MBB: Conference of New England

Started by Hoops Fan, March 01, 2005, 04:20:50 PM

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Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

We know the big game tomorrow; here is the rest of the Tuesday line-up:

Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere

Maq Diesel

Wow lots of banter about the EC vs. GC match-up can't wait untill 8:00pm tommorrow night.  Let give my prediction as someone that has been at every Gordon game this year with the exception of their romp at Johnson State.  This year's edition of Gordon is the best I have seen in quite a some time.  Thus far this season the only game that I would say the were firing on all cylinders was there first game of the year.  This year it has been their D that has won them games, not the 3-ball which I like.

Marstaller is having another solid year and I look for him to put up his ussual 18 and 8 against EC to lead the way.  Also look for Herr to finally find his groove on the offensive side and step it up tommorrow night.  Logan and Kaufman have been solid all year and look for their play in the back court, my feeling is, as they go so goes GC.  But the great thing about this team is showing up to the game and finding out who is going to be guy that is going to step up that night, it has been Vogelzang an couple times, John Beebe and Shnackenberg was big on Saturday.

As for Endicott they are looking good this year and unlike AKIRK

Maq Diesel

Sorry got a little trigger happy. Cont.

Unlike AKIRK Marinkovic scares me I have yet to see a game where he has not dominated the Scots.  Marinkovic plays, in my opinion, a lot like Grendal of Salve, and he gave Gordon some trouble on Saturday.  ROY WILLIAMS you said you think George is off a slow start I am not so sure.  Anytime oy lose a floor leader and player the caliber of Oxton the impact is huge.  Especially in this case I think it goes far beyond his stats but, now defenses can key on Georgre and he does not have an experinced point man feeding him the ball.  I think George is going to put up about 14 and 6 a game, a good stat line but not what many expected.

My prediction for the "GAME" (its big enough to have a title), I say Gordon by 7.  Look for Herr to break out and have a big night and expect Marstaller, Logan and Kaufman to put up their ussual numbers.  I am expecting an big game out of Marinkovic as ussual against Gordon and George and Ellis to hit their averages.  The difference will be someone from Gordon's bench stepping up and Gordon's ability to get to the line 28 times a game versus Endicott's 11 through 4 games.  Final score 71-64 Gordon.

I can't wait for the game, Gordon will bring some fans though we may be hampered by end of the semester studies.  One final thought GSMIZZEL22, after talking yourself up all preseason and making yourslef sound like an all-conference player, you better bring it.


I think the downlow play of of Marstaller and Schnack is going to have a huge impact on the GC/EC game this year. Darko isn't anything as good as his offense, and I think those two will both have big games. Like everyone else, I expect the other three starters, Kaufman, Logan and Herr, to step up big time for this game.


Is there any Endicott fans out there?

Not that I mind that Gordon represents itself well on this board, but a little dissent and banter from EC would be a nice touch.  Maybe we should have told that EC player to keep posting, at least we would of had someone to argue with.


First of all, Maq Diesel, I would hardly say that I talked myself up to be an all-conference player.  Actually what i did was try and point out that we have people on our team other than the "big three" that you all constantly talk about.  Anyway, that is beside the point.  I agree with all of you when you say that this will be a very good, competitive game, cuz it always is.  Anytime you have two teams that don't really like each other, there is goin to be a good game.  As for score predictions, I am goin to refrain.  There is no point in tryin to guess the score. I will say the same thing that I have said all along......well just have to wait and see


horrifying. where is coach k? can someone from endicott please stand up, please stand up? you are all like wah wah wah im not going to guess a score (good actually because i would accuse you of point shaving) but wah wah 'we have a good team' wah wah wah 'were ok' wah wah 'we are underrated' wah wah 'we have some bench players who can play' wah wah wah 'you guys are good too though' shut up and be from endicott. have no class son!



I am not saying that Marinkovic will not have a good game.  I am stating that the only times EC has really put it to GC is when the rest of the team plays like it should.  Last year Marinkovic played great one of the games and EC won by less than 5 points.  The other game Marinkovic played so-so but the rest of the team performed as expected and blew GC by 15+.  I just think that over defending Marinkovic is not the key to success against EC.

Herr needs to step up.  the last two games he has severly underperformed.  Maybe its due to a long thanksgivings layoff or maybe due to finals but GC needs him to go out there and be a beast.

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

OK we said we didn't want to see current players posting, which is a pretty standard policy across the boards.  However, if we're going to follow that, we need to avoid calling them out publically.

That being said, lots of good stuff in your post Maq.  I agree that EC has performed well after losing Oxton, far better than I would have expected, but your point about fouls is a very good one.  Oxton would have gotten to the line and made the big plays.  If someone from EC steps into that role in this game, then I think EC can win.  We haven't truly seen it yet.  The EC guys have picked up the scoring slack, but there is still some floor leadership and responsibility to be had.  Not to knowck EC, they have done so well with all the knocks against them (losing Oxton, new coach, etc), but GC has earned respect thus far this season and I'll have to say they come in the favorite.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere

Marv Albert

Hello friends.  Yes it is I, your beloved friend Marv.  You all know I couldn't pass up an opportunity to give an opinion or two concerning an EC/GC game.  But before I do let me first say hello to Hoops, Roy and Sean, it's good to see you boys, it's been awhile.

Now that we have all the formalities out of the way lets get down to business.  Even though EC is having what everyone is calling an "off year," they are incredibly dangerous on their home turf.  George is a stellar player who can easily light it up beyond the arc, or take it inside and turn someone into a poster.  Although he does in fact miss Oxton, come tonight, he will do everything in his power to will his Gulls to a W.

I'm not so sold on Ellis yet.  Last year Ellis was a non-factor, and failed to make any difference what-so-ever in the "Game."  He is putting up good stats thus far this year, but there is only one game that really matters, so I reserve my opinion on him until the game concludes.

Darko is Darko.  He is going to get his O boards and his D boards.  He will put up double digits again tonight as he always does.  That's something GC understands.  What GC can not do is turn him into a hero.  If they begin playing him tough, by pushing him around down low, and establish themselves as defensive foes, I think he will play to his average and no more.  If they let him get 20 and 20, which he is more than capable of doing against GC, this game has to go in EC's favor.

GC on the other hand has a lot more positives to build on.  With Marstaller giving St. Clair a run for his money in the POY category, he is always a threat to have a huge night.  His offensive low post presence has increased dramatically this year, along with his defense.  EC will have their hands full by trying to double team him tonight.

When that double team goes down low Herr is going to have to begin torching it from 3 ball land.  He has been cold as of lately, but as all good shooters know, you keep shooting until you make it. 

Logan and J.Kauff need to control and lead the team like they have done so well this year.  With Kauffmans flair for the dramatic, and Logans tendency to play a more organized form of bball, this backcourt is difficult to scout, and even more difficult to guard.  They will hit their averages tonight, but their assist totals need to elevate.

But the difference for both teams is bench play.  GC's bench is far superior to EC's.  EC's bench is too concerned with posting instead of getting mentally prepared for the game.  GC's bench on the other hand has veteran leadership, talented players, as well as players who have played in these big games before.  A solid bench, mixed with solid starters, makes for a solid win tonight for the Scots.  You have to like GC by 5+ when the night is all said and done.

Maq Diesel

Well seeing that I already weighed in on the GC @EC matchup I thought I would make some predictions regarding tonights other action.

UNE @ CSC- The Chargers should take care of business at home tnight but not before a scare from and pesky UNE squad 75-62 but it will be a closer game than the final score indicates.

NEC @ WIT- Look for PB+J to find his stroke and as a much improved Leopards squad handles NEC @ home 88-78

AMC @ SRU-  I don't know much about AMC except they are BAD.  Salve looked good at Gordon over the weekend and tey win big at home 84-62

ENC @ CC-  If a shutout was possible in Basketball that would be my prediction because ENC is that BAD and CC is that GOOD.  CC should win by 30+ points, you think that is bold wait until TJones and Lamb are back, CC 81-49.

Well of the the big one can't wait to check the board tonight.



colby-sawyer beats UNE tonite by 20+

st clair had a BIG game going for 34 and 14

hopefully csc gets back on track now...

Maq Diesel

WOW is all I can say.  EC played a good game and GSMIZZEL22 showed up nicely, so props to both on a big win.  I think Endicott played tonight like they realized that if they didn't win tonight they could very well go in to the break with a 3-6 record.  The Post Center was very loud right from the start and both teams got off to very sluggish starts as there werent 10 total points scored in the first 10 minutes.  The difference in the game was that EC got hot and GC did not.  The 12-0 run, which featured two big dunks by EC and dagger of a three by Corbett, essentially was the difference in the game.  It took a long time for Gordon to find its rythm on deffence and I think they left their offence is Wenham, becasue it was nowhere to be found.  Once they found figgured out their deffence they dominated, the 8 blocks listed in the EC box score is a real low total and suspect at best, it was probably more like 12-15.  The second half was pretty even, neither team playing well at all.  The good new for GC fans is, it can't get any worse than it was tonight.  I called him out so I will be the first to say that Corbett was the difference, George, Ellis and Marinkovic were average at best.  Don't be fooled by Nemanja numbers, 10 of his points were garbage buckets after the game was over.  I stil think Gordon is one of the Top three teams in this league despite tonight's outcome, but if they don't find their offensive rythm they are going to be in trouble.  If Gordon brings their offence with them next time look out, also notice the fouls, EC does not earn enough free-throws to really hurt teams and that might be a difference then next time they play and especially in the playoffs.