BB: WIAC: Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by BDB, December 30, 2005, 09:19:54 AM

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Any player that held a position on the infield near an oshkosh dugout knows the type of verbal abuse that Lechnir can unleash on his players, and that in itself I have no problem with.  Yes he's a bit over the top, darn right hilarious sometimes, I know I have busted out laughing in the middle of an inning because of the tongue lashing that players would be receiving in the dugout, but that's part of playing at UW0.  When he get's to the point of making physical threats towards players, it's getting too far.  People need to wake up around there at some point and understand that all these kids are not quitting and/or transferring for no reason!  Yes he has had tremendous success in the past, but he's not now, and since his win totals are diminishing, his transgressions are starting to surface.  When you're winning you can get away with a lot of that stuff, but when you're not, players are a lot less willing to take the emotional (and physical?) abuse.  I'm not going to judge anybody for leaving the team having not known the circumstances.  If this is true it's absolutely ridiculous that this guy retains the rights to his job for any longer, in my opinion he has already done enough damage to a once proud baseball program!


I would have to agree sometimes it is down right hilarious...ive burst out laughing my fair share of times...all the quotes are priceless...i mean he has his own facebook page dedicated to them!  But when they happen to you in the heat of the moment, not to funny...he does take things to far and i no plenty of people that would agree with me...and your right dragger, people arent transfering for fun...there are reasons why people quit and/or transfer to different schools...i agree you have to be a more than a stud in high school to start or play in the WIAC...but clearly jirsh and drew icke were easily starters in the WIAC....and again your right...when he was winning, its easy to look past the abuse, but when ur the last i dont know...decade....people dont take that crap aymore...including myself..Dont get me wrong, there is know doubt he is one of if not the smartest coach out there, let alone d3, but his coaching ways are what i do not, and many others, do not agree with...


In case you were wondering the facebook it is...someone of these are classic if you know tom...i was laughing just reading these again...but some...i mean come on...a little of the top...

Baseball Quotes Updated: 07/21/08
Monday, September 25, 2006 at 1:40am
Perlewitz, I bet if there was a hamburger in the dugout you would get over here a little quicker!!"

Spruney, ursophuked up you cant even take a full swing - do i teach check sssSSsswing in our program???!!!?? NO!!! I dont!!!!!!!! so next time you check swing - guess what...? YOUR DONE - for all of 2007!!

Fosler we all know you were up late last night emailing your old highschool teamate talking about our game tomorrow. Your urosphuked up you cant even swing against him. Everyone in the park knows your sSSsscard. FIGURE IT OUT!!! Awww, got hit in the nose, aww hit my nose - J*** F****** CHR****

Stanke your a psycho - and guess what? psychos dont get to play in our program.. do they??!!!!!!! DO THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mick JE*** CH**** arre you that F**** up???!!! Everyone in the park knows your scared, even the umpires.....Your a MENTAL MIDGET - now he might be a mental midget but at least hes got drive ...and presence.

Mumpfer I had better have thosse charts beating me up to my F***** room!

Greg THATSSsss your F***** contribution today!!?/ 1/3 innings pitched 4 RUNSSssssS - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffF F FF U aacacKKKKKK!

We didn't build this F***** program on SssplitsSSss DID WE!!!!!! DID WE!!!! You GuySSss make me SSSSSsssSick!

The yellow jackets of LAKE SSsssSsuperior REALLY SssssssssSSSsStung you didnt they brad!?!!!!!!!!

Stanke when i put you and Jordan in that means were cashing it in. You guys got it! When i put them in Im cashing it in , you guys dont cash it in, I do.

Peter your so F***** up you probably thought that pop up to the centerfielder was a hit...RIGHT!?

Bretl do you want me to get the F****** bullpen up the first innning? Cause I will - its F****** stout, give us a chance!

Hastings are you that F****ed up ? ARE YOU!!!?? Maybe we have to bring Brandon Burgert back from Marian.

Schwebke its a FLAIR, havent you learned anything in 4 years- F***** eh your 24 years old.

Stendahl don't look at me with that same face - you make me SsssSick!

Well looks like you guys were anxious to start your summer careers.

Roos you know how fast you were throwing? - 84! The scouts are wondering what I did to make you worse, they wonder what I did for stanke. You know how to throw faster? Get some arm speed- so that is your one thought in practice this week.

Guys its SSsssZimmerman for F**** sake - are you guys all that F***** up!!??

1984 conference champs, regional champs, world SSsseries
1886 conference champs regional champs, world series 2nd place
1988 Conferencve champs , regional champs, world series 4th
etc etc etc

I am your king and this is my kingdom.

"Stanke do you know how f****** pathetic you're f******* gutless!"

"Is that the best you got stanke...a curveball 5 feet over his F****** head!

"Brad bring your right fielder back INTO OSHKOSH!"

"Shut your f****** mouth and listen for once, maybe you might actually learn something."

"Is that the best you got stanke...christ your pathetic."

"TJ this isnt the Shawno Sunday Social League!"

"Who the F*** do you think you are. Get the F*** out of my practice. That means for good!"

"Stop running around second base . Your not a F****** gerbel!"

"Tom stay on the mound. You'll walk 5 miles back and forth in 5 innings"

"Hendricks be decisive. I dont want this in between bullsh*t!"

"Hendricks what have you accomplised today besides coffeehousing with stanke? He can afford to do that, his pockets are a little deeper than yours now with your incident the other night."

"Christ you guys. He runs a 7.7 60 and you can't even throw him out."

"hey why dont u work on either ur left handed swing...or get in the weight room...cuz u dont have any power until you hit one out of this park."

"Hey Gow you ever think about killing yourself? - cause now would be a good time!...............somebody watch him."

"The nightmares over Sheres out of the game, you can all relax now"

"It didn't say PR on the workout sheet"
"Dont talk back! Shut your mouth and get your a** moving"

"Chapstick in your back pocket must be a new thing - eh Stendal?"

"You may think that injuries happen to unlucky people, guess what they don't - its just attrition - look at Ahman Green of the Packers, he blows out his hamstring and pee pee area once a year and what do they do? - they fire the strength and conditioning coach and hire a new one EVERY year!"

"Foley I bet you can bench women off of you heavier than that."

"TJ maybe you would have beat that throw out to first base if you would have drank 8 beers last night INSTEAD OF 18!"

" ******* had to sit in the bullpen with a dip in just to take the edge off."

"Stanke you might think Goeltz getting caught drinking in study hall is funny, but i dont think it is - that just shows your immaturity."

""Why don't you go bury yourself in the dugout so NO ONE knows you play for me!"

"Go watch yourself swing in the mirror and come back and tell me if you don't puke all over yourself...then again, why don't you just go to bed with your stats..maybe that will change your swing."

"Schmidt... in all my years of coaching, ive never seen someone swing and hit the plate. Thats the most embarrassing thing ive ever seen. Your horrible. "

What did you want him to do? Jump out of the way?!? He's got a bat in his hand, NOT A POGO STICK!!..............chicken sh*t!

Come here buddy and let me tell you something, you dont have to worry about that next year.....BEACAUSE I I GOT SOMEONE COMING!!!

I am your king and this is my kingdom...


Quote from: Titan20 on April 19, 2010, 02:29:51 PM
In case you were wondering the facebook it is...someone of these are classic if you know tom...i was laughing just reading these again...but some...i mean come on...a little of the top...

Baseball Quotes Updated: 07/21/08
Monday, September 25, 2006 at 1:40am
Perlewitz, I bet if there was a hamburger in the dugout you would get over here a little quicker!!"

Spruney, ursophuked up you cant even take a full swing - do i teach check sssSSsswing in our program???!!!?? NO!!! I dont!!!!!!!! so next time you check swing - guess what...? YOUR DONE - for all of 2007!!

Fosler we all know you were up late last night emailing your old highschool teamate talking about our game tomorrow. Your urosphuked up you cant even swing against him. Everyone in the park knows your sSSsscard. FIGURE IT OUT!!! Awww, got hit in the nose, aww hit my nose - J*** F****** CHR****

Stanke your a psycho - and guess what? psychos dont get to play in our program.. do they??!!!!!!! DO THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mick JE*** CH**** arre you that F**** up???!!! Everyone in the park knows your scared, even the umpires.....Your a MENTAL MIDGET - now he might be a mental midget but at least hes got drive ...and presence.

Mumpfer I had better have thosse charts beating me up to my F***** room!

Greg THATSSsss your F***** contribution today!!?/ 1/3 innings pitched 4 RUNSSssssS - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffF F FF U aacacKKKKKK!

We didn't build this F***** program on SssplitsSSss DID WE!!!!!! DID WE!!!! You GuySSss make me SSSSSsssSick!

The yellow jackets of LAKE SSsssSsuperior REALLY SssssssssSSSsStung you didnt they brad!?!!!!!!!!

Stanke when i put you and Jordan in that means were cashing it in. You guys got it! When i put them in Im cashing it in , you guys dont cash it in, I do.

Peter your so F***** up you probably thought that pop up to the centerfielder was a hit...RIGHT!?

Bretl do you want me to get the F****** bullpen up the first innning? Cause I will - its F****** stout, give us a chance!

Hastings are you that F****ed up ? ARE YOU!!!?? Maybe we have to bring Brandon Burgert back from Marian.

Schwebke its a FLAIR, havent you learned anything in 4 years- F***** eh your 24 years old.

Stendahl don't look at me with that same face - you make me SsssSick!

Well looks like you guys were anxious to start your summer careers.

Roos you know how fast you were throwing? - 84! The scouts are wondering what I did to make you worse, they wonder what I did for stanke. You know how to throw faster? Get some arm speed- so that is your one thought in practice this week.

Guys its SSsssZimmerman for F**** sake - are you guys all that F***** up!!??

1984 conference champs, regional champs, world SSsseries
1886 conference champs regional champs, world series 2nd place
1988 Conferencve champs , regional champs, world series 4th
etc etc etc

I am your king and this is my kingdom.

"Stanke do you know how f****** pathetic you're f******* gutless!"

"Is that the best you got stanke...a curveball 5 feet over his F****** head!

"Brad bring your right fielder back INTO OSHKOSH!"

"Shut your f****** mouth and listen for once, maybe you might actually learn something."

"Is that the best you got stanke...christ your pathetic."

"TJ this isnt the Shawno Sunday Social League!"

"Who the F*** do you think you are. Get the F*** out of my practice. That means for good!"

"Stop running around second base . Your not a F****** gerbel!"

"Tom stay on the mound. You'll walk 5 miles back and forth in 5 innings"

"Hendricks be decisive. I dont want this in between bullsh*t!"

"Hendricks what have you accomplised today besides coffeehousing with stanke? He can afford to do that, his pockets are a little deeper than yours now with your incident the other night."

"Christ you guys. He runs a 7.7 60 and you can't even throw him out."

"hey why dont u work on either ur left handed swing...or get in the weight room...cuz u dont have any power until you hit one out of this park."

"Hey Gow you ever think about killing yourself? - cause now would be a good time!...............somebody watch him."

"The nightmares over Sheres out of the game, you can all relax now"

"It didn't say PR on the workout sheet"
"Dont talk back! Shut your mouth and get your a** moving"

"Chapstick in your back pocket must be a new thing - eh Stendal?"

"You may think that injuries happen to unlucky people, guess what they don't - its just attrition - look at Ahman Green of the Packers, he blows out his hamstring and pee pee area once a year and what do they do? - they fire the strength and conditioning coach and hire a new one EVERY year!"

"Foley I bet you can bench women off of you heavier than that."

"TJ maybe you would have beat that throw out to first base if you would have drank 8 beers last night INSTEAD OF 18!"

" ******* had to sit in the bullpen with a dip in just to take the edge off."

"Stanke you might think Goeltz getting caught drinking in study hall is funny, but i dont think it is - that just shows your immaturity."

""Why don't you go bury yourself in the dugout so NO ONE knows you play for me!"

"Go watch yourself swing in the mirror and come back and tell me if you don't puke all over yourself...then again, why don't you just go to bed with your stats..maybe that will change your swing."

"Schmidt... in all my years of coaching, ive never seen someone swing and hit the plate. Thats the most embarrassing thing ive ever seen. Your horrible. "

What did you want him to do? Jump out of the way?!? He's got a bat in his hand, NOT A POGO STICK!!..............chicken sh*t!

Come here buddy and let me tell you something, you dont have to worry about that next year.....BEACAUSE I I GOT SOMEONE COMING!!!

I am your king and this is my kingdom...

That's hilarious.
A walk is never as good as a hit!


Quote from: RSSmith on April 19, 2010, 03:49:09 PM
Quote from: Titan20 on April 19, 2010, 02:29:51 PM
In case you were wondering the facebook it is...someone of these are classic if you know tom...i was laughing just reading these again...but some...i mean come on...a little of the top...

Baseball Quotes Updated: 07/21/08
Monday, September 25, 2006 at 1:40am
Perlewitz, I bet if there was a hamburger in the dugout you would get over here a little quicker!!"

Spruney, ursophuked up you cant even take a full swing - do i teach check sssSSsswing in our program???!!!?? NO!!! I dont!!!!!!!! so next time you check swing - guess what...? YOUR DONE - for all of 2007!!

Fosler we all know you were up late last night emailing your old highschool teamate talking about our game tomorrow. Your urosphuked up you cant even swing against him. Everyone in the park knows your sSSsscard. FIGURE IT OUT!!! Awww, got hit in the nose, aww hit my nose - J*** F****** CHR****

Stanke your a psycho - and guess what? psychos dont get to play in our program.. do they??!!!!!!! DO THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mick JE*** CH**** arre you that F**** up???!!! Everyone in the park knows your scared, even the umpires.....Your a MENTAL MIDGET - now he might be a mental midget but at least hes got drive ...and presence.

Mumpfer I had better have thosse charts beating me up to my F***** room!

Greg THATSSsss your F***** contribution today!!?/ 1/3 innings pitched 4 RUNSSssssS - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffF F FF U aacacKKKKKK!

We didn't build this F***** program on SssplitsSSss DID WE!!!!!! DID WE!!!! You GuySSss make me SSSSSsssSick!

The yellow jackets of LAKE SSsssSsuperior REALLY SssssssssSSSsStung you didnt they brad!?!!!!!!!!

Stanke when i put you and Jordan in that means were cashing it in. You guys got it! When i put them in Im cashing it in , you guys dont cash it in, I do.

Peter your so F***** up you probably thought that pop up to the centerfielder was a hit...RIGHT!?

Bretl do you want me to get the F****** bullpen up the first innning? Cause I will - its F****** stout, give us a chance!

Hastings are you that F****ed up ? ARE YOU!!!?? Maybe we have to bring Brandon Burgert back from Marian.

Schwebke its a FLAIR, havent you learned anything in 4 years- F***** eh your 24 years old.

Stendahl don't look at me with that same face - you make me SsssSick!

Well looks like you guys were anxious to start your summer careers.

Roos you know how fast you were throwing? - 84! The scouts are wondering what I did to make you worse, they wonder what I did for stanke. You know how to throw faster? Get some arm speed- so that is your one thought in practice this week.

Guys its SSsssZimmerman for F**** sake - are you guys all that F***** up!!??

1984 conference champs, regional champs, world SSsseries
1886 conference champs regional champs, world series 2nd place
1988 Conferencve champs , regional champs, world series 4th
etc etc etc

I am your king and this is my kingdom.

"Stanke do you know how f****** pathetic you're f******* gutless!"

"Is that the best you got stanke...a curveball 5 feet over his F****** head!

"Brad bring your right fielder back INTO OSHKOSH!"

"Shut your f****** mouth and listen for once, maybe you might actually learn something."

"Is that the best you got stanke...christ your pathetic."

"TJ this isnt the Shawno Sunday Social League!"

"Who the F*** do you think you are. Get the F*** out of my practice. That means for good!"

"Stop running around second base . Your not a F****** gerbel!"

"Tom stay on the mound. You'll walk 5 miles back and forth in 5 innings"

"Hendricks be decisive. I dont want this in between bullsh*t!"

"Hendricks what have you accomplised today besides coffeehousing with stanke? He can afford to do that, his pockets are a little deeper than yours now with your incident the other night."

"Christ you guys. He runs a 7.7 60 and you can't even throw him out."

"hey why dont u work on either ur left handed swing...or get in the weight room...cuz u dont have any power until you hit one out of this park."

"Hey Gow you ever think about killing yourself? - cause now would be a good time!...............somebody watch him."

"The nightmares over Sheres out of the game, you can all relax now"

"It didn't say PR on the workout sheet"
"Dont talk back! Shut your mouth and get your a** moving"

"Chapstick in your back pocket must be a new thing - eh Stendal?"

"You may think that injuries happen to unlucky people, guess what they don't - its just attrition - look at Ahman Green of the Packers, he blows out his hamstring and pee pee area once a year and what do they do? - they fire the strength and conditioning coach and hire a new one EVERY year!"

"Foley I bet you can bench women off of you heavier than that."

"TJ maybe you would have beat that throw out to first base if you would have drank 8 beers last night INSTEAD OF 18!"

" ******* had to sit in the bullpen with a dip in just to take the edge off."

"Stanke you might think Goeltz getting caught drinking in study hall is funny, but i dont think it is - that just shows your immaturity."

""Why don't you go bury yourself in the dugout so NO ONE knows you play for me!"

"Go watch yourself swing in the mirror and come back and tell me if you don't puke all over yourself...then again, why don't you just go to bed with your stats..maybe that will change your swing."

"Schmidt... in all my years of coaching, ive never seen someone swing and hit the plate. Thats the most embarrassing thing ive ever seen. Your horrible. "

What did you want him to do? Jump out of the way?!? He's got a bat in his hand, NOT A POGO STICK!!..............chicken sh*t!

Come here buddy and let me tell you something, you dont have to worry about that next year.....BEACAUSE I I GOT SOMEONE COMING!!!

I am your king and this is my kingdom...

That's hilarious.

Agreed!  Reading that will no doubt be my most entertaining part of the week.  It's all down hill from here.


Quote from: Titan20 on April 19, 2010, 02:29:51 PM
In case you were wondering the facebook it is...someone of these are classic if you know tom...i was laughing just reading these again...but some...i mean come on...a little of the top...

Baseball Quotes Updated: 07/21/08
Monday, September 25, 2006 at 1:40am
Perlewitz, I bet if there was a hamburger in the dugout you would get over here a little quicker!!"

Spruney, ursophuked up you cant even take a full swing - do i teach check sssSSsswing in our program???!!!?? NO!!! I dont!!!!!!!! so next time you check swing - guess what...? YOUR DONE - for all of 2007!!

Fosler we all know you were up late last night emailing your old highschool teamate talking about our game tomorrow. Your urosphuked up you cant even swing against him. Everyone in the park knows your sSSsscard. FIGURE IT OUT!!! Awww, got hit in the nose, aww hit my nose - J*** F****** CHR****

Stanke your a psycho - and guess what? psychos dont get to play in our program.. do they??!!!!!!! DO THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mick JE*** CH**** arre you that F**** up???!!! Everyone in the park knows your scared, even the umpires.....Your a MENTAL MIDGET - now he might be a mental midget but at least hes got drive ...and presence.

Mumpfer I had better have thosse charts beating me up to my F***** room!

Greg THATSSsss your F***** contribution today!!?/ 1/3 innings pitched 4 RUNSSssssS - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffF F FF U aacacKKKKKK!

We didn't build this F***** program on SssplitsSSss DID WE!!!!!! DID WE!!!! You GuySSss make me SSSSSsssSick!

The yellow jackets of LAKE SSsssSsuperior REALLY SssssssssSSSsStung you didnt they brad!?!!!!!!!!

Stanke when i put you and Jordan in that means were cashing it in. You guys got it! When i put them in Im cashing it in , you guys dont cash it in, I do.

Peter your so F***** up you probably thought that pop up to the centerfielder was a hit...RIGHT!?

Bretl do you want me to get the F****** bullpen up the first innning? Cause I will - its F****** stout, give us a chance!

Hastings are you that F****ed up ? ARE YOU!!!?? Maybe we have to bring Brandon Burgert back from Marian.

Schwebke its a FLAIR, havent you learned anything in 4 years- F***** eh your 24 years old.

Stendahl don't look at me with that same face - you make me SsssSick!

Well looks like you guys were anxious to start your summer careers.

Roos you know how fast you were throwing? - 84! The scouts are wondering what I did to make you worse, they wonder what I did for stanke. You know how to throw faster? Get some arm speed- so that is your one thought in practice this week.

Guys its SSsssZimmerman for F**** sake - are you guys all that F***** up!!??

1984 conference champs, regional champs, world SSsseries
1886 conference champs regional champs, world series 2nd place
1988 Conferencve champs , regional champs, world series 4th
etc etc etc

I am your king and this is my kingdom.

"Stanke do you know how f****** pathetic you're f******* gutless!"

"Is that the best you got stanke...a curveball 5 feet over his F****** head!

"Brad bring your right fielder back INTO OSHKOSH!"

"Shut your f****** mouth and listen for once, maybe you might actually learn something."

"Is that the best you got stanke...christ your pathetic."

"TJ this isnt the Shawno Sunday Social League!"

"Who the F*** do you think you are. Get the F*** out of my practice. That means for good!"

"Stop running around second base . Your not a F****** gerbel!"

"Tom stay on the mound. You'll walk 5 miles back and forth in 5 innings"

"Hendricks be decisive. I dont want this in between bullsh*t!"

"Hendricks what have you accomplised today besides coffeehousing with stanke? He can afford to do that, his pockets are a little deeper than yours now with your incident the other night."

"Christ you guys. He runs a 7.7 60 and you can't even throw him out."

"hey why dont u work on either ur left handed swing...or get in the weight room...cuz u dont have any power until you hit one out of this park."

"Hey Gow you ever think about killing yourself? - cause now would be a good time!...............somebody watch him."

"The nightmares over Sheres out of the game, you can all relax now"

"It didn't say PR on the workout sheet"
"Dont talk back! Shut your mouth and get your a** moving"

"Chapstick in your back pocket must be a new thing - eh Stendal?"

"You may think that injuries happen to unlucky people, guess what they don't - its just attrition - look at Ahman Green of the Packers, he blows out his hamstring and pee pee area once a year and what do they do? - they fire the strength and conditioning coach and hire a new one EVERY year!"

"Foley I bet you can bench women off of you heavier than that."

"TJ maybe you would have beat that throw out to first base if you would have drank 8 beers last night INSTEAD OF 18!"

" ******* had to sit in the bullpen with a dip in just to take the edge off."

"Stanke you might think Goeltz getting caught drinking in study hall is funny, but i dont think it is - that just shows your immaturity."

""Why don't you go bury yourself in the dugout so NO ONE knows you play for me!"

"Go watch yourself swing in the mirror and come back and tell me if you don't puke all over yourself...then again, why don't you just go to bed with your stats..maybe that will change your swing."

"Schmidt... in all my years of coaching, ive never seen someone swing and hit the plate. Thats the most embarrassing thing ive ever seen. Your horrible. "

What did you want him to do? Jump out of the way?!? He's got a bat in his hand, NOT A POGO STICK!!..............chicken sh*t!

Come here buddy and let me tell you something, you dont have to worry about that next year.....BEACAUSE I I GOT SOMEONE COMING!!!

I am your king and this is my kingdom...

Holey Moley, he's got a real way with words.  Way to frickin' funny
"Strange days have found us.  Strange days have tracked us down." .... J. Morrison


yeah, now try to concentrate on a ball coming at you when that is going on the background!  I seriously had a hard time concentrating at times when he was going off, because the stuff that was coming out of that dugout was just unbelievable.  Hearing it live is even better than reading it, but that's some funny stuff either way!


Where are the Wiczek lines?  Rumor always was he had to make sure Wiczek was staying overnight at another teammates place the night before a game so wasn't too hungover to play.  He had to have some comment for his uncontrollable drinking.


Though those lines are pretty good, nothing matched those lobbed from the Carthage dugout and Augie Schmidt.

He once told a parent, "I don't know whether to punch your kid for making that mental mistake or you for having him."

Baseball is not a game that builds character, it is a game that reveals it.


Ok, this may open up a whole new can of worms...but I thought I would bring this topic up...What's going on with the conference tournament???  It's now down to 3 teams.  Does this make any sense? I understand that they want to make it so it's completed in two days, but this is ridiculous.  What's next?  Are they just going to stop having the tournament?  I'm losing a lot of respect for the WIAC and the way they're starting to run things.  There was nothing wrong with the 4 team double elimination tournament, then they had to go and screw that up last year with the bottom 2 seeds being one loss and done and having the top 2 seeds play each other right away in the first round.  When in the history of post season play has the top 2 seeds played each other in the first round?!  That's terrible, what's the point of getting the higher seeds?  And now the team that wins the first game between the 2 and 3 seeds at 10am, if they lose to the 1 seed at 1pm they'd have to play their 3rd game of the day against the loser of game 1 Friday at 4pm.  So the team that WINS a game will have the disadvantage of playing 3 games back to back to back the first day if they lose to the 1 seed, while the team that lost the first game will be well rested and sitting in the same boat as the team that beat them game 1.  Is that fair? 

And as a fan, I'm not interested in driving to watch a tournament with only 3 teams in it.  If anything they should have added more teams to the tournament.


I have to agree with you.  I spoke to Point AD Frank O'Brien and was told it's mainly because of lights.  I know Whitewater will have lights now but Point and Oshkosh's home fields have no lights.  I'm doubting Point would have any trouble using Witter as a host field though and Oshkosh using Schneider if they were to host.  I have made every conference tourney the past 10 years but will not be going this year.  It's a bunch of BS the way it's run now.  It should go back to top 4 teams double elimination.  On a side note, Is Koback really done for the year with the fracture in his arm or is he eyeing a return for the postseason?  I was told by a parent he injured the arm in Florida and it was a 6-8 week injury meaning he would be back soon after some rehab.  I can understand if he doesn't want to waste a whole year but let's face it this is Point's best chance to go far this year so I wouldn't save a year if I was able to pitch even a few games yet this year.  What a boost it would be to get him back for the WIAC tournament and possibly regionals.  I actually would like Point's chances against Whitewater or St. Thomas in regionals if they have a healthy Koback.  I see Schuld got roughed up and finally lost. 


The conference tournament structure is a joke, and especially so considering that the end result is the WIAC's automatic bid to the NCAA tourny.  I can see why the more successful schools would be in favor of that layout, because basically if you're the 1 or 2 seed and you win the first game you're the champ!  I see it as an indirect way for the conference to ensure that their 1 or 2 seed from the regular season gets the bid, which if that's the case why not just use regular season as the criteria for the automatic berth?  Honestly I would like to see all teams included in the conference tournament, isn't that what's implied in the name?  "Conference" tournament...I don't know, I just don't like this new setup at all.  Including every team would take more time, but I think it's the best thing for the conference and for the fans!  Currently, the weak teams have nothing to play for all season, they know they aren't making the tournament so what's the point, and with this setup they could at lease have a shot at spoiling somebody's season come tournament time, and get to experience that atmosphere...maybe it's just me, but I would love to see all teams participate.


Quote from: pickleshiner on April 20, 2010, 08:23:01 PM
I have to agree with you.  I spoke to Point AD Frank O'Brien and was told it's mainly because of lights.  I know Whitewater will have lights now but Point and Oshkosh's home fields have no lights.  I'm doubting Point would have any trouble using Witter as a host field though and Oshkosh using Schneider if they were to host.  I have made every conference tourney the past 10 years but will not be going this year.  It's a bunch of BS the way it's run now.  It should go back to top 4 teams double elimination.  On a side note, Is Koback really done for the year with the fracture in his arm or is he eyeing a return for the postseason?  I was told by a parent he injured the arm in Florida and it was a 6-8 week injury meaning he would be back soon after some rehab.  I can understand if he doesn't want to waste a whole year but let's face it this is Point's best chance to go far this year so I wouldn't save a year if I was able to pitch even a few games yet this year.  What a boost it would be to get him back for the WIAC tournament and possibly regionals.  I actually would like Point's chances against Whitewater or St. Thomas in regionals if they have a healthy Koback.  I see Schuld got roughed up and finally lost. 
Koback had the injury in Feb.


He went 5 strong against Bowdoin down in Florida.  Your son's the pitching coach so you should have some insight on whether Koback's done or not.  Is he going to pitch again this year or not?  It would really help come regionals/WIAC tourney because Point could put Lorenz back to his closer spot.


it would be nice for this year if he came back, but big picture it's just not in his best interests as a player...he sits out now he can medical redshirt this year and still have three left!  no sense in coming back for three games.  would it be nice? yes.  is it worth it for him? probably not.  I could be wrong, but I can't think of too many players that would lose a whole year of eligibility just to throw in the conference tournament.  How did this injury come about in the first place?  was it a result of baseball, or something else?