South Region playoffs

Started by Llamaguy, October 11, 2005, 02:42:00 AM

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Quote from: Hug on October 16, 2006, 11:12:00 AM
A question for Pat, or anybody who wants to take a crack at it.

Why would the Hardin-Simmons vs. UW-Stevens-Point game be in-region
while the CNU vs. Rowan game be out-of-region

Because of how the lines are drawn for regions.. it doesn't make much sense that W&J is considered to be in the same region as a team from Texas.. but that's just the way it is.   

Bill McCabe

wrighthall220, UMHB-UW Whitewater is also an in-region game.  I'm not sure UMHB would have been so excited to schedule that game had they known it would count as an in-region.  Oh well, NCAA!

Ron Boerger

I think they'd need some help, to be honest.  Only 7-1 in region will impact their QoWI vs. teams that are 9-1 or 8-1.  A lot can happen between now and the end of the season, tho.  An impressive turnaround so far in any case!

Ralph Turner

Quote from: Bill McCabe on October 16, 2006, 11:21:46 AM
Ron, If Sul Ross were to win out and beat HSU, do they have a shot at a Pool C?

Bill, I will answer your question from another board here.

I can see SRSU getting a Pool C bid if they win out and get help in the QOWI.

That means that UMHB and HSU need to finish with an in-region records above .666.  On the other end, ETBU and HPU need 2 more wins (both Miss Coll and LaColl) to finish at .333.  McMurry can finish with a win over TLU and loss to SRSU and finish at in-region >.333 regardless of the HSU game.  (The loss at  Menlo hurts the conference here.)  For SRSU to get maximum QOWI benefit from MissColl and LaColl, those teams needs to finish >0.333.  Finally, TLU is right on the edge finishing in-region .500.

Now there are multiple variations of this, but the higher the QOWI for SRSU, the better their chances.

Honestly, I hope that Coach Wright can get one more in-region game next year, and a 10-game schedule.

Bill McCabe

Amazing that we are talking about SRU getting a playoff bid.  They still have a lot of football in front of them, but wow, what a turnaround.


Week #7 Comparison

* ranking will be based on current QOWI w/in each loss column
@ - indicates teams eligible for Pool B bids
( ) NCAA South Region Ranking - to be released w/in next week

AFCA rankings were updated 10/17/06

* D3 & AFCA rankings are not considered by the commitee during the selection process, they are only listed for informational purposes.

"0" SOUTH REGION LOSS TEAMS w/ (regional w/l) (overall w/l) QOWI

1.  WESLEY @                  (4-0) (6-0)     12.00      D3 #5       AFCA #5
2.  CNU                           (5-0) (5-1)     11.00      D3 #19     AFCA #22
3.  CARN. MELLON @        (5-0) (6-0)       9.80                                 


1.   UMHB                        (5-1) (5-1)     12.00      D3 #6      AFCA #10
2.   HARDIN-SIMMONS      (4-1) (4-1)     10.67      D3 #8      AFCA #14
3.   DEPAUW                    (5-1) (5-1)     10.50             
4.   WASH & JEFF @          (4-1) (5-1)     10.40     
5.   DICKINSON                (5-1) (5-1)     10.17     
6.   WASH & LEE               (5-1) (5-1)      9.83                       
7.   TRINITY                     (5-1) (5-1)      9.33                      AFCA #21
8.   BRIDGEWATER            (5-1) (5-1)      9.17     D3 #21      AFCA #19
9.   SUL ROSS STATE         (3-1) (4-1)     9.00
10. URSINUS                    (3-1) (5-1)      8.00


1.   HUNTINGDON @         (3-2) (4-3)     10.00
      THIEL @                    (3-2) (4-3)     10.00
3.   AVERETT                    (4-2) (4-2)      9.17
      MISS. COLLEGE          (4-2) (4-2)      9.17
5.   RHODES                     (4-2) (4-2)      8.67
      SALISBURY @             (1-2) (3-3)      8.67
7.   GUILFORD                  (4-2) (4-2)      8.50
      LOUISIANA COLL         (3-2) (3-2)     8.50
9.   THOMAS MORE @        (4-2) (4-2)      8.00
10. JOHNS HOPKINS          (2-2) (2-4)      7.75
11. CATHOLIC                   (2-2) (3-3)      7.50

* Once a team has more than 2 losses in region they will drop from consideration as the season progresses. Note: Pool A (automatic qualifiers) will throw "a wrench" into the number of spots available in the South Region.

Total spots available in the DIII Playoff Field = 32. 21 Pool A "automatic qualifiers"; 4 Pool B, and 7 Pool C qualifiers, nationwide.

South Region (Pool A) Berths (Conference Champions w/ Auto-bids)

American Southwest Conference -
Centennial Conference -
Old Dominion Athletic Conference -
Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference -
USA South Athletic Conference -

* conference champions to be updated once official    

Note: To take a look at  the nationwide list of Pool C contenders refer to the Pool C -- 2006 thread on the General Football Post Patterns board.

"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!


Its that time of year again in the south region. Its almost Playoff season! Here is the 2006 edition of the South Region Playoff watch. I will update it as we go same as last year. Any corrections would be appreciated. Enjoy! ;)
"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!

Bill McCabe

If the season ended today, would the Pool A teams for the South be UMHB, Dickinson, Washington & Lee, Trinity, and CNU or Averitt?  With the addition of Austin College, the SCA moved from B to an A?  I know there are a lot of games left, but I'm just trying to get a handle on the automatic bids.


Quote from: Bill McCabe on October 16, 2006, 04:47:13 PM
If the season ended today, would the Pool A teams for the South be UMHB, Dickinson, Washington & Lee, Trinity, and CNU or Averitt?  With the addition of Austin College, the SCA moved from B to an A?  I know there are a lot of games left, but I'm just trying to get a handle on the automatic bids.

Still too many head to head matchups to make that call Bill. ASC looks like UMHB's to lose, Trinity is in the drivers seat in SCAC, Dickinson & Ursinus are the best bets in CC, CNU and Averett have yet to meet in the USAC, and W&L,Guilford,plus Bridgewater are all still alive in the ODAC. It only takes one injury or an upset or two to tip the applecart so it is too early to call conference winners.
"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!

Bill McCabe

Thanks Llamaguy.  I realize there are still several head to head games that could change the automatic qualifier.  Just trying to figure out the Pool A conferences.  How many Pool B's are there in the South region?


Quote from: Bill McCabe on October 16, 2006, 06:11:50 PM
Thanks Llamaguy.  I realize there are still several head to head games that could change the automatic qualifier.  Just trying to figure out the Pool A conferences.  How many Pool B's are there in the South region?

Well there are 4 spots nationwide and then any not getting those are then considered for one of the 7 Pool C spots. The Pool B's in contention in the South Region are all marked with an @ on the chart below. Wesley and W&J are good bets with either Whitworth or Linfield getting one or both of the others out of the West region. Rockford at 9-0 could throw a wrench into things and it will be interesting to see if Carnegie Mellon gets a Pool B if they go undefeated at  10-0. Carnegie Mellon's QOWI index will be lower than  a few other 1 and 2 loss Pool B contenders. Just another tough decision for the committee come November. ;)
"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!

Bill McCabe

Thanks Llamaguy.  I really don't understand Pool B. 


Quote from: Bill McCabe on October 16, 2006, 07:12:18 PM
Thanks Llamaguy.  I really don't understand Pool B. 

excerpt from NCAA Championship Handbook:

Pool B is reserved for independent institutions and institutions that are members of conferences that do not receive automatic qualification (Pool A). The number of eligible institutions in Pool B is determined by subtracting the number of eligibile institutions  in Pool A from the total number of active Division III institutions sponsoring football.

The number of berths available for Pool B institutions is determined by dividing the number of institutions eligible in Pool B by the access ratio for Pool A.

So in essence Bill, Pool B holds 4 spots for teams without an automatic bid and gives them an equal chance to get into the playoffs, strictly from  a number of teams(without a conference affiliation or a conference without enough teams in thier conference to get an automatic bid) per number of playoff spots available.

"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!


After a rocky start, me and the Dali are officially buddies and I thank him for the hard work that must go into the Playoff Watch.
To all newbies - don't run your mouth until the team you're pulling for wins the big game. (please refer to Eh-You's karma for more details)


Hey Llama,

The player is my brother.  It was in a past post answering ron boegers earlier question.  Don't bring him up, the staff at CNU does not allow players to get on these boards.

Keep up with info.  They put him back on offense and he played against Greensboro.  Not much, but I'm not complaining.