MBB: Coast 2 Coast Athletic Conference

Started by Mr. Ypsi, March 27, 2005, 10:16:13 PM

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Quote from: Matt Letourneau on February 22, 2006, 12:35:08 AM
I was, to put it mildly, disappointed with the behavior of a minority of Gally fans at the CUA game the other night.   It only takes a few to cause trouble, but some of the stuff that was going on was beyond the pale and a shame.  Its too bad it continued and put a pall on what was a very successful season for Gally and their first home playoff game.

But nevertheless, let me congratulate Haney and Jackson on their stellar careers.  And let me also toss out Coach DiStephano's name out there for COY.   I think he's a strong candidate.

Matt do you not mind go into details about Gally's fans at CUA?  You've must've saw/heard something that I didn't.  Then again I must've been on the wrong side of the bleachers.

John Rusnak


The call at the end of the Gally game was an easy one to make IMO.  Mowl drove to the basket and extended his arm to create some space.  He made contact with a Salisbury gaurd and the move was clearly an offensive foul.  The fans went crazy.  They were led by one in particular who resembled William Wallace.  His face was painted blue and was constantly yelling into the Salisbury huddle.  At one point I thought he was on the team but because he was straight out of Braveheart, I could tell the difference.  After the game, the fans ran after the refs and it appeared that it spilled into the opposite hallway or even outside.  After a few minutes, a ref appeared with a tissue and kept wiping his nose to remove any left over blood.  I heard him discussing the incident with campus police.  I love Gally's spirit and the atmosphere was great, but at times it went overboard.  What happened after the game was just crazy.  They need to get that place under control and having fellow students work as "security" at the game just isn't going to cut it.


First of all, before anyone hates on the Gally fans, turn on your TV and see how obnoxious the ACC fans are. I don't know why anyone would down these students for showing a little school spirit. Second of all, if  you were not at the game at CUA, you cannot speak of the stuff that went on. The Cu fans called a few of the hard of hearing deaf students some VERY inappropriate racial slurs and even held up signs like "Whether we win or lose, we can still can hear". Someone's butt should have been kicked for that one. Never mind the fact that it the CUA fan who was THROWN out of the gym by the referee. Third of all to say the Gally fans are" ridiculous and act like idots " is just unneccessary. They are allowed to show a little school spirit just like you! So get over it and let the players play.


Quote from: BisonFan on February 22, 2006, 12:20:53 PM
First of all, before anyone hates on the Gally fans, turn on your TV and see how obnoxious the ACC fans are. I don't know why anyone would down these students for showing a little school spirit. Second of all, if  you were not at the game at CUA, you cannot speak of the stuff that went on. The Cu fans called a few of the hard of hearing deaf students some VERY inappropriate racial slurs and even held up signs like "Whether we win or lose, we can still can hear". Someone's butt should have been kicked for that one. Never mind the fact that it the CUA fan who was THROWN out of the gym by the referee. Third of all to say the Gally fans are" ridiculous and act like idots " is just unneccessary. They are allowed to show a little school spirit just like you! So get over it and let the players play.

Fan when it is 100 fans vs. 2 referees in the parking lot, THAT IS WAYYYYYY OVERBOARD.

Matt Letourneau

Now hold on here.  I didn't want to go into this, but if that sort of accusation is going to be made than I have to respond.

First of all, I never saw a sign like that.  If I had, I would have personally gone over and ripped it away.  I find it very hard to believe there was a sign like that there, particularly with the President of the university in attendence for senior night.

Second, there were no racial slurs whatsoever.  I imagine you're referring to a particular incident that happened behind the scorer's table.  I was sitting in the middle of that and even, I suppose you could say, involved in it.  The Gallaudet fans sitting down there---on the Catholic side, mind you---didn't like the Catholic fans cheering, and there was some back and forth.  Then a particular individual stood up and accused us of using a particular racial slur that is absolutely not in my vocabulary and never has been or will be.  It escalated from there and they tried to make it physical but Campus Police intervened.  That word was NEVER said and we all resented the fact that accusation was even made.

That particular group of Gallaudet fans was asked to leave the gym, as was one Catholic fan.  It calmed the situation down and there were no problems after that.   It should be noted that I don't think this group even WENT to Gallaudet, so nobody is "hating" on students.

Now, when you have a situation where a group of fans are physicall assaulted a referee for ANY reason, that's a problem.   Although I have very little confidence in this league, I would assume they would intervene here and gets this situation straightened out.


.. i was at the game at DuFour Center vs. Gally and do not remember ever seeing a sign saying what you claim..i'm not saying cua fans are perfect but i do feel they are respectful of opposing teams in that regard.. 2nd true it was a cua fan who was ejected early in the game for using obsence language at the official in question... 3rd what you failed to mention was that late in the game it was 2  Gally fans escorted out of the gym for causing a physical altercation. that being said  Gally  deserves every round of applauds it get for having and outstanding season...
CUA 2001 NCAA  DIII Basketball National Champions


As a fan, and i attend many games and often engage in heckling, there a few rules to abide by. These rules are just plan moral common sense and keeps cheering for your team and heckling within the competitive arena:

1. No racial/sexual/disability jabs
2. After the game, leave the refs alone.
3. Fans can cheer for their team, against/for refs, and against/for other teams, fans should not be threatening to fight opposing team's fans, etc. Just not classy.
4. Opposing fans, after the game, leave the game on the court/in the stands. Many times after games with heated cheering, I've ending talking with the opposing team's fans and talking about good/funny cheers for either side.
5. For current students, if you're going to arrive with a measurable BAC, try to kep in perspective that your cheering may be offensive/go over the line with some fans (especially with children, etc) in the crowd.

Anyways, just soem things I've pick up going to CAC, NCAA tourney, out-of conference games. Feel free to add or discuss.


Quote from: cuabigdog on February 22, 2006, 12:45:56 PM
.. i was at the game at DuFour Center vs. Gally and do not remember ever seeing a sign saying what you claim..i'm not saying cua fans are perfect but i do feel they are respectful of opposing teams in that regard.. 2nd true it was a cua fan who was ejected early in the game for using obsence language at the official in question... 3rd what you failed to mention was that late in the game it was 2  Gally fans escorted out of the gym for causing a physical altercation. that being said  Gally  deserves every round of applauds it get for having and outstanding season...

Huh?  WTF you talking about?  I didnt say anything about CUA/Gallaudet game.  It was BisonFan that made that post not THE KILLER!!!!!!!

Damn you...now you pissed me off....this is me getting pissed off after reading your post:


John Rusnak

What exactly would a really offensive racial slur be against a deaf person?  I was not aware that being deaf was a race.

And to be really insensitive, if they were calling them names, how would they know?

But forgetting all of that, I can say that Gallaudet fans traditionally have had issues with control.  I'm not saying all, but there are always some that seem to have no regard for obeying the rules or staying in control during a game.

Also, I don't care what happened, there is no excuse to ever punch a referee...I mean, there is, but you don't do it.



my deepest apologies for misreading name..
CUA 2001 NCAA  DIII Basketball National Champions


When going to Gally as an opposing team, you must know going in that you are going to take shots after the whistle and that there are going to be obnoxious fans that will cross the line i.e. throwing things onto the court during the game.

John Rusnak

Quote from: unreallawns on February 22, 2006, 01:09:50 PM
When going to Gally as an opposing team, you must know going in that you are going to take shots after the whistle and that there are going to be obnoxious fans that will cross the line i.e. throwing things onto the court during the game.

That's the point.  Taking a shot after the whistle is understandable.  They can't hear it so they keep playing, I can appreciate that.

The fans have no excuse.

andre james smith

Goonie, you are right on point.  As long as you keep the hecking directed towards the opposing players, during the game, and do not use any inappropriate remarks, that is just part of the home court advantage.  The second that threats are made, curse words thrown out, or any funny business after the game occurs, that is when things are out of hand.  I know that the current UMW/CUA rivalry has been heated in the past 3 or 4 years, but I do not see there being any problems tomorrow night because no fan would want to in any way hurt his team's chances of winning and heading to York for the CAC championship.
Hey guys, whoa, big gulps huh? Alright. Well see ya later.

Matt Letourneau

Agreed Andre.

I don't think there have been any recent fan problems between CUA/MW.

Yeah, you can't use bad language towards a player, coach or ref.  That's the key.