MBB: USA South Conference

Started by CNU85, March 16, 2005, 12:28:10 PM

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Well from what I hear, I think Blasingame and the dark horse that no one is talking about, Billy McShepard will be in the starting line up by the end of the year, if not sooner. I also heard that Witham was playing very well in practice, I just hear that a day or two ago. I think Selden will start at the point.

ballgame-Athleticism must run in the family!! I saw Allison (I think thats her name) play against Jamestown in volleyball earlier this year and that girl has some game!! Get her to come and play for CNU!!!

One person capt your forgetting about, even though I think he may have had only one semester of eligibility left was Roderic Carey. Imagine him back in the second half of the year during conference season when they would need him the most.


narch –

You're probably right.  I said that we would be BETTER if we still had these guys, not that we'd be the best.  I think we'd still not be as strong at the 1 as we need to be to be really great.

But, who knows?  Maybe the guys that we have now (that would not be on the team if all the guys I mentioned were still here) will actually turn out to better than those that have left prematurely.  Maybe these guys will have the "chemistry" together to be great some day.  I hope so.


Goose, most definitely appreciate the comment on Ali...in all honesty did not see that one coming, as it turns out looks like she'll be the best athlete of the three (she is the youngest).   I hope you're right on Billy my source tells me (and you and captj have about figured that one out--only reason I didn't want anyone to know is so folks will hopefully interpret my opinions as "unbiased.") that he has tons of talent--just needs to work on his defense a little.  But think you're right, we'll see him on the floor a lot....a 6'9" three...that'll be something and he's every bit of 6'9", those numbers were definitely not exaggerated!


I am soooo ready for this season to begin.  The great thing about college basketball is that you almost never know what is going to happen.  Teams that are expected to be great often turn out to be huge disappointments.  Dark horses become champions.  And there are always players that exceed their supposed limitations.  Maybe the Captains will be the surprise team this year.  But, win or lose, I'll be right there on the second row embarrassing myself (and my wife) with my often irresponsible enthusiasm.  And to the lousy referees we will certainly see; beware the wrath of CaptJ!!!


game –

I don't know if you know this or not, but when someone clicks on your "ballgame" username in your post, your profile pops up with your e-mail address on it.  With yours it is pretty easy to tell who you are.  Goose and I aren't exactly super sleuths to figure it out.  And if we can figure it out, what with our public university education and all, you just know that the other posters here knew as well.


Lol....I am just super dumb captj....I swear...thought I had fixed that...and I was giving you guys all the credit in the world!! :D


     Im not going to lie to you. CNU vb coach asked me about my thoughts on the match, she knew I was going and I told her the one and only person who stood out in my mind was Alison, even more so then Ashley Moore. She's got a ton of talent and I talked her up to Coach Sheppard. What year is she anyway? Junior?

     McShepard is every bit of 6-9. Quick and can apparently hit from anywhere on the floor. Should be excited to say the least. I know I cant wait til Nov. 18. Although, if the CNU women's soccer team continues to win, Im gonna be torn. Coach and I are good friends and I know he's going to expect me to be there!! I think his defense will come around in time and hopefully if he stays, and can have a healthy career, he could become a very good player.

    Hey dont be bustin on my CNU edumacation now!!  I earned it!! I think.


for kicks, i decided to see what the monarch lineup might look like if the guys who left school or were still in school and not playing were still with the program - i found 3 players who had left early but would still have eligibility

chris mark - an athletic 6-6 forward who played just the first semester last year and avg 5.5 ppg, 3.7 rpg in 10.7 mpg

joe standley - 6-6 post with 3 pt range who is still in school - one time starter had some injury issues, but rumor was that he was going to give playing a go this season...doesn't seem likely

jordan snipes - 6-3 g/f - averaged 8.4 ppg, 3.7 rpg and shot 37% from 3 for guilford last year

if those 3 had stayed, the monarch roster would look like this (if you replaced them with the 3 current players who got the fewest minutes last year) - the monarchs would certainly be much bigger and more athletic on the inside

mark - 6-6, so, f
standley - 6-6, sr, f/c
snipes - 6-3, jr, g/f

hairston - 6-0, so, g
mcdonald - 6-2, fr, g
terry - 6-3, fr, g
lee - 6-0, jr, g
grant - 6-2, sr, g
carter - 6-3, so, g
thomas - 6-4, sr, g/f
williams - 6-4, jr, f
radmanovic - 6-7, jr, f
mcbryde - 6-5, fr, f
moore - 6-4, so, f
mcevoy - 6-10, sr, c

and i think every one of the guys on the roster now would still be here...i don't think any of them would have been scared off by the presence of the guys who aren't here, especially standley and snipes who would be a sr and a jr - the only guy who would have been really competing directly for pt with an underclassmen (of these players) would have been mcbryde (with mark), but travis' committment to mc wasn't based on playing time

i'm hearing that there is a potential d1 (recruited walk-on) transfer and a long-shot d2 transfer in the works for the spring semester - the d2 was a kid that i wrote about this summer as a possibility for the fall - he's a 6-6 shooter, but i don't think he'll materialize (he didn't for the fall, no reason to believe he'll be here this spring) - the d1 transfer has much better potential of enrolling...he's from fayetteville and apparently life as a walk-on wasn't fulfilling enough - he's a shooter, great ballhandler and very bright...we'll see what materializes - spring transfer's are not really something that happens often at mc, so i don't know how i feel about them, but i guess as long as they don't upset chemistry and they can contribute...bring 'em on


Goose, thanks again for Ali, she is a sophomore and has set some pretty lofty goals for herself.  We are very proud of her; the girl definitely loves to play.  I have become a bonafide volleyball fan that's for sure.  We are all familiar with the outstanding program Coach Sheppard runs at CNU--she is definitely WELL thought of around the Williamsburg Volleyball Club.

Let's hope these guys stick together and then maybe at some point we'll give Narch and  his boys down South a run for their money.  Can understand about being torn Goose...my wife asked me last night what I'll do if Grafton volleyball makes the state playoffs and has a game next Friday--man I don't want to even go there?  Anyway good luck with that one....look on the bright side--lots of CNU b-ball at home!

Narch, agree you have to be careful with "chemistry" especially on a team that's picked to win the USA South!   Sure CNU is working hard to add some experience too, but have not heard anything.   


Anytime ballgame. I didnt realize she was just a sophomore. Tons of talent there, thats for sure!! Check your messages, i sent you one thru here.

Whats up with my karma. Too many people smite me, im not Bruce Almighty in saying smite me almighty smiter!!



Goose, wish the H-M scrimmage was local...to bad....some good comp for the team. 


Friday's scrimmage at HSC will be a good test. Wish I could be there. Ill get a report from my inside mole tho, I will promise you that!!


Goose, looking forward to some feedback on the scrimmage!  One week away from opening night!  It will be SVA's sixth game I think...so they should have most of their kinks out.     

Side bar, my heartfelt feeling go out to the CNU volleyball team.....what a heartbreaker!!!


I echo those sentiments on the volleyball team. Going up 2-0 and losing the last three isnt a fun way to go out. But they return everyone but the twins and have a fantastic nucleus to work from.

Ill be speaking to my "mole" tomorrow afternoon and see if I can get some insider info on the way the Capts played.


man...i'm just not ready to start thinking hoops yet...let's hope something CRAZY happens and the monarchs make the football playoffs on sunday :)  ;D  ;) :D  8)