FB: New England Small College Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:09 AM

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I agree Trinity will outscore its opponents by an average  of around 3 TD's. However, those numbers will be skewed by games against Hamilton and Wesleyan in which the score will likely be in the 50-0 range. Therefore, there is the possibility for some very close games for the Bantams this season, most notably weeks 1, 2 and 7.

Say what you want about Colby, they still went 7-1 last year, and Williamstown is a very tough place to win. Having those games back to back doesn't help Trinity much either. The last big challenge will be to take care of a very good Amherst team.

Basically what i'm saying is that even though Trin will probably dominate the statistical categories again this year, they could end up 6-2 even an unimaginable 5-3 if they get a few bad breaks.

I don't see this as a very likely scenario, but let's not coronate Trinity just yet. They still have validate the hype with an unproven quarterback (at least as his full time position), several new starters on defense and a first year head coach and almost entirely new staff.
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


Quote from: Trin8-0 on June 28, 2006, 02:03:27 PM
I'm all for a discussion about any aspect of NESCAC football, however, I am getting bored with the continuous barage of unsubstantiated knocks on Trinity, it's current and former players, coaches, administration and students. It is especially aggrevating when done by those who do so merely to take a cheap shot at others, rather than actually add something to a discussioin.

We're all big boys here, so if you're going to dish it out, be prepared to take it.

Hey, hey!  Trinity's not cutting corners...still??!! What?? LOL. This haven for losers is just cheating itself.  To the loser who wrote the above tripe: You are, as you well know, an imbecile.  Read on or get somebody to read it for you and explain it with  stick figures.  Privet,  Dr. - Marc H. is "Big Huckin Chicken" in the most recent Burger King ad.  series showing in the northeast market.

( BTW, let's try to keep this thread civil, dammit. There's no need for personal attacks. Let's all behave, ourselves. You respect me and I'll ....just keep laughing in your poor dumb mugs.... )

Oh, yeah, here's that inconvenient truth:

Would You Get in with a 2.5?
The football office protest of an unfair reputation is unjustified
Issue date: 5/2/06 Section: Editor

In the aftermath of an academic year-long battle over the credibility of the athletic recruiting process, new statistic records and other information have proven what we have all suspected for a while: the recruiting process is not fair. But how unfair are we talking about?

A red flag on someone's application is nothing compared to a starting point of a 2.5 GPA and an 850 SAT score for potential recruits. This is the information accidentally sent out to several students on campus through an e-mail from Keita Malloy, one of the new assistant football coaches. Several student e-mails were accidentally included in a mass e-mail sent out to high school coaches calling for juniors with those specific academic requirements, juniors who could potentially be admitted to Trinity College as a football recruit. With all of the outrage that the football affiliates handed out in response to last semester's publication of negative recruiting articles, one would think that there would be a legitimate complaint behind the negative reputation that the football program has gained. One would be clearly wrong. In a school who, according to statistics from the Admissions Office, enrolled a class of 2009 with approximately an average of a 3.5 GPA (in the A-/B+ area) and roughly an average SAT score of 1310, this e-mail clearly proclaims that the football office is exempt from these standards.

While Head Coach Jeff Devanney and Athletic Director Rick Hazelton vehemently denied these academic standards as acceptable by the Athletic Department, the complete lack of communication in the football office and the careless nature of this recruiting e-mail only go to show how misguided the athletic programs have become on this campus. The fact still remains that although Devanney and Hazelton claim that they would never look at a player with a score of 850, they would still entertain the thought of recruiting someone with a 2.5 GPA (according to Hazelton) and possibly someone with an SAT score of 1100 (according to Devanney).

The uproar that the football office caused in response to their policies was clearly completely unjustified, and all it took was a careless act of miscommunication by a new coach to show that in writing to the students. While Devanney claims that the e-mail that Malloy sent out inaccurately represented the standards of football at Trinity and that Malloy had used a standard e-mail left over from when he worked at Fordham University, the fact still remains that this e-mail was sent out to high school coaches, who think that Trinity accepts recruits of this academic caliber. Ignoring the fact that the e-mail stated that he was an assistant football coach at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and that Trinity was a Division III school and a NESCAC affiliate (two things that Fordham is not), the football office seems more concerned with using the new staff member mistake as an excuse to cover up the leaked statistics as opposed to at least acting concerned that an e-mail list of high school football coaches from the Mid-Atlantic region received, or were going to receive, an official e-mail from the Trinity football office calling for students with such low academic standings.

The football office was on shaky grounds before, and it took one error from a new staff member to unveil the miscommunication that is clearly rampant throughout that office. This is not a problem distinct to this office. This is an epidemic of miscommunication, cut corners, cut programs and jaded priorities throughout all of the programs on campus, and all it will take is one small error for the shielded students to be exposed to the disaster behind the scenes.

Editorials represent the view of the The Trinity Tripod's executive board. The executive board consists of the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor.


I know I'm not a genius like Goldman but isn't the Burger King ad for a 'Big Bucking Chicken' hence the visuals of someone trying to ride a big chicken that is bucking.. like a 'bucking bronco'. Other than that, Goldman seems like a big bucking idiot... I think anyone who frequents this discussion board has read the editorial and anyone who attended a nescac school knows that there are these people everywhere regardless of which nescac program they are attacking... and a lot of it is misinformed drivel that can only lead me to believe that these people have a big bucking jealousy complex. Its really easy to attack football players for being 'big dumb animals', etc. etc.. The truth is that Trinity and every other nescac school graduates virtually all of its football players and we don't hear anything about them struggling academically. I'm not gonna deny that aspiring collegiate athletes are held to less stringent academic admissionsstandards (I didn't have 'nescac-quality' grades in high school and I got in... and it wasn't Trinity) because they are able to contribute to the college community in different ways but once on campus we are expected to perform at the same academic levels as everyone else as well commit endless hours to our sport, something that 'academics' don't have to do. Any research I have seen (and dont ask me to credit a source because i couldn't possibly remember) suggests that as a whole, nescac students average a 'B' and athletes average a 'B-', that can be as little as one GPA point. If we are able to stay on par with academics as well as make significant contributions to the community via athletic success, then why are we constantly under attack for what we did in high school or on the SAT? Last time I checked, my SAT score didn't define me as a person and neither did the fact that I got a D in high school chemistry.


Actually the new commercial is now Big Hucking Chicken and the Chicken is jumping motocross bikes.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Oh you crazy nescac boys and your arguments over who is the better preppy school that doesn't go to the playoffs... this one's for you.

BIG...    F---ING....     CHICKEN



Goldman: Your "inconvenient truth" newsflash was discussed on this board ad nauseum over a month ago. Please take the time to read the various responses.

As for your nonsensical post, I assume your request for civility was in jest as you once again proved why no one likes an elitist. By poking fun at a Trinity education, what are you saying about those who attend state schools or community colleges, or those who weren't even able to attend college?  

Thus far you have done nothing to prove your own level of intelligence other than impugn others, post information that we've already seen and make an attempt at humor by explaining a Burger King commercial. Very impressive.

Regarding the "haven for losers" (who by the way haven't lost in almost 4 years) the coach made an honest mistake, and even if he did intentionally send those admissions standards it wouldn't mean anything. Keita Malloy does not accept students to Trinity College; neither does head coach Jeff Devanney, nor athletic director Rick Hazelton. The ADMISSIONS department accepts students. Harvard could recruit a high school drop out, that doesn't mean he would get accepted.

Trinity has not broken any school, NESCAC nor NCAA recruiting rules. If you ever find that any violations have occured then please, enlighten us all. Until then, stop knocking down the successes of others because of your own jealousy.
NESCAC CHAMPIONS: 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
UNDEFEATED SEASONS: 1911, 1915, 1934, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1993, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2022


how does 'Karma' work... I noticed Dr. Spengler had -1


From the FAQ with notes added by 'Gro
Karma is similar to the post rating on the old message boards, except it rates an individual poster and follows the poster wherever they post.
Only more veteran posters (min 200 posts) are allowed to affect a poster's karma, and this is done via links titled "applaud" or "smite" under a poster's name. The restriction is in order to limit the ability of so-called one-star bandits to affect a poster's karma without being registered for the board or a true member of the community.

You cannot applaud or smite yourself, and you can only applaud or smite each individual poster every few hours (18 hours). Also, if you continually praise or smite an individual poster, eventually you'll run out of karma to give that individual. (Never seen this happen, also referred to as swinging from one's nuts)

Applauding a poster raises their karma by one; smiting lowers it by one.


Its so ridiculous how much elitism there is in the NESCAC.  I like asking these clowns how they value the life of someone who attends a state school.

In one of my fantasy baseball leagues, some of my Williams friends were dumping on Trinity, as usual.  One of my friends in the league who went to U of Delaware was appalled and insulted. 

"Value the life" obviously is said in jest, but I don't know if you grasp how insulting and pukish you sound when you dump on a top-25 liberal arts school (or any school for that matter).

Football players (who tend to be hard-working, tough types) and working class Americans everywhere shed a tear when a NESCAC puke makes an elitist comment.


We'uns that don goed to state skuls aint dat bottered by deese tings, we'uns is too igorant to unnerstan it.  Youse eleetits must be smarterer then we is.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Why do people always lump Bowdoin with Colby in regards to football. Colby has finished 2nd the past two seasons in the league and are tied with Williams with the 2nd best record in the nescac at 18-6 over the past three years. Why do you keep saying Colby will get better...of course they will, but the truth is they have been good.....Bowdoin had one good year...They now replace Middlebury with Williams, and I doubt Amhesrt will turn the ball over 7 times in there game, and they still have to play Tufts,Trinity and Colby @ Colby. They are still one year wonders until they prove otherwise. Colby over 6 years 33-15 Bowdoin 10-38 there is now comparison with Colby and the Maine schools.....proof is in the pudding... I am not sayin they dominate like Trinity, but they have a proven track record of success that deserves its due.....


Yes, there is no comparison.  I think Colby needs to probably dominate for a year before they get out of that unfair reputation as being a one-time wonder (above and beyond a 7-1 or 6-2 record or whatever it was when they got a share of the title).

I gotta admit, although the record speaks for itself, unless I sat there and thought about it, I wouldn't have guessed it would have been that good.  I think they gotta really leave a memorable dent until they get the credit they deserve (not when people are confronted with their actual record like when you just posted it, but off the top of their heads).

What was their title year like?  For instance, if it was like Trinity's year in 2002, it wouldn't have left a lasting impression (unless they went on the subsequent "streak").  It was a tough team that won alot of games that year. but toughness and planning more than domination.  Won most of the games by a point or two.  Memorable for the players, but not memorable for domination like the subsequent teams.  Like I can remember Keenan's stats and Storrs because they were record-breakers and put up ridiculous numbers.

Ya mean?