MBB: Great South Athletic Conference

Started by william burton, May 21, 2005, 11:48:50 AM

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yeah, maybe Bo will throw the ball at the scoreboard if the scots win and then Bobby and Bradley will roll up on the guys that try and stop them from destroying the gym
Fisk...good bye from the GSAC, we sure miss those 40 pt blowouts of most of your teams and your baseball field with no fence
Oh and the total lack of class your basketball team showed last year


i think my hawks are gonna pull off a sweep over fisk this year somethin we couldnt do last year GO HAWKS!!!!


my HAWKS beat fisk today pullin off a sweep showing a lot of upside and potential watch out for my HAWKS in the GSAC TOURNAMENT

always hated

  I know there glad fisk is out.   That comment by Sidney Ellis Did not want to guard Chris Adams he told Coach Lambert to switch.   Chris Adams was the best player in the GSAC. He played  big against everybody the only one could guard him was hisself. ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: always hated on February 04, 2007, 11:37:32 AM
  I know there glad fisk is out.   That comment by Sidney Ellis (no comma, "did" capitalized?) Did not want to guard Chris Adams he told Coach Lambert to switch.   Chris Adams was the best player in the GSAC. He played  big against everybody(no period, no capitalization) the only one could guard him was hisself. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this supposed to be a joke? If so, not funny ... if not, just sad ...



Chris Adams was (is?) a fine basketball player.
Mike Tyson was a very good boxer.

The Hawks beating Fisk twice is better than not.

Coach Haynes' team got an impressive win against Piedmont.  As a Scots fan, I will worry about the Panthers before the Hawks.

GSAC Killer

Always hated or may I say "Chris Adams" was a pretty good ball player but his antics always cost his team wins..
Good win by the Hawks at Fisk.. Great win for the panthers against Piedmont..
I predicted a Panther vs Scot final and it is looking like it will happen..

Just wanted to give my main man Spencer Beaty( The real Spencer Beaty) a shout-out for turning around the GP Highlanders!!

By the way the reaction by Fisk players after the win at Maryville was by far the worst ever by any team.

always hated

Correct English is not that important Mr.Green   i am working at an elementary school correct that english. It does not matter ok  To Raul i like you. Allen White and  Jack Green the gsac Steve Nash i respect them. to  so Mr. Green you dont ever have anything good to say  so dont say it all. Guess What you'll said about me it dont matter because  you cant play ball for ever. I am leaving good and playing the bills  correct that. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)


OK Killer, I know how you like my stats, so here is another one you might find interesting ... PPS (points per shot). It's part of ESPN.com's stats they put out for all the D1 schools.

As we've all agreed before, there is a lot more to being a good player than just scoring ... for instance ... rebounding, assists, steals, defense, leadership, making your teammates better, etc., etc. ...

But I like the PPS stat (points/FG attempted) because it puts the accomplishments of the "Tracy McGradys" of the world into perspective. I think it's useful to know if someone is scoring a lot primarily because they are shooting more frequently than most. "McGradyism" would be reflected by a low PPS. A good PPS score reflects efficient scoring ... shooting a decent percentage and getting to the FT line.

It seems a PPS in the 1.2 to 1.3 range is about average. Anything over 1.5 is very good. Florida (specifically Noah) is one of the best I've seen in this catagory.

I thought it might be interesting to see how the GSAC's top 30 PPG guys ranked from a scoring efficiency angle.

Here they are ranked by PPG:

## Player-Team               Cl  G   FG  3FG   FT  Pts Avg/G
1.Baldwin, Jake-PC.........    20  184   17   95  480  24.0
2.Robby Lawrence-LC........ SR 17  117   39   56  329  19.4
3.Hairston, Cole-HC........ SR 20  138   13   56  345  17.3
4.Demetris Render-LC....... JR 20  117    2   93  329  16.5
5.Adams, Mike-PC...........    20  115   49   25  304  15.2
6.Golden, Bobby-MC.........    19  104    3   71  282  14.8
7.Antoine Maddox-LC........ SR 20  105   29   54  293  14.7
8.Mason, Bo-MC.............    19   87   51   48  273  14.4
9.Bowers, Alex-MC..........    18   70   15   48  203  11.3
10.Blair, Bradley-MC........    19   87    0   35  209  11.0
11.Green, Jake-PC...........    20   62   16   44  184   9.2
   Whitlock, Tyler-PC.......    20   73   19   19  184   9.2
13.Schmidt, Caleb-HC........ SO 19   58    3   20  139   7.3
14.Miller, Heath-HC......... FR 20   47   36   14  144   7.2
15.Leon Williams-LC......... JR 20   58    6   20  142   7.1
16.Himel, Brad-HC........... SO 20   50   22   18  140   7.0
17.Bradley, Quinn-MC........    19   44   24   12  124   6.5
18.Neal, Brady-MC...........    17   39   23    9  110   6.5
19.Rubio, Michael-PC........    18   27   12   43  109   6.1
20.Shumate, Andrew-MC.......    19   43    8   20  114   6.0
21.Justin Hodges-LC.........    15   24   13   22   83   5.5
22.Michael Patterson-LC..... SR 20   42    1   18  103   5.2
23.Powell, Justin-HC........ JR 20   37   14   10   98   4.9
   Parker, Wesley-PC........    20   33    4   28   98   4.9
25.Everett Herriott-LC...... SR 15   26    1   12   65   4.3
26.Mayweather, Branden-PC...    19   32   13    5   82   4.3
27.Travis Moore-LC.......... SO 20   27   12   18   84   4.2
28.McCoy, Chuck-PC..........    19   31    6    9   77   4.1
29.Smith, Marcus-HC......... SR 15   20    3    7   50   3.3
30.Turman, Troy-HC.......... SR 19   21    8   12   62   3.3

Ranking by PPS to follow ...


Ranking by PPS:

Pretty interesting ...

Rank  Player G Pts PPG FGA PPS
Bowers 18 203 11.3 128 1.59
Baldwin 20 480 24.0 313 1.53
Rubio 18 109 6.1 75 1.45
Render 20 329 16.5 229 1.44
5 McCoy 19 77 4.1 55 1.40
Green 20 184 9.2 133 1.38
Parker 20 98 4.9 71 1.38
Golden 19 282 14.8 212 1.33
Shumate 19 114 6.0 89 1.28
10  Maddox 20 293 14.7 229 1.28
11  Schmidt 19 139 7.3 109 1.28
12  Hairston 20 345 17.3 274 1.26
13  Adams 20 304 15.2 242 1.26
14  Mayweather 19 82 4.3 66 1.24
15  Bradley 17 124 7.3 101 1.23
16  Lawrence 17 329 19.4 269 1.22
17 Neal 17 110 6.5 91 1.21
18  Hodges 15 83 5.5 70 1.19
19  Patterson 20 103 5.2 87 1.18
20  Herriott 15 65 4.3 55 1.18
21  Mason 19 273 14.4 233 1.17
22  Williams 20 142 7.1 126 1.13
23  Moore 20 84 4.2 75 1.12
24  Powell 20 98 4.9 88 1.11
25  Turman 19 63 3.3 57 1.11
26  Blair 19 209 11.0 191 1.09
27  Miller 20 144 7.2 136 1.06
28  Himel 20 140 7.0 138 1.01
29  Whitlock 20 184 9.2 185 0.99
30  Smith 15 50 3.3 52 0.96


Killa, there is a lot of basketball left in the GSAC, so slow your roll.  

Wouldn't PPS be directly coorrelated to FG%?  In which case we wouldn't do to well.  Sometimes the best thing we can do is take a bad shot and go get it.  I looked at my Vols' PPS....not good, which is what I thought.  They need Lofton back!  Only losing one starter, the best role player in the history of basketball since Walden Buttram, Bradshaw so I am calling final four for the big orange in 08.  

Great job Huntingdon!  Never sleep on the Hawks!  Great game at Piedmont yesterday.  A little closer to the usual tempo of a LC-PC game.  I thought their defense did a very good job of getting us to goof up for parts of the game.  As it gets closer to tournament time I start thinking about the fact that the women have an AQ this year and wouldn't that be nice.  

Is there any basketball going on tonight?


Quote from: coachwgh on February 04, 2007, 06:30:22 PM
Wouldn't PPS be directly coorrelated to FG%? 

Not directly, but it is certainly one of the 3 key factors.  Since PPS is simply points scored/FG attempts, the other two factors that should result in a high PPS average (in addition to a high FG%) are getting to the FT line often and shooting a lot of 3s.

Therefore, there are two types of players that you'd expect to have a high PPS ... (1) big guys, since they should have a higher FG% and they tend to get fouled a lot, and (2) guys that shoot a lot of 3s, for obvious reasons.

Anyone clearly in either of these categories, that has a relatively low PPS ... well, scoring efficiency-wise, he's not having a very good year. He better be contributing heavily in the other areas.

Quote from: coachwgh on February 04, 2007, 06:30:22 PM
Great game at Piedmont yesterday.  A little closer to the usual tempo of a LC-PC game.  I thought their defense did a very good job of getting us to goof up for parts of the game. 

It was a good game. Lot of effort out there ... we played hard, but I thought your guys played a little harder. You are the "King of Intensity". IMHO, probably the key factor in the game was your out rebounding us 43 to 30. For most of the season, we have done a great job of compensating for our woeful lack of size by boxing out and hustling our butts off ... didn't work that well yesterday. Kudos to LaGrange.


Welcome to the latest adventures of "Excel-Man" ...

Putting a different sort on the same info yields some pretty interesting results. Sorting by the sum of the PPS ranking + the PPG ranking seems to throw the "best" (both prolific and efficient) scorers towards the top off the list.

Considering this take on scoring ... along with rebounding, assists, steals, defense, leadership, making your teammates better, etc., etc. ... should enable you to do a pretty good job of picking your All-GSAC guys.

The first 3 numbers are ...
Sum of PPG          PPG        PPS         
+ PPS Ranking     Ranking   Ranking

(Sorry, I lack the skill and/or patience to make this look better.)   

         Player     G  Pts  PPG  FGA PPS
3 1 2  Baldwin 20 480 24.0 313 1.53
8 4 4  Render 20 329 16.5 229 1.44
10 9 1  Bowers 18 203 11.3 128 1.59
14 6 8  Golden 19 282 14.8 212 1.33
15 3 12  Hairston 20 345 17.3 274 1.26
17 7 10  Maddox 20 293 14.7 229 1.28
17 11 6  Green 20 184 9.2 133 1.38
18 2 16  Lawrence 17 329 19.4 269 1.22
18 5 13  Adams 20 304 15.2 242 1.26
22 19 3  Rubio 18 109 6.1 75 1.45
24 13 11  Schmidt 19 139 7.3 109 1.28
29 8 21  Mason 19 273 14.4 233 1.17
29 14 15  Bradley 17 124 7.3 101 1.23
29 20 9  Shumate 19 114 6.0 89 1.28
30 23 7  Parker 20 98 4.9 71 1.38
33 28 5  McCoy 19 77 4.1 55 1.40
35 18 17  Neal 17 110 6.5 91 1.21
36 10 26  Blair 19 209 11.0 191 1.09
38 16 22  Williams 20 142 7.1 126 1.13
39 21 18  Hodges 15 83 5.5 70 1.19
40 26 14  Mayweather 19 82 4.3 66 1.24
41 12 29  Whitlock 20 184 9.2 185 0.99
41 22 19  Patterson 20 103 5.2 87 1.18
42 15 27  Miller 20 144 7.2 136 1.06
45 17 28  Himel 20 140 7.0 138 1.01
45 25 20  Herriott 15 65 4.3 55 1.18
48 24 24  Powell 20 98 4.9 88 1.11
50 27 23  Moore 20 84 4.2 75 1.12
55 30 25  Turman 19 63 3.3 57 1.11
59 29 30  Smith 15 50 3.3 52 0.96


I love the PPS stuff i think that is a great stat as well
I have always liked the term "volume shooter" to describe McGrady or Iverson, you know the guys with great scoring averages and will never win a championship of their own.

MC at Fisk, good job Huntingdon, maybe the scots can finish off another sweep of the bulldogs since they missed last year.  Also, basketball does not last forever, but character does.

Spencer Beaty

lot of home games coming up for the scots.  Saturday Sunday Thursday and Saturday.
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-