MBB: Conference of New England

Started by Hoops Fan, March 01, 2005, 04:20:50 PM

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CCC #1,

First of all, who are you?  I highly doubt that you are the #1 player in the league becuase even St. Clair isn't the #1 player.  And if this is you, I would like to mention that Matt George was a much better player than you last year.  I do believe that he was higher than St. Clair in all but 2 statistical categories.  So that pretty much sums up my argument about that.  As for Sully being soft, I would like to tell you that he matches anyone in the league.  I don't see anyone out there in the league who likes to bang as much as Sully so you are completely out of your mind if you say that he is soft.  As far as Gary and Todd, I think its a good thing that you have never heard of them because they are going to come to play this year and I think they will be have a huge impact on the team.  Basically I think you have no idea what you are talkin about.

ccc #1 player

gsmizzle.....  the way u r talkin about these no names lead me to believe that you r these two not talents kids.  you two r going to be awful this year after i did some research i heard gary isn't going to get off the bench untill endicott is down by 30 which will happen probably every game and for todd i heard he will get his starting position taken over by a freshman 5 games into the year.  As for george he has never stepped up in a big situation... he fakes injurys when the game is on the line.....he passes of the big shot........ he gets all of his stats when the game is out of reach....unless ellis scores 60 a game there is no chance you guys will be any good

lets not talk about this terribel team ne more lets move on to someone good like cs


Ok yes I do play for Endicott but that is beyond the point.  Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about because I played a lot last year and after losing all the points and leadership that you all seem to love to talk about, I dont see myself playing any less, plus Todd played a lot last year and will definitely not lose his starting at all let alone 5 games in, so get your facts straight.  I'm not sure who your source is but they are pretty stupid and I would no longer listen to them.  As for George, the kid is a baller and I can't wait to see what he does to Colby-Sawyer (again) this year.  The reason he has to pass off the big shot as you say is that the teams have to focus on him when the ball is inbounded.  But I guess that means that he sucks right?  I will AGAIN say that well see what happens during the year before you get your panties in a bunch about how bad we're gonna be.  Actually just come see me after we spank CSC by 30 again, or did you forget that? 


Ok, I really am a fan of Gordon but if you're going to tell me that Endicott is the team to roll on, I'm going to have to call you out. George is maybe one of the best returning players this year...

And next time someone tells me that Gordon doesn't have a point guard, I'm going to have to mention Kaufman as Gordon's point guard. I've already called out him and Logan as being on of the best backcourts this year, and I'll freely say it again. The turth is, they lost one part time player, and have a core of sophomores and juniors (including a point guard).


ok first off enough knocking on George the kid is a legit talent easily deserving of the recognition hes gotten, anyone who has been with this site for awhile knows ive been a big supporter of EC, but I as ive said im not expecting a 3 peat this year with what they lost and the multiple changes taken place.  Ellis is a very very good player as well, this kids as legit as they come, strokes 3's all day, very heady guard who has been a big time part of the program since his first day on campus and hes learned a lot playing alongside ox and currier over the past few years.  Namanja is a unique player, hes the least flashy player ive ever seen but hes extremely effective and efficient, this guy could realistically go for 20 and 10 on the season if millette sp? makes him a primary option in the offense.  so enough ragging on EC, they are still the champs till they get knocked out but there are clearly more favorites above them, they should roll over all but CSC, GC, CC, and RWU. 

and just for the record, St. Clair is still the best player in the CCC and is deserving of every bit of recognition he receives as well. 


I know I speak for everyone, especially HoopsFan, when I say please, PLEASE, post with discretion, and don't be so sloppy with them as well.  We are all fans of basketball, and apparently, some of us are basketball players, so let your opinions be well stated and your voice be clear and concise. 

Unfortunatley I think both #1 and Mizzle, are way to extreme to give thorough analysis on EC.  Mizzle is obviously going to be bias, and #1 is clearly motivated by hatred.  So I think the only thing we can do as witnesses of these interactions is to find middle ground and assume the truth lies in and around there.  But hey, it's official the 2005-2006 CCC  Posting-Up Wars have begun... man it's gonna be a long season.


I'll be honest, of course I am biased toward my own team, but I am not saying anything truly negative about any of the other teams in the league.  I agree that Colby Sawyer is going to be good and Gordon, Curry, etc. are as well, but obviously my point was to point out that we aren't going to be where everyone is placing us.  I really think that we are being disrespected because like someone pointed out in the most recent posts, we are still the champs and I think that despite the fact that we did lose some personnel, we should still get some more respect than we are getting.  And I truly think that Matt George is the best player in the league.  Against CSC, the obvious favorite among this group with the essentially unanimous Player of the year in this group Andrew St. Clair, he posted numbers of 26 pts, 8 rebounds, 6 assists in a game that we won by 30. So, I think the whole issue about him not being as good as advertised is complete crap, and while I understand that one game isn't enough to change everyone's mind, it was not the only time it happened.  This was a regular occurance for him, and it will obviously help our team out this year.  George brings leadership to the team moreso than anyone else I have ever played with.  I'll end it there but I think I've pretty much made my point


first of all, scott allenby is anything but a "part time player." i get your point though cademon's call. 

matty george is a 1st team CCCer at worst. he is one of the most versatile, athletic players in the CCC. ellis a solid player, but EC's guard play will not match up to a Gordon or a Colby. smizzle, we try and leave the NBA comparisons at home, but if by vlade divac you meant dino radja than yes i would agree darko has similar game. he scores because he is johnny on the spot, and doesnt played a shred of good defense. I look for Herr and St. Clair to eat him up.

#1, i enjoy your energy, albeit a bit overtop, but please try and grasp the english language

anyone have picks for preseason all conf teams? sleepers?


Correct if I am wrong but if you take GC, EC, or CSC and put them in the South they would all be ranked #1.  I don't think there is a fair comparison between the preseason polls of the North and South to run the points total from top to bottom.  Remember all the points that RW and CC received where because they are the only two teams in the South that are good.  EC is #3 in the North and in the CCC overall in my opinion.


One more thing...Scott Allenby was pretty much a part time player last year.  He was hurt and his minutes decreased as the year went on.  Scott is great but his body was unable to keep up with is drive and determination.  If you are talking about Scott two or three years then by no means was he a part time player.  He was clearly the 6th man coming off the bench not only with scoring ability but with punishing defensive intensity.

If you guys know but #1 is an EC student, so I would think he would have some kind of idea of what to expect!

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Oppose proposals from the Empire 8 to preserve automatic qualification for a conference that temporarily fails to meet the seven-school sponsorship requirement and by the Commonwealth Coast Conference to grant AQ eligibility to newly formed conferences during a two-year period beginning in August 2006.

This is a report from the D3 rules committee; it's an interesting development.  I kind of suspected that some of the CCC schools were looking to break loose and this gives creedence to that.  If they were to announce a new conference and this measure had been approved, they could have seamlessly kept their AQ as they formed a new conference.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Nice to see everybody is back, although I'm wondering where you all have been?  It's ok, I guess to take the summer off, but once school gets underway, its time to crank it up.  Posting takes pre-season conditioning as much as anything else.

One, mizzle you probably need to watch yourself.  There is kind of an unwritten rule that current players don't post; it just creates too many problems.  Luckily Pat hasn't spotted you yet to tell you to keep quiet.  I'm not saying you have nothing to contribute (although biased homers generally don't get the best play around here), but its just not appropriate for the discussion.

No disrespect to Matt George, and this is coming from one of the most notorious CSC haters around, but if you say anyone other than Andrew St. Clair has been the best all-around player in the CCC over the last two seasons, you have either never watched him play or do not understand basketball.  In my opinion he's been the best since he got here, but certainly it was undisputed last season.  Other guys may be more athletic and there are certainly guys with more talent, but no one does more positively on and off the floor to help the team win.

That being said, there are certainly challengers this year and the title is by no means secure, however, when the coaches agree and d3hoops.com ranks you as the #3 center in the country, there is a little bit of proof to back that up.

EC has lost a lot; I still ranked them #2 in the North because I'm not sold on GC's post play yet.  RWU is getting no respect down south when they clearly showed something in the playoffs last year.  The South is a scary proposition to guess at, but certainly they have done enough so that we can't be talking about "the big three" anymore, at least not for this season.

With the action the board is getting already and the biased posters we see before the first tip, the only prediction I'm willing to make is an end to the two season moratorium on the "topic with which we shalt not speak" concerning CSC.  For those of you uninitiated, just wait.  Although with the schedule the way it is this season, we might have to wait until January 29th for anyone to bring it up.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


I hope it's okay if I move away from the EC banter, and focus more on the CCC as a whole.  The majority of the teams look quite young, with many of them carrying four freshman plus.  With that being the case, it gives many of the CCC's elite players time to shine and prove themselves as the highly touted players we all hype them to be. 

It is at this point that I would like to open the flood gates of naming the pre-season All-Conference players, as well as some dark horses many of us may not know about.  Just like the coaches have their opinions, we too have ours.  So as Stuart Scott would say, let the debating begin.

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Here is how I break it down, preseason.  15 guys get picked, but there will be plenty to choose from:

AMC (they finally put a roster up, by the way; four freshmen, 6-3, 6'4, 6-6, 6-8; they needed the size) Bryan Porcaro is their best player, in my opinion, but he wasn't that great last year; I don't think they have an All-Conference contender.

CSC- obviously St. Clair is a 1st teamer.  Bray is the best PG in the conference if he can stay healthy (which has been hard for him).  Kenny should also get some play for one of the All-CCC teams.  James Thorpe is my sleeper.  He should be getting 30-35 minutes a game this year and he was very good at the end of last season.

CC- Lamb made first team last year with only one, semester; I expect he can do it again.  Tim Jones and Mohrin both got recognized last year, they along with Bartelle will have to be considered.  If these oafs are any good, they'll probably get play too.

ENC- absolutely no one for the 1st team, Luc Jasmin has talent, but no cast to help him put up numbers and Corey is a streaky shooter; if he gets some consistency he could score a lot of points for a team with no options.

EC- obviously George is at the top of the list.  Marinkovic will get a lot of respect, he's a show in as well if he learned how to play defense over the summer.  Evans has potential, but he was way too raw last year for me to be a believer just yet.

GC- Herr is their top returner, but probably not the best player.  Marstaller, Kauffman or Logan could emerge if they worked hard enough in the off-season.

NEC- doesn't even have a roster posted and didn't have much talent last year, but they were a young team and I never doubt the impact a year of experience can have on somebody

NC- They don't have a roster up either, but Casey Butler is very good.  He got doubled so often last year that he didn't get to show his ability.  The freshmen (now sophs), Powers and Lewis might be good enough this year to take some pressure off him and let him prove himself.

RWU- the big names had down years last season, but we can't count out Brandon Parrish or Cormier.  Dan Gumb played well and I think Barranger might develop into a half decent post player at some point.  They've got some highly touted freshmen, but I haven't seen any of them play.

SRU- brought in a bunch of big freshmen.  I hear good things about Mike Cassell, but that's just conjecture.  Coute is back for one more go-round, but everybody else is up in the air.

UNE- McManus is back and I think a 1st team spot is his to lose (which isn't out of the question) Farynaz may come back after last year's sophomore slump.  I also think Stikney is a sleeper.

WIT- PB&J is back and will score.  The team will be much better without him (and his lack of assists) at the point.  This kid, Todd Doyle is supposed to be special, lots of people, even outside the CCC seem to think so.  We'll have to see what happens.

The one thing I do know, however, is that predicting post-season awards in the CCC is pretty crazy.  I think we'll see St. Clair win MVP again and Malcolm Wynn gets COY.  I'm not even gonna try rookie... that would be suicide.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


I saw Roger Williams scrimmage. They are ok. They have a big kid who is ok. Nothing real special, but he is big. Prob. 6'11 or so. They have one guard who is very good. I believe he is the starting PG. He is pretty good, but not unbelievable as some people made him out to be. Other than that i didnt see RWU as anything special. In my opinion curry should give it to them this year. I think RWU has been overhyped!