MBB: USA South Conference

Started by CNU85, March 16, 2005, 12:28:10 PM

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Quote from: bspears on December 07, 2005, 05:58:15 PM
(Everyone) if we had to pick an all time first, second (and third) team who would the players be!?!?!

First of all; if it were up to the posters on this board to nominate them there would only be players from three teams on it.  I'm sure not going to scrutinize Averett's archives (if they exist) in order to get someone from their team on it.


We could probably pick an all-time, all-CNU/Shenandoah/Methodist team and get NNASID to mediate since the Builders have probably played each team at some point in the past.


Well CaptJ (thanks for the attention) I nominate (from SU);

Phil Dixon (1992-1996) - he is pretty much guaranteed a slot on first team.
Al White (1992-1996) - R.I.P.
Billy Blake (1993-1998)
Cameron Jones (1995-1999)
Ronald Merriwether (1998-2002)

Let the arguments begin ;D!


Also I would be a fool not to nominate this Mario Pritchett cat who in 84 games scored 1463 points (3rd all time leading scorer at SU).  I just never personally saw him play, then again being an "ex young buck" I only saw Jones and Merriwether play (in games).  But of course I have heard all of the marvelous tales of Dixon (saw the jersey, record books etc.).  I saw Dixon play at an alumni game during my scholastic tenure at SU and man...that dude is good (great)!  I have been personally ALMOST dunked on by Blake & Jones (I moved); shook by White and for all of those who know...embarrassed (on the court) my whole life by Merriwether.

P.S. Rhone is a "young buck", but 973 points in two seasons is pretty good. 


I nominate from CNU:

Lamont Strothers
Antoine Sinclair
Ted Barry
Steve Artis
Terry Gray
James Boykins

Jermaine Woods
Carlos Heard
Brandon Jones


Yawnnnnn......Wheww, seems like I sleep a little longer every year. Much like those who sleep on the Hornets but I'll get to that later. Its a new year and I better start things off on a good foot. Still no love lost for CNU so yes you'll probably be the first on the sarcasm scale. BUT, I also owe NCW some sarcasm shouts so maybe this year won't be as bad as last. But then again, it could. ;D . But onto the subject at hand, All time All American squad from SU....hmm, I'll agree with Spears...

1. J. Dixon
2. A. White
3. R. Merriwether
4. B. Blake
5. C. Jones  (Maybe)

With Ted. "Nice" Davis as a runner up.
Him and Merriwether together were sick.

OH and Spears if we went on a scale of who continuously shook you or dunked on you we'd have to add a few more to the list. I remember 1 occassion where Brashears hit you with a lazy crossover followed by a 3 ball all in your face. And another occassion where Camp caught a Oop on you, that oop WAS tossed by Merriwether though, so I guess I'll cut you some slack. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I had to list all the people who crossed Spears up, it be something like....and I'll use nicknames so you know who I'm talkin about. Plus it'll save you some humility.  ;)

And the list as of now....
Tig. (RIP-missed but never forgotten), C-Rock (numerous times), Shelton, Brashears (he shook you so bad you wanted to fight), Swerv.*, Bonzi, Jenks, FOOTS*, Bad News got you a couple times, Bates, MO* (always caught you sleeping in the paint), Mighty Mouse T squared (sometimes when he wasn't trying to), CORBIN (YES I said CORBIN), JRock, Chico.....the list goes on and on. Its ok though, because in most cases you weren't the only one to get shook, J'd up or Dunked on.

See, no-ones safe!!! I cut on my own people, but they know its all love because in the end we're all up for winning the USA South and beating up on CNU, MC, and NCW.

SU is 5-2. Start strong finish strong. GO HORNETS!!


isoar would advocate physical play...that was his game :)

captj - maybe you're right about adjusting to the loss of porter, and i never said there wouldn't be an adjustment period...but, i still believe that when this team DOES make that adjustment, they COULD be better than last year - returning veteran players HAVE to step up, though, and right now that's not happening - they won't make those adjustments if the veterans and leaders don't start playing better - hops makes a great point...the monarchs always start slow - it (the record) could get worse before it gets better, though, with 2 tough naia games and games remaining against vwc and m'ville, not to mention a piedmont team which will be VERY well prepared for the monarchs

i don't think there are any men's "25 year" teams, since those teams are being selected to commemorate 25 years of WOMEN'S sports in the usasac/diac, but if there were a 25 year men's hoops team being selected, i would nominate just two...montrell mcnair and jason childers - mcnair was a BEAST on both ends and childers was an all-america on a 22-8 team (mcnair was a frosh starting on that team) - d. byrd would be on the bubble, for me, and i'd probably nominate him knowing that he might not make the cut - if we went beyond 25 years, jim darden would be added to that list - i personally know him, and i wouldn't be shocked if he could STILL put up double digits, and he's well into his 50's - that man is in great condition and i'll bet he could ball back in the day - he averaged a double-double for his career (18.3 ppg and 13.4 rpg) and is the mc career rebounding leader (1206) and 4th in career points (1644) along with getting graduate degrees at both duke and nc state

ballgame - wisconsin runs the "swing" offense...not sure how similar it is to the "flex" - it may, in fact, be the same thing, but wisc calls it the "swing"


OH MY!!!  My own homeboy is trying to get at me (well did)!  Blockhead, EVERYONE who played in our pick up games basically got SHOOK, J'D, HURT by EACH OTHER.  But I repeat I NEVER repeat NEVER been dunked on.  For one, I would always move if the threat was near.  Y'all can call me a punk, but when you are one of the shortest cats out there (under 6 ft), I am no HERO!  I guess you have the Rob Harris syndrome (lol), think I am a helpless well...pop singer on the court and was shocked every time I made a basket.  You are still my man though, Shotblocker & I just go back y'all.  I can think of a time where I got half the people on your list and even your tall a**, Motumbo.  I recall you specifically ordering me not to bring my (edited) in the lane again AFTER I made the basket.  Fellow posters, we just have (had) this thing at SU, if you weren't on the team, you got NO PROPS or unless you played football.  Dean's List students like myself got a prop once a year.   At least I can make better CDs then you and I still averaged more points (in high school).  But let it be known, I RULE BETHESDA/CHEVY CHASE COURTS and if you ever put Corbin, shook and me in the same sentence again, you are playing with our FRIENDSHIP.  Holla at me sometime!




I was just restating that basketball is a physical game.  ;)
enough said


I was just being sarcastic I know MC will be around at the end of year. True, CNU had Gray, Heard and Woods but, Sinclair was the man same as Porter was for MC. Gray, Woods, and Heard were not asked to produce as much when Sinclair was there. They stepped up and took their game to another level especially Gray and Woods. MC must have that to. Sure there will be some bumps in the road but, they have capable player such as CNU did in the past.  Thomas, Grant & Co must step up for MC as well just like Gray, Woods and Heard did for CNU.



My nominations would be the following.

Jason Childers
Montrell McNair
Tyrone Bennett
Sam Porter

Gets cloudy after those to but maybe Demarkus Byrd, Eric Rhew, and a outside chance of Arthur Hatch? as well


Come on guys... go to the record books and dig up some stats so that we can compare these guys.  I'm sure NONE of us have personally seen enough of them to form an opinion without stats.  My nominations for the 25-Year All-Dixie/USASAC Team -

Lamont Strothers (87-91) –  For his four year career; 2709 pts (23.4/gm), 717 reb (6.2/gm), 286 stls (2.5/gm), 225 assts (1.9/gm); NEVER held below 10 points in a game in his entire 116 game career!!!!

Steve Artis (89-93) – For his four year career; 1977 pts (17.7/gm), 909 assts (8.1/gm), 323 stls (2.9/gm)

James Boykins (89-93) – For his four year career; 1847 pts (16.5/gm), 1193 reb (10.7/gm), 247 blk (2.2/gm), 197 stls (1.8/gm)

Antoine Sinclair (97-01) – For his four year career; 1736 pts (15.5/gm), 1031 reb (9.2/gm), 181 blks (1.6/gm), 136 stls (1.2/gm)

Buck Moore (83-86) – For his three year career; 1677 pts (20.0/gm), 584 reb (7.0/gm)

Ted Berry (91-94) - For his three year career; 1352 pts (20.8/gm); and, specifically, for what was the most prolific single-season scoring performance in CNU history, the 93-94 season when he scored 737 pts (an astounding 27.3/game)

Carl Haynes (84-88) - For his four year career; 1276 pts (12.8/gm), 878 reb (8.8/gm), 196 blks (2.0/gm)

Terry Gray (99-03) – For his four year career; 1201 pts (11.5/gm), 797 reb (7.7/gm), 300 blks (2.9/gm), 158 stls (1.5/gm)

Terry Thomas (92-96) – For his four year career; 1128 pts (10.0/gm), 905 reb (8.0/gm), 271 blks (2.4/gm)

Andre Bolton (92-96) - For his four year career; 737 assts (6.8/gm), 210 stls (1.9/gm); and, specifically, for what was the most prolific single-season assist performance in CNU history, the 95-96 season when he found the open man 289 times (9.6 assts/game).


Quote from: hoopshops on December 08, 2005, 03:43:58 PM

Sinclair was the man same as Porter was for MC.

I was a huge Sam Porter fan, but there's no way he compares to Antoine Sinclair.  2-time All-conf is not the same as 2-time All-Amer (1st team, 2nd team).


(**, *) Phil Dixon - 2297 pts (22.3/gm), 216 steals (2.1/gm) & 103 assists (8.6/gm).  ARGUABLY one of (if not the) the greatest DIXIE/USA SOUTH players of all time.

(** - HM) Al White - 2001 pts (19.6/gm), 898 rebounds (8.8/gm), 190 steals (1.9/gm) & 108 blocks (1.1/gm)

William "Billy" Blake - 1346 pts (13.6/gm), 522 rebounds (5.3/gm) & 37 blocks (.37/gm) 

Mario Pritchett - 1463 pts (17.4/gm), 184 assists (2.2/gm) & 117 steals (1.4/gm)

Cameron Jones - 1125 pts (11.4/gm), 579 rebounds (5.8/gm) & 64 blocks (.6/gm)

(*) Ronald Merriwether - 1319 pts (13.2/gm), 552 rebounds (5.5/gm) & 179 steals (1.8/gm)

** All American
* Dixie Player of the Year

I have to also give recognition to HELMEN, DAVIS & THOMPSON.

We all know stats can be misleading because presence outweighs stats.  I don't want to make any alumni enemies, but I always felt at SU, only one person was allowed to shine at one time (at least after I came to SU in '98).  My fellow Hornet in the earlier post brought up Davis & Merriwether "were sick together", if they were "allowed" to shine together, they would have been truly SICK together and in the conference.   

Hampton U SID

Quote from: captj on December 08, 2005, 12:42:30 PM
We could probably pick an all-time, all-CNU/Shenandoah/Methodist team and get NNASID to mediate since the Builders have probably played each team at some point in the past.

or having seen a good chunk of potential players in my past role (Ass't SID at CNU) :)