FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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Clearly some people on this site take things a little to seriously.  Cheesdoc...I am happy you were upset by my posting...hopefully there are players in the league that will read it and take it to heart...our league at the current moment is filled with average athletes and it is a shame that the competition is not more challenging.  As for your post....this is why poeple who do not have a sense of humor should be restricted from this site. 


If you want a valid opinion from a former player who excelled in the NESCAC, both on and off the field, here it is:

1. Trinity - There is no question about this team.  Jeff Devanney has taken over and not missed a beat.  Trin8-0's report of the recruiting sucess for the coming year is exciting for me as an alumni.  There is a simple equation to Trinity's sucess...

Recruit the best athletes possible + great coaching+ an outstanding development program = CHAMPIONSHIPS

However, I think Amherst may have a shot at beating them if the Birds take it easy.

2. Amherst - They are always a quality team, and the coaching is slightly secondary to Trinity's.  We always viewed them as one of our greatest threats during the season.  I am looking forward to the Trin - Herst game...could they end the streak?  It's either 8-0 or 7-1....but I think 7-1 is more reasonable.

3. Colby - Yes, they do have a quality linebacker and they do have good coaching.  I just don't know how they can compete on a recruiting level with the location and atmosphere of the college?  I think they could go 6-2.

4. Williams - This is a team that will struggle until they get back their identity.  They have lost to Bates and been close with several other bottom tier teams over the last three years.  I think they will finish 5-3, but it will be a tough year for the seniors.

5. Tufts - They have a younger team and they do have a great young talent at linebacker.  The problem with this team is the coaching...they just don't have the complexity that other teams bring to the table.  I don't see much talent on this team as a whole...expect nothing better than 5-3.

6. Middlebury - They have had a rough coule of years, but I see them on the upswing this season.  They have the talent and the facilities to produce great teams like the past.  4-4 would be a good guess, but they will be back in the years to come.

7. Bowdoin - They had a tremendous year last season...but it will not translate into another repeat performance.  3-5

8. Bates - Their lacrosse team had a great season, but it looks like they will remain at the bottom of the league again.  Expect one or two suprising wins but the season will be a wash. 2-6

9. Hamilton - I would actually like to see this team have a good season...I remember playing them at our home field in 2003 when we pummeled them by 40 points.  In the early part of the game our middle linebacker and I crushed the QB...as we were getting up one of their offensive linemen put out his hand to help me and said "Great Hit!"............do you see why they are not good? 1-7

10. Wesleyan - I don't care what they do...they have a large mountain to climb and they are at the very bottom staring up.  Good luck fellas, but prepare for another 8-0 season.

Comments or Questions....hopefully I did not offend any sensitive posters.


That nescacnation article was quite disturbing.  Is he coaching college sports, or 5th grade CYO??

DirtyBird, I don't think Trin will take it easy on homecoming against Amherst.  If the 'herst does win, it will be b/c they are better that day.  But I don't see that happening.  It's always nice getting the view from the guys on the field, hopefully the other posters feel the same way I do.

Garnet,  thanks for the info.  Would be nice to see a few more contests between Union and some of the NESCAC schools, Trinity mostly.


now those posts were great e4ven dirtybirds both educational and informative. I learned alot thanks.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: formerbant10 on May 25, 2006, 07:17:33 PM
That nescacnation article was quite disturbing.  Is he coaching college sports, or 5th grade CYO??

DirtyBird, I don't think Trin will take it easy on homecoming against Amherst.  If the 'herst does win, it will be b/c they are better that day.  But I don't see that happening.  It's always nice getting the view from the guys on the field, hopefully the other posters feel the same way I do.

Garnet,  thanks for the info.  Would be nice to see a few more contests between Union and some of the NESCAC schools, Trinity mostly.

I dont see whats so wrong with what Barnard said.  I think it would be the best thing for the nescac if each school had to adhere to a formula like the IVY leagues do.  Then you wouldnt have all the contraversy like you do now.  The best thing about the IVY leagues is that basically every school has the same admission policy for athletes.  You never hear any whining about lax admissions policies because every school is on an even playing field.  That is not true in the nescac.  I wouldnt even be suprised if Williams and Amherst give lay some sort of ultimatem on the line for the rest of the nescac.  Im sure schools like Wesylan, Colby and Tufts would follow.  (Bowdoin and Bates dont require SATs so they might be a hard sell.)


Jonny: I agree. I think the notion of equal recruiting requirements for athletes in the NESCAC is a good idea. This is what the NESCAC was trying to achieve with the tips system, however it is not enforced and different schools allow a different number of tips. A level playing field would be the ideal situation. Therefore, when a team has success there will be no crying like there is now.

My only gripe is that in the letter Barnard sounds like a spoiled brat. He makes it sound as if Williams is the only school who should be allowed to win, and that other schools beating Williams is a travesty. Winning is not something you just get because you attend a particular school. It is earned through hard work. I hope his players have a better attitude towards competition than he does.
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


I agree with the last post but I think something is missed/ The kids lucky enough to go to this school have already won. The schools and parents have an obligation to ensure that the privilige is reinforced and that the appropriate resources are provided to fulfill the kids and families obligation to the school, ie study graduate, work out and behave in a fashion that each school feels is credible. remember this is the d-1 of academics which translates to other thing years in the future.


On to more important topics-

I've never posted on this board.  Honestly I'm just not familiar with much of what y'all do except that one of my high school coaches played at Williams.  A linebacker named Mike Simpson class of 1990 I think.  Anyway, that's not important.  The 50 point rule that has just been put in place for Connecticut high school football is my issue.  I suspect that some of the folks reading this are from Connecticut, and I hope for your sake that you are as embarrassed about what this reflects in the Connecticut sports culture as New Orleanians are about their mayor having just been re-elected.  Shame on your state.  I have to wonder why anyone plays football up there anyway. 

Maybe if it is explained to your athletic association this way, they'll understand better- a 57 to 6 game in football is like an 8 to 1 game in hockey or lacrosse. 

For those of you unfamiliar with this issue, click below.

I know that this particular decision will not have great consequences on our nation, but it is ultra liberal decision making of this kind that discourages people from working to perform as well as they can, and protects those that choose not to put forth effort.  In my life time, I've seen many a high school kid lay down and conceit if things aren't going well for the team.  You have to really coach the kids up at that point, and tell them to fall down in the open field because his touchdown might hurt the team next week.  

I know not all New Englanders believe in this.  I just can't believe that there are enough to pass a rule such as this.  Ithink it's crazy and destructive. 

Ralph Turner

I just saw that TU2698 had posted the "anti-rout" article and wanted to weigh in on the provision.

What do you do when it is 42-0 late in the 3rd qtr.  Your 3rd team tailback breaks thru the line and scores on a long run.  Okay it is now 48-0.  So, you give your backup PK another rep and he converts...49-0.

On the next drive, the other team is running the ball down the field and is about to score on the 3rd team defense.  Your 3rd string CB steps in front of an errant pass in the flat and runs 90 yds.  He is then confronted with a dilemma. Does he score the dream play of his entire career and cause his coach to be suspended or does he have the presence of mind to comprehend the consequences of that action and take a knee on the opponents' 1 yd-line?

IMHO, the fallacy of this issue is that one is trying to legislate character.  Character changes come from the core of the individual, and this legislation is feckless at that!

My alma mater has taken some 50-point drubbings by the second and third teamers of outstanding teams.  McMurry usually catches UMHB after the game with crosstown rival HSU.  It is very easy to be flat after that game, but the character issue for us is the tenacity not to quit.

Thanks and may the off-season pass more quickly! :)


As a former CT high school football player I'm embarassed about this rule change. I can only hope that after the outrage it has and will continue to cause the members of the CIAC will eliminate the rule.

p.s. Everybody wish formerbant10 a happy birthday.
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


This new rule, known by some as the "Jack Cochoran" (sp?) rule, is absurd.  While I believe that it is important to keep the integrity of the game intact, it's just rediculous that a head coach could be suspended for having prepared well for the opponent.  I realize that the intent of the rule was to restore the idea of sportsmanship at the high school level, but the rule doesn't account for the instances where one team is simply better than the other.  However, I think that what Jack Cochoran has done in the past (winning games 90-0) is wrong but you can't punish other coaches for his disregard or lack of respect for his opponents. 

NESCAC connection: Jack Cochoran coached at Trinity for a brief period...


Wow, a suspension?  Thats insane!  My team my senior year of high school went 10-1, destroying most of the competition, and getting destroyed in our final game.

We did our best not to run up the score (like in 5 of 8 regular season games, the 1st team didn't play more than one half of football), but we'd still win like 55-0 (scoring usually the entire 55 in the first half).  Our coaches were firmly against running up the score, but they were the best coaches in the county, the team had a vastly superior weightlifting program, bigger kids that year (by chance), and decent athletes.  We couldn't help rolling over bad teams.

That rule is godawful!  Yes, it felt like crap when the tables were turned (34-0 in our last game, and the other coach was the type who would run up the score on even the most pathetic teams in the league so his players could set records), but thats part of the chance you take when you step on the field.  I mean, I'd have trouble accepting even a MERCY rule in football, let alone a suspension for the coach!!! 


Something to keeps us going over the summer. 
Lets hear your thoughts!

Best NESCAC Players(Since 84)
QB-Fay WES, Reardon-WL, Lane-TR, Morse-TUF, Keenan-WL, Shield-TR

WR-Nye-BD, Perceval WES, Esau-HAM, McDavit-TR

RB-Grey-HAM, JonesTR, Sanchez-MD, Mason-AM, McDavit-TR, Atkins-Bates

OL/TE-Polin-CB, DiCarlo-WL, Kelly-WL, Wilner-WES, Moynahan-WIL, Alen-WL, Carillo-TR

LB-Lali/Landolphi AM, Goldwasser WL, Scribner-CB, Moran-CB

DL-Rooney-Trinity, McGee-AM, Rogers WL, Blair-TR WL, Aldrich-CB, Alex Bernstein-AM, Brooks-WL, Hudak-TF, Walker-WL, Moriarty-AM

S-Farley-WL, Hankward-TR, Horan-Bates, Spadafora-AM

DB-Nichols-AM, Doast AM, Chella-TR, Goldstein-TR, Jon Dauphinee-TR, Adans-WL


cool but how did u come to these conclusions. were they based on pure stats or adjusted for power ratings based on the league at that time. When did these guys play. how bout the old times when the nescac teams played the ivies. just questions have zero clue myself. also what were the rb stats if u know ie yards rushing vs td what was the criterion???

Jonny Utah

chessdoc, I think thats just a list of guys goodtimes has seen over the years in the nescac.  Id agree with a few of them I remember, Bobby Walker from Williams and Devin Moriarty from Amherst.  Goodtimes must be a longtime nescac guy if he remembers those guys....


Kevin Kelly from Tufts as RB should be included..absolute horse.