MBB: Coast 2 Coast Athletic Conference

Started by Mr. Ypsi, March 27, 2005, 10:16:13 PM

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John Rusnak

Quote from: d-mac on March 09, 2006, 09:51:02 AM
Quote from: kitchenrat on March 08, 2006, 10:19:41 PM
I played on the basketball team and got a double tech in the first 5 minutes of a game for both taking the Lord's name in vain while berating a ref for a call and then after that tech I used a string of bad words to boast about what I would do with his wife that night.
It is of course bad behavior, but let me thank you for hands down one of the funniest stories I have read about getting a "T". I know it wasn't funny at the time, but that beats any other reason I have heard for a tech. It could have been the way you told the story... but thanks for the laugh - I needed one this morning.

As for the rest of the issue... OK... we get the point! It has been something I have said for years... show some class, be respectful, and show good sportsmanship. To be honest, this conference as a whole has had a problem with all of these matters when it comes to thier fans. I would argue it is at the top of the Mid-Atlantic when it comes to bad behavior as a conference. It is a same and I certainly wish it would get cleaned up (though, it has come a long way since the SMC days!!!).

Quickly, I want to congratulate CUA and YCP... while their seasons came to end quicker than I thought and we didn't get a chance to see a rematch in the tourney... the teams certainly kept it interesting this past weekend. I think Widener certainly had a great game plan to beat both teams... but it was two of the more exciting games to watch this year.

In high school I told a ref that unless he was going to blow me as well as he was blowing the game, he needed to get off his knees...that got me one.

Any other good T stories out there?

Dave 'd-mac' McHugh

Quote from: John Rusnak on March 09, 2006, 10:16:18 AM
In high school I told a ref that unless he was going to blow me as well as he was blowing the game, he needed to get off his knees...that got me one.

Any other good T stories out there?
Rusnak - If I am not mistaken, you might not have gotten a "T" in the last 10 years for that comment... you haven't stopped using it from the stands :).
Host of Hoopsville. USBWA Executive Board member. Broadcast Director for D3sports.com. Broadcaster for NCAA.com & several colleges. PA Announcer for Gophers & Brigade. Follow me on Twitter: @davemchugh or @d3hoopsville.


Quote from: Pat Coleman on March 08, 2006, 05:43:37 PM
Quote from: rollingthunda on March 08, 2006, 04:40:21 PM
I still attend games post-graduation.  I maybe the exception to the rule though.

Depends. Were you a drunken idiot who crossed the line? :)

Maybe not quite the terminoloy I would use for myself, but I went to games inebriated and yelled my fair share of off-color comments.


Feel free to keep breaking out the "balls" comments.  I had a good 20 minute laugh off that post.  I see no problem with any of those comments appearing on a sign at a game.  If security or Administration feels its inappropriate, they will deal with the situation as they deam necessary.

The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.


Administration is a toss up. If been to game where administration takes away the "noise sticks" ...(Marymount) from fans and then to games where fans cuss, fight, etc...

So its a toss up. Basically, it's what makes it interesting at d3 games, on and off the court.

Also, i attend games, post graduation.....


D-Mac. I have a ton of great T stories, since we were a Seminary any time we acted up it seamed even more outrageous. After I transferred to a public school (cause lets face it, I was never cut out to be a Priest) I played much more under control, but still got a tech for "pantsing" a player on the opposing team with :20 seconds to go in a 35 point game after the first of two free throws. We were losing and, he and I worked together at a local Pizza shop. My coach wasn't happy, to say the least. That was the end of my growing up, I have been fully mature ever since then, Just ask Scott from YCP.
Vita nostra brevis est
Brevi finietur.
Venit mors velociter
Rapit nos atrociter
Nemini parcetur.

John Rusnak

Quote from: mwgoonie on March 09, 2006, 10:47:04 AM
Also, i attend games, post graduation.....

If the only people allowed into games were those that hadn't graduated yet, they really wouldn't even need to build stands in most gyms.  They could just put out a few folding chairs under the basket.


i have been out of the country for a while and i just saw the all cac team. please tell me it wasa joke.brandon bushey second team, shane sowden didnt even get noticed, you got to be kiddin me. if any of the voters took their heads out of the sand and looked at the stats both of these kids should have been 1st team. sowden was top 10 in almost every catagory. that kid changed the game every time he was in, and dont give me if he was that good his coach would have played him more. that is another story in it self. no one on cua everaged over 28 minutes a game. sowden had 15 more blocks more than the next clsoest player who averaged more time. sure it sour grapes but that voting was a joke.two seniors on either team. in closing i would like to thanks pat satalin, aaron kelly, matt spierenburger. and shane sowden for four outstanding years. what these kids had to go through this year both on and off the court wasnt right. i just wanted to thank these four for  heart they showed and  determination to make it as far as they did. a month ago noone would have given them a chance to make the cyo playoffs. they kids continued to fight through the face of adversity. good luck satalin, kelly, spierenburger, and sowden

Coach C

My best T story is loudly asking an official if he was planning to make the all tournament team as a (whoever we were playing).



Anyone know if the CAC is content with nine members starting in 2007, or if they intend to bring in someone else?

Coach C


i think the whole region is in play.


Warren Thompson

Quote from: Coach C on March 13, 2006, 10:38:57 AM

i think the whole region is in play.


C: Any ideas on how the whole region will ultimately play out?

Coach C

WT -

Not this week.  things are kinda quiet right now, but may heat up this weekend.



Quote from: Coach C on March 11, 2006, 03:10:08 PM
My best T story is loudly asking an official if he was planning to make the all tournament team as a (whoever we were playing).


I remember Coach Brown getting T-ed up in a game last season against WPU when one official was just awful all night for both teams, he was calling fouls on players that were no where near where the foul occured, he seemed to try to correct blown calls by just blowing his whistle at anyone.  He appeared to be the head ref because he overturned calls by the other officials.

The call that got Coach Brown the T was an offensive goaltending call against NJCU that he made when he was three quarters of the way down the court the other way and the official that it happened right in front of called it a basket.  The NJCU player never touched the ball, he just went up with the shot to get the tip in or rebound.

When the "bad" official waved off the call Coach lost it.  He started chewing up one side of this clown and down the other, when he got the T he increased the pressure until he got the second T.  He told us after the game that it never felt so good to get thrown out of a game, he said that the goaltend was the last straw and it was time to let this clown know how he felt.  The funny thing is Coach Rembibas said after the game to coach Brown and a couple of the WPU and NJCU coachs that he was waiting for the next blown call against WPU to do the same thing.

I have to note that I have not seen that ref at an NJAC game since that night.  I think tape and complaints were sent in from both teams on that one.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: Coach C on March 13, 2006, 10:38:57 AM

i think the whole region is in play.


So it would seem.  We've got at least one conference (AWCC) that looks like it'll end up folding because of all the movement.  We're gonna need a playbook just to keep track of who's going where.

Jeff (not Jack)  ;D


According to the Steven's Tech website, the "Interstate 8" is now the "Interstate 7."

The person who says something can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of the one who's doing it.