MBB: USA South Conference

Started by CNU85, March 16, 2005, 12:28:10 PM

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They have a tough game on the 17th in Frostburg and then play Lincoln who is very good and a Keystone team that seems a lil down to me this year, after going 24-5 last year. Then of course is the shootout and we will move past that, then there's Fisher and Shenandoah before we get to the game that really scares me (not that Lincoln, Keystone, and Frostburg dont), but Carnegie Mellon comes to town, a squad that just upset 12th ranked Rochester. Should be very interesting to say the least.



Another tough loss for the Monarchs  :'(  I know its a tough schedule but, Champions find ways to win tough games. It's time to step it up. I know the coaching staff will get them right before conference play comes around they are pretty good at that!!


Gents, Merry Christmas.   I have been humbly reading the posts on the Captains and have had the pleasure (some lack of  ;)) of observing all of the games thus far.   Couple of observations, the first not team related...."the refs."   

Which ever team you're rooting for there will be calls you disagree with. Conversely, what upsets me is the lack of "tone" these guys are setting to games.  One of the refs in particular from the Curry game I recognized, he refs in the Bay Rivers District.  I was shocked he was calling a Captains game!  He always looked to me like he had a chip on his shoulder.  He probably doesn't, he just looks like he does!  However, in my (again) humble opinion they do need to set the "tone."  The best refs I've seen are the ones with "personality" (that is they look like they enjoy what they're doing)....they "communicate" with the players and the coaches from the git-go.  There were maybe three of these in the Bay Rivers last year and pretty sure they all call college (know at least two of them do) ball.  You can hear'em...."watch your hands, don't reach, don't push"....they communicate with the players and I believe eliminate a lot of play stoppage.   Most importantly they should first and foremost protect the players...some of the physical play and aggressive reaching is off the charts this year and we've seen the result.   Some things cannot be prevented, but many can if the tone is set early.   Once it's out of control...well...it's hard to reel in. 

The Caps continue to improve.   Would like to see Coleman and Riley on the court at the beginning or at least experiment starting one of those guys.  Just seems to be a lack of energy at the start of games.  The team shows a lot of heart coming back....though it can be unnerving for the fans!   And before I get to long winded....I am with Goose, Korey Lewis is VERY talented and sincerely hope he fulfills his potential.  But Coach should make him run every time he shoots a fall away jumper.  You'll note his azimuth is always "right on" target, but 9 times our of ten he bounces it off the front of the rim.   Plus you'll NEVER draw a foul falling away....anyway....happy holidays.....these long breaks are to much.....


I know everyone has been checking out the USA SOUTH website at the 25th anniversary sport teams.  Anyone knows when the basketball anniversary team(s) will be released?  Any ideas on the players that will be on the team?  If this topic has already come up, I apologize, but I have been AWOL for a few weeks.



Its the 25th anniversary women's sports this year. Not men, to my knowledge.


ballgame –

I like your thoughts about the zebras.  I've posted remarks about them a couple of times this year, and not once were my comments complimentary.  I know that it's tough doing what they do (I'd never want to do it), but I repeatedly feel like they're just universally bad and that their calls are totally arbitrary.  I would post positive comments when they're due but I think that, by nature, we (spectators/fans) only notice them when they screw up.  And this is how I think that it should be.  To me, they've done their best when we've hardly noticed them.  What I HATE is when they make the game about THEM.  The game is called "basketball", not "refereeing".  We're not there to see them.  I hate it when a referee makes a call and then waves his arms hysterically as he races across the court, making himself the focus of everyone's attention.  I like the idea that a referee can set a "tone" for the game, or even create one, but I would like for it to be invisible to the spectators.


So, is there going to be an official, all-time, All-USASAC/Dixie basketball team announced some day/year?  Or a 25-year team?  Is that what you guys are talking about?  If so, it sounds incredibly intriguing.  Tell us more.


captj, agree.....they should for the most part be invisible.  Being a referee is sort of like be a teacher....the really good ones are not in it solely for the money, but for their love of the profession or in this case the game.  The Zebras are human, they'll make mistakes.....good Lord who wouldn't, especially in a game as fast as basketball.  And like ball players, refs probably even have an off night from time-to-time....but.....I don't know...lately it just seems pretty darn physical and they're letting a lot slide.   Almost, "no blood, no foul."


Its been a while since my last post.  I've been busy between giving thanks and being laid up with an injury, (surgery to fix a torn achilles... is this what you call karma for all the smack talking?  Maybe I should change the nick to I'msore? Luckily they gave me some good pills.)

MethCo comes out of the gate with a blistering 5-2 record... wait, what?  Lose to Wooster, Mville, App State...okay its tough, but I can take it, but Voorhees?  Our only wins are Maritime State and Thomas More.  Less than intimidating.  As fred Wilard Said in A Mighty Wind:  "wha' happened?"

It seems like this season could go either way.   I like the tough sched to get ready, but I also like a pretty record.  Of course, what matters most is conf play.  Get better with every game, keep it together, roll into conf and start bashing heads in.  The monarchs need to get tough and learn how to execute. 

Looking at the stats:
Seth, Marcus, Gene and BWill, Stealing everything, now if we could keep those TO's down.  That would be nice. 
A lot of people seem to be shooting well behind the arc, Mike Mac with 67%? well, everyone except for this Gene character, 4-25 behind the arc?
Gimme an S, Gimme a Lump.  By the end of the season it'll even out.  Good players make points, Great players make plays.
The post guys need to be getting more shots, and they need to rebound. We need an inside presence.

Just from glancing around the conf

AU 4-2 They seem to be doing well.  Shooting well, and spreading around the scoring.  Killed So. Va.  104-66

CNU 4-1  There are plenty of CNU fans who know much more about the team than  I do. 

GC 2-3  Another year, another new coach.  Two wins over mid-level teams.

FC 1-6  ...  We'll see how they do against So Va.

NCW 2-4 Not off to a great start.  Are they going to lose all they're games and then explode in the tourny again?

SU 5-2 They look really strong.  Of Course, they looked pretty strong last year at the start then fell off for a bit.  So. Va. 102-87

I'm nominating So Va as the USA South groupie.  They get around like a hackysack at a greenpeace rally.

As for the refs, I like physical play.   "Lettem Play Ref."

Well, the pills are starting to set in... I should leave before I say something that will put people on defense.


Isoar, physical play ain't basketball.....especially when kids are getting hurt.    Thank God for Steve Nash, Tony Parker, and T.J. Ford...heck I'll even throw AI in there....if not for them Vince McMahon would own the NBA!  I'm sure the networks are really hoping for another Detroit vs SA wrestling match.  Clean up the physical play and let's put some points on the board!


ISoar –

I believe that the Monarch's problem to date has been (and I've been arguing with narch about this all season) that they're having a hard time adjusting to the graduation of their best player.  But... the season is still young and I think that they WILL adjust, as long as they don't let the early-season bruises (losses) get them down.  Conference games are still a long way off, and for all of the USASAC teams this year, THAT is when the season begins.


captj- Youre right.  I just wish the learning curve was a little bit better.

ballgame- Kids getting hurt?  Is this something that is a direct result of rough play?  If you're talking about people playing dirty, thats one thing, but haven't people always been getting injured while playing basketball?

AI's pretty physical, TJ Ford just kicked someone in the head (just joking, but seriously, he did it).  And If I remember A guy name Stockton played pretty tough.  
I'm not a fan of hamstringing the d just to "put more points on the board."  

ie If the O dives to the hole jumps and draws contact, a defender should be allowed to jump up and down without a foul being called.  Even if they collide.  

I don't want to see refs rewarding offense by cracking down on defense.  If a someone gets beat to a spot and theres some contact it should be let go.

Armbars, should be allowed.  Yes, protect the shooters.  Stop the grabbing, slapping, and holding, but bumping only hurt a few people.

Physical play is basketball.  


what time is it?

heck...what day is it?


Lol...of course it's a direct result of physical, hmmm...let's change the terminology..."rough" play, otherwise I would not have mentioned it. 

I'm not talking about a guard diving to hole and jumping into a big man....rules are pretty specific there, though the tendency of the zebras seems to be to penalize the big men.  As long as they don't bring their arms down they should not be penalized.   Give me break Isoar....lol...I know people get hurt playing basketball....good lord....but I do know kids get hurt because refs let games get out of control from the git go. 

Picks and rub offs are part of the game....excessive reaching/swatting and bodying the dribbler to knock him off stride are not....I'm not hamstringing anyone....just want them to enforce the rules consistently and from what I've seen they're not. 

You say physical play is basketball....what do you mean.....hand checking is OK.....forearm shivers are OK......


O...thanks Goose, I guess I didn't realize that all the "25th teams" being congratulated were women...my bad...lol.  (Everyone) if we had to pick an all time first, second (and third) team who would the players be!?!?!