MBB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by WoosterFAN, January 27, 2005, 10:51:56 AM

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I'm there all day long.  :)

Quote from: Wooster Booster on December 07, 2006, 08:34:27 PM
I'll be there, along with about 2,500 Wooster fans.  Got room?  :)

I think we have room.  And if not, I hear we have a pretty nice woodshed out back.

Just kidding, ha ha.  Seriously though, 2,500?  The HPER only holds 3100 - where are the rest of you going, because I know there will be more than 600 Tigers there.
"When my time here on Earth is done I want to be buried upside down, so my critics can kiss my ass."
-Bobby Knight


ill be there in row Q-well not really cuz i dont think students are gonna care bout where they sit......denbow has a shot at playing saturday fyi as i found out from a close team source today, depends on how the training session went today
WE ARE.................PENN STATE!
"Let's GO WITT"


I'm sure those guys (the Carmel kids at Witt) knew each other even though they went to different HS and probably one convinced the other to come there. It happens at Wabash, especially in football, where one kid comes from a school or an area, and does well...and then there's another and another...
Wabash Always Fights!

David Collinge

I can't vouch for 2500 Wooster fans, but I'll be there with one Wooster booster.  ;)


I will be there all day. Stat running for the women's game, watching the JV game, and playing my trumpet with the Witt Pep Band for the big show. pennstghs, I'm sure you're right about the students. And that's why I'm going to camp out to hold the Pep Band's section between the JV and the varsity game, because last year the yellow police tape and signs every two feet weren't enough to keep the students from taking our section anyway. Good to hear about Denbow. Even if he does play it'll probably be less time than usual, though.

I thought I had heard that the Wooster allocation was 1,000 tickets. But regardless, the "This is Our House" chant will be coming from the Witt student section this year!
Witt's got a real nice pre-game line up of stuff to get the students into the game this year. Be prepared for a show of force!


A few years ago, I was told by a moderately crazy Wooster baseball fanatic (a West Virginian, so the moderately crazy part is certainly redundant) that he could make the trip from Wooster to Wittenberg in two hours.  I move pretty well on the road, but have never done better than 2:15.  Columbus usually gets in the way.  However, with Parnelli Collinge riding shotgun and navigating on Saturday, I fully intend to break the land speed record on the trip down.  Hide the women and children.

If I'm able to convince DC that we should see the women's game, we'll be on the road out of Wooster by 11:30 and walking into the gym at Witt at 1:29, the Guinness record in our pocket.  David might need some valium or at least a pint of bourbon upon our arrival, so we'd appreciate it if the paramedics or a local bartender would be available.


From MapQuest:

Wooster, OH US to Springfield, OH US

Total Est. Time:  2 hours, 22 minutes
Total Est. Distance: 139.55 miles

Hmmmm.....140 miles in 2 hours?  That would be 70 miles per hour so it shouldn't be a problem...  ;)

...unless the Wooster police or the Springfield police don't like that speed within the city limits! ;D


They have police in Springfield? ;)

I think I can do it in two hours, but will have to get lucky on the lights in both Wooster and Springfield and mostly with the Columbus traffic.  A lot will also depend on the girls at Burger King processing our orders quickly during our pit stop.  If Collinge needs to go inside to use the rest room we're dead in the water.


another thing to factor in-doesnt some weather thing-something bout the weather being crappy in ohio-always factor into things-i dont know maybe that white stuff is fake and will disolve lol
WE ARE.................PENN STATE!
"Let's GO WITT"


Another recent Wooster grad and I will be in attendance.

Woo Boo and DC, you really should be fine with Columbus traffic if you're going to be hitting Columbus around 12:30-1 pm.  Traffic volume on 270 shouldn't be an issue at that time of day- the weather/road conditions could be another story.

I came to the game at Springfield last year, too, but I wasn't driving for that.  Would a Witt fan or someone knowledgeable with campus give me parking advice?  Last year I think we parked just on the street in the neighborhood- is that the best plan?


Wooster Booster - I'll do my part and stay off of 270 around that time!  Traffic on I-70 around the Polaris Mall might be a little busy - just stay left then get over immediatlely after the Polaris exit to get off on 270.  2 hours could be doable.  Its normally about 90 minutes from my house in the Dublin area to Wooster, and 45 minutes from my house to Springfield so with some good luck its possible, but any BK stop would kill your chances.  The quickest fast food on that trip is the Wendys at SR97 (exit 165 I think).  Easy on & off - especially coming from the north - and quick service.

I'll be there with my daughter and her boyfriend, meeting up with the rest of my family making the trip down from Woo-town.


Out of curiosity why would you take 270 around Columbus?  Wouldn't it be easier to just take 71 down to 670 which from that direction becomes 70?  :-\


Quote from: sac on December 08, 2006, 06:34:32 AM
Out of curiosity why would you take 270 around Columbus?  Wouldn't it be easier to just take 71 down to 670 which from that direction becomes 70?  :-\

270 is usually the fastest way to get from the north to the west sides of Columbus, although I hadn't really considered 670.  The 670 route could possibly be slightly less mileage as it cuts a very slight diagonal, but traffic is generally slower through downtown than it is on 270.  As 270 is at least 4 lanes all the way and 71/670/70 has smaller roads and slower speed limits I think I'd still say to take 270.


I've made that trip (usually going to Dayton rather than Witt) a number of times and have occasionally run into bad traffic problems when not using 270.  On the other hand, if the road is clear, that way is probably a little faster.

From time to time, some of you guys have mentioned a restaurant that is the place to go when visiting Springfield.  Can somebody please tell me it's name, where it is, and what kind of place it is?  Seems like it was a sportsbar and grill.  Is it Jake's?


Quote from: tigerup07 on December 07, 2006, 10:43:14 PM
Good to hear about Denbow. Even if he does play it'll probably be less time than usual, though.

Sometimes a bad sprain is worse than a break.  Hopefully that's not the case here, but if it was bad enough that might be the case.

Quote from: Wooster Booster on December 07, 2006, 11:47:16 PM
They have police in Springfield? ;)

I think I can do it in two hours, but will have to get lucky on the lights in both Wooster and Springfield and mostly with the Columbus traffic.  A lot will also depend on the girls at Burger King processing our orders quickly during our pit stop.  If Collinge needs to go inside to use the rest room we're dead in the water.

Oh we have police, and they are well aware of the arrival of 2,500 or so drunk people wearing Black and Gold. ;D

I'll be there.  Don't know how much home court advantage we'll have, but I'll cheer all the same.