FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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PolarCat-As an alumnus of Bowdoin and parent of two fairly recent Bowdoin graduates, I have taken exception with some of your characterizations of the College and its administration.  However, I respect the fact that, as a current parent, you have your fingers on the pulse of the campus and I am in total agreement with your latest post with respect to its "painful political correctness".

Remember, this is the same college and administrative personnel that voluntarily vacated a mens NESCAC hockey championship due to an unrelated POST season party at which "hazing" occurred.  This incident was described by several first hand accounts as being as benign as one you describe and punished several players who weren't even in attendance. 

As the Athletic Director reports to the Dean of Students, don't be surprised if intercollegiate athletics is banned at Bowdoin because, after all, there are winners and losers and, in a politically correct world, one can't have that kind of inequality, can one?


Now we are getting really far afield, BUT, what the heck.

I wonder what the kids, all the kids, at Bowdoin conclude from actions such as those taken 'against' the Hockey and Lacrosse teams/cultures? What do the administrators think they are actually TEACHING these kids and what are the kids actually LEARNING? Obviously their parents (at least some) are groaning and biting their tongues at the very least. If your kids are still under your influence, they are potentially going to feel like victims.

Whose attention are the administrators trying to awaken?


Very good questions, Banfan.  And to bring things a little back to a football discussion, how can Bowdoin expect to hire a football coach and be successful in building a program in this type of cultural environment? 


And not just a football coach.  How is the current attitude on campus going to impact the search for President Mills' successor?  Will any candidate who is not Loony-Tunes-politically-correct be ready to tackle this environment?  Or will the level-headed candidates shy away from the job as being more bother than it's worth?  Too bad our faux-Native-American Elizabeth Warren got elected to the Senate; I bet she'd love the job.

Banfan, the reports from my kid (substantiated by the uncivil discourse in the school paper) indicate the current environment (die-ins after the Ferguson and NYC incidents; Administration's response to the Thanksgiving party) is really dividing the student body.  No one seems capable of empathy, compromise, clear thinking, and finding the middle ground.  Radical liberals squaring off against radical conservatives.  My kid hates it, and is ready to transfer.

Not really what I was expecting when I stroked the tuition check.


"No one seems capable of empathy, compromise, clear thinking, and finding the middle ground" .... sounds kind of like the political discourse in society-at-large.  Sad, albeit not shocking, that college kids would emulate political and media leaders in this regard. 

While this may be an extreme example of political correctness, it is not an outlier from the rest of NESCAC culture (and I'm someone who is generally sympathetic to the goals that these institutions are trying to achieve, but at the same time, some of what occurs in purported service of those goals is outright ridiculous, which just leads to correspondingly ridiculous overreactions from the other side).  Believe me, Bowdoin is nothing compared to Wesleyan in this regard, and Wes has managed to attract plenty of football coaching and on-field talent.  So I wouldn't sweat it in terms of Bowdoin's relative desirabillity for recruits and coaches.  A much bigger factor is how far admissions is willing to bend for recruits; that more than anything else will make the Bowdoin job more or less desirable relative to its peers. 


PolarCat-I am very sorry to hear that about your son and hope he finds the right college for him, whether he stays at Bowdoin or transfers. 

Thank you nescac1 for providing balance and reason to the discussion and your point about admissions is well taken.  It is certainly the predominant question at Bowdoin, but facilities (Whittier Field is a landmark but needs some work as many have pointed out), policies on transfers, staffing, and perhaps an endowed football chair all must enter the discussion. 


PolarCat -
While I am on board with what appear to be your political concerns (preaching to this particular choir), if your son is troubled by the liberal bent at Bowdoin then transferring to another NESCAC school or frankly ANY school will cause him to be equally troubled.   Been there with three kids who played college sports for 12 years (total) at 3 different institutions and one can put them all in the same bucket.  However, Bowdoin has a more challenging culture (note: I didn't attend Bowdoin) in terms of football success or lack thereof.   The hardest part, as I have discussed often with a Bowdoin colleague, is not Bowdoin culturally or academically, but the history of the football program.   Its record against the best of the best of the NESCAC is beyond dismal and so any coach coming in has to earnestly question the commitment of the school to excellence in football.   That, to me, is completely independent of the cultural bias of liberal arts schools including Bowdoin.


Interesting posts.  Did anyone notice that there is another Nescac Prez stepping down.  Hamilton's president is going out '16..  Wow...she joins two others....bowdoin and Middlebury.  Trinity, Bates and Conn all have new Leaders.   Have been hoping that with the earlier turnovers, a meeting of Prez...held annually to deal with conference matters would address the question of a 9 game football season.  Why?  Cause...Amherst's Prez is this year's "head" of the pack...a rotation thing.  She is a big fan of football/sports....in her days as Prez of U of Wisconsin- Madison.  With all these people going out, the topic will be  just pushed down the road..awaiting the new leaders, I'm afraid.


Quote from: banfan on December 10, 2014, 08:26:50 AM
Now we are getting really far afield, BUT, what the heck.

I wonder what the kids, all the kids, at Bowdoin conclude from actions such as those taken 'against' the Hockey and Lacrosse teams/cultures? What do the administrators think they are actually TEACHING these kids and what are the kids actually LEARNING? Obviously their parents (at least some) are groaning and biting their tongues at the very least. If your kids are still under your influence, they are potentially going to feel like victims.

Whose attention are the administrators trying to awaken?

Perversely, the action taken against the hockey kids in 2011 seemed to inspire them to greater achievements. They became very disciplined and focused in the following seasons, with excellent team leadership, and won the NESCAC championship in 2 of the following 3 seasons. It was an interesting legacy and likely not what the administration expected.


JEFFFAN I hear you loud and clear.  My Alma Mater is Dartmouth, which under the previous administration excelled at the over-the-top PC nonsense.  The new Prez is better, but seems to be saddled with a crazy liberal faculty, emboldened by the last regime.

It looks like even Notre Dame has jumped on the bandwagon, with a new MANDATORY course on white guilt.

For the record, my son at Bates is the football player.  He's really happy with the Bobcat program.  My daughter at Bowdoin was also an athletic recruit, but for a different sport.  (Though she runs a great post pattern, has incredible hands, and kills it at Powder Puff).


Polarcat....where does she get her talent/skills?....from her Panther mother? :)


Mom wasn't an athlete, so we're stumped.  Maybe the postman?

frank uible


Plus one, PolarCat, for the laugh, and for giving me hope for my son!


Quote from: amh63 on December 10, 2014, 10:33:12 AM
Interesting posts.  Did anyone notice that there is another Nescac Prez stepping down.  Hamilton's president is going out '16..  Wow...she joins two others....bowdoin and Middlebury.  Trinity, Bates and Conn all have new Leaders.

Don't forget Colby's brand new president who is unabashedly a strong supporter of football and all the sports at the college.