FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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I agree the schedule should be shuffled each year while maintaining rivalries. But these schools need a program builder who can also coach football.


I can only address Colby. But the failures there are obvious to me. If any of you are close the situation I'd love to know what you're hearing from the players. What I heard and saw at Middlebury after the game was depressing for the players. Several young guys feel so beaten down by the coaching they're ready to pack it in. They are the future and they're being lost. Three games into the season and its that bad.


Given all the flag stuff, I had a Wes alum (whose last Wes game was the opening 2016 Wes @ Tufts game when Wes first didn't come out of the locker room for the national anthem) ask me "What are (his) Cardinals doing re the National Anthem this year?".

I didn't have an answer for him.

Anyone who attend any of this year's three Wes games able to comment?  Absent from the field?  Attending and kneeling?  Various?


frank uible

nescac1, as usual you see the glass as being half full.


Quote from: NESCAC.Football.Observer on October 02, 2017, 01:12:22 PM
Given all the flag stuff, I had a Wes alum (whose last Wes game was the opening 2016 Wes @ Tufts game when Wes first didn't come out of the locker room for the national anthem) ask me "What are (his) Cardinals doing re the National Anthem this year?".

I didn't have an answer for him.

Anyone who attend any of this year's three Wes games able to comment?  Absent from the field?  Attending and kneeling?  Various?


Games 1 and 2 they stayed in the locker room.

Sounds like the decision makers (and more than a few players) don't necessarily love the compromise. 


Games 1 and 2 they stayed in the locker room.

Sounds like the decision makers (and more than a few players) don't necessarily love the compromise.

Thank you.


We all saw the images from Las Vegas this morning. 

NESCAC players are bright kids.  I embrace their right to protest, but I am sure they can find another avenue that isn't so deeply offensive to so many of us, and doesn't disrespect the police officers and other first responders who were in the line of fire this morning.

Do you really need to emulate a pig-sock-wearing second-rate QB, who played in a league where domestic violence is deemed acceptable behavior?  Where one major star was convicted of murder, and another probably should have been?  (Where's the white suit, Ray Ray?)  Not to mention a certain new parolee and his Bronco?

If you want to change behavior, don't intentionally tick off the people who most need to hear your message. 


Can we please, please, please keep the debate about the national anthem off of here?  Pretty please.  I'm sure we all have various thoughts that mirror our national and in particular racial divide on these issues, and I'm sure they've already all been said, and said better, elsewhere.  It's been debated to death and beyond.   I hope we can agree on this much: thanks to its elevation by the President as the primary matter of national discourse for an entire week, it has already received a disproportionate amount of attention relative to other ongoing issues of national import. 

Frank, turning to Williams, if someone told you before the season that the Ephs would win their first two games by double-digits, and then stay within one score of Trinity on the road, wouldn't you have been both extremely skeptical and deliriously happy?  That is where my optimism comes from -- not from any illusions about where the Ephs are just yet, but from a projection of where they are now vs. what could reasonably have been expected from a frosh-dominated, undermanned roster.   Even if the Ephs don't win another game this year, this season is a huge step in the right direction.  Hopefully they can pull out 1-2 more, though.   


nescac1, I will share your optimism re:  the Ephs.  Starting the season, I thought 2 wins would be a successful beginning to what is hopefully a multi-year climb back to respectability.  Weeks 1&2 went better than expected.  I thought they executed well on offense, particularly for such a young team.  Watching them run the no-huddle reasonably well week 1 was more than I would have expected after 3wks of practice with several 1st years in the mix.  HOWEVER, my expectations were still stuck at 2 wins.  Then the Trinity game happened.  In my mind it opened up the possibility for more this year.  I don't see a winning record but 3 wins looks probable.  4 wins?  Maybe.  I am wondering how they will perform against a pass-oriented offense.  The Eph offense isn't where it needs to be yet to keep up with a higher scoring, faster opponent.


Polar Cat ?  Come on man......really?  If you're going to mention a few of the bad seeds of the NFL......could you at least balance it with those that are good seeds?  Or do you just throw them all under the same rug when it's convenient? 

You also failed to mention the many minorities (and whites) who have been abused or killed by cops only to see the cops barely get administrative leave for their vicious deeds protected by the "code".

I'm not one for kneeling and crap during the anthem.  But, I'm also not stupid enough to continue associating their discontent with the military or first responders etc.  The protesters are clearly stating they are objecting to social injustices. 

I know a cop.....an old high school classmate/teammate and he clearly told me, "we won't speak out against the shield".  He said he would not advise anyone to go into his occupation in today's climate.  Ya rarely hear a cop saying, "that was a bad shooting that was totally wrong".  Nope, folks just keep quiet for fear of retaliation within their membership.

My last comment to yours Polar Cat is this:  before you tear down  the NFL as this condoner of bad behavior......do some research on the military itself........and what it "condones".  Seriously, do you sit there and think there aren't any culprits of domestic violence or culprits that abuse and assault that exist in the military?  You do know that their rates of violence in the family are higher than what we see in civilian world right?  Maybe go do some research on certain places like Ft. Bragg, NC and tell me they aren't a complete DISGRACE with the amount of violence and assaults on their own soldiers. 

NFL is no different than society dude.  They just seem to make a ton a of money and are high profile. 

Case in point, yesterday's killer of at least 59 and injurer of over 520 other innocent people was a White wealthy multi millionaire who had just sent his 90 year old mother a walker (2 weeks ago).  He was retired and in a relationship (many killers seem to be loners).  Seemingly the perfect setup to enjoy retirement (play his poker, golf, fly his plane, etc).

He did more damage in 10 minutes than ALL of the BS you brought up.........including the whole history of the NFL rap sheet.   smh.

Are we going to now look down on every man that identifies with him?  I hope not.  I'm sure we have a few on this board who fit his description up until what he did last night.   So, pump your brakes on some of that noise.  The NFL just like PGA, MLB, NBA, and others..........man, they do a lot of good for many out there.  Many!

I agree with those above........it's a touchy subject.  I am glad to see the kids of Amherst choosing to protest in other ways than the new "trend".  But, it's a new generation.  These kids think differently.  They weren't raised saying prayer, allegiance and sometimes the anthem (in school programs) like I was.  They haven't been trained like many of us who grew up either serving or having a father that served.  Different times man. 

Doesn't mean we gotta give up on them!   But, we gotta try and see the message and not be misled by the method of delivery.


New to the board but enjoying the reading.  I have missed a game or two due to unforeseen circumstances and wasn't able to connect to wifi to catch the live feed either ~ is there a way to purchase a download of any of the games.  When you press the purchase button it asks for a password and a reason....Any help appreciated and thank you.


Quote from: Nester on October 02, 2017, 08:03:40 PM
New to the board but enjoying the reading.  I have missed a game or two due to unforeseen circumstances and wasn't able to connect to wifi to catch the live feed either ~ is there a way to purchase a download of any of the games.  When you press the purchase button it asks for a password and a reason....Any help appreciated and thank you.
Decent programs will burn a DVD for you at cost. Call the athletic Deoartment and ask who handles that. I've done that in the past, but not with a NESCAC school.



Nester....welcome!  My suggestion is to connect with the primary broadcastor...NSN.  Then ask to purchase the video of the game you wish.  You can do it via the Nescac school of your choice.  Sometimes there is a waiting period after the game before the video becomes available.  My limited experience is in MBB...none in football.
forgot....NSN stands for NorthEast Sports Network...has the contract with the Nescac schools. 


Quote from: ColbyFootball on October 02, 2017, 12:37:18 PM
I can only address Colby. But the failures there are obvious to me. If any of you are close the situation I'd love to know what you're hearing from the players. What I heard and saw at Middlebury after the game was depressing for the players. Several young guys feel so beaten down by the coaching they're ready to pack it in. They are the future and they're being lost. Three games into the season and its that bad.

If coaching is a concern, allow me to rephrase the question ... would any of the four teams currently at the top of the NESCAC trade rosters - just the players - with any of the four teams currently residing at the bottom of the NESCAC?  In theory, if coaching was the issue, the implication is that the talent levels are comparable from top to bottom.