South Region playoffs

Started by Llamaguy, October 11, 2005, 02:42:00 AM

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Quote from: Dutch12 on November 16, 2005, 02:16:18 PM
Not to mention for a couple years Alfred was in the PAC.  That put a team from New York in the South Region!

I remember that, Dutch.  Alfred was a long way from all of the other PAC teams.


Thiel fans beware.  Bridgewater college officials were great hosts but their fans left a lot to be desired.  Bridgewater set a place for the W and J fans to tailgate.  When we came back to the area after the game they damaged a car and stole the tailgating flag.  Their fans also destroyed the food which was provided by Bridgewater.  Guard your tailgate area this weekend or you may receive the same treatment.  What a shame it was a great ballgame played with class and the best team won.  Maybe the best team in the PAC can beat them.  Good luck


I would like to know details of your damage Firewater! I was tailgating on the otherside of the house you were behind. When I came out at halftime our tailgate Stone Station had quite a bit of food etc. blown over by the high winds. Just questioning if it could have been that as well. I can assure you that a few college students, if they did that, will not travel to Thiel and I will appologize on behalf of 99% of BC fans if it was a student who did it.
"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!

Bill McCabe

WOW! Only 2 lower seeds won in the opening round of the playoffs, #3 UMHB and #5 Capital.  I hate to think the NCAA selection committee knew what they were doing.  What's the fun in that!  ;)

Ralph Turner

Bill, and the OAC and the ASC always assume it's a typographical error when their members are listed as the lower seed! ;D

Travel safely this weekend!  Wesley fans, enjoy your trip to Central Texas!

Bill McCabe

Ralph, I know a lot of people felt like UMHB should have been the favorite in the game, despite Trinity being the #1 seed.  It would have been interesting if they hadn't had to play in the first round.  Trinity's defense would have won them some games.


Quote from: firewater on November 20, 2005, 08:28:34 AM
Thiel fans beware.  Bridgewater college officials were great hosts but their fans left a lot to be desired.  Bridgewater set a place for the W and J fans to tailgate.  When we came back to the area after the game they damaged a car and stole the tailgating flag.  Their fans also destroyed the food which was provided by Bridgewater.  Guard your tailgate area this weekend or you may receive the same treatment.  What a shame it was a great ballgame played with class and the best team won.  Maybe the best team in the PAC can beat them.  Good luck


Another Bridgewater alum checking in to apologize for any damage to your vehicle or property.  Please try to understand that this behavior is not typical of BC people, neither fans nor students.

Like Llamaguy, I hope there is an explanation other than vandalism.


BC Class of '81

Ralph Turner

Bill, part of the frustration of the "geographic proximity" is that "at least half" of the post-season losses on the front page right side bar for the SCAC (TU) and the ASC were inflicted by Texas schools!

The Black Flag did itself proud yesterday.  That was basically a 14-6 game!

I guess we have to settle for the consolation of establishing the pre-eminence of the "Texas Sub-bracket".  Go CRU!  Make it happen! :)

Bill McCabe

Ralph, We really need an ASC team to pick up a Pool C bid.  Maybe Austin College and Trinity will both get in.  4 teams, nice sub bracket.  Then the winner runs the table.


pakownr97 and Llamaguy thnaks.  We were treated as one of your own by everyone.  It was my fault for leaving the flag up.  It was on a telescpoic aluminum pole that attaches toa base.  Someone unscrewed the pole from the base and stole the flag.  The only reason i know this is one of the connections were shut and the other open.  Had the wind torn the flag both connections would have been open or destoyed.  I have traveled with the Presidents for four years with never a problem leaving the flag up.  Even agaisnt our PAC foes.  I was never treated better at any place as I was at Bridgewater.  You should be proud of the administration and the class of your football team and as you say 99% of your fans.  My daughter even went into the tailgate party above us and asked those attending and one young person said she did not have any evidence.  Meaning the flag or no one saw them.  I will be a Thiel looking for the flag as it is close to home plus it should be another great game.  It was red and white with my sons number on it.  I hope the person enjoys it as much as my family and friends have as it has been the sign everyone looks for when we traveled.  Just would hate to see this happen every place you go and receive a bad rap for a few.


  I'll check with administration and ask around, if i can retrieve it I will bring it to you. I personally know how much they mean! I own the flags you guys walked right by on the way to the field, the large red and white ones. I had to personally sew them and have them lettered as I could find no one to do it for me. I usually take them down but did leave it up with no problem last year at W&J. Again I'll see if I can find it. If you are at the game Saturday, look Stone Station up as you will be welcomed with open arms. ;)
"The Dali Llama"

Bridgewater Football 1980,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 ODAC Champions!


Quote from: firewater on November 20, 2005, 08:28:34 AM
Thiel fans beware.  Bridgewater college officials were great hosts but their fans left a lot to be desired.  Bridgewater set a place for the W and J fans to tailgate.  When we came back to the area after the game they damaged a car and stole the tailgating flag.  Their fans also destroyed the food which was provided by Bridgewater.  Guard your tailgate area this weekend or you may receive the same treatment.  What a shame it was a great ballgame played with class and the best team won.  Maybe the best team in the PAC can beat them.  Good luck
That is awful.  I hope you reported it to the Security Police there.  Never have I heard of anything like this happening on our campus!  I am ashamed and apologize.  Where did they place you'all?  I can't imagine something like this.  I will say something tomorrow when I get to school.   I have been here for 23 years and this is a first and a LOW, I might add.  This is terrible.
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!

Cleveland Cartel


Sorry to hear that being Thiel Alum and former player I remember seeing your flag raised high.  That not only is an aweful act of immaturity but especially to lose something that you and your family keeps close to your hearts.  Like we always say, One bad apple ruins it for everyone, and I am sure that is the case here.  I look forward to seeing everyone from VA come up to support their team and watching another quality football game. 

Being new to the NCAA playoffs I can not stand how they come in and charge for parking, jack up prices per ticket, and not let you come back in till after the 3rd quarter if you decided to leave.  Heres a disturbing fact that i read in Sports Illustrated a while back on the NCAA.  They cover all their expenses for all sports and salaries of employees for the year with the TV and commercial deals alone that it has with DIV 1 basketball.  We are at their mercy so we obide by the rules!

I guess its better to have this feeling than to never be able to experience it!  Anyone elses thoughts on how the NCAA runs their tight ship for these playoff games???? Likes, Dislikes???

Ron Boerger

Quote from: Cleveland Cartel on November 20, 2005, 10:57:47 PM
Being new to the NCAA playoffs I can not stand how they come in and charge for parking, jack up prices per ticket, and not let you come back in till after the 3rd quarter if you decided to leave.

Those aren't all NCAA rules.  They only mandate a minimum (yes minimum) price per ticket, $8.  Anything else is the host school being greedy.   I've never heard or seen any "re-entry" rule, and the NCAA doesn't do diddly with parking. 

Be sure you know where to direct your outrage. 


Having had ther pleasure of attending all the Mount home playoff games since 1993, I can tell you that there is always one announcement before the game and before halftime: if you leave the stadium you have to buy another ticket to reenter. Every time that I can recall they've said it is an NCAA rule.