FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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Wow.  I certainly do not want to start a political debate on this board, especially when it is hard to believe that either Presidential Candidate is the best this country has to offer!!!  But there is one thing I do agree with - and that is political correctness has gotten way out of control!  This attitude that you can't say or do anything that might potentially hurts someone's feelings in the slightest way is just way overboard ridiculous.

What is our world coming to when someone can't respectfully speak their mind, challenge the administration to let the students grow and challenge the students to do the right thing.  And who are the goody two shoe perfect people who called these Yale faculty members out?  Frankly, I am starting to feel sorry for my kids and future grand kids (hopefully) that they have to deal with some of the issues of today's world.

I am all for being inclusive, considerate and respectful of peoples backgrounds and cultures.  I don't condone making fun of anyone for their looks, race, nationality, culture or religion.  But legislating Halloween costumes, coats, hats, parties ... where will it end?


Why a political rant on the NESCAC Football board-........I agree with Polar Cat, we need the Football season to arrive soon.
Geez, if we open this up to political issues the Willys and Jeffs will have a whole new forum for disagreement that no one wants to hear.
I'm sure we'll thankfully get back to Football soon.


lumbercat,  Oops - You are right.  I guess I was just releasing some pent up frustration after reading the article in the previous post.  Should have counted to ten and thought through the consequences of my words. 

Very excited for the football season.  It can't get here soon enough!  Started following the NESCAC in 2011 when my oldest son entered the league.  My younger son will be a junior so I plan to really enjoy the next two years.  In the short time I have been following the league (and it has flown by!) it has been interesting to see how the NESCAC teams evolve from year to year.  While the standings don't seem to change significantly, it does feel like the league is becoming more balanced.  I think the coaching changes play the biggest role.  Here are my thoughts on each team going into the season.  (In order of last years finish)

Amherst - Mills always has his team ready.  (And he is an upstate NY guy to boot!) I am sure they will be tough again this year.  My observation is that they seem to play to their competition - just good enough to win.  Hamilton should have beat them in 2013 if not for 5 INT's and only losing 23 - 7.  I really like the coaching staff - but I would like to see them knocked off the hill and a new NESCAC champ crowned in 2016.

Trinity - Always a tough physical team, but did not seem as dominant last year despite the 7-1 record.  Seems their offense has lost some dynamic but they win with defense.  Will likely finish near the top.

Tufts - Best example of how a coach can have an impact on a program.  Civetti has done a great job with this team.  Will be interesting to see if 2015 was a blip or if they can rise to the Championship level.  With Chance Brady they will likely be pretty tough again.

Middlebury - They lose All-NESCAC players Milano, Minno, Patricia, Pierce and Araujo, so on paper you might think they could slip.  But I think they have some young players who are going to step up and surprise people in the league.  QB transfer from UNLV got good experience when Milano had migranes and had to come out in critical parts of several games last year.  Some good young receivers will step up and hopefully Rizzo will be healthy for the whole season.  Patricia's back up is a beast and will be biggest surprise player in NESCAC for 2016.  And 3 of 4 starting defensive secondary coming back.  Ritter will have these guys ready and competitive.  Can they take it to the next level and vie for the crown?

Wesleyan - Whalen started the transformation of this team and they will continue to be tough with DiCenzo.  Will they have what it takes to make it to the top?

Bates - Harriman is a really good guy and this team is always physically tough.  I think the offensive style hampers them a little.  But they would not surprise me if they have a good year.

Bowdoin - It will be interesting to see if Wells can help this program get better.  My gut says it is and he will.

Hamilton - Another example of how a coach can have a positive impact on a program.  Murray is a first class guy.  His OC and DC are first class too.  These guys are getting bigger and better and Murray will have them winning more games in 2016.

Williams - Raymond is another example of a good coach being attracted to the NESCAC from the Liberty League.  Time will tell if he can turn around the Willy's.  But the coaching change alone bodes well.

Colby - Michaeles is one the few coaches I have not met.  Colby always seems to be big and strong and have some athletes, but they don't seem to win. Not sure what the prognosis is for the Mules in 2016.

All in all - I do see more balance in 2016.  It will be fun when the games begin!


It appears that the Class of 2020 will show up at Nescac schools around the 23 August..less than two and half weeks!  My gauge is the Bowdoin daily newspaper.  This means that returning football players will be showing up about the same time.  Been watching the landscaping of the four new dorms at Amherst which are to be ready this Fall.....expect lucky upperclass players to be housed in them....overlooks the mountains and playing fields, etc.  Expect a burst of football related info to appear.
Hamgrand...any inside info to share?  Am an admirer of the Hamilton HFC and his success at Alfred.  Amherst plays Hamilton in its first game at Pratt Field.  Bates has always given Amherst a tough competitive game in its season opener.  Expect no less from Hamilton.  The "new" coach has had about? two recruiting cycles in Clinton and he is a NY state boy with lots of recruiting contacts in the Empire state.
Middhoops...Thanks.  If I can find my way up, must remember to not wear too much purple :).  Interesting to note that in the old days, before all the present shades of purple, the Amherst uniforms were very "dark" purple, almost the color of the Panthers dark Blue.



Amherst players do not report until Aug 29th. And then they hit it hard and heavy!

Have to pack up my boy and send him on his way in a few short weeks. Certainly bitter sweet! Going to feel strange not having him under my roof, but the opportunity to attend and play the game he has been playing since he was 6 years old at an institution as well respected as Amherst is an amazing opportunity! Can't wait for his journey to begin!

Just an interesting story on how a chance encounter with someone can completely alter the direction of someone's life. My son and I were attending an informational meeting in Orlando about attending Harvard. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to speak with one of the alumni. He was a doctor that had played on Harvard's basketball team many years ago.  When he found out that my son was also a football player of some talent and being recruited by a couple Div 1aa and Div 3 schools more local to us, he mentioned that we should absolutely look at the "NESCAC" schools. That they played incredibly competiitive football and the schools were some of the most prestigious in the country.  Fast forward a year and I am buying my son his first pair of white and purple cleats, putting him on a train to Massachusetts in 3 weeks and  I CAN'T WAIT for NESCAC football to fire up!

It is interesting being down in Florida and having a son attend a Nescac school. Most people I speak with involves an explanation of what NESCAC schools are about, where they are located, that they have some of the longest athletic histories in the country, and that they are better academically than nearly every other college in the country, save a handful.

However, when I run across people down here that are from the area up there, they are incredibly excited. Most saying, the people down here "just don't know"! For instance, our high school lacrosse coach, in his younger days was an assistant coach at Tufts. He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a kid from the football team was going to play in the NESCAC. One of the very first thing he said to me when we met was......"I've got goosebumps. People down here JUST DONT KNOW!"

Football season is almost here! Go Amherst!


Great pre season outlook- enjoyed reading it.

ITH radio

That's great about your son, congrats!

I know a number of D3FB coaches and tell them while Tampa and So FL get more "love", there are a lot of capable student athletes here in the Orlando area from great schools that would be a great fit for NESCAC, LL and other D3 conferences.
Follow us on twitter @D3FBHuddle


IslandTime...thanks for the info.  Bowdoin may have been a wrong gauge for the Class of 2020 to report, being they have a somewhat unique orientation schedule that includes an outing trip for everyone...to take advantage of the beautiful outdoor environment that abounds.  Still, all the CAC schools have close starting dates for the academic year and a first football game on the 24 th of Sept.  The first sporting event for Amherst is the Women soccer game on 6 Sept.
Amherst sent- off receptions around the country and some in other countries for new students have occurred and are scheduled. The last one seems to be 20 August.  There is one in Arizona on Aug. 6 and the South Florida one is scheduled in Coconut Grove on the 16 of August, I believe.  I attended the one in D.C. on the last Sunday of July.  The hosts have a star soccer player at Amherst.  Found out that new students do not choose their roommates this year...interesting in that there are 5 students from the same D.C. private school....St. Albans...one will be a teammate of your son.  Have not seen an orientation schedule on the website....all new students including transfers must attend orientation events.
Your remarks wrt to Nescac schools coupled with the "Just don't know" remark brought back 50 plus year memories...before there was a Nescac.  It was common among educators at all levels in the Fifties to state that the normal person on the street may have heard about the Ivies schools as places to get a top education...but only those in the know were aware of the present schools that make up the CAC today.  I remember friends/classmates that had fathers/mothers that were Presidents/Provosts of Ivy and Seven Sister Schools as well as Supreme Court Justices, etc.
Should I look for you at Homecoming?


Great post IslandTime. NESCAC athletics, and football in particular, is certainly special as all those on this board already know.

Good news for Trinity football alums regarding the new fencing that now separates the stands from the track. Apparently there is a plan in place to allow alums access inside the fence. No clue how this will be handled/enforced but this info came from a very reliable source so it should at least partially keep some of the atmosphere in place for those who prefer to watch the action at field level.
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


Found some interesting Hamilton info in between watching Rio Olympic events.
First...Hamilton is upgrading some of its athletic facilities...big time.  new baseball and softball facilities and a new soccer field...turf?  Short video available.  No mention of football field upgrades...yet?
More interesting to me is the Hamilton academic schedule...since Hamilton opens its football season at Amherst.  According to info on its website, new students arrive for orientation about a week earlier than most other CAC schools...16 Aug..  Start of classes begin on 25 August!  Upperclass dorms available on the 23rd.  Expect official football practice..with coaches available...to start at the same time as other conference schools.
Hamgrand....when does your son report for official practice...29 th?



My oldest son graduated from Hamilton in May.  So I am not sure when they start this year at Hamilton.  My younger son will be a junior at Middlebury - but I kept the Hamilton handle.  He reports on August 30 for move in and I think they start 9/1.

My boys are best friends, but it is a very long story on why they did not go to the same school, primarily having to do with the former Hamilton Coach - A Cohen.  I wouldn't let my younger son go play there.  Hamilton lost a lot of good recruits in those two years.  But despite two horrible years of football coaching in his Soph and Jr. years prior to Murray, my oldest son loved his experience at Hamilton and got to play a lot of football.  And playing his Senior year for Murray was a great experience too.

Son #2 loves Middlebury, and it is a great program with great coaches.  So everyone has their fit and you can't beat the education at any NESCAC school!       


Trinity has posted their 2016 season preview:

With 16 returning starters and 10 players who earned an All NESCAC designation last season as well as the last three NESCAC Rookie of the Year award winners it should be another strong squad for Trin. The Bantam defense was not as dominant last year as in the recent past. They'll need to have a bounce back season if they hope to unseat the "Purple and White" atop the NESCAC. I'm certainly glad that showdown will be played in Hartford.

Speaking of The Coop, there's a beautiful new (looks like video) scoreboard being installed at Jessee/Miller Field:
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


Trin8-0.....Thanks for the info!  See Trinity is setting the standard for score boards in the conference.   Read the preview and it is a very positive one indeed.  Hope the match-up on Nov. 4 at the Coop will be another one between two undefeated teams.
Based on the 2016 roster posted to date.....there are 15 slots up for grabs...so to speak for the arriving recruits.


Speaking of Trinity, I am really looking forward to watching Bates take them on down in Hartford to kick off the 2016 season. Two of Trinity's assistant coaches were captains when this year's group of Bates seniors were FYs, so I'm sure that group will be looking to stick it to their ol' pals!


 Attn: amh63

I finally found confirmation of what a trusted source told me about a month ago.   Two-sport star Don McKillop, Middlebury '11, is the new Amherst running backs assistant coach.    As the 4-year starting QB, McKillop rewrote the MC passing record book only to be following by a guy named Mac Foote.  While there is no mention of it as yet, one would be surprised if an assistant coaching assignment with the baseball team doesn't follow come spring.  The past 7 seasons with Brian Hamm, MC '02, at the helm have been the most successful period in the 156 year history of the program.