MBB: Conference of New England

Started by Hoops Fan, March 01, 2005, 04:20:50 PM

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i wouldnt really say CSC and Keene are avoiding each other, in the KSC tip off classic I think they were trying to plan it so that they would meet in the championship game, and then 10 days later KSC and CSC will play each other possibly again @ NHTI.  so they could possibly play each other twice in their first 4 or 5 games each

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

They've done it that way the last few years, meeting in the KSC tip-off and then at NHTI.  I guess they just decided it was too much too soon.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


GC has had two scrimmages this preseason.  Their first scrimmage was against Emerson, where GC put on a shooting clinic and walked away with a fat W, as well as much needed confidence.  Their next scrimmage was against an overmatched Daniel Webster team, in which GC again man handled them to the tune of another victory.  The interesting story line coming from these scrimmages however is that of Emerson taking it to Roger Williams after they were beaten handedly by GC.  Some may say this shows that GC is better than RW, or some might say that this is basketball in early November.  But whatever it is, it makes the CCC that much more interesting down the stretch.

With the D3 CCC season right around the corner, as a fan I can't wait for the basketballs to be thrown in the air and have play begin.  The CCC looks as competitive as it's ever been, with any number of teams vying for that elusive NCAA tournament spot.  Like most years, the CCC North looks like a dog fight between EC, GC and CSC, with some pressure coming from that of WIT and UNE.  The South, again like most years, is up for grabs, and will probley come down to the last week or two in seeing who will make the playoffs.  This year should be filled with ups and downs, lefts and rights, and everything in between.  My early pre-season selection has to be CSC.  With a third team All-American, and their storied past, they deserve their #1 billing.   


not to knock GC or EC but CSC should run away this season with the CCC crown, EC i think has clearly dropped down to third unless a couple of these freshmen become big time contributors right away, with Gordon taking over #2 in the north, but still if GC is gonna rely on shooting trifectas they wont be able to get by a team like CSC, and Gordon should be ashamed of themselves for playing such weak teams, thast a joke and really i could care less what they do against teams like DW and Emerson hell i know high school teams that could dominate them.....


anytime someone begins a sentence with "not to knock anyone" you know someone is about to get disrespected. personally i dont hold any stock in any preseason game, whether they are playing Duke or Beverly High School. preseason is for the coaches to evaluate their players in game action. thats about it. it can be good banter for the fans of course, but i dont read into results or care who is scheduled. i am excited for the weekend action however, and to get a look at the new Scots in the annual GC tip-off tourney. I agree with Hoopsfan, and think CSC will win the CCC, and that the best case scenario is for CSC to be strong, win some big out of conference games, roll through conference play, and lose in the championship, hopefully giving the CCC two bids. 


I've got to be honest, I am a new member on this site but I have read all the posts that have been up and I feel like Endicott is not getting nearly the respect that they deserve.  True, they lost Oxton who was a big help both in leadership and in point production, but that is about it.  While they lost 3 other seniors and 2 freshman, none of those players were huge contributers.  They still have the combo of George (a huge inside/outside threat), Ellis (J.J. Redick-type spot up shooter), and Marinkovic (think Vlade Divac in his early years).  Those are 3 players who have been pretty big contributers in the past and all bring big game experience to a relatively young team, which should be a big help.  In addition to this, they have Mike Sullivan who is a big force inside and likes to bang.  Plus, there are the freshman from last year, Gary Corbett and Todd Burton who played significant minutes on a championship team.  And I don't understand the comment about not having a "true" point guard.  Burton is a very viable option at the PG position.  Basically I think it is disrespectful to rank the 2-time defending champion #5 in the conference, whether they lost players or not.  We'll just have to see what happens when the conference games start I guess.



I can't remember anyone ranking EC #5.  They are clearly in the top three teams in the CCC (both North and South)  But to answer you comment about EC being disrespected...I think it has to come down to the change in coaching.  Yes they are a two time champion but how will those playing under one system for two to three years adapt to a new coach and system.  I am sure they will be there come the end of the year but with the uncertainty, most can not put them at #1 or 2.  As always the north will be decided by the six games played between CSC, GC and EC.


as far as power rankings go for the CCC in my opinion I'd say it looks something like this...

1.) Colby-Sawyer
2.) Roger Williams
3.) Gordon
4.) Endicott
5.) Curry

and when Curry gets everyone back sometime in 2nd Semester they could move up quickly, I just don't see EC coming out with convincing wins anymore without plansky there on the sidelines, without Oxton running point, without levesque there, no currier (given hes 2 years removed) I mean this team really is down to 3 proven players, Ellis, George, and Marinkovic.  And yes they are 3 very very good players I just think their time at the top is over now....just an opinion though I would love to be proven wrong

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

As far as GC outperforming RWU in the preseason, GC got to travel together this summer and they lost almost no one; they have to be the most polished team at this point or there are serious problems in the program.  RWU didn't gel well last year, didn't travel this summer and have a lot of younger guys who need to step into leadership positions.  I'm not sure you can tell much from that.

EC lost their point guard/leading scorer.  As far as I have seen in my CCC experience, it takes a solid PG to win the CCC.  CSC has lost in the final to less talented opponents the last two years (not that EC didn't deserve it, but they won by playing above themselves) because of their lack of experience at PG.  People underestimate the value a strong PG has in d3.  The confidence permeates the rest of the squad and their talent can carry teams when they struggle.  EC didn't make the leap to CCC Champion until Oxton came into his own.  There have been a long list of PG's in the CCC that dominate and will their teams to dominate.  EC has no true PG this year and if Bray is healthy, CSC has one of the best.  I have to assume this, combined with the new coach will give EC some trouble for the early part of the year.

Curry still scares me becuase of the big bodies.  Sure, any team can bring in a 7 foot stiff and a good 6-5 post player can dominate him, but these two curry freshmen are 6-5, 255 and 6-9 270.  Even if neither can make a lay-up, that is still some beastly rebounding and ten extra fouls.  You give that to last year's Curry team (which remains intact) and you've got one scary squad.  The South is still not that strong and only RWU can match up in size.  I don't know how good they are or how they will do, but I think you have to give this team some respect and obviously the CCC coaches thought so too.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


CC does deserve respect, yes.  But let's not speak too soon.  Whenever a 6'9 or taller enters D3, let alone the CCC, people have to begin wondering why that is.  I'm not saying this applies to CC's new players, but lets not build them up before they've played a game yet.

EC is #3 according to the Pre-Season Coaches Poll.  Is there significance in that, maybe, but anyone who has followed the CCC can attest to the fact the pre-season polls, like pre-season games, mean absolutely nothing.  The margin between GC at #2 and EC at #3 is minimal at best.  Both teams are carrying young, talented players, who can play out of their mind at a minutes notice.  They also have seasoned veterans who know who to lead a team when they are going through hard times.  The match-up between these teams is a coin-flip, and should remain the focus of everyone's attention for the majority of this year.  With ENC being what they are, its fair to say EC and GC is the only real rivalry people are looking forward too.

RW in the South should add some much needed drama to the mix.  Always relying on being the dark horse, RW has the personnel to shake up both the North and South divisions.  No one should ever count the boys from Rhode Island out.

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Quote from: 24/7/365 on November 15, 2005, 04:33:39 PM
Whenever a 6'9 or taller enters D3, let alone the CCC, people have to begin wondering why that is.

I addressed this in my post, because I too know that tall skinny guys in the CCC usually aren't very good, but I have to give some minimal respect to tall, wide guys.  Like I said, even if they can't hit the backboard on offense, these guys provide Curry with 10 extra fouls at minimum and possible some decent rebounding off the bench.  Their team didn't lack much besides a 6th and 7th man last year.  They seem to have quite a deep roster this time around.  I guess my point is the five stars on the team are good enough that practically any stiffs on the bench would give them a huge boost, let alone two huge stiffs.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


Yes, Endicott is ranked number three, but that is just in the north.  If you look at the total votes for the league, Endicott is ranked 5th.  Who is the point guard at Gordon that warrants them being ranked higher?  I just think you are all underestimating the fact that Endicott has people on their team this year that have played in big situations, like Mike Sullivan, who played pretty well in the playoffs the last two years.  It is not simply a "big three" type situation like you are all making it out to be.  I hope that you all keep Endicott at 5th in your polls and then have them come up and bite you in the ass.  Whether there is a new coach or not, they have the personnel on their team to make up for it.  Again I will say that we will just have to see how the season goes, and when Endicott is higher than 5th overall and higher than 3rd in the North, I wont even say I told you so.

Oh, and by the way, to whoever mentioned that CSC lost in the finals the previous two years, I would like to mention that they in fact lost in the FIRST ROUND last year.  Huh, but they are still the number one seed?  Interesting......


Mizzle, mizzle, mizzle.  There is no need to get so defensive and worked up.  I don't think anyone is truly "knocking" EC and the talent that they possess.  Rather they are hesitant to put too much confidence on a team that lost their fearless leader in that of Oxton.  If you asked most people, they would say that EC, in spite of that set back, would still be a formidable opponent for anyone in the CCC, including #1 CSC.  We are all just skeptical to see how they perform with out their go to guy.

As for your comment on GC and the PG that makes them higher than your Gulls.  Kauffman and Logan are both reputable, interchangeable PG's with true leadership for GC.  The fact that this team is debatably tighter than any other team in this league, gives the GC's PG's and edge because they know their teammates, as well as their tendencies.  While Kauffman is only a Soph. and Logan is making the transition to SG, both of these players demand respect as reputable guards, who are willing and ready to lead GC to their first ever CCC Title.

And as far as having a "Tall, Wide guy" goes, my opinion remains the same.  I guess you could get Refrigerator Perry out on the court and he could give you 5 extra fouls as well, but that doesn't make him a good basketball player.  This debate can go on and on, but I need to end it for fear of putting my foot in my mouth when these twin Sasquatches go for 20/10 averages this season.  So again, we'll have to wait and see.

ccc #1 player

honestly ec is a very overrated team this year.  with only three starters coming back and only one of them having any talent at all (ellis) there really isnt any hope for this team.  A new coach is the least of their worries with mani who had a terrible sophmore season, and george the most overated player in D3 basketball this year will be a verry disapoiting year for the gulls.  After the three of them there isn't anything.  Sully is soft, gary and tod i have never even heard of and r probably terrible and there bench is full with stiffs.  This is the team you look foward to seeing on your schedule to practice new plays your working on and also a few dunks. they can't play D or rebound i would be embaressed to be on that team.



#1 Comes out of left field with the iron fist of hatred.  I am not a big fan of EC either, but to call them a bunch of stiffs as well as a team you practice dunks on, is way out of line.  If that were the case, the CCC itself would be lower than the Beverly/Wenham Bi-annual Church League Basketball Tournament, because EC is one of the CCC's best teams.  While EC, at its worst, is going through a rebuilding year, they still have Darko Mirinkovic, and a very athletic and well rounded player in that of Matt George.  Combine these two with EC's apparently only shining light in that of Ellis, and they still have a team to be reckoned with.  Their bench may be suspect, but whose bench isn't in this league?  I admire your opinions #1, as well as your boldness, but many of them are way off base.