MBB: City University of New York Athletic Conference

Started by dave brown, September 23, 2004, 11:46:10 AM

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Hey CUNY guys, I am from the Empire 8 boards... anyone see the Baruch, Stevens game last night.... just need some info on what happened. baruch is a very good team, how did Stevens pull off the win at their gym?   Anything? I am actually an RIT guy, but I follow Stevens pretty closley since I work in the city.  Thanks for any input.



Sorry i didnt see the game, wish i did now that it was a close game.  Hey i said i wasent going to talk about them on the boards i sure as hell wasent going to watch them play. (lol)  They will be dangerous and everyone will be wiery of them come tournament time and if rubino and klingsberg gets hot you never know.  Hopefully they all stay and they can get a big man for next year.

But CUNY, If thats true what Bubbachuck said about Dubios being in the crowd how could you defend that? I mean thats pretty bad.  No matter what the situation there is no excuse for a player leaving the bench and sitting in the crowd, im sorry thats just how i feel.


I thought you were a Stevens guy, sorry about that.  Big win for the boys last night.  Bad loss for Baruch, there slipping alittle bit.

P.S.- Sorry about the prediction, ill try and do better next time  ;)

P.P.S- Did Rhodes Scholar go on vacation? Must be cheating on us with another board!  ???



I was told the kid got dressed, left the team and sat in the crowd. This is NCAA College Basketball, not a summer tournament at Rucker Park.

There is absolutely no place for something like that in college basketball, and you can not possibly find a way to justify it.

So its better that Plevritis gets all the techs, putting on a show of theantrics and excessive over reactions, apparently costing his team a chance to stay in games..

And hark who's talking about things they don't know about. You don't know why players are getting technicals, it could be for something as simple as hanging on the rim, or it could be a double technical with kids getting a bit too physical.. You don't know what happened at John Jay, there obviously wasn't a fight because had there been there would have been serious consequences for those involved and it would have been a lot more public.

And all of this has absolutely nothing to do with a kid leaving his team at halftime... that's inexcusable.


Queens-DuBois was in the stands for the BK game....There is probably a reason for this...I heard from a source that Plevritis told DuBois to get dressed and sit in the stands  bc of something that was said...Whether it is true or not...that is up for us to debate....I understand that Plevritis has a bumpy start as head coach of Hunter for the past 5 seasons....But you have to remember that he is still young and he is not as seasoned as some of the other coaches in the CUNY such as Rankis, St. John, Petosa, and Podias.....You have to remember-those coaches been around for a while....I think Plevritis may be one of the youngest coaches in the conference when it comes to age....He still has a lot to learn and I am sure he will learn from his mistakes....Like any job: it takes experience in order for you to learn and become better at the profession....If you look at Hunter's roster they are very young and talented with no senior leadership...If Plevritis can build on this and retain the players in his program then I feel he will be making some type of progress in the right direction....It's easy to criticize a young and inexperienced coach....I am sure many of the successful coaches who have been around for 15+ years made many mistakes in their early years of coaching as well....


Bubba-Get your FACTS straight....Punches and kicks (lol) were thrown at the John Jay/Brookyn Game....The ref's had no control over the game...I heard 3 John Jay players were tossed and 1 Brooklyn player was tossed...Until you know what really happened with DuBois you really should not say anything...


Rhodes Scholar...I think we need you back on the CUNY Board for some peer mediation.... :o....What are your thoughts??? ???


Wow. I thought Hunter talk was retired on this board. Now anonymous posters bashing the coach. Wow. There is so much to say but I cant say it.



Who started the fight? Who threw the punches/kicks? Can you be certain that the players in question got thrown out for the fight itself or for the events immediately  following the fight. You can't be sure of any of this. So can't really tell me to get my facts straight, if you don't know any facts yourself.


Please say it all. This board has been too inconsistent lately, we can definitley use a new spark.


No Im sorry, I will not subject myself to such disastrous talk about what coaches do and how they get away with certain things. Also, does it matter who started the fight at the brooklyn and John Jay game.


From what I understand (friendly with one of the refs who did the game).. It wasn't much of a fight, John Jay player grabbed someone on Brooklyn around the neck, and people rushed to the spot to break it up..  No punches thrown.... There was no "fight" but more of a scuffle.. The fight I witnessed personally in the championship a few years ago between York & John Jay was much worse.


Please relay this message to your friend who is a CUNY Ref....
-Where do they find the CUNY Refs?  Craigslist-The posting says: "Anyone interested in becoming a college basketball referee please contact the CUNY Ref Board....No BASKETBALL Experience, Integrity, and Honesty is required. We will hire anyone...Also, no professionalism is required-We prefer morons...."  I mean where in the world do they find these Smucks...?  When I see some of the refs I always wonder-has this guy ever picked up a basketball in his life.  The CUNY Refs need a lot more practice officiating CYO games because they are awful and at times it is hard to watch some of the games on both the men's and women's side....Every game I go and see both teams shoot over 70 free throws and they call over 50 fouls for the game....Let the kids play and please stop stopping the game after every play...I know what may help----the CUNY Ref board should cut their salary and think about giving the CUNY Refs a good Optical Health Insurance Plan instead.....Their officiating is terrible! 
Bubba-Please relay this message to your friend who is a ref....Thanks! 

Danny Weismuller

Wow...a lot of topics bouncing around. Barely none about actually basketball.

About Hunter's Coach...  I know he's a good guy and knows the game well. Im pretty sure that the administration isn't the most helpful when it comes to eligiblility and moving the program forward. So that could be a factor in the type of players he gets there plus great point about only being a coach for 5 years.

On York - We've all heard some things but it's all speculation unless you get a former player on here to talk about their experience. The one thing we do know is that St. John is the Athletic Director and his assistant coach is the assistant AD. Conflict of interest? I dono.

As far as the refs go. I think 80% of them are pretty good.
But I've said it before, the one call that drives my crazy is immediate charge call when a defender falls even though he wasn't set or slipped in after the offensive player took off. Other than that, I think they are overall pretty decent.

Big game this weekend with BC/Baruch... someone said Baruch is slipping while BC has been playing pretty well. Should be a good one.


The craigslist ref post is an early candidate for post of the year.

To that guy up top of the page who I have never seen post before, I favor no cuny team, but see Hunter games more often because I'm usually in the area. Also, I am far from a racist, nor am I a republican. As for college, I have a degree from an NJAC school.

Danny said it best though about a possible conflict of interest, and I'm not saying they are doing anything wrong, but I just feel as with any conference, there are schools with higher standards on the academic end and ones that have harder and more challenging courses than others. There's a wide gap in the CUNY when you compare schools.


just wanted to comment on the hunter coach.  I agree with queens.  the reality of the cuny league is that there are a bunch of teams that need to get transfers to be competitive, and there are a few that should be able to get players to remain eligible for 4 years and build some kind of consistency.  that is the way you get top recruits to your team, and that is the way to have some kind of a system you believe in as a coach.  hunter is a school that can attract students because of their nice academic rep, but when hunter has 2 players returning from the previous year, there is no way to build a team.  people talk about klingsberg, but who knows if this kid will even be back next year. 


That a big problem within CUNY.  Baruch and Hunter are so far superior than the other school academically.  Where in other conferences the schools play on a much fairer playing field.  But hey it doesnt seem to be effecting Baruch who consistently fields a very competitive team and have the same faces year after year. 

The racist comment was out of line for sure, we dont need that on our boards.  This has been an entertaining day and probably the best day the cuny board has seen in awhile.