FB: Northwest Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:18:50 AM

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Maynard is also a finalist at DII Western State in Colorado. I hope he decides to stay at Redlands.



Maynard talks about "having three recruits in yesterday."  The possibility of him leaving can't help recruiting.


Quote from: RFB on January 07, 2006, 09:30:09 PM
Maynard is also a finalist at DII Western State in Colorado. I hope he decides to stay at Redlands.


Maynard and the three others were selected from a pool of 120 applicants. The other candidates also boast impressive resumes. They are: John Fassel, currently an offensive assistant coach for the NFL's Baltimore Ravens. He previously was the head coach at Division II New Mexico Highlands in 2003 and 2004, leading the team to one of its most successful seasons in school history in 2004. He is the son of former New York Giants coach Jim Fassel.

FYI: New Mexico Highlands was 3-8 in 2004 under Coach Fassel and he left after the season was over. It's true it was their best record, but the article makes it sound like he made a real difference while he was there. NMHU went 1-10 in 2005.

Go Cats! Make it 62 in '17!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston S. Churchill



Yes a pep band would be nice providing it sounds good. I don't see any problem with the t-shirt thing. We might work out something with the guy on 3rd street. I'd chip in to get them shirts.

Each night I go by your place I see the top couple lines on your reader board empty. good place for BRING BACK THE BAND. Also Bluenote could put a sign out in front saying BRING BACK THE BAND. I know a number of us have contacted our new Chair and Carnahan expressing to them our concerns and suggestions regarding the band issue.

The issue of a band is dead to all those who let it die.


Has anyone contacted the Linfield Review editor(s)?
Perhaps some of the students might get involved.


Go Cats! Make it 62 in '17!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston S. Churchill


Well....I have to say I've had a jolly great time reading all the comments from fans, etc. about bringing back the band. It's probably the most important aspect of next years success on the field... ;D  As most of you know, I was 4 year letter winner in the band, playing trombone and eating donuts in the 3rd quarter. Tuxguy also plays trombone but actually he can scream on drums if his little dog doesn't do a number on the tom toms. Back when the band actually kicked some serious ass  we had Maynard Ferguson and Buddy Rich sit in several times as guest soloists. And Tuxsguys wifey J. plays the flute like crazy!!! She can actually play piccolo also but that's so high it gave most of us a headache. (and for the record, Beancounter does a great job on a wooden spoon).....I think that all the ideas you guys have come up with are great but there is no excuse for Linfield not to field a great pep band. The last great pep band I heard was actually at PLU a few years ago and also Southern Oregon had a great pep band also  last time I was down there. The band doesn't have to be large, they just have to be tight and play cool stuff that grooves or is fun to listen to and makes sense or even kind of whacky stuff like Gilligans Island, Batman or the Fight Song for example, just to get everybody happy or pumped up. But most important of all, the band must play a VERY SOLID National Anthem!!!! There is no excuse for not having a great pep band. But it starts with the leadership of the music department and is a direct reflection of the band professor's commitment and motivational power. It's embarrasing to have canned music at the games!!!  I'm going to do some inquiring and see what's up.... ::)


Not to rain on anybody's parade here but I don't think the student body or the review cares much about a band at games.  If they did, there would have been more of an uproar about it when they got booted out of their seats this year...but...nobody cared.  I'll agree with you that the canned music is brutal but only because it's coming out of a sound system from 1953.  A new sound system would cure all.   

What everybody really should be bangin' on in here is the absolute cluelessness of the cheerleaders and the scoreboard operator during some of the most important parts of playoff games.  Some of the old players around me at the Whitewater game were coming unglued when the scoreboard op kept playing the "louder" and "noise" graphics on the board when we were on OFFENSE, inexplicably putting nothing on the board when on D.  The cheerleaders are just as bad leading the let's go cat's chants and holding louder signs when we're trying to convert a crucial 3rd down.  Somebody needs to explain football to these people.  If we had a band they'd probably be chiming the symbols on right in the middle of the snap count... ;)



"I'm signing in the rain..."

I just emailed the editors of the Linfield Review. Hey, can't blame me for trying.

Go Cats! Make it 62 in '17!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston S. Churchill


That should have read:

"I'm singing in the rain..."

I just emailed the editors of the Linfield Review. Hey, can't blame me for trying.

Go Cats! Make it 62 in '17!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston S. Churchill



I agree with you inasmuch that we need a "shakeup" to bring the sound system, the cheerleaders, the scoreboard operators and a GOOD BAND up to the level of a GREAT Football team.  The total Game Day experience from the pre-game tailgating to the halftime show to the entertaining aspects of the game itself are all a part of what the alum, parents and supporters deserve.  When you have one of the finest football programs in the nation the rest of the support cast needs to be first class as well.  The better the overall experience the more fans who come to the games to watch their children perform (be it in a football uniform, a cheerleader of a band member on the field).  The more parents and supporters who get a better feeling about the Linfield Game Day experience the better chance they will financially support Linfield with their hard earned dollars.  It's a vicious circle but it is working in colleges big and small across the nation.  We just need to get it right and then there will be 7-8,000 on Game Day rather than 4-5,000 at the Catdome.  The football program deserves to have nothing but the best support cast on any given Game Day.  A Number One football program deserves a Number One Band and Support Cast...

Bring Back A (Good) Band


Redland Purple
Thanks, Now were getting the ball a movin or should it be band wagon a movin.

If the college says oh yeah we got the kids but not the director then we'll turn Bluenote and tuxguy loose and get the band a groovin. A nice tight, disiplined pep band playing fun stuff would be cool.

Damnit, If we don't get one I'll get myself a t-shirt and have BRING BACK (A GOOD) BAND printed on it and have everyone sign it and send it to the Faun for a Christmas present.  ::)

This has to be one of the hottest topics on anyone's chat board at any level.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


How about...CatBand Live!

or....Leave No Band!


It's about time we heard from you, Bluenote! I know you've been pained by the pep band in some of the past years.

We've had some great ideas here, and I agree with most of them. I don't think we need to worry about a marching band quite yet. I'd be happy just to have a decent pep band to listen to. Bluenote, you are so right when you say that for sure they need to play the National Anthem correctly. Another one, for me at least, is the Olympic song. That's a tradition. I don't think they need to have a huge repertoire, but they need to play the songs they do play WELL.  I'm with Tuxguy -- simple songs.  We're not looking for symphonies here.

Where did the idea come from that the athletic department had to support the band, Beancounter? I've never heard of that before. Isn't that by nature a music department function and expense? Again, people like Tuxguy and Bluenote would know more about that than I would. I don't care if they have matching T-shirts or not. I'm more concerned about how they sound than how they look.

That being said, however, I would pitch in to get them shirts if we had a good pep band.

When I think about that awful canned music, my ears start to bleed all over again.....

Two words:  THE STREAK


Red and Purple,

Way to get the BANDwagon movin down the road.  How about an email to Jed Bladine @ The News Register?  Maybe he could call Faun and ask her he heard about rumblings about the great NEW BAND  that was going to be at the Catdome next season and he wanted to do a story. That might get things moving in the community as well and build some support.

Tux, Coco, Swede.....whomever is going to collect the $$$ for the NEW band shirts (purple or red please and first class polos and "rain slickers" just in case it rains at the Catdome and they are outside and No T-shirts)....I'm in for some bucks....tell me where to send the check!

Already sent my $$$ in for the NEW Band Rehearsal Hall so might as well send some $$$ in for the uniforms and then maybe the class of our band can equal the class of our football program --- First Class!

'Cats Fa Natic

Quote from: swede on January 07, 2006, 02:37:09 PM
'Cats Fa Natic
Sorry if I sent you the same message twice.

No problem.  I figured it was a glitch in the system and not a happy trigger finger.   ;)
{Clever sign-off goes here.}