FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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Full rosters, community service, high GPAs and no scandals; are all some college presidents / ADs / Trustees want from their football programs....

We can all talk about if this is true for a number of schools in the conference, and few of us have the inside knowledge to say for sure. But few recruits making decisions about where they want to play have that knowledge either.

If you're consistently in the bottom of the league, and aren't making changes all you're doing is supporting the statement above and giving recruits a reason to go elsewhere.


Jefffan.....a most perceptive post....like it!  Plus K
Staying in the "world" of D3 football/ sports and relative small educational communities, such points of the prez/AD/coaches commitment are magnified and even MORE intertwined than say the Un. of Mich.....where the selection of a HFC was the talk of college football.  Note that Big Blue football supports ALL of the other sports program.
Amherst has rebuilt its program at least once....Wes has done it recently...and Tufts and Hamilton seems to be on their way.  I believe most all the conference presidents realize that strong sports programs with a strong football program is needed to get the funding needed for their schools...period!  That is why there is so much chatter here on the subject of a HFC...I know, this is a football board.  On other boards, it is the same...different sports, but the HC is the focus.
I'm rambling again :'(


Quote from: NED3Guy on November 10, 2015, 09:57:19 AM
Full rosters, community service, high GPAs and no scandals; are all some college presidents / ADs / Trustees want from their football programs....

We can all talk about if this is true for a number of schools in the conference, and few of us have the inside knowledge to say for sure. But few recruits making decisions about where they want to play have that knowledge either.

If you're consistently in the bottom of the league, and aren't making changes all you're doing is supporting the statement above and giving recruits a reason to go elsewhere.

I agree.


I don't anticipate a single program dropping football. Thankfully. If anyone can point to a specific program thought to be considering dropping football, I like to know which program, and why.


Quote from: Nescacman on November 09, 2015, 10:49:59 PM
We do have to admit, we are a bit confused. You seem to say that football at Bowdoin is not successful because of lack of support from admissions and the administration. Other Bowdoin teams (look at this Fall for example) seem to have lots of success. Are they doing that despite not receiving support from admissions and the administration? Are they receiving support and football isn't receiving any support? If not, why?

Okay, I get that you are easily confused.  (Why else would you continue to refer to yourself as "we"?)  But football recruiting faces different challenges than other sports, due to 2 factors: numbers and politics.

Bowdoin has had great success this Fall with the field hockey, volleyball, women's rugby, sailing, men's and women's soccer teams.  Those teams have rosters of 22, 15, 38, 34, 29 and 26 respectively.  So when defending National Champion coach Nicky Pearson is building a recruiting class, she only needs Admissions to sign off on 6 or 7 applicants, and maybe only 2 or 3 of those will be impact players.  The football coach needs them to sign off on 20 to 25 to maintain his 75 man roster, 9 or 10 of which will be impact players.

In most sports, athletes can be easily moved from one position to another.  Look at the USWNT for an example: Kelli O'Hara was a forward at Stanford and still fills that role for Sky Blue FC, but Jill Ellis has her at midfield on the National Team.  Arguably, Bowdoin Sailing Coach Frank Pizzo has it easiest, since there are only 2 positions on his team - skipper and crew - and a lot of his prospective athletes are equally comfortable at both ends of the boat.  Football coaches aren't as lucky.  You can't turn a placekicker into a defensive lineman, nor can you turn a WR into a long snapper.  So the football coach is much more "needy" when it comes to Admissions: he needs a QB, a couple WR's, 2 RB's, 2 DB's, 5 or 6 lineman, and either a punter or a kicker each and every year.

Which brings me to politics.  The anti-jock element in Brunswick has targeted football.  The sport has the biggest roster and coaching stall, it's expensive (the argument is that budget could be spent on more financial aid), they've achieved minimal success, and the players have committed some well-publicized social faux pas. In the mind of many NARP's, Football is the Great Satan of Brunswick. 

When JB Wells was hired, other Bowdoin coaches bristled at the rumors that he would get some "extra" help from Admissions to turn the program around.  "We're out there winning championships," the logic went, "so why would you penalize my team to help out football?"  (Wells' recent series of tweets about all the great recruits he's bringing in for next year - before the ED1 deadline has even arrived, let alone the acceptance letters have been mailed - can't be winning him any friends in the Athletic Department, or in the Admissions office.  Like the Water the Bamboo and Boil the Owl stuff, you really need to wonder what Wells is thinking).

The bottom line: other sports can get by with much less support than football needs.  And I wouldn't be surprised if Wells' Twitter activity isn't torpedoing his future chances. 


As much as it pains me, I agree with Polar Cat on many, if not all of these points.  It is very much a numbers game and Bowdoin, while able to land some pretty good primary football talent over the years, falls down completely when it comes to supporting players and depth.  Not only do the other sports require fewer tipped players, some have had enough success that Bowdoin recruits itself and those coaches are in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose.

PolarCat is closer to the current situation with respect to the aggressive anti football attitude on the part of some selected groups and I will defer to him.  My experience is that the Bowdoin Administration would like to win, but has been unable to make the required commitment, either because of indifference or benign neglect.  The fact that a renovation of Whittier Field has been on the drawing board for so long with no announcement to move forward is particularly troubling-not because of a fear of Bowdoin's disbanding of football, but because of a continuing lack of commitment and acceptance of the status quo.  It also is a recruiting liability.

I will not criticize Coach Wells for the Water the Bamboo and Boiled Owl stuff as he is using those things to build a different culture.  What I do find fault with is with the use of social media for which to promote it-these are internal team issues and should stay there.  The winning culture is team first, and communication outside of the team is not relevant and subject to ridicule.  If you win, you don't need to talk, and if you lose, you better not.


Quote from: NewtoNescac on November 09, 2015, 08:17:08 AM
Quote from: Nescacman on November 08, 2015, 11:04:27 PM
Quote from: Rte27Driver on November 08, 2015, 05:56:24 PM
Ephs lost a good player yesterday for good, he's out. #38

Fall 2015 recruiting game is also rife with rumors of no one knowing what's going on. Several players who were recruited heavily early on had coaches fall silent. Not sure whether this is is the usual sifting out or a sense of a coaching staff that is in flux.

Our sources tell us that the HCOF has already been told that his services are no longer needed in Willytown. Saturday against Amherst will be Kelton"s last game, perhaps ever, as HCOF of anything. We hear he may be headed back to his alma matter, Springfield, in some capacity.

As far as replacements, one name being kicked around by those in the know is Kevin Morris, Eph's Class of '86, and current OC at Monmouth College. Not only did Morris play QB in the 'CAC, he has been a HC (WPI and UMass), a coordinator in the Ivy League, and has a ton of other good experience. In that talent on-hand is very limited and Williams will probably take too long to hire a replacement thus jeopordizing this year's recruiting, whomever they hire is going to have their hands full returning Williams to football glory and everyone will need to be very patient.

Kevin Morris would be a smart choice. He has a very extensive coaching resume as a HC and assistant. He knows the NESCAC, and he's a Williams alum. I think he would be well received by the Williams faithful.

The Eph Football Alumni would be very happy with a choice of Kevin Morris.  Was a good player in his day, a good coach, knows the NESCAC, and is an Ephman who knows only a relentless work ethic, which is exactly what is needed in Billsville. 


Enough with the Polar Bears...we've beaten that to a pulp. Onward to a topic we can all agree on...the demise of the Williams Ephmen!!!

The Onion correspondent, B. Deep Bagshaw, was covering the Russian Metrojet Airbus crash but was flown home to cover another sad development here in the continental U.S.........

MIDDLETOWN, CT - Reporting from Andrus Field on the Wesleyan University campus, it appears that approximately 3,500 spectators witnessed the final breath of the once proud Williams College football program.
This reporter was able to reach President Falk for comment by phone. When asked how the Ephs deteriorated into a floating barge fire, El Presidente responded, "Mr. Bagshaw, your negativity is really offensive. I wish you would focus on some positive aspects of Williams like our 438 Sears Cups and the recent success of our transgender Chinese checkers team."

Digging deeper, The Onion uncovered there is some truth there. Williams College athletics is king (or queen, or whatever) of all sports that typically attract between 0 - 23 spectators per contest. In fact, the transgender Chinese checkers team, affectionately known as T2C, prevailed in the Identity Crisis Cup today while the football team was euthanized by Wesleyan, 27-7. The I.C. Cup is held in the basement of a massage parlor in Northampton, MA. Interestingly enough, T2C is led by Caitlyn Jenner. He/She still has some collegiate eligibility despite playing football in Graceland College long before he/she was an American Hero then reality t.v. absurdity. We were able to reach T2C Coach Lisa Melendy in Northampton by Skype to get her commentary on the demise of the football program. "The what?," she responded.

The Williams College website reflects that Dick Farley was quite the coach back when the school cared about football and, in a sense, had a real athletic department. This dogged correspondent scoured Andrus Field and sure enough, Dick was there, albeit wearing one of those paper bags with eyeholes cut-out like a 1980s New Orleans Saints fans. Coach Farley was pestered for any insight on what he was witnessing on the gridiron. "I used to tell the guys 'You're here because there is no Division 4.' Well, based on what I have seen over the last few years, I was wrong." Sadly, he is correct. The Ephs lost to Hamilton High School last week for the first time in 67 years. Under European soccer rules, this automatically demotes the institution to the next lowest level which in Williams' position would be Division 4. Since the program is effectively dead, it escapes the demotion.

The Onion wondered where the alumni stood on the program's extermination. Legendary former captain, Brian "Boz" Stevens, was located on Long Island and asked for his feelings on the subject. Teary eyed, he shared "You know Balls, I know Division 3 doesn't want us any longer but what about the Special Olympics?" Hmmmm. There is some potential there. If Coach Jamie Foxx could recruit ringers like Jimmy and Johnny Knoxville, that kind of elite speed coupled with Lommen's arm could lead to a pretty explosive offense. Given that Williams College is satisfied with 2-6 records, nobody would question that the institution is mentally impaired. However, football is not part of the Special Olympics slate of events.....yet.

Well, it is sad day for the Purple Cows but those in charge don't seem to care so neither should the readers, right?

Next week The Onion interviews Brooks Foehl about the gifting and bequest patterns of transgenders and students from third world nations.


Quote from: NewtoNescac on November 10, 2015, 08:05:01 AM
While I think Nescacman's comments as articulated were harsh, I tend to agree with his general assessment. Facts are facts. Other than flashes, Mac Caputi was not a very good QB. Probably a great kid. Dave Caputi was a very nice man based on my experiences with him. But the fact is that he did not win, or even compete, while HC. That's just a fact. And while involved in the recruiting process, he was the most disorganized HC I encountered, and actually came across as lazy. But, I still grew to like the guy.

Regarding HC's, we can all talk about who is good, who is bad, who should stay and who should be let go. We tend go let our hearts get in the way at times, whether because we like or dislike a coach. But the facts do not change. Caputi just was not a winning coach and could arguably be accused if "daddy ball". Kelton has not won with "his" teams. Wells has only had one season so he has time, but he needs to start improving, and that includes some wins. And, Michaeles is 3-12 the past two seasons, with a very predictable offense that barely scores one TD a game.

As much as we may like these coaches, facts don't lie. So, the AD's can retain nice guy coaches, but don't complain when the team doesn't win.

Thank you...sometimes the truth hurts.


Jumping into the conversation because it is a topic I have been vocal about before...coaching swings. 

I believe it is time for a changing of the guards for the Ephs.  I think this sentiment has become fairly consistent across the board.  Kelton (again same mantra) is a great guy, but his staff and recruits have not been getting it done.  This has led to a precipitous drop in the level of Williams football.

In terms of Wells possibly ruffling feathers with his recruiting on campus, I hope that is not the case.  I know Bowdoin has suffered from some anti-football attitudes recently.  But I do not think I would look too much into his tweets about recruits getting in pre-deadline.  Generally, as most of us know, football and other recruits are pre-vetted by admissions to put them into bands of "help". Though they cannot disclose it to the player, coaches will have an idea/know ahead of deadlines which players are getting in or not.  I think Wells has just extended his presence some, as NewtoNescac thinks Colby should do (I agree), and he is excited about who he got.

On to my own school, I think Michaeles will be around for another 2-3 years at minimum.  I know this is a change from some of my earlier sentiments, but bear with me.  His two years were very much rebuilding and re-stabilizing years following that time in 2011 (don't speak of it).  The last two years have been thrown into a bit of a shadow by coach staff changes and rampant injuries.  Anyone staring at a Colby sideline the past two years could see a number of prominent numbers in khakis and jerseys instead of shoulder pads.  On top of that, Fogherty and some assistants used the 2014 season as a stopping point of their coaching careers.  Both of these lead to instability that not even a HC can control.  On top of this, the President, AD and Admissions director are all in their first true year that is not a transition.  I think all of these will lead to Michaeles being given a chance to show what he can do with a consistent staff, administration and healthy players he recruited. 

Does the level of play need to step up?  Yes.  Does Colby football need to win more?  Absolutely.  Can Michaeles do it?  We have yet to see what he can do without outstanding circumstances undercutting him.  Give him a couple of years with his players, the same staff and the same administration that is wholeheartedly behind him, and then pass your/our/Colby's judgment. 


Quote from: Nescacman on November 10, 2015, 03:55:30 PM
Enough with the Polar Bears...we've beaten that to a pulp. Onward to a topic we can all agree on...the demise of the Williams Ephmen!!!

The Onion correspondent, B. Deep Bagshaw, was covering the Russian Metrojet Airbus crash but was flown home to cover another sad development here in the continental U.S.........

MIDDLETOWN, CT - Reporting from Andrus Field on the Wesleyan University campus, it appears that approximately 3,500 spectators witnessed the final breath of the once proud Williams College football program.
This reporter was able to reach President Falk for comment by phone. When asked how the Ephs deteriorated into a floating barge fire, El Presidente responded, "Mr. Bagshaw, your negativity is really offensive. I wish you would focus on some positive aspects of Williams like our 438 Sears Cups and the recent success of our transgender Chinese checkers team."

Digging deeper, The Onion uncovered there is some truth there. Williams College athletics is king (or queen, or whatever) of all sports that typically attract between 0 - 23 spectators per contest. In fact, the transgender Chinese checkers team, affectionately known as T2C, prevailed in the Identity Crisis Cup today while the football team was euthanized by Wesleyan, 27-7. The I.C. Cup is held in the basement of a massage parlor in Northampton, MA. Interestingly enough, T2C is led by Caitlyn Jenner. He/She still has some collegiate eligibility despite playing football in Graceland College long before he/she was an American Hero then reality t.v. absurdity. We were able to reach T2C Coach Lisa Melendy in Northampton by Skype to get her commentary on the demise of the football program. "The what?," she responded.

The Williams College website reflects that Dick Farley was quite the coach back when the school cared about football and, in a sense, had a real athletic department. This dogged correspondent scoured Andrus Field and sure enough, Dick was there, albeit wearing one of those paper bags with eyeholes cut-out like a 1980s New Orleans Saints fans. Coach Farley was pestered for any insight on what he was witnessing on the gridiron. "I used to tell the guys 'You're here because there is no Division 4.' Well, based on what I have seen over the last few years, I was wrong." Sadly, he is correct. The Ephs lost to Hamilton High School last week for the first time in 67 years. Under European soccer rules, this automatically demotes the institution to the next lowest level which in Williams' position would be Division 4. Since the program is effectively dead, it escapes the demotion.

The Onion wondered where the alumni stood on the program's extermination. Legendary former captain, Brian "Boz" Stevens, was located on Long Island and asked for his feelings on the subject. Teary eyed, he shared "You know Balls, I know Division 3 doesn't want us any longer but what about the Special Olympics?" Hmmmm. There is some potential there. If Coach Jamie Foxx could recruit ringers like Jimmy and Johnny Knoxville, that kind of elite speed coupled with Lommen's arm could lead to a pretty explosive offense. Given that Williams College is satisfied with 2-6 records, nobody would question that the institution is mentally impaired. However, football is not part of the Special Olympics slate of events.....yet.

Well, it is sad day for the Purple Cows but those in charge don't seem to care so neither should the readers, right?

Next week The Onion interviews Brooks Foehl about the gifting and bequest patterns of transgenders and students from third world nations.

Haven't laughed this loud in a long, long time, NESCACMAN.  I know that this, too, will pass and that Williams will ultimately get back to the top but your write-up is hysterical.   I also agree completely on the sports that Williams is great in ...


Quote from: JEFFFAN on November 10, 2015, 04:22:01 PM
Quote from: Nescacman on November 10, 2015, 03:55:30 PM
Enough with the Polar Bears...we've beaten that to a pulp. Onward to a topic we can all agree on...the demise of the Williams Ephmen!!!

The Onion correspondent, B. Deep Bagshaw, was covering the Russian Metrojet Airbus crash but was flown home to cover another sad development here in the continental U.S.........

MIDDLETOWN, CT - Reporting from Andrus Field on the Wesleyan University campus, it appears that approximately 3,500 spectators witnessed the final breath of the once proud Williams College football program.
This reporter was able to reach President Falk for comment by phone. When asked how the Ephs deteriorated into a floating barge fire, El Presidente responded, "Mr. Bagshaw, your negativity is really offensive. I wish you would focus on some positive aspects of Williams like our 438 Sears Cups and the recent success of our transgender Chinese checkers team."

Digging deeper, The Onion uncovered there is some truth there. Williams College athletics is king (or queen, or whatever) of all sports that typically attract between 0 - 23 spectators per contest. In fact, the transgender Chinese checkers team, affectionately known as T2C, prevailed in the Identity Crisis Cup today while the football team was euthanized by Wesleyan, 27-7. The I.C. Cup is held in the basement of a massage parlor in Northampton, MA. Interestingly enough, T2C is led by Caitlyn Jenner. He/She still has some collegiate eligibility despite playing football in Graceland College long before he/she was an American Hero then reality t.v. absurdity. We were able to reach T2C Coach Lisa Melendy in Northampton by Skype to get her commentary on the demise of the football program. "The what?," she responded.

The Williams College website reflects that Dick Farley was quite the coach back when the school cared about football and, in a sense, had a real athletic department. This dogged correspondent scoured Andrus Field and sure enough, Dick was there, albeit wearing one of those paper bags with eyeholes cut-out like a 1980s New Orleans Saints fans. Coach Farley was pestered for any insight on what he was witnessing on the gridiron. "I used to tell the guys 'You're here because there is no Division 4.' Well, based on what I have seen over the last few years, I was wrong." Sadly, he is correct. The Ephs lost to Hamilton High School last week for the first time in 67 years. Under European soccer rules, this automatically demotes the institution to the next lowest level which in Williams' position would be Division 4. Since the program is effectively dead, it escapes the demotion.

The Onion wondered where the alumni stood on the program's extermination. Legendary former captain, Brian "Boz" Stevens, was located on Long Island and asked for his feelings on the subject. Teary eyed, he shared "You know Balls, I know Division 3 doesn't want us any longer but what about the Special Olympics?" Hmmmm. There is some potential there. If Coach Jamie Foxx could recruit ringers like Jimmy and Johnny Knoxville, that kind of elite speed coupled with Lommen's arm could lead to a pretty explosive offense. Given that Williams College is satisfied with 2-6 records, nobody would question that the institution is mentally impaired. However, football is not part of the Special Olympics slate of events.....yet.

Well, it is sad day for the Purple Cows but those in charge don't seem to care so neither should the readers, right?

Next week The Onion interviews Brooks Foehl about the gifting and bequest patterns of transgenders and students from third world nations.

Haven't laughed this loud in a long, long time, NESCACMAN.  I know that this, too, will pass and that Williams will ultimately get back to the top but your write-up is hysterical.   I also agree completely on the sports that Williams is great in ...

Full disclosure, that was sent to us by a disgruntled Eph alum and we are just the messenger. Looks like it appeared in the Onion, but we are not 100% sure. One thing is for sure...it's very funny.


To defend Williams' athletic honor in some of the more high profile sports against Jefffan (and apparently a fellow Eph) .... I feel compelled to mention that, notwithstanding our recent well-chronicled football struggles, in just the past five years, Williams has played in the national championship game in women's soccer, has twice beaten Amherst, at Amherst, to advance to the Final Four in men's soccer, and twice between Amherst (once in men's hoops and once in women's) in the Final Four in basketball.  Men's soccer had a transition year featuring a young team and a new coach, but will be back in a big way soon.  And men's hoops just brought in a recruiting class of six guys averaging 6'7 in height, most of whom can shoot the lights out from three to boot.  In another year or two of maturation, men's basketball will likewise be back to its accustomed spot fighting for Final Four berths and beating up on Amherst in the NCAA tourney.  The Ephs just happened to have a lot of coaching transition, simultaneously, in high profile sports over the past few years, plus of course the one coaching hire that to put it mildly didn't work out.  In short, I'm not sweating it. 

Pat Coleman

I did a quick search and saw no evidence that ever appeared in The Onion, for the record.
Publisher. Questions? Check our FAQ for D3f, D3h.
Quote from: old 40 on September 25, 2007, 08:23:57 PMLet's discuss (sports) in a positive way, sometimes kidding each other with no disrespect.


Amherst was picked by many on this board to finish 3rd in NESCAC this year.  With a new QB, injured 2 returning RBs (Wells and Jackson), losing 3 key OL and their All World PK...not much was expected.  Yet, their offense is #1.  Rumors have it they have a Odell-Beckham type WR just waiting for his chance and we all know Jack Hickey could be a Larry Csonka type down the road.  The QB is only a sophomore.   As for their vaunted Defense...they returned a veteran group that saw zero frosh/sophs in the starting lineup when season began.  Their steely resolve has kept them in every game regardless of the play of the offense.  The secondary has been defiant of giving up big plays despite installing a sophomore mid season.  They were beaten first play from scrimmage against Bates and by a trick play by Wesleyan.  That's about it.  Otherwise the defense forces opponents to grind it out knowing a mistake will be made somehow and pouncing on turnover opportunities.   Lots of talent in the linebackers group and secondary will be next year as inexperienced but ready to play in Mills system after watching for 1-2 seasons. 

The Williams game is huge for the team.  They want to send their seniors out on a high note and finish undefeated and untied.  But, don't sleep on this group in 2016.  They ain't finished!