MBB: USA South Conference

Started by CNU85, March 16, 2005, 12:28:10 PM

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Quote from: njlincolnlion on December 05, 2005, 02:18:46 PM


Yep, you answered your own question.  Lincoln University founded in 1854, is the oldest HBCU in the country.  A few schools like cheyney (1837) were founded as schools, not institutions of higher learning.  Ashmun Institute (now Lincoln University) was founded by Quakers specifically as an instititution of higher learning for males of African descent.

Lincoln was know as the Black Princeton, with the colors navy blue and orange and mascot Lions comparing to Princeton's black and orange Tigers.


I did not know the Quaker connection, but I am not the least bit surprised.  It also makes sense that LU was founded in Pennsylvania, where many early Quakers lived and started schools.  FYI - My alma mater in North Carolina, Guilford, was also founded by the Society of Friends and is an Historical Landmark for, among other things, being a stop on the Underground Railroad.   Most (I don't know for sure if it was all) of the NC Quakers refused to own slaves and used the 300 acres of the college as a refuge and stopping point for runaway slaves trying to escape to the North.  Other NC Quakers, disappointed that NC was a slave state, moved farther west and north to Ohio, Indiana and Iowa.  Some other Quaker colleges in the midwest are Wilmington (OH), Earlham (IN) and William Penn (IA). 


An FYI for the guys from the USASAC... basketball season started a couple of weeks ago.


hasanova –

I just read your "cover all my ecumenical bases" post regarding salvation and the afterlife over on the football board... it cracked me up.  I'm curious about your handle... "has a Nova"?  My brother had a Nova and it wasn't anything to be proud of.


Quote from: captj on December 05, 2005, 07:23:29 PM
hasanova –

I just read your "cover all my ecumenical bases" post regarding salvation and the afterlife over on the football board... it cracked me up.  I'm curious about your handle... "has a Nova"?  My brother had a Nova and it wasn't anything to be proud of.

captj - Thanks.  My siblings and I have a pretty good sense of humor about all things, including religion.  You should see all five of us when we get together.  lol  We're convinced God has a sense of humor - why else would he give us duck-billed platypuses, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and Yugos?   ???

I do have a restored '68 Chevy Nova, which I bought used in 1969.  Red, of course, with a 307-V8 and a 4-speed manual transmission.  Not my daily driver anymore, but it does turn some heads on Sunday afternoon cruises.   It was my "road trip" car for Quaker basketball when I was a student at Guilford. 


hasanova –

I'm relieved... I was afraid that you might have ended up with my brother's late seventies (I think) 4-door with an anemic 6-banger and the most hideous plaid upholstery you've ever seen.  Sounds like a nice ride.


Quote from: captj on December 06, 2005, 08:54:13 AM
hasanova –

I'm relieved... I was afraid that you might have ended up with my brother's late seventies (I think) 4-door with an anemic 6-banger and the most hideous plaid upholstery you've ever seen.  Sounds like a nice ride.

captj - I hear you.  Your brother's Nova sounds like what my brothers and I call an A-B car, that is, only good for getting you from Point A to Point B.  lol  Thanks for the compliments on my '68.  I get a lot of offers to purchase it and I ride in a few parades and stuff like that from time to time.  After 36 years, it's a part of the "family."  By the way, there is actually a club for Nova enthusiasts out of York, PA called NNN - National Nostalgic Nova - of which I am a member.  Just like d3hoops, there are niche fans out there for Novas, although most of them don't restore the late seventies models with a 6-cylinder and plaid seats.  :)     


Must be exam week in the world of CNU athletics if captj is talkin about novas!!


Quote from: captj on December 05, 2005, 07:08:41 PM
An FYI for the guys from the USASAC... basketball season started a couple of weeks ago.

See the quote from myself above.....

This board seems to have died.


And besides, Goose... what are we going to talk about?  Maryland Bible?!!!!!


We could always talk about Frostburg!!


Quote from: Goose13 on December 06, 2005, 02:44:16 PM
We could always talk about Frostburg!!
So, how 'bout dem Blue Devils!  Hokies, we love you, but you gotta defend those 40-footers at the buzzer!  lol  Cameron is, well, crazy!


i wasn't at the m'ville game and haven't had a chance to talk to anyone regarding the game - i do know the monarchs were up 1 at halftime (i think the score was 22-21!!) before falling - m'ville is good...make no mistake...but a hard fought loss isn't my gig...that's a game the monarchs have got to win at home if they want to be the team they are capable of being - got some work to do - go monarchs!


I miss one game and you guys go town the toilet....I'll try to make it on the 12th to liven things up a little on here......


85 -

You better buy a calendar and a watch before you go making promises.  The game is Monday, 12/12, 7:30 PM.


damn, my computer breaks for a couple weeks and the boar dgoes crazy....

whelp 4-1 the captains are looking good. i cant wait for them to play some decent teams though. Lewis will start to show how he can play...

the crowds willl deff start to get bigger. i can tell u that. cnu will be a touhg place to play