MBB: Great South Athletic Conference

Started by william burton, May 21, 2005, 11:48:50 AM

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Hey KC22,

How about Urban Meyer calling 2 timeouts with under a minute to go ... real class, huh? And I thought Spurrier was an a$$hole ... I think Urban may have surpassed him.

Let me be the first to post this rumor ... Urban is the illegitimate love child of Spurrier and Lou Holtz.

Spencer Beaty

That might be the case, but can he shoot.  Eryk has improved his shot tremendously this summer.
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-


He is a decent shooter. Nothing that I would emphasize in my scouting report.
Drew Bailey
Piedmont College

Spencer Beaty

better than last year when he never took a shot from deep.
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-


Watson was second only to Bowers last year in shots taken. With Ben going down can you foresee him putting up  twenty or more shots per game?

Spencer Beaty

No, he will still work within the system.  Both Lambert and Hernandez put up 18 in a scrimmage against Lees-Mcrae.
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-


Lambert/Hernandez put up 36 shots? The Grubby One must be in Scot Heaven.

Spencer Beaty

36 points... they definitely didn't shoot that much.
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-


Hey Doug, it is a great day in America and for your fellow Tennesseans.


Good luck to the GSAC on its upcoming season...
Fisk University: Founded by Missionaries, Saved by Students.

Six time SIAC Football Champions 1913, 1915, 1919, 1923, 1973 and 1975.

Six NFL draft picks and one Pro Bowler!


Thanks Wilburt.  I was just thinking of you, knowing you'd be, shall we say, "encouraged."  Me too.  Sometimes I envy people who do not live in red states.  Then again, several million folks used to and now don't, so there is hope (to borrow a phrase).

I wish Fisk well.  And of course the Scots and the rest of the GSAC.  If an African-American can be President, maybe the GSAC can become a real basketball conference.


Hi Wilburt,

It's good to hear from you ... I hope you and yours are doing well.  I'll be praying for Obama, he certainly has some tremendous challenges ahead of him. 

But here's an opposing (and ironic) view point for you and Doug to consider.  One of the things I found so appealing about Obama initially was the he seemed to be a "different type of politician" ... he makes a great impression, appears to be candid and straight forward, etc., etc, ...  Heck, I'd love to go play a little bball with him and then go have a few beers afterward ... he seems like a great guy.

Here's the ironic part ... now I'm hoping that, at least in one negative way, he's just like the vast majority of politicians ... in that he'll say anything to get elected ... and then will do something entirely different, once he's in office and faced with cold, hard facts. Because if he doesn't ... we're screwed.  I'm referring, of course, to his promised fiscal policies.

If he actually follows through with his promises relative to taxes and entitlement programs ... we are all in deep do. Just look at most of socialist, Western Europe ... you only have to have moderate intelligence and be half way paying attention to realize how similar policies are working out over there ... not well!!  :o

The problem is, the majority of people are not "half way paying attention."  All they heard was, "He's going to give me stuff and cut taxes on 95% of us."  (I've heard it said that a key watershed moment, a declining point, in all the world's great democracies was when the masses realized they had the power to freely vote themselves benefits ... and leave the costs/repercussions for someone else, future generations, to deal with.) 

With apologies to those whom this statement may offend ... how can anyone be so simple minded as to think you can raise taxes on corporations and the rich ... and not have a negative impact on the rest of us?  Do they think corporations/the rich exist in a vacuum?   Let's see ... how might corporations/the rich  react to such fiscal policies?  Some possibilities ... raise prices, cut benefits to employees, layoff people, leave the US for a more tax friendly environment, etc., etc. ... or some combination of all of the above?  All bad news for the rest of us.  Be careful what you wish for ...

Yeah, I'm praying for Obama ... praying that he turns out to be your typical, duplicitous politician ... ironic, huh?  :-\


Old Lion:

You bring up some good points (even though you sound like Joe the Plumber). I am encouraged by folks on both sides of the aisle that respect him because he is more of centrist than your typical left leaning liberal.  In some respects I agree with you...


I now live in a Blue State and if I could describe to you the excitement/joy/pride of seeing and taking my parents to the vote was priceless.  My parents (like many others of their generation) never thought they would see a day like today!   

Fisk will do well in the NAIA.  Although there was some initial talk of Fisk joining the TranSouth Conference, there are some VERY preliminary discussions for forming a new conference in the NAIA comprised of Black Colleges in the South. We will see what happens.

With the expansion of the two Georgia colleges into the ranks of D3 I am sure that the GSAC can and will expand as a conference.   The GSAC "powers that be" just need to be proactive on that issue as I am sure they are. 
Fisk University: Founded by Missionaries, Saved by Students.

Six time SIAC Football Champions 1913, 1915, 1919, 1923, 1973 and 1975.

Six NFL draft picks and one Pro Bowler!


I forgot to add that you all know that Obama was the 6th man on his Hawaiian High School State Championship  basketball team his Senior Year in High School in 1979.  His nickname was "Barry O'Bomber"!
Fisk University: Founded by Missionaries, Saved by Students.

Six time SIAC Football Champions 1913, 1915, 1919, 1923, 1973 and 1975.

Six NFL draft picks and one Pro Bowler!


Quote from: wilburt on November 05, 2008, 03:04:19 PM
Old Lion:

You bring up some good points (even though you sound like Joe the Plumber). ...

Thank you!   :)

Quotehe is more of centrist than your typical left leaning liberal.

God, I hope you're right.   I am  primarily concerned about tax and spend policies.

I know you are an intelligent, reasonable guy.  Aren't you sick of hearing so many of his supporters "selling" his tax proposals and their repercussions?  Obama himself is so smooth, I always came away from listening to him speak feeling almost like I agreed with him ... even though I knew better.

It is many of his supporters that I am sick of listening to.  I feel there are only two possible explanations for many of his advocates' behavior ...

Either (1) they are idiots who have no idea of the macroeconomic implications ... or (2) they are shrewd, amoral manipulators who think the majority of American people have no idea of the macroeconomic implications ... and even worse, think our votes can be bought with promises they know they can't/won't keep.

Re #1 ... I don't think they are idiots.   >:(

Re #2 ... Apparently, they were right.    :(

But hey, let's look for a silver lining here ... Obama is incredibly smooth ... maybe he can talk all the world's thugs into behaving ...


Old Lion

I think its great that we are talking politics on the message board.

You are one of the smartest guys that I know.

FYI  Rumor is Jon Gruden might be interested in the Tennessee football job....

What do you think?

Also, will you be attending the alumni game on Nov 15th? Coach Glenn is really trying to make this a first class event. Him and Neeley are going to do a good job.
Drew Bailey
Piedmont College