MBB: Great South Athletic Conference

Started by william burton, May 21, 2005, 11:48:50 AM

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first of all ohyea i would love to be your friend on myspace and to mr. placeres
sid and yall big men beat us everywhere u were just the guy that brung the ball up for maryville and no disrespect to Monte but nobody was stopping me or my team we had too many weapons and especially not at our place we locked down there last year. and yall had a better all around team those 2 years and our team last year would beat yall r no doubt in my mind u were never a factor in our scoutin report anyway good luck to teams in the greatsouth


Quoteu were just the guy that brung the ball up for maryville

::)  I disagree here. Placeres might be a lot of ego sometimes but really, " just the guy that brung the ball up for maryville " is an unbelievable statement to me. Has anyone ever brought the ball up the court like Placeres??! Not IMHO. Placeres was a most awesome point guard.

GSAC Killer

Mr.White Mr.White...
DonĀ“t let the emotions cloud your thoughts... You were a no show everytime we played you.. But hey Old Lion is right my comments came out a little angry which I am never that.. Old Lion You know me always like to start some stuff up on this board. Makes it exciting to come to work and have something to read and do!! ;D
Mr.White be for real.. When you played Monte last year who ended up winning the game? Yep the SCOTS!!!

And thats fine I am the guy who brought up the ball and beat you 5 times to your 0!!!Lol.. By the way Old Lion could probably dig up some stats on those games to validate that i was just not bringing up the ball up!!LOL.... ;)

By the way Mr.White your sounding like that shoulda, coulda, woulda guy, THE FACT IS YOU DIDNT!! You never had games against my teams like you did against the Scots last year.
  Mr.White and maybe I was not part of your Scouting Reports but hey 1st TEAM aLL cONFERENCE, 20-0 in the Conference AND TWo ncaa TOURNAMENT APPERANCES WHICH YOU NEVER made, which includes a Sweet Sixteen Apperance I will take that than ever being on a Huntingdon scouting report i!! ;D
   Old Lion you know I am ok.. Just like I said love to start up some stuff on the BOARD... The problem at Piedmont is not the players its the system...
Some say I have an ego, or I am cocky, but the facts are I JUST GOT IT DONE ( While WINNING GAMES) which is most important.


you are the man u did everything for maryville enough said


Killer has some valid points, I would jump ball against his team any day with the likes of T. Winton, matt ennen, chris housewright, and kris sigmund then off the bench adriel mccord, tim leroy, jake deal, jon wright, jason hall, rusty walker, yeah i would play that game all day.  But no, neither of our teams stacked up against the 91-92 elite 8 team that lost on a last second shot to a Bo Ryan team, sorry killer.

Mr. White, I was a huge fan of your team last year.  Would you have won if Monte was on the court maybe maybe not, i don't think you would have won in the regular season and that would of lead to Monte being player of the year, sorry.  I think you all would have won the tourney either way.  But i don't think one season gives you the right to enter a discussion on programs or anything with the scots other than last season.  you guys are being treated the same way i treat most girls i know, One (night) and done.  It takes a lot of work to keep a winner like a true fighting scot to keep coming back for more and quite frankly you all don't have it.  Any maryville team that i was on would have treated you poorly, much like a high school girlfriend.

sid fit in great in Lambert's system and if i was a coach I could not think of many systems he would not fit in great.  I know some D1 programs that could have used his services.  And to give the guy credit he did show up in the sweet sixteen.

On to the Killer and his "game"
the only thing that limited the killer in his game is his hair, or lack their of.  Chris housewright shaves his head, Raul just doesn't have any.  They should get him on one of those hair regrowth commercials.  No defense in the gsac ever limited the killer.


 ;D Good thing some men don't need hair, Grubb! I can't even picture that guy with hair. I'm supposing his lack of hair made him much more areo-dynamic! Something had to help that guy be sooo fast!

Glad that d3ball was so easy to convince how great Placeres was on the court. As long as you win and have the crowds talking about you, what more do you need? He was a standout. Everyone who talked to me back then about MC basketball always brought up Raul's ability on the court. Granted we're not talking about hundreds of people, but people definitely loved watching him.

Now, I'll shut up because it'll affect his ego.  ;)


Quote from: GSAC Killer on January 19, 2007, 02:08:06 PM
By the way Old Lion could probably dig up some stats on those games to validate that i was just not bringing up the ball up!!LOL.... ;)

Sorry Killer, I can't handle that assignment ... unless I'm just overlooking something, it appears neither HC or MC have old box scores on their websites.


WHEWWW!! We had one heck of a game at Mariotti last night!  For the first time in a long time no one broke 80 in a LC-PC game.  We really played our guts out and had to because Piedmont did the same.  It was a more physical 1/2 court type game than the full court horse race it usually is. 

Looks like another good Saturday in the GSAC Maryville beats Methodist, Huntingdon gets a great win at Fisk and a true battle between us and Piedmont. 

Couple Monday games that should be interesting....Sewanne-PC and Maryville-Oglethorpe...LC at the Brick House(appropriately named from our shooting in that place) on Wednesday.

Spencer Beaty

Good win for the scots against methodist.  As far as all of this who was a better player, team, etc. it is in the past.  Syd was a good player and so was raul.  But, since i have been here my top 10 in order best MC players.

1. K Rich
1a. Housewright
3. D Bell
4. T Winton
5. Ennen
6. Syd
7. Brent
8. Sig
9. Raul
10. Tummel
"Its cool to be uncool"

-Randy Lambert-

GSAC Killer

Grubby one you and my hair jokes!! ;D Your the man... On your comment on the best team ever no doubt about it that 91-92 team went to the Elite 8. The funny thing is that Randy has made two more times and you and I were part of that.
Your teams were very talented as well.. You know I am just starting up some stuff with one another but I had to  put D3ball in his place. They have one semi-successful season and he thinks he can beat a True Fighting Sco: NO CHANCE!!! :)

Big game for the Scots today! Oglethorpe is always tough at home. By the  way Spencer Beaty aka (Mr. D-Large) that list is pretty dang impressive. Could you have imagined all those guys on one team? WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Scots continue the streak!!!
Watts I will see you tonight at CJ gymnasium...


oh i will be there to light up a former vol that i was a better shooting guard at maryville while he was a shooting guard at UT.  you know who.

By this point in the season the scots should be able to handle the stormy petrels


Spencer's list is some pretty good basketball players!  It does betray some generational bias (aka historical myopia) in that there were some pretty good players at MC before some of y'all were around these parts.


wow u put me in my place come on now be real i justdont feel like arguing with someone that thinks everything he says is right


Let's be honest, you were a good player, a POY even, like myself, so i give you credit.  Your big mistake in life was not going to maryville and not becoming a fighting scot.  We are not going to hold you completely liable for that decision b/c you were young and naive when you made it.  Although when you made your decision, Maryville was going to national tournaments and winning GSAC titles.  So we are going to treat you poorly like a high school girlfirend or a huntingdon hawk are.

The Grubby One


i'm glad the true class of maryville scot is finally coming out