FB: Northwest Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:18:50 AM

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OK...so why don't we just get rid of the cheerleaders, the ushers, the consession stand, the stat people, the announcer, the ball boys, the radio announcers, the haltime events,  the ticket takers and everybody else who isn't directly involved in the actual game? I guess you could just as soon watch the game without all those people/things too. Maybe that would make the people who don't want the band happier. You walk in with your bag of food, put your ticket in a spitoon, you sit wherever you want, first come first serve and you watch the game. You could put little horse blinders on and bring your ipod and listen to you're own music or podcast in your own little world and be oblivious to everything else going on around you. Maybe that's cool, I agree that the actual game is the most important aspect but it's not my idea of a comprehensive football experience, I always thought the football game experience the was the sum of the whole. But I guess it takes all types.

PS...I believe we strive to be the best in the nation, is that correct?....does anyone know of any good D1 school/team that doesn't have a decent band? Just curious..... ;D


Did you hear something back?


Quote from: Tezbaseball on January 09, 2006, 05:57:29 PM
Hey Tux! Thanks for the Mayors Ball plug on your sign. Anyone interested in Mayor's Ball raffle Tix can get a hold of me. $5 a piece or 6 for $25. Winner gets a trip to NYC
Now if they held it sooner and the winner would get a trip to this years Hula Bowl that alone would pay for your bosses salary for the next 5 years ;D


...I've emailed the Band Professor. I will await the response... ::)



  You surprise me!!!!  I figured you for a band guy back in the day, not a ball-player.


Pat played trombone..... :o

swede...it was all volunteer when TuxGuy and I played in college. I also played for a few years when I moved back to McMinnville after teaching high school band and choir for 4 years. We did it because we enjoyed it and we felt we were helping the team and crowd get pumped up. Plus we got free pizza and donuts in the 3rd quarter.... ;D


Quote from: bluenote on January 10, 2006, 01:12:54 AM
Pat played trombone..... :o

swede...it was all volunteer when TuxGuy and I played in college. I also played for a few years when I moved back to McMinnville after teaching high school band and choir for 4 years. We did it because we enjoyed it and we felt we were helping the team and crowd get pumped up. Plus we got free pizza and donuts in the 3rd quarter.... ;D
So if we all chip in, get the band t-shirts and order a couple pizza'a in the 3rd quarter we'll get our good band back, providing you direct 'em. ;D

See you changed your reader board. 'Bout time you took down the bottom row and put up BRING BACK A GOOD BAND! Think of all the people you'll get in. They may not buy anything but they'll wanna know what the heck is BRING BACK A GOOD BAND! ;D

D O.C.

By the by...just what is the LINFIELD fight song?

'Cats Fa Natic

Quote from: 'Cats Fa Natic on January 09, 2006, 09:58:22 AM
Not to break the bring-back-the-band momentum, but has anyone heard any initial whisperings of potential recruits/transfers?

I'm talking football here, not band transfers...

Okay, so I take it that no one has heard anything?  Or is the band discussion put blinders (or mufflers) on everyone...?
{Clever sign-off goes here.}


densla....it's to the tune of "On Wisconsin" with our own Linfield words  ;D. TuxGuy wanted me to write it out for his buddy on bagpipes this year for the tailgate.

I heard back from one of my sources about the current state of the pep band. I will present a summary of what I've been told in the near future. There is another source that has not got back to me that may shed some more light on the situation.....developing..... :o


swede......That bottom row pays for my web page$$$ I'll be happy to rent it out if you like.$

        Tell me what kid in College wouldn't play at a football game for pizza and beer......... I mean donuts! We did. ;D

                                 BRING BACK THE BAND

Tez....I too have tickets!
Only at a D3 football game could you have 2 seats on the 50 yard line (2 rows behind bluenote) and have an obstructed view!
I love D3 Football!!!

D O.C.

With all that talent and enthusiasm I figure an original fight song is brewing to be showcased when the pep band comes around the mountain.


Time to set the record straight.....

I think it is just fine that a lot of you want a band.   I understand the point that canned music is quite sterile and not like the real thing. 

But wanting it to happen and thinking it will happen through some e-mail campaign are two different things.   

Now that the athletic department has sold the seats where the pep band was, you are going to have to talk them out of that additional revenue they had last year.......say the band takes 40 seats that normally would have been sold...multiply by 12 bucks and five home games next year....$2,400 that is siphoned off.

Then there are issues with the band itself and those don't need to be articulated......they are well known.   Money is one of them.

It would be great to have a good band.....but it won't change what I do at the games or my enjoyment of the games.  It is a peripheral and not much more.   Others feel differently and that is fine.  There just has to be some reality injected into what we are talking about.

Fa Natic....lots of rumors....especially the two tuba players who are unhappy at their current school who want to be in on the ground floor of the new band.  They are best of friends and are kind of a "package" deal.    It sounded to me like it was going to come down to money and a good financial aid package from the College.   A couple of the NAIA's are in on them and we know they can do more financially than Linfield can.  So, we have to wait this one out....


beancounter, ..................I must have missed something? I don't recall anyone talking about taking back the seats. At the Uof O, OSU and so on, the band sits out in the weather, like the football players do. If someone wants to build a cover for them great. The band used to sit in those covered seats because they could,  and next to those seats were general  ad. seats, they are also gone as we all know.
        Maybe its just me, but I don't see this as that big of a deal to get a good pep band back. These kids are aready in school, taking band. They have the music, instruments etc. As bluenote stated it's a student leader who wants to teach in high school that will direct with the guidence of the prof. Plus as students, they already get into the game free. I just don't see a big cost to the college here, we just need some interest/participation. :)
        The e-mails are just a start, to show that atleast from the alums there is an interest to have a pep band for the overall football experience
Only at a D3 football game could you have 2 seats on the 50 yard line (2 rows behind bluenote) and have an obstructed view!
I love D3 Football!!!


                                BRING BACK THE BAND

Just one more thing,  you could still have a High school marching Band at half time, it would have to be booked this spring though for budget reasons. Again this doesn't come out of the Colleges fund but the high schools, thats how it works. Sure we would/should let them in for free. a Win Win all the way around. Many Schools look for places to play! They just have to know Linfield is looking!

How much longer till football season? ??? ;) ;D ;D ;D
Only at a D3 football game could you have 2 seats on the 50 yard line (2 rows behind bluenote) and have an obstructed view!
I love D3 Football!!!