MBB: City University of New York Athletic Conference

Started by dave brown, September 23, 2004, 11:46:10 AM

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Rhodes Scholar

I'm sure that once the season starts the board will get busy again and THE GREAT DEBATER will have quite a few people to debate with. Now, does anyone have any info on transfers, incoming freshmen or roster changes?

I heard from a reliable source that Hunter has a whole lot of new faces this year. He told me that Frantz Millien and Justin Antes are returning from last year's team, but he doesn't know if anyone else will be back.


i think hunter will be a treat this season

Coach AG

There is bad and good news for the CSI Dolphins this year.  The bad news is that their best returning backcourt player Brian Amenerios is not on the roster for some reason this year.  The kid would have been a great leader this year and would have grinded out a few wins for them.  This means the team is all Kyle Yocums to run.  On the good side CSI should be the deadliest perimeter shooting team in the league.  They have a 6'4 Molloy College transfer Glebb Nomashey who is a lights out shooter with good size, they also got a player from Adelphi Tech named Bernardi who is also a parking lot shooter with a good body.  Also watch out for true freshman Schettino from Moore Catholic who averaged 20 a game in HS.  All these guys in addition to Hennessey and Montervino can flat out shoot the ball.  If they are good with the ball and run their motion offense sharp they should be able to score.  From what I hear they do not have a true big man on their roster, so they might have to live and die on the long ball.


u can alway live by three point shoot  and shoots   csi better go and find a big men that will battle it out with other bigmens in cuny like former csi player sean, city tech ryan, yorks omari and marcel , etc   not only in cuny  but other non conference match ups


I'm guessing baller went to a cuny school.....anyone???


of course i went to a cuny skool why would i be on this message board  if i didnt


cuny basketball championship

hoop junkie

Guess I will start the 08-09 CUNY talk. Here are my predictions for this season:

1.  John Jay
2.  Lehman
3.  Hunter
4.  Baruch
5.  CCNY

1.  Brooklyn
2.  York
3.  NYC Tech
4.  Staten Island
5.  Medgar Evers


Thank you for starting some good talk.

What are the reasons for John Jay and Brooklyn to be pre-season number 1's?

Do you have previews all of the teams in the CUNY?   ;D


why is john jay and brooklyn  on the top   and hunter and york are not on the top  is there any special reason why

hoop junkie

Havent heard much about any of the schools, just know that John Jay is returning a lot of talent from last year, and hey, they did win the title, so its theres until someone takes it from them. Brooklyn College has a world of talent, and would be shocked to see them melt like they did last year. With Weismuller for the whole year, the team has plenty of time to gel. Does Brooklyn have their new facility yet, and what is the word around conference, how is York going to be?


i think they are returing 2 starters omari and marcel  and their bench players like rodney , smith and wilson

hoop junkie

Also hear rumblings that Lehman is going to be good this year, heard that have a legit D1 transfer, and with Rhoden returning, could be a surprise team

Rhodes Scholar

The only two schools that have posted their rosters are Baruch and John Jay, and the Bloodhounds don't have any freshmen or new players listed so I don't know if it's complete. I wonder if Brooklyn has picked up any transfers or impact freshmen to go along with their very strong returning nucleus.


Yes I've been on every team's website in the CUNY, and I haven't seen anything new yet. But what I did see was every team schedule, and might I say Brooklyn and John Jay both have a very weak schedules. Besides from Baruch playing a d1 team tonight, York will play some good team and a few are Ranked in the Nation. So shouldn't that play a role in your Pre- season picks?