MBB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by WoosterFAN, January 27, 2005, 10:51:56 AM

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Dang, didn't realize there was afternoon action!  Sticks in my craw to root for Allegheny, but a fan's gotta do what a fan's gotta do.  35-26, alright!

Oops.  After giving some stats, the Wittenberg broadcast is off the air again.  That certainly doesn't seem to me like technical difficulty.  It's a choice.

Top four submarine movies:

The Hunt for Red October
Das Boot
Run Silent, Run Deep
The Enemy Below


I don't know what it is, if it's a very poor microphone, low bandwith, or what, but the Witt netcast is really hard on the ears.  The sound is stacatto, or to compare it to light, strobish.  Somewhere between there and here, it goes south.

David Collinge

Man, you're a tough customer.  I'm perfectly satisfied with the Witt broadcast, considering it's a student-run venture.  It's not the smooth professional operation of WQKT, but very few D3 schools have that luxury.  Witt's broadcast is better than a vast sea of other D3 radio (listen to Oberlin sometime :)), and I'd just as soon listen to dead air at halftime than commercials for "Hometown Hardware" or "Scott Kapek Insurance."

Allegheny leads 41-30, 15:00 remaining.

Quote from: Wooster Booster on January 21, 2006, 03:59:50 PM
I don't know what it is, if it's a very poor microphone, low bandwith, or what, but the Witt netcast is really hard on the ears. The sound is stacatto, or to compare it to light, strobish. Somewhere between there and here, it goes south.

I don't have any of these problems.  I wonder if it's your connection?

David Collinge

7-0 run for Witt; 41-37, 9:44 left.

You'll notice that 'Gheny has just 6 points so far this half.

David Collinge

Witt cuts it to 3, then McCloskey hits a big three for the Gators.  A couple of free throws from Borchers (who is automatic), and a jumper from McCloskey and it's 49-43 Allegheny with 7:00 to go.

The 'Gheny students keep chanting "U-S-A, U-S-A" which has the Witt announcer perplexed.  I assume it's aimed at Borchers, who is from Russia, after all.  Pretty clever.

Update:  a layup cuts it to 49-45, 6:26 left.

Update: 5:00 left, 51-45 'Gheny.  Borchers back to the line.  Borchers hits two (of course), has 27 of Witt's 47 points, and it's 51-47.


Yes, it does sound like the 'Gheny fans are looking for a "Miracle on Hardwood" with their "USA" cheer.


David Collinge

Russ inside for two, 51-49.  3:30 left.
Foul on Tyler Howard (Witt), but just Witt's 5th team foul.  However, it was in the act.  Whoever the shooter was missed both, Howard misses a layup, Bowen with the stickback to tie the game 51-51 3:15 left.

David Collinge

Witt takes a 52-51 lead, McCloskey misses, Russ rebounds, but a steal from 'Gheny gets the Gators back on the offense.  Loose ball, Howard gets it and misses another layup.  Gator ball, down 1, 1:30 or so left.

Some confusion as to whose ball it should be.  Timeout Witt.  53-52 Witt 1:33 left.

David Collinge

Babe misses a 3, Borchers rebound.  Another Witt timeout.  1:03 left.  Borchers is keeping Witt in this game almost single-handedly. 

Denbow a big 3 as the shot clock runs out.  56-52 Witt :38 left.  McCloskey fouled by Denbow.  McCloskey hits both, has 23.  56-54 Witt.

Quick foul, :36.3 left, Steffes goes to the line.  Steffes hits the first, misses the second.  Still a one-possession game.  Blocked shot, Witt ball, timeout, :26.4 left, 57-54 Witt.

David Collinge

Steffes fouled again, Witt in the double bonus.  Hits the first to make it a two-possession game with :23.7 left.  Hits the second, 5 point lead.   

Babe and McCloskey miss threes, Borchers rebounds and is fouled.  Witt will pull this one out on the shoulders of Dane Borchers. 

Borchers ends up with 29 of Witt's 61 points, as the Tigers prevail 61-56.

David Collinge

Quote from: pennstghs on January 19, 2006, 11:41:29 PM
hopefully witt doenst let up this weekend against allegheny- a dangerous place for our team because we hate playing there. bad vibes.

Quote from: jscwittfan on January 20, 2006, 12:53:48 AM
If Witt plays like they did Wednesday night against OWU, the Gators should not be a problem.  But, let us not forget that this IS their first road game as the number one team, and that's something that cannot be overlooked as well.  It should make for an interesting game.

We can't say we weren't warned. 

Note to the Witt silent majority:  it's posts like these two that demonstrate why the rest of us want to hear more from you folks.


The benches are clearing at Chadwick...the final score is:

Kenyon 68
Wabash 88

Lyttle had a huge game for Wabash with (at last check) 19 points, 6 assists, and 4 rebounds.  Not much of a struggle for Wabash in the second half as the Little Giants methodically pulled away from the overmatched Lords.  The win snaps Wabash's 3-game skid.  Wabash goes to #1 Witt on Wednesday.  

"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


Thank God for Borchers.

And thank Borchers for another year, next year.

He was hurt (redshirted) his freshman year.

This really shows who the MVP really is for the Tigers.

Steffes stepped up  big with  the FTs at the end.


Petty shakes up the lineup - with Medeiros and Owens coming off the bench. The LGs respond in the second half after a spotty first half.

Formato is a player. 24 points and 9 rebounds and he's just a gamer.

Lyttle was huge today. That is a career high for him.

Zimmer did not return in the second half.

Wabash still has porblems shooting free throws (15 of 24 today).

Next up, Witt.
Wabash Always Fights!