NCC coaches into the discussion.  After paterson hits his kick the coach is standing there screaming at the ref that he needs to go explain himself to his team....Give me a break  REAL CLASS ACT... Teach your players a lesson...any team can score on any play a coach calls.  NCC had opportunities to score earlier in the game so that call woudn't have even mattered...Don't blame the refs for your teams poor execution


One would expect NCC's SID to know how to spell AUGIE but I guess not....to the loosing team I guess we will always be auggie.


Maybe the writing on Augie's helmets arent big enough...