BB: ASC: American Southwest Conference

Started by Pat Coleman, December 29, 2005, 12:08:01 AM

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Quote from: HAMBONE on April 02, 2008, 12:51:42 AM

I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

EXCUSE ME...first of all, let me welcome you "GUEST" to board...You apparently have no clue whatsoever....look around and grab one, as they are all around. 

First let me say that you just posted to a message that was presented on this board over a year ago....noone here know what you are talking about (except me, or anyone that took the time to dig through the archives to understand what you are referring too).

Second, you state that coach gardner has destroyyed all your sons confidence and desire as well.....with all do respect sir...if he cannot control his confidence level and desire for a game that he desrves a scholarship for then he does not need a scholarship or to play that particualr this case it is the game of baseball.....if you have ever studied any book on baseball the best hitters of the game hit .400 and the best pitchers are very is game of with even speak of the beloved d3 college wqorld series....ctx was 2 and out...that is failure, but at the same time it was a father and read between the lines, quit feeling sorry for yourself and do your son a favor and quit feeling sorry for this time, i assume he is an adult and will need his life lessons to raise a family, not a d3 baseball resume.

you state that coach gardner was angry at your son b/c he was waiting on a d3 baseball scholarship....i think every d3 baseball player was waiting on a dII baseball scholarship, so that is a piss poor excuse.....  those who wait around find themselves searching for the back of the line....LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.....hopefully you understand what that means....if you do not, then you qwill probably be responding to this post some time in 2010 season complaining about all the sarcasm on this board.

you also state that GARDNER put him in no-win situations!!!! you obviously know nothing about baseball.....let me expalin it again if you cannot understand is a game of failure.  even if the team was losing when your son pitched, he still had the odds on his side to succeed......the best hitter ever failed 7 out of 10 times......???????? think about it.  if he was that good, then he wouldnt have been playing on a team that could not field...."ALL ELSE EQUALS" ... ever heard that before?  Ill give you a hint, it was not written in 2007.

first of all the "heavenly blessed" comment was not necessary, but i am only defending GOD on this might want to ask this entire boasrd for forgiveness....even though we cannot let you in baseball heaven, you are talking to a baseball board that supports private institutions, not belittle them liek yourself.  secondly, the "tuition out the wazzo" statement....what the hell?  are the only one that the schoole raped out of money?  if your son was so heavenly blessed by the baseball gods then why did he not get that so beloved DII scholarship he waited around on?  noone here feels sorry for you.  most of us have student loan payment to deal with.....i can tell you one thing, i have plenty of plaques on my wall that says i was "GOOD" in the same conference you arwe bitching about and i still write a check every month, so you might want to rethink who you are complaining to....none of us feel sorry for you or your son who is still wating around.

If you could do anything detrimental to him you would?  are you serious?  if you were you would have already done it.  if you do, its in the first degree b/c it is premeditated.  why dont you start by looking yourself in the mirror.  just b/c you wait around doesnt mean you are a failure.  your son is probably good.  i do not even know his name or his pitching style but i am trying to teach you a lesson.  you held him back, now he is suffering, and you are pointing fingers on a message board.....there are no players of the week on this message board...  why dont you create a profile like the rest of us and join us once ina while.

next you say "worthless piece of excretement" .... i think i missed something here....didnt you send your son to go play for this man?  didnt you sign the student loan papers?  didnt your tell your son to wait around for a free scholarship from the DII program?  YOU ARE RETARDED....DI programs only get 12 scholarships...yes that means the beloved UT also....most teams travel with 18-25 the math smart guy...if your son was any good the best he would have been offered was books, tuition, and fees...that is still not a full scholarship an dvery few get that offer at a DI program.....get off you high horse and smell the coffee (the best coffee is at Dunkin Donuts BTW)....

Next you say that "Coach Gardner is not Gods Gift To Baseball" ... noone stated that he was ... if you ever pay attenetion or have been to cooperstown....the only people that were gods gift to baseball attended Jose Canseco's Bar-B-Q with Roger Clemens in 2001...I believe that Andy Pettite was there but he "MISREMEMBERS"...take that for what its worth.  in fact i think that your son might have benefeted from the supplements that were distributed at that "Bar-B-Q"

your last statement about "you or her coaching our world series team"  really told me that you did not understand the game of baseball or concordia's success for that are retarded...first of all, if you were our coach we probably be just waiting around for someone to tell us if we were good just like your son...second, noone on my team would paly for you...noone.  probably not even your son, b/c i would convince him that I wa better than you (and he would believe me, believe me)...third of all, if you knew anything about anyting, you would know that if your son was not handle being un-successful at a D3 program then hes hould have pursued a different route to many time do you see MAJOR LEAGUE PLAYERS coming back from retirement?  HOW MANY COLLEGE BASBALL PLAYERS MAKE IT TO THE BIG LEAGUES?  1 out of ever 10,000 college baseball players makes it to the major leagues.....i had the success story starting the 5A all-star all-state game in TEXAS in 2000 as a catcher and was a 2-time all-american nominee and all-west region catcher and all-west region DH.....I struck out my last college at-bat in the 2004 ASC conf tourney.....COACH GARDNER prepared me for that at-bat so-well i was happy to shake the MISSISSIPI COLLEGE PITCHER'S hand after the game, i was proud of him.  i had all the accomplsihments in the world, i never got drafted...AND I DEALT WITH IT....if you are a man with testosteone and hair on your chest then you will do the same...GOOD LUCK GUEST...grow some balls and get a screenname!!!

I cannot believe im saying this but you are completely right HAMBONE....that was hard to admitt.

But now that we are on the subject of parents practically living vicariously through their childrens lives and the game of baseball I have a question.  At McM we have a loyal following who call themselves the hecklers.  They come to every home game and a few away ones (when they can get away from their studies) but this year on numerous occasions there has been parents threatining them and even one, from a school fungo man knows real well, charge after these students.  Not once have I ever heard them say a curse word but they can be brutal.  My opinion is that as long as it is done with taste and it is creative its fine (which they are) I was wondering how everyone else feels about the subject.

old scot

Heckeling college athletes shows a lack of respect. These guys are not getting paid to play and I doubt that the fans are paying for a ticket a the d3 level.

I would rather see them go all out pulling for their own team than ragging on the opponets. If these kids retaliate with words or jestures, their team is veiwed as classless.


I really think that the players not being paid is a bit of a cop out.  They are athletes just the same, and some of them are good enough to play at the next level.  Players shouldn't listen to the fans nor care what they have to say, and the parents should do the same.  A mature player can tune that stuff out.

Now down to business.  Who is going to win this weekend?  This race is getting tight down the stretch.  It looks like it will be a dogfight for third and fourth place in the west.
Anyone have some thoughts?

old scot

What does being able to play at the next level have to do with it? Just because they are athletes does that make them fair game? You missed the key word here, respect.
Thats the problem with todays world, people don't know how to repect one another.


Quote from: old scot on April 02, 2008, 09:21:09 PM
What does being able to play at the next level have to do with it? Just because they are athletes does that make them fair game? You missed the key word here, respect.
Thats the problem with todays world, people don't know how to repect one another.

I agree that people should be more inclined to respect one another, but baseballfan24 is right. A mature player can tune that stuff out, or least not let hit inhibit the way he plays the game. If that player plays well and his team wins, it usually silences the critics.

If a player is "soft" and prone to losing focus and making mistakes when players heckle, then why shouldn't a loyal fan try to help his team win. And you can argue it if you want, I've watched players completley fold up when opposing fans heckle them. I've seen others step their games up in response to it.

Again, baseball is a game of adversity. The best players to come through this conference respond well to hecklers more often than not. They also understand that they're the ones on the field playing, not sitting in the stands watching.

I don't agree with untasteful comments, but some creative heckling is part of baseball.

It's like those people in Tenn or Illinois or whatever that allowed chatter during little league games. That's ridiculous. It's been apart of baseball since it's inception. 


Ralph Turner

The code on sportsmanship for the NCAA is ...

"Be Loud. Be Proud. Be Positive."

Heckling has no place in those guidelines.


Quote from: old scot on April 02, 2008, 09:21:09 PM
You missed the key word here, respect.
Thats the problem with todays world, people don't know how to repect one another.

They respect the players very much if a player on the opposing team makes a good play I have seen them give a standing O


ITs part of the game so I dont see anything wrong with it. I remember playing in a playoff game in high school were i was getting absolutely scolded with almost everything in the book thrown at me out in centerfield from some heckklers over the fence. I came up in the later innings and hit a shot over centerfield right into the middle of them and they scattered like crazy, it was a pretty good feeling. But its part of the game and it makes you want to play harder and shut them up.


some players talk with their mouth and others talk with their play!!! most good players are the latter.


what are everone's predictions for this weekend?


I could've sworn I'd posted these already, but I can't find where. Oh well, here are my picks again. :P

Texas-Tyler sweeps LeTourneau
Howard Payne takes 2 from Hardin-Simmons
Texas Lutheran sweeps Sul Ross State
Mary Hardin-Baylor sweeps Schreiner
Ozarks takes 2 from Louisiana College
Mississippi College sweeps East Texas Baptist
Concordia-Texas takes 2 from McMurry
Let's go 'Nados!


Quote from: CUAfan on April 04, 2008, 11:53:54 AM
I could've sworn I'd posted these already, but I can't find where. Oh well, here are my picks again. :P

Texas-Tyler sweeps LeTourneau
Howard Payne takes 2 from Hardin-Simmons
Texas Lutheran sweeps Sul Ross State
Mary Hardin-Baylor sweeps Schreiner
Ozarks takes 2 from Louisiana College
Mississippi College sweeps East Texas Baptist
Concordia-Texas takes 2 from McMurry

UTT sweeps LU
UTT will  not lose another league game.  Tourney will be their next challenge, they know where the symptoms of their pitchers that struggle late by now and will medicate these wounds before they suffer another loss.  They have the pen depth to hand somebody the ball before they lose the momentum again...This is my prediction of course, but I think last weeks loss fixed the Patriots.  They will begin to peak this weekend, as they should at this time of the year.

HPU 2 of 3 from HSU
HSU's first 2 starters will give HPU some trouble, but they will not be able to last the entire game and HPU is a scrappy bunch...HSU is an organized program that has the potential to upset a good team; but I think they lack the ability to adjust to a team like HPU that isnt as solid fundamentally but has the gonads to fight until their opponents give up or make more mistakes then their own sloppy style of play.

TLU 2 of 3 from SRSU
after what i saw last weekend i dont necessarily think the fight is out of the bulldogs, as they play with plenty of pride; they just flat do not know how to win.  On the other hand, SRSU knows how to lose (i am not putting them down, but by this point they know they have nothing to lose).  One of SRSU's gutsy pitchers will win won of these games.

UMHB 2 of 3 from SU
SU knows they still have a chance to get in the tourney.  I predict they will find a way to win one of these games.  I have a funny feeling that UMHB is a little unsure if they are worthy of their curent "high roller" status....I think they are a little too excited about their red-carpet status and have not proven they can dominate a good team.  They have a good club and have several wins, but this is the time of the year where the good teams peak out and level off.  I personally think they peaked too soon.  After their loss to the bulldogs, they were reminded of the other losses they have suffered and actually enjoy the fact that they are human.  SU, a team i think is a lot like HPU will scratch and claw a "W" away from the CRU.  May the CRU please prove me wrong.

UO sweeps LC
UO is good this year.  like UTT, they are focused on the tourney and preparing properly by not letting anything get in the way.  They know their roles at this point and have the depth on the bench and in the pen to step it up in preperation for the "dance floor."

MC 2 of 3 from ETBU
MC always has big veined up neanderthals on their roster, but always seem to come up short.  I do not think they have amount of focus it takes to sweep a team theat is playing for pride. I will pay credit where credit is due; MC had a closer my senior that struck me out my last college at-bat...i do not remember his name, but he threw like 93 from underneath....they always have one of those guys, so maybe if their starting pitchers get beat up and come out early their "closer will come in and get a few wins to bail them out"  regardless of my uneducated guess of their failures, they like UTT and UO are tuning up for the dance floor and will use this week to try and work any kinks out...even if that means playing some bench players to find out who is prepared and who is weak.

CTX 2 of 3 from McMurry
This is the Tornados last home series ever in the history of Keller-Fascholz field.  Regardless of what any of think of the CTX university or the program I do not think there is an indiviual alive that has played on that diamond and enjoyed it in one way or another...for me it was any 4 run game was always one swing of the bat away...or the short porches causing every DII, NAIA, or any ASC 3-4-5 hole hitter to go "offer" their first game thinking a flyball would leave the yard.  Or maybe you enjoyed the perfectly manicured mound and plate with turfed sidelines so you didnt end up with crushed granite in your hotel room; perhaps it was the smell of the port-a-potties behind the visitors dugouts that were strategically placed their for a reason...whatever your fetish may be with that victorian-style diamond, and wether or not you left their with a memory of success or defeat, you enjoyed something about it...hell it might have even been the 19 different ultra-light weight batting practice screens versus some of the 300 guage iron L-screens used as shag protection, that covered all but enough room for your BP tosser to throw strikes; or the 4-foot "Gardner's Gap" where the 2000 team ran out of ply-wood before incliment weather caused the fence to taper down and stay that way when they replaced it with 'o man its sad to see that place go....okay back to my predictions, the nados will have a little extra mojo from the "angels in the outfield" this weekend...not only did a lite norther blow in this morning causing the wind to gust out towards the participants of the Texas Relays traveling down I-35, but they represent a chance to literally leave it all out on field aside from it being such an important series for both prediction is this will be a record weekend for someone with a big stick: williams, warneke, thiegelpopper-niner, voorhees, david, or may be combined HR"S from all of them, it may be 1 of them hitting one out every at-bat, it may an enormous amount of strikeouts....all I know is that the first series I ever saw CTX play after turning down D1, D2, and JUCO offers was against McMurry and even with good ole Scott Berkman on the mound and I think McMurry outscored the tornados like 54-3 in the series....this is a little symbolic that the indians are in town, and what a chance to recover all that blood that squad bled all over our field; hopefully the tornados toss those clown suits in the trash they wear on friday nights and strap on the old "southlands" and black mesh jerseys that my people wore when we punished people that showed up looking for a fight...C'mon Coach Gardner, I know youre out there, get some of those old unis out and extract what hits and chemistry we left in them after going 2 and Q in Appleton and wear some prediction has now changed....the nados give the Indians and old-fashioned broom stick. It was a tradition Coach Keller (RIP) started and it was a tradition we refurbished while i played there....that same tradition is in a box in the locker room, if they pull 'em out...then they will "pull 'em out" .... someone please do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, and someone please dont forget to turn off the lights......

on another note please check this link out....close friend of mine sent me this link while browsing through this athletic site....maybe this mound would fix all pitching issues in the WEST...In fact i will write a letter today and get a petition started to make it mandatory that all ASC WEST schools with sub-par pitching to install these "mounds-in-a-box"  they look entirely too easy to install and very fact I think they just changed the rules of the game by eliminating the pitcher all together and having 2 short-stops.....thats what ill go ahead an petition for to fix this "noodle-arm" delemma we are having in 2008 in the WEST; its almost ingenius; take the pitcher out of the ballgame and have 2 shortstops....caoches just please make sure that he comes to a complete stop with runners on base; this is know as a balk and could really back-fire on our collective approach to solve this ever-increasing problem....

Make it a great day.


HAMBONE not respond to thi son here.  i did not mean to start a new folder....i posted this in the ASC blog as well, so please respond there...

Ralph can you delete this or do i have to do it from my end?

Done!  Thanks and +1!  :)

(I really like how Pat Coleman has set up conference- and region-oriented topic boards.  It helps organize the discussion.) 

Ralph Turner

As if CTX didn't need any more motivation for this series in the heat of the pennant race!



Although they have extra motivation ill disagree with you and tke my Indians of course and i think that UMHB will lose at least one (another thing I agree with you on, hell must be freezing over) and the other perdictions we well thought out and i agreed completely.  Is there going to be any kind of broadcast of tonights game?