BB: SCIAC: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by Ralph Turner, December 31, 2005, 09:33:55 AM

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P-P Fan

ok bob, you got the kid. but is it necessary to put his picture up? i think you might be crossing the line a bit... i understand he was a little rude in respect to your team (i agree that players shouldn't be posting here and call outs such as the one he made are unacceptable) but have a little respect. it was obviously light-hearted and i think he got the message (judging by his response post), and im willing to bet he's not the only player who's posted here. everything i have heard tells me he's a good kid... maybe mischievous but a good kid. why stoop to his level?
with all due respect, i think there's a few people who have some growing up to do.


man compete,
           back in my day, that kind of thing would have gotten some high heat in my direction. you better watch your back next oxy series. hope browneagle isn't going to tell his son about this


I think we're missing a good part of the point.  Compete has rightly pointed out that Cal Tech's team has vastly improved and perhaps doesn't deserve quite the negative postings it is receiving.  And Oxy is the team this season struggling the hardest, and could be a team vulnerable to Cal Tech next year.   Seems as if the people posting think Cal tech is fair game but no one else is.
And I am sure Compete remembers that PP trailed Cal Tech for an inning or two themselves. 


Oxy must be a better team than given credit for, they almost beat Cal Lu twice, and beat CMS! Cal Tech has improved, but they will always struggle. There are real weak teams in almost all of the west conferences, including the ASC and NWC. Oxy's new coach has done a good job, just needs a chance to get a couple recruiting years under his belt.


Quote from: P-P Fan on April 16, 2009, 03:48:47 AM
ok bob, you got the kid. but is it necessary to put his picture up? i think you might be crossing the line a bit... i understand he was a little rude in respect to your team (i agree that players shouldn't be posting here and call outs such as the one he made are unacceptable) but have a little respect.

That's Bingham's photo when he was at Claremont High. It's posted on the Internet in several places. He's hardly anonymous.

Bingham, a current Pomona player, came on here to bag on a conference opponent. He failed to read and consider the Terms of Service:

Quote8. Are you an active player? We welcome you aboard, but your coach might not be a big fan of it. You might want to check.

Gray Fox and I gave a little right back to him. All in fun.

Quote from: regent1 on April 16, 2009, 10:25:24 AM
Seems as if the people posting think Cal tech is fair game but no one else is.

From time to time posters rail against Caltech's athletic teams. They just don't get what the SCIAC's about.

QuoteThe Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference was formed in 1915 when five Southern California institutions combined for the purpose of promoting and governing competition in intercollegiate sports with the fundamental principle of the conference being to encourage the highest ideals of amateur sports in an environment of high academic standards.

... The five original SCIAC schools are still members: California Institute of Technology, Occidental College, Pomona College, University of Redlands, and Whittier College. ...

The SCIAC wouldn't be the SCIAC without Caltech, which epitomizes the D-III philosophy:

QuoteColleges and universities in Division III place highest priority on the overall quality of the educational experience and on the successful completion of all students' academic programs. They seek to establish and maintain an environment in which a student-athlete's athletics activities are conducted as an integral part of the student-athlete's educational experience, and in which coaches play a significant role as educators. They also seek to establish and maintain an environment that values cultural diversity and gender equity among their student-athletes and athletics staff.



Wow, it's been a long time since I have been able to get on this board (or any of the board as of matter of fact) and have to start off by saying, Thank you guys for your post. Although, I haven't been able to post, do to the amount of work within the last month and half, I must thank you guys for keeping me sane.
I wish I could have continued posting like I used to,but, that thing that we call work has been biting my butt.
Looks like the Hens are doing the best to stay atop the SCIAC race and for that they deserve some big props. And yes, Props to all the SCIAC schools that are trying to claw their ways up there too.

Anywhos, just thought I pop in and greet all of you and thank you guys for giving me something to read while at work (i.e. J.P, Bob, Gray, DIIIBBfan, PPfan, and the rest of you that I forgot to mention).

P.s. I had to pop in when I read this though
Quote from: sagehenalum47 on April 16, 2009, 04:38:20 AM
man compete,
           back in my day, that kind of thing would have gotten some high heat in my direction. you better watch your back next oxy series. hope browneagle isn't going to tell his son about this

Sorry Dude, Im still a young buck and can probably still pass off as a college kid. No kids on my part, but, ill be happy to take him on (lol. Just kidding, no threat, no harm or no ill against this kid who made a mistake)
"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods


Well.... don't have anything to say about the young man and comments.....

but I do want to get back to my original question.  Why is Cal Tech still in the SCIAC baseball conference?  Yes, I've read about the founding of the conference and yes, it's great to be well rounded individuals, but.... let me ask this differently --

When was the last time Cal Tech won a SCIAC game?  Not took a lead, not competed, but actually won a game? 

The SCIAC web site only has the past two years of information.  From my limited memory I can't recall them winning a game in the 5 years I've followed the conference but I freely admit I could be wrong.

So, when did they beat a team in their conference?  Because if they can't win one game in multiple years, then I think my question is valid.

Jack Parkman

Quote from: beachlover on April 16, 2009, 10:05:53 PM
Well.... don't have anything to say about the young man and comments.....

but I do want to get back to my original question.  Why is Cal Tech still in the SCIAC baseball conference?  Yes, I've read about the founding of the conference and yes, it's great to be well rounded individuals, but.... let me ask this differently --

When was the last time Cal Tech won a SCIAC game?  Not took a lead, not competed, but actually won a game? 

The SCIAC web site only has the past two years of information.  From my limited memory I can't recall them winning a game in the 5 years I've followed the conference but I freely admit I could be wrong.

So, when did they beat a team in their conference?  Because if they can't win one game in multiple years, then I think my question is valid.

I have been following the SCIAC since 1995, and I know they have not won a game since I started following them.

No matter how much people agree or disagree with the Division III concept, that is the reason Cal Tech is a member of the SCIAC.  Division III is about MORE than just athletics.  I will admit that some schools take athletics more serious, but that does not mean Cal Tech should not be allowed to participate in sports.  It is not about winning and losing, it is about the kids growing as people.  That may sound lame, but if you really sit back and think about it, it makes sense.

Gray Fox

Fierce When Roused

Jack Parkman


Quote from: beachlover on April 16, 2009, 10:05:53 PM
When was the last time Cal Tech won a SCIAC game?  Not took a lead, not competed, but actually won a game? 
From my limited memory I can't recall them winning a game in the 5 years I've followed the conference but I freely admit I could be wrong.

5 years? The Caltech basketball team hasn't won a conference game since 1985. There's a movie about it. If you want to know what athletics at Caltech is all about, then rent Quantum Hoops.


P-P Fan

PP takes game one of the chapman series, at Chapman, 4-2. Kitchens still injured it seems, Sigman goes the distance for Chapman but must have thrown about 150 pitches. Colvin looked great for Pomona, scattering a few hits but mostly dominating the Chapman hitters. Both offenses looked a little sluggish today, I expect we will see more runs tomorrow.

Jack Parkman

Pomona sweeps Chapman....does this mean the end of the season for Chapman?

P-P Fan

What a couple of games at alumni field today... I thought the bats would come out, and they certainly did. Despite facing an 8-0 deficit in the second inning of the first game, P-P battled all day, using the long ball to their advantage. Drew Hedman hit 2 (#'s 20 and 21), including a huge three run opposite field homer, Nick Frederick hit a solo shot (#11), as did Zach Mandelblatt, and Teddy Bingham added a grand slam. The Hens ended up pulling out an 18-12 victory.
The second game was a hard fought battle. With PP trailing 3-1, Mike Silva and James Campbell hit back to back solo HR's to tie it up. Chapman retaliated with a couple runs themselves to go up 5-3. The Hens answered in the 7th by putting up 6 runs off of John Semel to take a 9-5 advantage. Semel made up for it though with a huge grand slam in the ninth inning to tie the game at 9. That set the stage for a few PP walks and a hit to load the bases with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth and a tie score. Defensive replacement Kyle Pokorny (freshman) was forced to come to the plate and battled to a 3-2 count. After fouling off a few pitches, he drew a walk to win the game.
Whew... exciting weekend.
From everything I saw, Chapman is definitely still a dangerous team, but to answer your question JP, I don't think 11 in region losses can get them in to the western regional. The injury to Kitchens is a shame, maybe with him things would have been different.