MBB: City University of New York Athletic Conference

Started by dave brown, September 23, 2004, 11:46:10 AM

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For the record, Lopez is averaging 20.8, while Rubino averages 19.5. As a team, I would much rather see 19.5, 17.2, 16.5 out of your top three than compared to York's 20.8, 16.3, 13.0. Saturday should be a good game and then next Wednesday will be interesting as well, but don't expect to see a 20 point win on the board.


Was anyone at the Brooklyn/John Jay game last night, I heard there was a fight on the court? I wonder if anyone will be suspended for this weekend's game now.

Rhodes Scholar

York's Marcel Esonwune leads the nation in rebounds per game (14.9) and blocks per game (3.6). Needless to say, that's quite an accomplishment. I don't know how many players have ever lead the nation in two statistical categories, but I would suspect the number is very small. The last CUNYAC player that I remember who led the nation in a statistical category was Neil Edwards, who also played for York and led the nation in blocked shots at least for one year and possibly for two.


I want to offically retire all Hunter Hawks talk on this board.  They cant beat anyone and we need to stop giving this team any type of credit or benefit of the doubt.  Where are all these Hunter supporters after another 10+ point loss and now are 7-9. 

Knightlife/ Cunybasketball your feelings?


Queens...I can't disagree with u now... Hunter talk is officially retired for the 2009-2010 season... Maybe we should start showing love to some of the other teams like CSI and Medgar...


I thought Hunter was going to give a Brooklyn a real tough test but once again they just cant live up to the expectations. 

CSI is no good, but Medgar deserves some love.  ( Played Brooklyn and Baruch closer than Hunter did  ;))  Medgar coach should get coach of the year in my opinion. They went from a joke to a legitmate game.  If he can keep things together look out for medgar in the future.

Great Stats from Rhodes, shows how dominate Marcel is.  Hes a game changer on defense completely disrupts the other teams offense.

Rhodes Scholar

The conference is top-heavy this year with three solid teams, a small middle tier and quite a few weak teams. There's a good chance that none of the top three teams will lose a game to the rest of the conference. This usually doesn't happen in the CUNYAC, but it did last year and could very well happen again.


I enjoyed watching Brooklyn play at Widener yesterday.  Watch for some coverage of that game in Around the Nation later this week.

Rhodes Scholar

Baruch lost in double overtime last night in Wayne against #21 ranked William Paterson, 89-81. It was the first loss of the year for the Bearcats against NJAC foes. Previously Baruch defeated Stockton, Rutgers-Newark and Kean.

I also noticed that Omari Phipps is no longer on the York roster. And Iouri Matsakov is no longer listed on Brooklyn's roster.


My sources have told me that Phipps was arrested :o.  Dont know what happened with Matsakov. 

Tough loss for Baruch would have made them the number 1 team in the region, but shows they are a legit squad. 

Finals Rematch

Saturday 3:30

Baruch @ Brooklyn- Should be a good one


Their 3 point loss to York not withstanding, I'll tell you why I don't think Hunter will ever be a succesfull program with Plevritis at the helm.

My sources tell me that Max Dubois (transfer from Penn St.) literally left the team at halftime Saturday during their game vs. Brooklyn. Dubois then apparently sat in the stands and watched his teammates fall hard to Brooklyn.

This is all relevant because Dubois apparently played tonight vs York. While I am not saying the kid should be banished from the team, for I do not know the circumstances. However, the fact that the kid played the very next game as if nothing happened is disgraceful.

This just accentuates how much of a pushover Plevritis is and how little control he has over his program. While Hunter is well known for their lack of roster consistency, it is disturbing to see such lack of command and discipline over a team.


Regardless of what happens behind closed doors, because I am sure there are plenty of other issues none of us ever know about, tonight's game was interesting considering everyone on here felt that York would win by over 20 and also that it was time to forget about Hunter. Klingsberg has his worst game of the season, if he was on, Hunter would have walked away with a W tonight. It was a fun game to watch regardless, especially when St. John decided to run half way across the court to throw a temper tantrum because his kid got T'd up for hanging on the rim. I didn't realize he thought it was legal for a player to do a pull-up on the rim after a jam.

My one note for the night, as much as people want to bash coaches and such, am I the only one that feels half the kids on York's team probably couldn't cut it academically anywhere else. I mean seriously, how challenging can it be to go to York, I bet half these kids couldn't last one semester at Baruch or Hunter.


Knight-Life! You sound like a real hater!!! You have some nerve to challenge the program of York. That statement sounded like a racist comment. Zak should ban your posting up. Don't be mad because your beloved Hunter Hawks lost another game. Where did u go to school? Probaby didn't, u republican!!! We could debate this issue further if u want in person!!!!!! 


Interesting developements here.

First off, i agree with Bubbachuck 100 percent on the hunter program.  I dont care what the circumstances are but how does one of your "star" players and a leader of your team leave your bench and sit in the crowd and is still on the team?  That cannot and should not happen.  That is ridiculous and as BubbaChuck said thats why Plevritis is a joke.  I also agree they will never be successful program with him running the show.  Every year he goes for quick fixes, d1 transfers, kids from god knows where trying to have that one big year and giving up on the future trying to win at all costs.  Obviously this isnt working.  Havent even made it to a championship game.  One year they might come through and win a championship but thats not what college basketball is about, you need to build a program and thats how all the good d3s do it. 

Say whatever you want about St John and the York team.  I think St John does a great job with his team.  He has had alot of fimiliar faces each year and thats why they are successful and have been in the chamionship or semis just about every year.  There team this year is very impressive.  This being said rumors are always flying about the York players and academics or lack there of.  I've heard many stories of players once the season is over dropping all there classes so they will be eligible for the next season.  This probably happens at other places but York has a bulls eyes because they are always one of the best, most hated teams in the conference. ( lets keep racism out of it)

By the way, since when are we going to be proud of a 3 point loss?  I know i said it was going to be a blow out and i was wrong but i continue to say it when are they going to beat a good team?


BubbaChuck3-Who are you to determine whether or not a coach has control over his team? Don't just single out Plevritis....At least Plevritis' players aren't getting hit with T's like some of the other players in conference...or at least they are not fist fighting on the court-John Jay/Brooklyn last week...Whatever occurred with DuBois at the Brooklyn game was probably handled at the game...You should not make comments like that unless you knew exactly what took place....What are you some kind of expert on coaching?

Knight Life....I am not sure if Klingsberg would have made a difference in the York game...The kid put some big numbers up this year; however, he is does not look to pass or look for the open man on offense...In addition, the kid plays no defense....I saw him play at the Brooklyn game and there was a stretch where the kid showed no effort on the defensive end....In response to your comment about York being challenging , at least the kids are in college and they are trying to gain an education and degree....There is nothing wrong with kids using sports as an incentive to earn a college degree....  No matter if a college is challenging or not; in the long run, the only thing that is important is that degree they earn in the end...A college education is a college education....That comment was uncalled for.

Queens-I know I said I retired Hunter talk (lol) and I finally agree with you about Hunter being a middle tier team in the conference. But, what happened with the 20+ victory prediction you had on the game...You have an analysis of the York/Hunter game last night? I could not make it to the game; but I heard it was a good and interesting game...